Since this is a Deadpool set, I am going to try to break the fourth wall, just for the fun of it.
If you are looking for a starter or collector box for this set, then you will be disappointed, because there ain't one. Well, the foil cards are still available in this set and wizkids is bringing back some of the old affiliations in this set, so it will be fun.
If you are a not a marvel fan, please continue reading, you are already on this page, so why return now.
Disclaimer: My reviews are purely strategic based on the mechanics of the game, so please, don't take it personally, it's nothing against anyone.
Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
New Keywords
Back for More - When a character die with this keyword begins the turn in your Prep Area, and is rolled during the Roll and Reroll Step, use its Back for More effect (this is a mandatory effect).
Deadly - Characters that engaged with a character die with this keyword are immediately knocked out at the end of the turn, even if the character die with this keyword is removed or knocked out.
Characters/Action cards
Since there isn't any starter set, there will be no basic action card for this set.
Agent Carter kicks things off with this set. Usually in any game a player would prefer to field a sidekick, it acts as a character, is increase the chance of you not drawing a sidekick die, it adds to your prep area when it is knocked out, that's a mouthful of benefit for a die with no special powers, however, with Agent Carter being active, this changes the whole complexity of sidekick dice. You would rather roll away a sidekick character and even if you field it, you will try not to knock it out. Adding a sidekick dice when it is knocked out into your bag just makes your draw step next turn weaker, and imagine if she is active and you manage to use an area effect to wipe out 8 of your opponent's sidekick, that would be disastrous. As good as she is, the effect works both ways, so try not to rely on sidekicks if you intend to use her.

This version of Agent Carter prevents sidekick character from attacking alone. I am not saying that it's not a good ability, but usually if a player wants to attack with sidekicks, he/she will likely use a sidekick team, and he/she won't attack with only 1 sidekick, so Agent Carter might be very useful in your team.

This version of Agent Carter prevents sidekick character from attacking alone. I am not saying that it's not a good ability, but usually if a player wants to attack with sidekicks, he/she will likely use a sidekick team, and he/she won't attack with only 1 sidekick, so Agent Carter might be very useful in your team.
This version of Agent Carter is cheaper and is also a sidekick counter. She makes sidekick more costly to field and she is a really cheap Agent of Shield, and again, her effect works both ways so be mindful of that.
Agent X introduce to us the Back for More keyword. Agent X has really good stats that's basically about it if he is in the field. However, if his dice is in your prep area, you can pay with 1 life to ramp a die. However, if you intend to use him only for ramp purpose, then use some other effects instead, this is too costly and ineffective just to ramp only 1 die.
If you have a way to make Agent X unblockable, you can use his ability to move him to your prep area right after he deals combat damage to your opponent. If you can keep cycling his die and reuse his ability, you could finish your opponent in no time.
Okay, I hate to rub it in, but his ability for this version just suck. For a character with tough defensive stats to have a fielding ability makes it hard to re-field him, and to pay 2 life to ramp a die is very expensive, plus, if you draw a sidekick die, you basically waste your 2 life on his effect. This card should never have existed.
Angel Dust is a wild card here, her printed stats deviates a lot. However, things changes when she blocks or is blocked, the pump she gets can varies, so it's hard to tell what she is capable of. But in general, make use of her stats by giving her overcrush, if your opponent blocks her, she gets stronger and would likely deal more spill damage.
This version of Angel Dust will give her a +2A and +2D pump as long as your life is lesser than your opponent's. If you have a way to make your life total lesser, then Angel Dust would be very deadly if you give her overcrush, a potential 9A and 9D is no joke.
This version of Angel Dust can be an excellent blocker, if your opponent is trying to overwhelm you with characters, you can block with Angel Dust and immediately knocks out those character with defense lesser than 2, this could potentially save your life.
It's great to see more Guardians of Galaxy crew, however, Angela's ability is a little weak for a 4 cost character. That 2 damage ping is decent but it's just not strong enough for players to use her.
If you have ways to deal non-combat damage to your opponent, you will get that +2A bonus for Angela. Given that GOTG characters can get really dangerous when they pumped one another, Angela's additional 2A would come in handy if you need her to deal serious damage.
This is a more powerful version of Angela. The fact is that she doesn't even need to be active. All you need to do is roll an Angela die that shows an energy face and you get to ping a character or player. You could potentially deal 4 damage to your opponent just by rolling Angela on her energy face, and that's before you even begin your main step.
Introducing the Inhumans! Black Bolt plays as a supporter by pumping a character's attack when he is fielded. That additional 2A will come in handy, he can even give it to himself and get +3A instead. Decent ability.
This version of Black Bolt really supports Inhumans, when he is fielded, all of your Inhuman gain Fast, that's great if they can make use of it this turn. It's a bit costly and risky to rely on Black Bolt, but if it's a finishing move, then it's worth it.
The first part of the ability is quite generic, giving a character a +2D pump, but the second part is was makes him so dangerous. Making all your opponent's character block a character with Deadly is, well, deadly. That would knock out all your opponent's character if they were to block that character when it attacks. But looking at the big picture, this could be the finishing move, just use his ability on a character with Deadly, then attack with your remaining characters for the win! Your opponent can only block that character with Deadly, so your unblocked characters will push through. Black Bolt might not have the Deadly keyword but he is just as deadly as those with one.
Black Tom Cassidy is a character that counters X-Men characters. For his cost, his stats is pretty weak, but if you are playing draft and you anticipate a lot of X-Men that your opponents might play, then he might get additional stats. If you can't anticipate X-men, then don't use him, unless you need someone with Fast.
If you are afraid of an X-Men character die, you can keep him in your team, but chances are, you probably won't buy him during a game.
This is a cheaper version of him, but still, it only helps if your opponent plays an X-men team, which nowadays, it's not really that popular. In draft you can use him in case there are a few X-men in your opponent's team, but in constructed format, you might want to use other characters instead.
Blind Al has a good defensive stats for a 3 cost character. Her ability is even more amazing, as long as she is dealt combat damage, be it being blocked or blocking someone, she will deal 1 damage to your opponent, that's for 1 Blind Al die, so if you have 4 of them, she is capable of dealing 4 damage to your opponent every turn. This will teach your opponent not to hit a blind lady.
Well, instead of dealing damage to your opponent if she takes damage, this version of her simply deal damage to your opponent when she is fielded and if you have taken damage this turn. Self damage effect is not rare, so it shouldn't be a problem, so if you prefer to just field her and deal damage to your opponent, then use this version.
This version of Blind Al is for you to purchase her die at 1 cost if you taken 4 or more combat damage in a turn. I would prefer to use the other 2 versions instead because if you taken 4 combat damage, you might not have an energy to purchase Blind Al, and if you save an energy to purchase her, your opponent might not want to deal you combat damage. It's not easy to pull her off, so I would rather use the other 2 versions instead.

Bob plays a good supporting character if you are using a Deadpool team, team Deadpool could really make use of that additional 1A pump.
Instead of giving team Deadpool characters additional attack value, this version of Bob gives them Fast, which can come in handy during combat. That's amazing coming from a 3 cost character.

This version of Bob protects your Team Deadpool characters instead. Usually your opponent would use global abilities or character abilities more frequent when it comes to targeting, so protecting against action die really doesn't help much given that very little action die actually targets.

Here we have our first super rare of this set. Captain America with Mjolnir is really unique, you can include him as well as Captain America and/or Mjolnir without violating the rules. Capt with Mjolnir here is acts as a non-combat damage source to your opponent the first time you use an action or global each turn. That's great, you just have to use a global ability and your opponent takes damage, so it's like free damage to your opponent every turn. And this goes for action as well. He is a decent super rare, so it would be good to have him.

Charles Xavier Juggernaut has a weak stat at level 1 for a 6 cost character. He acts as a ramp each time he attacks, however, that ramp is hard to pull off. You first need to name a die and draw a die from your bag, if you named correctly, you get to ramp that die, otherwise, it goes to your used pile. If you named correctly, you also get to spin him up a level. To me, that's a very weak ramp, it comes down to your luck and dice management for his effect, and it's not like the effect is very powerful, so it's not worth risking your game to pull him off.

Colossus is a beefy guy, his back for more effect is an area damage to all characters and players, it's a great effect but it's just hard to trigger it given that it's not easy for Colossus to get knocked out and as much as it can wipe out your opponent's field, it can wipe out yours as well, and you have to trigger his effect if you roll his die from your prep area, so it might cause you your game if you are not careful when using him.

For a 7 cost character with beefy stats to possess a fielding ability, it's really a turn off. His effect is great, but it deals 2 damage to all level 1 character dice, including yours, so it might wipe out more of your opponent's characters than yours. There are more stronger 7 cost character out there.
This is a more usable Colossus in this set. It helps your team if they have overcrush and if your opponent only has low defensive character in their field, you can win the game when Colossus attack and you attack with your entire field. Characters that is assigned to block will take 2 damage for Colossus effect, so if they have defense value of 2 or below, they will be knocked out when they are ASSIGNED to block, so your attacking characters are not blocked at all. This will help your attacking characters with overcrush to deal more spill damage as well.

Deadpool is back! Of course he is back, this is his set. Deadpool has decent stats along with the Deadly keyword, which is actually all he needs to make him dangerous to engage with in combat. Nothing too random about his ability, just being deadly like he is.

This version of Deadpool also possess the deadly keyword, but with the exception that when he is fielded, he deals 2 damage to all players, so if you need to take damage for some reason then he would help. That's fun of him to do so, that's what you get from Deadpool.

The super rare version of Deadpool doesn't have the deadly keyword, sadly. His ability is hard to trigger given that his defense value isn't low, and his effect only allows him to knock out a level 1 character die, so it's quite limited for your target. I would prefer to use the other 2 versions instead.

Dogpool is another character you can add to Team Deadpool, but his ability is a little weak given that he can only ping 1 character, and he isn't easy to leave the field as well. His burst effect allows him to spin up a Team Deadpool character up a level, which is decent, but only available on one face, so it's hard to make full use of his ability.

This version of Dogpool allows him to pump one Team Deadpool character die, however, it's not easy to trigger his Back for More effect and it's not really worth the effort to do so simply because his pump is too weak for a 4 cost character.

This is a cheaper version of Dogpool and a more usable one. If he is the only blocking dice during an attack step, then he gains deadly, that would slow down the aggression from your opponent is Dogpool keeps knocking them out.

Domino is another cheap cost character for Team Deadpool. Her stats are decent and her ability allows her to be reroll one additional time if you use her back for more effect, any additional roll is always an advantage that you can make use of.

This version of Domino is a great blocker, any character that can block up to 2 character dice is a great blocker, all you need to do is to put 1 Team Deadpool character die in your prep area, with some dice management, you can achieve that.

This version of Domino is a decent ramp, you can use her as an aggressive attack or a blocker and if she is knocked out, which isn't a difficult task to do so, she gets to ramp a sidekick die from your used pile to your prep area. If you need some sort of ramp for your team, she can act as one.

How great is it that there are more Thunderbolts in the Dice Masters universe. Elektra is a decent cheap cost character, and if you would like to, you can pay a fist energy to give her regenerate. Cheap and decent, so I got no complains here.

This version of Elektra is somehow unblockable. In the constructed format, not a lot of player would use Deadpool character, so she would likely be unblockable, your opponent however can spend an energy to ignore this effect, the point here is not just making Elektra unblockable, but also to drain your opponent's energy every turn if he/she keeps ignoring this effect.

This version of Elekra is like a protection against global abilities for your characters that are cost 2 or lower. The downside is that you cannot target them as well, the good thing is neither can your opponent, so your sidekicks cannot be ping by global nor can your 2 cost characters be distracted etc. Moreover, she's a 2 cost character as well, so kudos.

When Deadpool exist, so does Evil Deadpool. This version of Evil Deadpool is a little weak though unless your opponent uses Team Deadpool. Getting knocked out with such high defensive stats is not easy and only knocking out a level 1 character die for his effect doesn't help his case either.
Fielding ability on a character with 4/5D is not easy to keep using. His ability can only deal 2 damage to a character die upon fielding, that alone isn't strong enough and it must only be level 1 or a Team Deadpool character, that makes his ability so much weaker in a constructed format.

And again, we don't see a usable Evil Deadpool. Back for More effect is not hard to set up and his ability makes it less motivating to do so. If you aren't up against Team Deadpool, it's ridiculous to use his effect just to knock out 1 sidekick.

This version of Fantomex is mediocre, you get to spin down an opposing character die, and you get to pump your attack and defense by 1, that coming from a 4 cost character is weak.

This version of Fantomex is great against a non-villain team. If your opponent wants to block Fantomex, he/she needs to put a die from their prep area into the bag, that would affect their dice management. If they don't wish to, or can't do so, then he is unblockable. For a character that is unblockable and can affect your opponent's dice management, I give him a thumbs up.

This version of Fantomex is higher cost and it does help you to ramp a villain die, but his cost is a bit too expensive just to ramp 1 die, and the fact that he has stats that makes him hard to leave the help doesn't help to justify his cost.

Flying card acts as an action die that pumps a character, a 3A and 3D pump is no joke especially if that character is unblocked, the drawback is that the character you target loses all it's ability, that's not a big deal, you can always use this action die on a sidekick or a vanilla card character.

This version of Flying car boost a character die instead, if you field a character, that character gets +2A and all other copies of it gets the pump as well, do it for 4 times and one of the die gets a massive +8A pump. Those stats can be really dangerous if you use them well, and what's great about this version is that the character with the pump doesn't lose its ability.

This action die is as good as saying target a character, that character is unblockable. But the phrasing makes a lot of difference. If you use an action die that makes a character unblockable, you need to use that action die during your main step, then when you declare that character as an attacker, it cannot be blocked, so your opponent will spread out his/her blockers to your remaining characters. But for this action, when you declare attackers and your opponent declare blockers, you can target a character with this action and that character will deal its combat damage to your opponent instead of the blockers.
Let me give you an example.
You have 4 attackers, your opponent have 3 blockers.
Unblocklable Action die
You use an action that makes a character unblockable, you choose Attacker A as it has the highest attack among the others, your 3 remaining attackers are blocked, so only Attacker A deals combat damage to your opponent.
Flying Car Action die
You attack with 4 characters, your opponent block 3 of them, leaving Attacker D unblocked as it has the least attack value among the others. You use the Flying car action die on Attack A, so both attacker A and D deals combat damage to your opponent.
All in all, this is a very usable action card that can help you win.

A 2 cost action card is worth being considered into a team. This version of Chimichangas helps you to pump a character's defense when you purchase this die and when you use it, so for it's value, it's worth it. With Kal-L and Ant Man global being commonly use, don't be surprised that the defense pump ends up being attack pump.

This version of Chimichangas is most costly, but it gives a character the deadly keyword. This is really useful, imagine your low cost character is engaged to a high cost character, you can use this action on your character and knock out that high cost character at the end of the turn, that would be a bummer for your opponent. This action, if used correctly, can make your opponent's life miserable.

This version of Chimichangas helps to pump a character's defense, but the more useful effect lies on the burst faces, it makes a character blockable only by 2 or more dice, that would drain your opponent's blocker, this action can come in handy, but it does take some luck to get the burst faces.

Hit Monkey has expensive fielding cost for his stats, but he does possess Fast to justify it. Plus, he's only 3 cost.

This version of Hit Monkey is really lethal, you can treat him as unblockable as long as you can pay a fist energy to trigger his effect, give him some pump and he will be even more lethal. This totally justify his expensive fielding cost.

This version of Hit Monkey simply deals non-combat damage to your opponent, in a constructed format, it's not rare to see a player having plenty of dice in his/her prep area due to some powerful ramp they played, so Hit Monkey is going to deal 2 damage as long as your opponent has 3 or more dice in his/her prep area. He is relatively easy to exit the field so you can keep using his fielding ability every turn.

Kidpool is another cheap cost character for Team Deadpool, wait there seems to be a lot of them at cheap cost... Anyway, if you are using Team Deadpool, you can include him into your team, that additional 2A will come in handy.

This version of Kidpool acts as a ramp, however, the ramp is weak as it only helps if you draw a Team Deadpool character die when you trigger his effect, so it takes some luck and dice management. If you draw any other die, you kind of waste his effect.

Since there are so many other Team Deadpool character that possess Deadly keyword, Kidpool will gain that keyword while blocking if an active Team Deadpool character is in your field. I don't have to emphasize how powerful Deadly is, so you can consider keeping him as a blocker for your Team Deadpool.

If you are using ways to ping your opponent's character die, Lady Bullseye will definitely help. Doubling this kind of damage is no joke, a simple 1 damage ping is now 2 damage, and 3 damage area attack is now 6 damage, you get the point. Plus, she isn't hard to leave the field, so you can keep doubling your ping damage every turn when you field her.

This version of Lady Bullseye instead spin an opposing character down when it takes damage, if you want to keep your opponent's character at lower level, you can use her and some ping sources to help you.

This version of Lady Bullseye make an opposing character mandatory to block on the turn she is fielded, so you can use her along with an attacking character with Deadly keyword and you are guaranteed to knock out that character. However, there are global abilities that force blocked, so you can choose to use that option instead.

Lady Deadpool is an expensive character, however, if you are playing Team Deadpool and your opponent is not, she can be reduced to 3 cost. Still, 3 cost for her stats and no other effect isn't very appealing, unless you have other cards to boost her then it will be a different story.

This version of Lady Deadpool supports your Team Deadpool by making them level 3 when fielded, as long as you pay a bolt energy when she is active. The effect is decent, but she is just too costly for that effect. If you want to spin up a character, you might want to consider other sources that are less expensive.

This version of Lady Deadpool instead benefits an action team. You can use an action twice as long as you pay a bolt energy when she is active. That would be disastrous if your action die is powerful. It's not exactly the best super rare in this set but it's decent enough to not feel sad when you pull her in your packs.

This version of Lockjaw helps you to wipe your opponent's field if you are lucky, if you name a die and your opponent draws it while Lockjaw is active, then your opponent's field will get damaged and might be reduced. A good effect but it does take some luck, so if you do not wish to take the risk, you might not want to use him.

This version of Lockjaw allows you to retreat him if you don't wish to resolve combat damage with your opponent when he attacks. Retreating is helpful at times if you do not wish to knock out your opponent's character or you do not wish to knock him out. He is a low cost Inhuman, so you can include him for that in your Inhuman team.

This version of Lockjaw allows you to pump him and heal yourself if you are lucky. Still, don't rely too much on him for your game plan as his effect requires a bit of luck, you however, can use him in your team for the fact that he is a low cost character and a supporter for your team, if you are lucky you get to heal back 1 life, if not, then continue on with life.
Talking about controlling, Modok prevents your opponent from rerolling dice and spinning their character outside the roll and reroll step. This is a very powerful lock down as a lot of mechanics revolve around it, your opponent can pay 1 energy to ignore Modok's effect if they really want to reroll that die or spin it up or down a level, this can drain your opponent's energy really fast if he/she keeps spending on ignoring Modok's effect, either way, it affect your opponent's game play if they rely on spinning or rerolling dice. Plus, for 4 cost you have Modok with a potential 8 defense value!

Modok does have good stats especially at level 3, however, for 5 cost just for you to spin him up to a potential level 3 and spin down your opponent's character is a little costly. He doesn't have any other abilities to justify his cost.

This version of Modok prevents your opponent's character from going up to a higher level. This is good as your opponent doesn't have a penalty option to ignore his effect, but I would still prefer the common version as this version does not prevent your opponent from rerolling, which is a critical lock down.

Madame Hydra stats are pretty low for a 4 cost character, but her ability can affect your opponent's game, because of her effect, your opponent is going to block her whenever she attacks so she cannot deal damage to your opponent, but you can change that by giving her overcrush. Even if she deals 1 spill damage to your opponent, she still deals damage, so she would trigger her effect and you can return 1 die to from your opponent's prep area into the bag, this would weaken your opponent's next roll and could affect his/her game.
If the effect for Madame Hydra is really powerful, it's worth setting up to make her deal damage to your opponent like overcrush, but her effect for this version only spins your opponent's characters down a level, which isn't much of a big deal in general, unless you need your opponent's character to be as low as possible, other than that, you might want to consider using someone stronger.

This version of Madame Hydra no longer needs her to deal damage to your opponent, when she is fielded, she just deals damage to all players. The best scenario is to make sure that your opponent's prep area is empty and yours isn't, so you can just return a die into your bag to prevent taking damage and your opponent would have no choice but to take that 3 damage from Madame Hydra. Since her defense is weak, she can leave the field easily so you can keep using her fielding ability again next turn.

Medusa has decent stats, she is affordable cost, she has Deadly keyword and she can block up to 2 characters. That's a powerful Inhuman, period.

This version of Medusa is more deadly, having the Deadly keyword, it makes her second part of her ability very dangerous for anyone she engages with. Since every character that she engaged will get knocked out because of her Deadly effect, what's worse is that every character she deals at least 1 damage to in combat will be send to the used pile when they get knock out, so your opponent will be very careful when declaring attacker or blocker when she is active.

This version of Medusa has Deadly and also is a healer for your team, that's an irony. She will definitely knock out a character if she engage with it, so you will definitely gain 1 life for her effect, if you can engaged with a character every single turn, you will just keep gaining life, and that's really sick.

I actually never expect a Spider Friends to appear, it's just so good to have all the affiliations getting more members. Anyway, I would just call Migeul Spider Man 2099, as I prefer the name, so if I say Spider Man 2099, you know I am mentioning about this character. Spider Man 2099 has decent stats and although he doesn't possess the Deadly keyword, his attack value is good enough to knock out a character with decent stats, his effect will worry your opponent and he/she will be very careful when declaring attackers or blockers because Spider man 2099 can send that die back into his/her bag and that would affect your opponent's dice management.
This version of Spider Man 2099 is weaker as he is more costly but his ability isn't as strong as the common version. A fielding ability on him might not be a good idea as his stats is very strong as level 3, and his effect might weaken your opponent but also weaken you, if you want to get rid of an opposing character, there are cheaper and more effective ways to do so. If there is a cheaper version that is stronger I would strongly recommend that.

This version of Spider Man 2099 just possess fast but it can be useful as we mention is earlier posts. His back for more effect is a bonus if you roll him from your prep area, that 1 damage is small but it's free, so better than nothing.

Mister Sinister stats is decent but he only possess a back for more ability, and that is not very appealing for a 5 cost, and his effect only allows you to reroll any number of dice in your field zone, this can be achieved by other methods that are less costly and easier to set up.

This version of Minister Sinister is another controller that prevents your opponent rerolling dice during they roll and reroll step. The effect is good but with reroll global and effect, he can be rendered useless at times, and even if your opponent's doesn't have those effect, he/she can just pay 1 life to bypass his effect, so you might not be able to control your opponent as much.

As again, there are cheaper ways to reroll your dice, you do not have to use a 5 cost character and wait for him to be active and pay 2 life just to do so.

I was wondering if there are going to be global abilities in this set.
Motorcycle is a cheap action die that you can use to support your overcrush characters. The global can help you to retreat in battle when you attack just in case your character would get knocked out, this can come in handy.

This action die is also use to support overcrush characters, usually a character that has overcrush would deal spill damage but at the same time, get knocked out because of the overwhelming blockers it received, with this action die, you can send that character back to the field so you can overcrush again next turn without having to reroll it's die. The double burst side is great as you target 2 characters instead.

This action is more expensive, but it also helps to support overcrush characters, you can use this action to knock out the blocker that has the most defense value and your character can deal more spill damage.

This version of Multiple allows you to increase your field size if it's smaller than your opponent. You can also use him to get more sidekicks for your sidekick combo.

This version of Multiple Man just have the swarm ability, and his fielding ability allows you to put more of his die from your used pile into your bag so you have a higher chance to use his swarm effect next turn.
This is one of the best Super rare in this set in my opinion. First of all, max 6 dice! I was wondering when they first print the AVX playmat why did each card slot have 6 dice for allocation, this is probably the reason. 2 cost character with swarm and have a maximum of 6 dice is crazy, you can get some serious ramp in your team, that's a fitting ability for Multiple man.

I will call her Negasonic for short. Her stats is awesome at level 3. Since global ability is an essential in the game, your opponent would use one to target your characters, even if your opponent doesn't have one, you can bring one into your team to tempt your opponent. If your opponent keeps targeting your characters with global, Negasonic will be at level 3 in no time, make use of her stats when she's at level 3!
Underdog ability isn't hard to trigger, so you can build your team around her to make sure that she is always at level 3 when she attacks and gain fast, with those 2 she is really dangerous.

Well, if you don't intend to use her level 3 stats then just let her have the Deadly keyword when you have her underdog effect. It would be such as bummer for your opponent as a character with 1A can knock out almost anyone she engaged with.
This version of outlaw can be use to get more Outlaw character dice into your field, the first time you use her back for more effect, you get to search your bag for her die and roll it, if you are lucky, you get to field that die at level 1, if not, it goes to your prep area and you can keep using this effect next turn. You need to be very aggressive with her and keep cycling this effect, it does takes a bit of dice management though, which is not easy, but if you have other supporters to pump or boost a Team Deadpool character, she can be vicious.

This version of Outlaw allows you to remove a die in your opponent's prep area, you first need to pay a bolt energy when you field her, then if you are lucky, you get to remove it from your opponent's prep area to his/her used pile, this takes some luck though, but since she is only 3 choice and have Team Deadpool affiliation, this is a good ability to come with.

Outlaw stats is a little low for a 4 cost character, this all changes when she gets the pump from her ability, along with other pump or effects given by supporters for Team Deadpool, she can get really dangerous with those stats.

Phoenix Force Magneto has really good stats, you can't deny that. His ability though is not suitable for his stats, nevertheless, his ability is great if you have more characters than your opponent. You can reroll any number of characters and your opponent will have to roll that many. This is very powerful, even if you reroll your characters and they become energy, you can use the energy this turn to buy dice, pay for global etc, but for your opponent, if he/she roll a character into energy for Magneto's effect, they have to spend those energy during your main step and attack step this turn or it will all be wasted. I like his ability, just that it won't be easy to trigger it over and again since he is hard to leave the field, but well, he's got a 9A 9D.

Sandi has no affiliation, this version of her is just a pure simple cheap Ally, nothing bad, but nothing very good.

This version of Sandi has Ally and also allows your Deadpool character to gain 1A and regenerate, which is a really good ability for any character. If you intend to use Deadpool, you can consider using Sandi as well.

This version of Sandi simply protects your Team Deadpool character. Some character ability or action effect can affect your characters really bad, and to use Sandi as a human sacrifice, I mean to change the target to her die would be better since she is lower cost than most Team Deadpool characters and she has no other abilities.

Satchel of Unlimited Weaponry, I will call it the Satchel, is a duplicator for action die that targets. Usually action die is limited to 4 and basic action die is limited to 3, so you can't get more copies of those die, you can however, use Satchel to copy the effect of that die. The problem here is that Satchel is not a continuous action, so you need to use this and the other action die simultaneously, which is not an easy set up, so you might waste this action die if the other action die you want to copy isn't rolled this turn.

This version of Satchel helps to reduce your action die cost, for a 4 cost action to reduce only 2 cost for your next action die, you need to keep using this to benefit from this action. This will go along well with action combo and this itself is an action.

If you have a lot of continuous action die in your team, this version of Satchel will be very powerful. There are a lot of continuous action die in the game right now, so you can have up to 10 of them in your field and when you use Satchel effect, you can win the game. Even if you can't immediately win the game with this action, this action have no limits to how much damage it can dealt, so that's the dangerous part of it.

Scarlet Witch is back! I am surprised though as she was just release in the Doctor Strange team pack. This version of Scarlet Witch is cheap and has the X-Men affiliation, but it is effective only against fist character die, so it's a little too limited on her powers.

This version of Scarlet witch can be reduced to 2 cost. Along the game, your opponent might have a fist character or action die in his/her prep area, so Scarlet Witch can be reduced to 2 cost, and for that cost and her stats is actually decent. So if you need a cheap cost X-Men, you can consider using her.

This version of Scarlet Witch is just an area damage character. She deals 1 damage to all player and non-fist characters, 2 instead to fist characters. That is powerful if use correctly. But for her stats, it's not easy for her to exit the field, so that might be hard for her to use her ability over and again.

Shiklah is another Team Deadpool character that is cheap cost, seriously how many are there? Nevertheless, her ability is awesome if you can ramp dice into your prep area, her defense stats can get enormous and that would be useful as a blocker, and if you have overcrush and the Ant man/Kal L global, that would be a great attacker as well.

This version of Shiklah is less appealing for her ability, her back for more effect only allows you to spin 1 Team Deadpool character die, that's not really a very powerful ability as there are other sources that can spin a character up a level. I would prefer the common version instead.

This version of Shiklah is a pure ramp for your team. When she is active, you are guaranteed to roll an additional die if you have a sidekick die in your used pile, and that is before you even refill your dice bag, so it kind of helps you to draw better dice when you move a sidekick dice from your prep area to your used pile. She is a good ramp and she can fit into any team.

Stepford Cuckoos is a cheap cost X-Men character, when it's fielded, you do have a kind of penalty in the form of moving one of your active character die into your prep area. I would like to see it as a way to move a character die with fielding ability into your prep area so it will be able to trigger it's fielding ability again and you don't have to worry about it not being able to exit the field. You can use this character as a form to support your characters with fielding abilities.

This version of Stepford Cuckoos instead applies the effect on both players. Depending on the situation, you can make your opponent suffer if he or she have very little characters in the field, use this effect at your advantage, you can use it like how you would use the common version, such as supporting characters with fielding abilities, or you can make your opponent lose a character in their field, either way, it's beneficial for you.

Stepford Cuckoos does have very low attack value, but this can all change if you have overcrush and Ant Man/Kal L global. There is a chance that this character can deal 1 additional damage for its effect if your opponent has 2 or more dice in their prep area. Decent ability, but nothing too special.

Storm is back in this set. She is 2 cost and has the X-Men affiliation, and her stats are decent. Her ability is a bonus, usually your opponent tends to keep wild faces on sidekick dice so he/she have more options to use that energy, but with Storm's ability, you can change their game play. It's not a very drastic change but at least it's something from a 2 cost character.

This version of Storm prevents your opponent from rerolling basic action die. I am not too fancy about it because there are other ways your opponent can reroll a basic action die if he/she really wants to, but in a draft environment, with only 1 roll attempt for basic action die, it will affect your opponent's game if they rely on basic action die.

This version of Storm is a great add on to the action combo. For only 3 cost, she can deal ping an opponent or a character whenever you use an action die, that's worth the cost.

Taskmaster returns and possess another copy ability. This time round, he can copy any fielding ability of a target character. His stats is rather hard for him to leave the field, so the ability you copy needs to be very powerful to make use of his cost. He is a wild card, so use him well.

This version of Taskmaster is another copycat, this time round, he copies an attacking ability. Attacking ability is easier to trigger every round than fielding ability, with that said, use him well and he can be very dangerous.

This version of Taskmaster can gain fielding, active or attacking ability, which explains why he is more expensive. This is a more versatile card and you need to use his ability well, whatever you copied, as you don't get the ability after the end of your turn.

Wolverine makes his 4th variant appearance in Dice Masters Universe. This version of him really loves Team Deadpool characters. It's not difficult for your character to take damage nowadays, you can use global to ping Wolverine and then pay another generic energy to ramp a Team Deadpool die. A good supporter for Team Deadpool, but a little bit costly, so you need to ramp quite a bit to cover back the cost you spend on Wolverine.
Back for more effect is rather hard to trigger, this card effect pumps a Team Deadpool character. There are other ways you can pimp a character, this happens to be one of the more costly and hard to set up way.

I wonder why they stop making new versions of Wolverine strong in the game. This version of Wolverine allows you to roll a Team Deadpool die in your prep area, but first, you need to pay 2 life, if you are lucky, you can field a Team Deadpool character, otherwise, you kind of waste your 2 life. There are a lot of luck involved and takes some effort to set up, and after all these hard work, you only get to field a character for free. A 6 cost card should be stronger in my opinion.

Wolverine is back again, this time round he becomes a vampire. His ability helps if you have ways to knock out your opponent's character. For every character that is knocked out when he is active, your opponent takes 1 damage and you gain 1 life. That's really sick, if you are down to 2 life in the game and you opponent is at 20, you can even up your life after knocking opposing characters out when Wolverine vampire is active. This is another good super rare in the set.

X-23 has better stats compare to her UXM variant. This version of her have good stats and have regenerate, and if she successfully regenerate, you get to ramp a die, that's a great ability.

This version of X-23 can be purchase at 4 cost if your opponent has 2 or more dice in his/her prep area. Nothing bad about it, but I would rather spend 5 cost on the common version as it is stronger.

We conclude this set with a Super Rare card. This version of X-23 can get very deadly depending on what's the outcome of the results for her ability, there's no limit on how strong she can grow, give her overcrush and she deal some collateral damage. It's not hard for her to get the pump as sidekick dice have 5 energy faces, so you can ramp more sidekick die for her effect and if your opponent have sidekick dice in his/her prep area, even better.
First of all, I have to say that I am surprised that there is only 1 global in 124 cards, but that's okay, there are a lot of useful cards in this set. Wizkids has amazed me once again, they actually brought back some many old affiliations, like Guardians of Galaxy, X-Men, Spider Friends, Thunderbolts and they include new ones like Team Deadpool and Inhumans.
A lot of card in this set is a game changer and it brings more combination in terms of team building, which is always exciting for the game. I am impressed once again with wizkids and I am very happy that I invested in this game because playing the game for almost 2 years, I see a lot of improvement in the game and I know that it will keep on improving. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope my post helps!

Bob plays a good supporting character if you are using a Deadpool team, team Deadpool could really make use of that additional 1A pump.

Instead of giving team Deadpool characters additional attack value, this version of Bob gives them Fast, which can come in handy during combat. That's amazing coming from a 3 cost character.

This version of Bob protects your Team Deadpool characters instead. Usually your opponent would use global abilities or character abilities more frequent when it comes to targeting, so protecting against action die really doesn't help much given that very little action die actually targets.

Here we have our first super rare of this set. Captain America with Mjolnir is really unique, you can include him as well as Captain America and/or Mjolnir without violating the rules. Capt with Mjolnir here is acts as a non-combat damage source to your opponent the first time you use an action or global each turn. That's great, you just have to use a global ability and your opponent takes damage, so it's like free damage to your opponent every turn. And this goes for action as well. He is a decent super rare, so it would be good to have him.

Charles Xavier Juggernaut has a weak stat at level 1 for a 6 cost character. He acts as a ramp each time he attacks, however, that ramp is hard to pull off. You first need to name a die and draw a die from your bag, if you named correctly, you get to ramp that die, otherwise, it goes to your used pile. If you named correctly, you also get to spin him up a level. To me, that's a very weak ramp, it comes down to your luck and dice management for his effect, and it's not like the effect is very powerful, so it's not worth risking your game to pull him off.

Colossus is a beefy guy, his back for more effect is an area damage to all characters and players, it's a great effect but it's just hard to trigger it given that it's not easy for Colossus to get knocked out and as much as it can wipe out your opponent's field, it can wipe out yours as well, and you have to trigger his effect if you roll his die from your prep area, so it might cause you your game if you are not careful when using him.

For a 7 cost character with beefy stats to possess a fielding ability, it's really a turn off. His effect is great, but it deals 2 damage to all level 1 character dice, including yours, so it might wipe out more of your opponent's characters than yours. There are more stronger 7 cost character out there.

This is a more usable Colossus in this set. It helps your team if they have overcrush and if your opponent only has low defensive character in their field, you can win the game when Colossus attack and you attack with your entire field. Characters that is assigned to block will take 2 damage for Colossus effect, so if they have defense value of 2 or below, they will be knocked out when they are ASSIGNED to block, so your attacking characters are not blocked at all. This will help your attacking characters with overcrush to deal more spill damage as well.

Deadpool is back! Of course he is back, this is his set. Deadpool has decent stats along with the Deadly keyword, which is actually all he needs to make him dangerous to engage with in combat. Nothing too random about his ability, just being deadly like he is.

This version of Deadpool also possess the deadly keyword, but with the exception that when he is fielded, he deals 2 damage to all players, so if you need to take damage for some reason then he would help. That's fun of him to do so, that's what you get from Deadpool.

The super rare version of Deadpool doesn't have the deadly keyword, sadly. His ability is hard to trigger given that his defense value isn't low, and his effect only allows him to knock out a level 1 character die, so it's quite limited for your target. I would prefer to use the other 2 versions instead.

Dogpool is another character you can add to Team Deadpool, but his ability is a little weak given that he can only ping 1 character, and he isn't easy to leave the field as well. His burst effect allows him to spin up a Team Deadpool character up a level, which is decent, but only available on one face, so it's hard to make full use of his ability.

This version of Dogpool allows him to pump one Team Deadpool character die, however, it's not easy to trigger his Back for More effect and it's not really worth the effort to do so simply because his pump is too weak for a 4 cost character.

This is a cheaper version of Dogpool and a more usable one. If he is the only blocking dice during an attack step, then he gains deadly, that would slow down the aggression from your opponent is Dogpool keeps knocking them out.

Domino is another cheap cost character for Team Deadpool. Her stats are decent and her ability allows her to be reroll one additional time if you use her back for more effect, any additional roll is always an advantage that you can make use of.

This version of Domino is a great blocker, any character that can block up to 2 character dice is a great blocker, all you need to do is to put 1 Team Deadpool character die in your prep area, with some dice management, you can achieve that.

This version of Domino is a decent ramp, you can use her as an aggressive attack or a blocker and if she is knocked out, which isn't a difficult task to do so, she gets to ramp a sidekick die from your used pile to your prep area. If you need some sort of ramp for your team, she can act as one.

How great is it that there are more Thunderbolts in the Dice Masters universe. Elektra is a decent cheap cost character, and if you would like to, you can pay a fist energy to give her regenerate. Cheap and decent, so I got no complains here.

This version of Elektra is somehow unblockable. In the constructed format, not a lot of player would use Deadpool character, so she would likely be unblockable, your opponent however can spend an energy to ignore this effect, the point here is not just making Elektra unblockable, but also to drain your opponent's energy every turn if he/she keeps ignoring this effect.

This version of Elekra is like a protection against global abilities for your characters that are cost 2 or lower. The downside is that you cannot target them as well, the good thing is neither can your opponent, so your sidekicks cannot be ping by global nor can your 2 cost characters be distracted etc. Moreover, she's a 2 cost character as well, so kudos.

When Deadpool exist, so does Evil Deadpool. This version of Evil Deadpool is a little weak though unless your opponent uses Team Deadpool. Getting knocked out with such high defensive stats is not easy and only knocking out a level 1 character die for his effect doesn't help his case either.

Fielding ability on a character with 4/5D is not easy to keep using. His ability can only deal 2 damage to a character die upon fielding, that alone isn't strong enough and it must only be level 1 or a Team Deadpool character, that makes his ability so much weaker in a constructed format.

And again, we don't see a usable Evil Deadpool. Back for More effect is not hard to set up and his ability makes it less motivating to do so. If you aren't up against Team Deadpool, it's ridiculous to use his effect just to knock out 1 sidekick.

This version of Fantomex is mediocre, you get to spin down an opposing character die, and you get to pump your attack and defense by 1, that coming from a 4 cost character is weak.

This version of Fantomex is great against a non-villain team. If your opponent wants to block Fantomex, he/she needs to put a die from their prep area into the bag, that would affect their dice management. If they don't wish to, or can't do so, then he is unblockable. For a character that is unblockable and can affect your opponent's dice management, I give him a thumbs up.

This version of Fantomex is higher cost and it does help you to ramp a villain die, but his cost is a bit too expensive just to ramp 1 die, and the fact that he has stats that makes him hard to leave the help doesn't help to justify his cost.

Flying card acts as an action die that pumps a character, a 3A and 3D pump is no joke especially if that character is unblocked, the drawback is that the character you target loses all it's ability, that's not a big deal, you can always use this action die on a sidekick or a vanilla card character.

This version of Flying car boost a character die instead, if you field a character, that character gets +2A and all other copies of it gets the pump as well, do it for 4 times and one of the die gets a massive +8A pump. Those stats can be really dangerous if you use them well, and what's great about this version is that the character with the pump doesn't lose its ability.

This action die is as good as saying target a character, that character is unblockable. But the phrasing makes a lot of difference. If you use an action die that makes a character unblockable, you need to use that action die during your main step, then when you declare that character as an attacker, it cannot be blocked, so your opponent will spread out his/her blockers to your remaining characters. But for this action, when you declare attackers and your opponent declare blockers, you can target a character with this action and that character will deal its combat damage to your opponent instead of the blockers.
Let me give you an example.
You have 4 attackers, your opponent have 3 blockers.
Unblocklable Action die
You use an action that makes a character unblockable, you choose Attacker A as it has the highest attack among the others, your 3 remaining attackers are blocked, so only Attacker A deals combat damage to your opponent.
Flying Car Action die
You attack with 4 characters, your opponent block 3 of them, leaving Attacker D unblocked as it has the least attack value among the others. You use the Flying car action die on Attack A, so both attacker A and D deals combat damage to your opponent.
All in all, this is a very usable action card that can help you win.

A 2 cost action card is worth being considered into a team. This version of Chimichangas helps you to pump a character's defense when you purchase this die and when you use it, so for it's value, it's worth it. With Kal-L and Ant Man global being commonly use, don't be surprised that the defense pump ends up being attack pump.

This version of Chimichangas is most costly, but it gives a character the deadly keyword. This is really useful, imagine your low cost character is engaged to a high cost character, you can use this action on your character and knock out that high cost character at the end of the turn, that would be a bummer for your opponent. This action, if used correctly, can make your opponent's life miserable.

This version of Chimichangas helps to pump a character's defense, but the more useful effect lies on the burst faces, it makes a character blockable only by 2 or more dice, that would drain your opponent's blocker, this action can come in handy, but it does take some luck to get the burst faces.

Hit Monkey has expensive fielding cost for his stats, but he does possess Fast to justify it. Plus, he's only 3 cost.

This version of Hit Monkey is really lethal, you can treat him as unblockable as long as you can pay a fist energy to trigger his effect, give him some pump and he will be even more lethal. This totally justify his expensive fielding cost.

This version of Hit Monkey simply deals non-combat damage to your opponent, in a constructed format, it's not rare to see a player having plenty of dice in his/her prep area due to some powerful ramp they played, so Hit Monkey is going to deal 2 damage as long as your opponent has 3 or more dice in his/her prep area. He is relatively easy to exit the field so you can keep using his fielding ability every turn.

Kidpool is another cheap cost character for Team Deadpool, wait there seems to be a lot of them at cheap cost... Anyway, if you are using Team Deadpool, you can include him into your team, that additional 2A will come in handy.

This version of Kidpool acts as a ramp, however, the ramp is weak as it only helps if you draw a Team Deadpool character die when you trigger his effect, so it takes some luck and dice management. If you draw any other die, you kind of waste his effect.

Since there are so many other Team Deadpool character that possess Deadly keyword, Kidpool will gain that keyword while blocking if an active Team Deadpool character is in your field. I don't have to emphasize how powerful Deadly is, so you can consider keeping him as a blocker for your Team Deadpool.

If you are using ways to ping your opponent's character die, Lady Bullseye will definitely help. Doubling this kind of damage is no joke, a simple 1 damage ping is now 2 damage, and 3 damage area attack is now 6 damage, you get the point. Plus, she isn't hard to leave the field, so you can keep doubling your ping damage every turn when you field her.

This version of Lady Bullseye instead spin an opposing character down when it takes damage, if you want to keep your opponent's character at lower level, you can use her and some ping sources to help you.

This version of Lady Bullseye make an opposing character mandatory to block on the turn she is fielded, so you can use her along with an attacking character with Deadly keyword and you are guaranteed to knock out that character. However, there are global abilities that force blocked, so you can choose to use that option instead.

Lady Deadpool is an expensive character, however, if you are playing Team Deadpool and your opponent is not, she can be reduced to 3 cost. Still, 3 cost for her stats and no other effect isn't very appealing, unless you have other cards to boost her then it will be a different story.

This version of Lady Deadpool supports your Team Deadpool by making them level 3 when fielded, as long as you pay a bolt energy when she is active. The effect is decent, but she is just too costly for that effect. If you want to spin up a character, you might want to consider other sources that are less expensive.

This version of Lady Deadpool instead benefits an action team. You can use an action twice as long as you pay a bolt energy when she is active. That would be disastrous if your action die is powerful. It's not exactly the best super rare in this set but it's decent enough to not feel sad when you pull her in your packs.

This version of Lockjaw helps you to wipe your opponent's field if you are lucky, if you name a die and your opponent draws it while Lockjaw is active, then your opponent's field will get damaged and might be reduced. A good effect but it does take some luck, so if you do not wish to take the risk, you might not want to use him.

This version of Lockjaw allows you to retreat him if you don't wish to resolve combat damage with your opponent when he attacks. Retreating is helpful at times if you do not wish to knock out your opponent's character or you do not wish to knock him out. He is a low cost Inhuman, so you can include him for that in your Inhuman team.

This version of Lockjaw allows you to pump him and heal yourself if you are lucky. Still, don't rely too much on him for your game plan as his effect requires a bit of luck, you however, can use him in your team for the fact that he is a low cost character and a supporter for your team, if you are lucky you get to heal back 1 life, if not, then continue on with life.

Talking about controlling, Modok prevents your opponent from rerolling dice and spinning their character outside the roll and reroll step. This is a very powerful lock down as a lot of mechanics revolve around it, your opponent can pay 1 energy to ignore Modok's effect if they really want to reroll that die or spin it up or down a level, this can drain your opponent's energy really fast if he/she keeps spending on ignoring Modok's effect, either way, it affect your opponent's game play if they rely on spinning or rerolling dice. Plus, for 4 cost you have Modok with a potential 8 defense value!

Modok does have good stats especially at level 3, however, for 5 cost just for you to spin him up to a potential level 3 and spin down your opponent's character is a little costly. He doesn't have any other abilities to justify his cost.

This version of Modok prevents your opponent's character from going up to a higher level. This is good as your opponent doesn't have a penalty option to ignore his effect, but I would still prefer the common version as this version does not prevent your opponent from rerolling, which is a critical lock down.

Madame Hydra stats are pretty low for a 4 cost character, but her ability can affect your opponent's game, because of her effect, your opponent is going to block her whenever she attacks so she cannot deal damage to your opponent, but you can change that by giving her overcrush. Even if she deals 1 spill damage to your opponent, she still deals damage, so she would trigger her effect and you can return 1 die to from your opponent's prep area into the bag, this would weaken your opponent's next roll and could affect his/her game.

If the effect for Madame Hydra is really powerful, it's worth setting up to make her deal damage to your opponent like overcrush, but her effect for this version only spins your opponent's characters down a level, which isn't much of a big deal in general, unless you need your opponent's character to be as low as possible, other than that, you might want to consider using someone stronger.

This version of Madame Hydra no longer needs her to deal damage to your opponent, when she is fielded, she just deals damage to all players. The best scenario is to make sure that your opponent's prep area is empty and yours isn't, so you can just return a die into your bag to prevent taking damage and your opponent would have no choice but to take that 3 damage from Madame Hydra. Since her defense is weak, she can leave the field easily so you can keep using her fielding ability again next turn.

Medusa has decent stats, she is affordable cost, she has Deadly keyword and she can block up to 2 characters. That's a powerful Inhuman, period.

This version of Medusa is more deadly, having the Deadly keyword, it makes her second part of her ability very dangerous for anyone she engages with. Since every character that she engaged will get knocked out because of her Deadly effect, what's worse is that every character she deals at least 1 damage to in combat will be send to the used pile when they get knock out, so your opponent will be very careful when declaring attacker or blocker when she is active.

This version of Medusa has Deadly and also is a healer for your team, that's an irony. She will definitely knock out a character if she engage with it, so you will definitely gain 1 life for her effect, if you can engaged with a character every single turn, you will just keep gaining life, and that's really sick.

I actually never expect a Spider Friends to appear, it's just so good to have all the affiliations getting more members. Anyway, I would just call Migeul Spider Man 2099, as I prefer the name, so if I say Spider Man 2099, you know I am mentioning about this character. Spider Man 2099 has decent stats and although he doesn't possess the Deadly keyword, his attack value is good enough to knock out a character with decent stats, his effect will worry your opponent and he/she will be very careful when declaring attackers or blockers because Spider man 2099 can send that die back into his/her bag and that would affect your opponent's dice management.

This version of Spider Man 2099 is weaker as he is more costly but his ability isn't as strong as the common version. A fielding ability on him might not be a good idea as his stats is very strong as level 3, and his effect might weaken your opponent but also weaken you, if you want to get rid of an opposing character, there are cheaper and more effective ways to do so. If there is a cheaper version that is stronger I would strongly recommend that.

This version of Spider Man 2099 just possess fast but it can be useful as we mention is earlier posts. His back for more effect is a bonus if you roll him from your prep area, that 1 damage is small but it's free, so better than nothing.

Mister Sinister stats is decent but he only possess a back for more ability, and that is not very appealing for a 5 cost, and his effect only allows you to reroll any number of dice in your field zone, this can be achieved by other methods that are less costly and easier to set up.

This version of Minister Sinister is another controller that prevents your opponent rerolling dice during they roll and reroll step. The effect is good but with reroll global and effect, he can be rendered useless at times, and even if your opponent's doesn't have those effect, he/she can just pay 1 life to bypass his effect, so you might not be able to control your opponent as much.

As again, there are cheaper ways to reroll your dice, you do not have to use a 5 cost character and wait for him to be active and pay 2 life just to do so.

I was wondering if there are going to be global abilities in this set.
Motorcycle is a cheap action die that you can use to support your overcrush characters. The global can help you to retreat in battle when you attack just in case your character would get knocked out, this can come in handy.

This action die is also use to support overcrush characters, usually a character that has overcrush would deal spill damage but at the same time, get knocked out because of the overwhelming blockers it received, with this action die, you can send that character back to the field so you can overcrush again next turn without having to reroll it's die. The double burst side is great as you target 2 characters instead.

This action is more expensive, but it also helps to support overcrush characters, you can use this action to knock out the blocker that has the most defense value and your character can deal more spill damage.

This version of Multiple allows you to increase your field size if it's smaller than your opponent. You can also use him to get more sidekicks for your sidekick combo.

This version of Multiple Man just have the swarm ability, and his fielding ability allows you to put more of his die from your used pile into your bag so you have a higher chance to use his swarm effect next turn.

This is one of the best Super rare in this set in my opinion. First of all, max 6 dice! I was wondering when they first print the AVX playmat why did each card slot have 6 dice for allocation, this is probably the reason. 2 cost character with swarm and have a maximum of 6 dice is crazy, you can get some serious ramp in your team, that's a fitting ability for Multiple man.

I will call her Negasonic for short. Her stats is awesome at level 3. Since global ability is an essential in the game, your opponent would use one to target your characters, even if your opponent doesn't have one, you can bring one into your team to tempt your opponent. If your opponent keeps targeting your characters with global, Negasonic will be at level 3 in no time, make use of her stats when she's at level 3!

Underdog ability isn't hard to trigger, so you can build your team around her to make sure that she is always at level 3 when she attacks and gain fast, with those 2 she is really dangerous.

Well, if you don't intend to use her level 3 stats then just let her have the Deadly keyword when you have her underdog effect. It would be such as bummer for your opponent as a character with 1A can knock out almost anyone she engaged with.

This version of outlaw can be use to get more Outlaw character dice into your field, the first time you use her back for more effect, you get to search your bag for her die and roll it, if you are lucky, you get to field that die at level 1, if not, it goes to your prep area and you can keep using this effect next turn. You need to be very aggressive with her and keep cycling this effect, it does takes a bit of dice management though, which is not easy, but if you have other supporters to pump or boost a Team Deadpool character, she can be vicious.

This version of Outlaw allows you to remove a die in your opponent's prep area, you first need to pay a bolt energy when you field her, then if you are lucky, you get to remove it from your opponent's prep area to his/her used pile, this takes some luck though, but since she is only 3 choice and have Team Deadpool affiliation, this is a good ability to come with.

Outlaw stats is a little low for a 4 cost character, this all changes when she gets the pump from her ability, along with other pump or effects given by supporters for Team Deadpool, she can get really dangerous with those stats.

Phoenix Force Magneto has really good stats, you can't deny that. His ability though is not suitable for his stats, nevertheless, his ability is great if you have more characters than your opponent. You can reroll any number of characters and your opponent will have to roll that many. This is very powerful, even if you reroll your characters and they become energy, you can use the energy this turn to buy dice, pay for global etc, but for your opponent, if he/she roll a character into energy for Magneto's effect, they have to spend those energy during your main step and attack step this turn or it will all be wasted. I like his ability, just that it won't be easy to trigger it over and again since he is hard to leave the field, but well, he's got a 9A 9D.

Sandi has no affiliation, this version of her is just a pure simple cheap Ally, nothing bad, but nothing very good.

This version of Sandi has Ally and also allows your Deadpool character to gain 1A and regenerate, which is a really good ability for any character. If you intend to use Deadpool, you can consider using Sandi as well.

This version of Sandi simply protects your Team Deadpool character. Some character ability or action effect can affect your characters really bad, and to use Sandi as a human sacrifice, I mean to change the target to her die would be better since she is lower cost than most Team Deadpool characters and she has no other abilities.

Satchel of Unlimited Weaponry, I will call it the Satchel, is a duplicator for action die that targets. Usually action die is limited to 4 and basic action die is limited to 3, so you can't get more copies of those die, you can however, use Satchel to copy the effect of that die. The problem here is that Satchel is not a continuous action, so you need to use this and the other action die simultaneously, which is not an easy set up, so you might waste this action die if the other action die you want to copy isn't rolled this turn.

This version of Satchel helps to reduce your action die cost, for a 4 cost action to reduce only 2 cost for your next action die, you need to keep using this to benefit from this action. This will go along well with action combo and this itself is an action.

If you have a lot of continuous action die in your team, this version of Satchel will be very powerful. There are a lot of continuous action die in the game right now, so you can have up to 10 of them in your field and when you use Satchel effect, you can win the game. Even if you can't immediately win the game with this action, this action have no limits to how much damage it can dealt, so that's the dangerous part of it.

Scarlet Witch is back! I am surprised though as she was just release in the Doctor Strange team pack. This version of Scarlet Witch is cheap and has the X-Men affiliation, but it is effective only against fist character die, so it's a little too limited on her powers.

This version of Scarlet witch can be reduced to 2 cost. Along the game, your opponent might have a fist character or action die in his/her prep area, so Scarlet Witch can be reduced to 2 cost, and for that cost and her stats is actually decent. So if you need a cheap cost X-Men, you can consider using her.

This version of Scarlet Witch is just an area damage character. She deals 1 damage to all player and non-fist characters, 2 instead to fist characters. That is powerful if use correctly. But for her stats, it's not easy for her to exit the field, so that might be hard for her to use her ability over and again.

Shiklah is another Team Deadpool character that is cheap cost, seriously how many are there? Nevertheless, her ability is awesome if you can ramp dice into your prep area, her defense stats can get enormous and that would be useful as a blocker, and if you have overcrush and the Ant man/Kal L global, that would be a great attacker as well.

This version of Shiklah is less appealing for her ability, her back for more effect only allows you to spin 1 Team Deadpool character die, that's not really a very powerful ability as there are other sources that can spin a character up a level. I would prefer the common version instead.

This version of Shiklah is a pure ramp for your team. When she is active, you are guaranteed to roll an additional die if you have a sidekick die in your used pile, and that is before you even refill your dice bag, so it kind of helps you to draw better dice when you move a sidekick dice from your prep area to your used pile. She is a good ramp and she can fit into any team.

Stepford Cuckoos is a cheap cost X-Men character, when it's fielded, you do have a kind of penalty in the form of moving one of your active character die into your prep area. I would like to see it as a way to move a character die with fielding ability into your prep area so it will be able to trigger it's fielding ability again and you don't have to worry about it not being able to exit the field. You can use this character as a form to support your characters with fielding abilities.

This version of Stepford Cuckoos instead applies the effect on both players. Depending on the situation, you can make your opponent suffer if he or she have very little characters in the field, use this effect at your advantage, you can use it like how you would use the common version, such as supporting characters with fielding abilities, or you can make your opponent lose a character in their field, either way, it's beneficial for you.

Stepford Cuckoos does have very low attack value, but this can all change if you have overcrush and Ant Man/Kal L global. There is a chance that this character can deal 1 additional damage for its effect if your opponent has 2 or more dice in their prep area. Decent ability, but nothing too special.

Storm is back in this set. She is 2 cost and has the X-Men affiliation, and her stats are decent. Her ability is a bonus, usually your opponent tends to keep wild faces on sidekick dice so he/she have more options to use that energy, but with Storm's ability, you can change their game play. It's not a very drastic change but at least it's something from a 2 cost character.

This version of Storm prevents your opponent from rerolling basic action die. I am not too fancy about it because there are other ways your opponent can reroll a basic action die if he/she really wants to, but in a draft environment, with only 1 roll attempt for basic action die, it will affect your opponent's game if they rely on basic action die.

This version of Storm is a great add on to the action combo. For only 3 cost, she can deal ping an opponent or a character whenever you use an action die, that's worth the cost.

Taskmaster returns and possess another copy ability. This time round, he can copy any fielding ability of a target character. His stats is rather hard for him to leave the field, so the ability you copy needs to be very powerful to make use of his cost. He is a wild card, so use him well.

This version of Taskmaster is another copycat, this time round, he copies an attacking ability. Attacking ability is easier to trigger every round than fielding ability, with that said, use him well and he can be very dangerous.

This version of Taskmaster can gain fielding, active or attacking ability, which explains why he is more expensive. This is a more versatile card and you need to use his ability well, whatever you copied, as you don't get the ability after the end of your turn.

Wolverine makes his 4th variant appearance in Dice Masters Universe. This version of him really loves Team Deadpool characters. It's not difficult for your character to take damage nowadays, you can use global to ping Wolverine and then pay another generic energy to ramp a Team Deadpool die. A good supporter for Team Deadpool, but a little bit costly, so you need to ramp quite a bit to cover back the cost you spend on Wolverine.

Back for more effect is rather hard to trigger, this card effect pumps a Team Deadpool character. There are other ways you can pimp a character, this happens to be one of the more costly and hard to set up way.

I wonder why they stop making new versions of Wolverine strong in the game. This version of Wolverine allows you to roll a Team Deadpool die in your prep area, but first, you need to pay 2 life, if you are lucky, you can field a Team Deadpool character, otherwise, you kind of waste your 2 life. There are a lot of luck involved and takes some effort to set up, and after all these hard work, you only get to field a character for free. A 6 cost card should be stronger in my opinion.

Wolverine is back again, this time round he becomes a vampire. His ability helps if you have ways to knock out your opponent's character. For every character that is knocked out when he is active, your opponent takes 1 damage and you gain 1 life. That's really sick, if you are down to 2 life in the game and you opponent is at 20, you can even up your life after knocking opposing characters out when Wolverine vampire is active. This is another good super rare in the set.

X-23 has better stats compare to her UXM variant. This version of her have good stats and have regenerate, and if she successfully regenerate, you get to ramp a die, that's a great ability.

This version of X-23 can be purchase at 4 cost if your opponent has 2 or more dice in his/her prep area. Nothing bad about it, but I would rather spend 5 cost on the common version as it is stronger.

We conclude this set with a Super Rare card. This version of X-23 can get very deadly depending on what's the outcome of the results for her ability, there's no limit on how strong she can grow, give her overcrush and she deal some collateral damage. It's not hard for her to get the pump as sidekick dice have 5 energy faces, so you can ramp more sidekick die for her effect and if your opponent have sidekick dice in his/her prep area, even better.
First of all, I have to say that I am surprised that there is only 1 global in 124 cards, but that's okay, there are a lot of useful cards in this set. Wizkids has amazed me once again, they actually brought back some many old affiliations, like Guardians of Galaxy, X-Men, Spider Friends, Thunderbolts and they include new ones like Team Deadpool and Inhumans.
A lot of card in this set is a game changer and it brings more combination in terms of team building, which is always exciting for the game. I am impressed once again with wizkids and I am very happy that I invested in this game because playing the game for almost 2 years, I see a lot of improvement in the game and I know that it will keep on improving. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope my post helps!