Just note that despite me being a Batman and Superman fan, my reviews are purely based on my own opinions and experience in terms of the tactics and strategies of the game. It will also be meant for full constructed format. I have no dislike for any characters.
Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
New Keywords
Vengeance: Each time you take damage, trigger the character's ability.
Iron Will: This character cannot be knocked out unless it has already be damaged this turn. For example a character with Iron Will cannot be knocked out in combat even if it was dealt damage more than it's defence. However, if it was dealt damage from abilities or effects on that turn, it can be knocked out normally. Similarly, blocking that character with 2 blockers will be considered as that character damaged on that turn.
Also, each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Basic Action Card

If you are playing a sidekick team, this action would be better for you, that 2A 2D bonus would come in handy. The global isn't really something useful, it is meant to counter characters with Ally keyword, which might be used against you if you use one. You could use the action to boost an opposing sidekick, since it cannot attack during your turn, you have to knock it out. For 3 cost, the action is decent.

This action is a one time attack boost for a non-sidekick. It is more useful if have an unblockable character, that way you can deal more damage with that character. For 3 cost to get additional 3A is decent.

This action is just brutal especially if you are going to play a Batman family team. For 2 cost to deal 2 damage to your opponent is no joke. The global is great as well, you can use 1 bolt to deal your opponent damage in the early game when you have no characters in the field. For 2 cost to get all that is really good.

Back in those days when a 6 cost BAC would mean it is impossible to get, but with all the Meta global abilities, 6 cost BAC is not an issue. Even if you were to purchase this action at 6 cost, it will be worth it because of the effect. This definitely benefit the active player because you can use the action and clear all but one character in the opposing field, then field your remaining characters and do a swarm attack, hopefully winning the game. You could also combo this with Iron Will, since all your Iron Will characters cannot be knocked out unless they are damaged in the same turn, they don't have to be knocked out for this action's effect, you can then try to win the game by attacking with all your Iron Will characters. The effect for this action is just deadly, this is how you should spend a 6 cost action.

If you want to ramp a die out, I suggest Nasty Plot BAC or villainous pack global. Making a die unable to block is decent but at 4 cost and a one time use effect is costly. The extra effect to ramp a die tried to justify the cost but if you don't roll the burst side, it is going to be a very expensive action.

A continuous action is worth having, given that you can use it on your opponent's turn. That 2 damage can protect your characters from getting knocked out and would be super helpful for those with Iron Will. If you are playing a Superman family team, you also gain 1 life whenever you send this die to the used pile. For a 3 cost and can protect your character whenever you want to and gain health is a good deal.

For a non-Superman family team, this action is not that bad, but to make things worth it, you need to use this action regularly to make full use of the cost that you purchase it with. However, if you are playing a Superman family team, it's a whole new level. Superman family characters have relatively high fielding cost and for a 2 cost action to field them all for free is just an irresistible deal.

This action is meant to counter beefy characters that have 5A or higher. If you can purchase the action at a cheaper cost, it will be fairly decent. The global is to pump your characters attack but I would still prefer Anger Issue BAC in terms of card effect.

This is a great action for both Superman and Batman family team. Reducing the first Superman or Batman family character by 1 will eventually make a different. But the most important thing is the global, you can use it to support your Batman or Superman family team, or simply use it to convert opposing characters for characters that counter them! What's even better is all of these are coming from a 2 cost action.

This would be a great action for the Batman family since most of their effects rely on taking damage or being knocked out. Whenever one of your character is knocked out this turn, you get to knock out a non-batman family character. If your team is full of Batman family character, it makes it hard for your opponent to use this action against you, you can also knock out any character you like by knocking out a character when you use this action. For 3 cost, this card is awesome!

For 2 costs, having the Batman Family affiliation as well as the Ally keyword is decent enough. What's good about this card is the ability to boost your Batman or sidekick's defence when you field Alfred. The additional defence will come in handy. Although he is not the strongest ally but he is decent enough for you to use it if you want to make a Batman family or sidekick team.

This is a more usable Alfred that can fit into a lot of teams. You can go aggressive or defensive with Alfred and he will most likely get back into the field. Having a sidekick die in your used pile isn't a very difficult criteria, and rolling an energy result from a sidekick die isn't hard as well. Your opponent is going to have a hard time getting rid of him. He still have the Batman family affiliation and the Ally keyword, so I would say that this is a more versatile Alfred. Effects that require you to knock out a character would be best use on Alfred since he have a high chance to return to the field. All this just for 2 cost? That's amazing.

For a higher cost, I would expect a better ability from Alfred, unfortunately, it is not the case here. To give the target die the bonus stats, you need to field Alfred as well as attack with that target character this turn. It is not a bad ability but there are other characters that have the same purchase cost but can boost more sidekick dice and have lesser requirement to trigger the ability. If you are looking for cards to boost Batman dice, look for other ways, because 3 costs character to give Batman a +1A and +1D for a turn is a little too costly. If you want Alfred because of the Batman Family Affiliation and the Ally keyword, use the common or uncommon version instead.

If you are looking for a guaranteed 7A and 7D character, you can use this version of Bane. It is not hard to get Bane to knock out an opposing character, so you can guaranteed to spin him up to level 3 within a few turns. However, you need to know what you want to do with the level 3 Bane or else it is pointless for him to stay in the field at level 3 and not do anything else. An overcrush would be a good to use him. On the other hand, the force attack global is back! This time round, you get to use a fist energy to do so. If you just need the global then you can go ahead and use this card.

If you are playing a villain team and you want to ramp more die, this is one of the ways to do so. During your turn, if you only have 1 copy of Bane die in the field, if you use Bane to knock out an opposing character during your turn AND your opponent's turn, you get to ramp up to 4 villain dice! You would definitely need the help of Professor X global to ensure that your dice bag is not filled with sidekick dice so your odds of you drawing a villain die increases. This card comes with the force attack global as well, so for a 6 costs to crush your opponent's character and also support your villain team is great.

This version of Bane is brutal, his ability is versatile that he can be aggressive and defensive because either way, he gets a chance to knock an opposing character out. When he attacks your opponent would declare blockers carefully to take minimal damage from Bane, they might block with sidekicks most of the time, if you think that would be the case, just give him overcrush to stress your opponent, because either way, Bane gets to deal some damage. The only counter to that is blocking with a character with low attack and high defense, you could counter that by using Kal-L global to switch things up and Bane deals even more damage. That's not all, your opponent would probably not be so aggressive by attacking with a character with high attack because if that character is knocked out by Bane, your opponent would be the one suffering instead. A 6 costs character that can stress your opponent out is definitely worth the cost. The global is also on this card, which makes this card really good.

This action die is like a life saver for your knocked out characters. If your opponent somehow wipes out your entire field during his/her turn, Batcave can return all of them back during your turn. You can use this action as a backup to return your characters to the field if they are knocked out, especially for characters that have high fielding cost and abilities that you cannot afford to lose. Not exactly a must to have in every team, but will be useful if you have one in your team.

This action would be very useful in a draft since you don't get to use Professor X global and you will mostly end up having a lot of dice in your used pile. It does require a bit of luck though, if you roll at least 2 characters for this effect, you get to field 1 of them for free. The time you use the action must be very precise because if you use it at the wrong time, you might end up with no dice to roll. You can try your luck with this action in a constructed format, you might make end up with a one turn boost of characters but you have an equal chance of wasting the action.

Having the ability to reduce basic action die for 1 less is not a bad ability, however, you could only use this effect once per turn, so it is going to take quite a while to set up your basic actions. The risk is that if your basic actions are useful, your opponent could buy them all before you even have the chance to do so. The best combo with this card is to form an action team, use the Batcave to buy a basic action die every turn then buy other characters that supports your action combo and once you have set up your characters, you can send this action die to the used pile and place all the basic action die underneath the Batcave to your prep area, hoping to do a lot of damage on your next turn. If you are not willing to set up the combo slowly, then this action is not meant for you.

Having an unblockable ability is great, but for Batgirl to be unblockable, she needs to be the only die in your field. This can get risky because if your field is empty, your opponent have a chance to swarm you on his/her turn. You could use effects and ability to remove characters out of play until end of turn then attack with Batgirl, so she is still unblockable and you get characters to block for you, however, this would be a very costly move. There are other characters that have better stats and unblockable ability that have lesser requirement, so for 4 costs, this is not the best one you can use in a constructed format.

For a lesser cost and a weaker unblockable ability, this version of Batgirl is more playable as you can have more characters in your field and her ability can still be triggered. The best way to play her is for you to rush with her in the early game, you can use relentless global or villain converters on characters that are able to block her so she can be unblockable. If you can pull that off, this 3 cost will be well spent.

This is the best version of Batgirl! You can use Magic missile global on her so she will deal 4 damage to opposing characters divided in any way you choose. That's 1 bolt to deal 4 damage, Batgirl does have relatively low health, but fret not, just use Agent Venom global to boost her health. She can be used to counter Iron Will and can wipe out your opponent's field. For a 4 costs to do all that, she is simply amazing and will be the super rare to look out for in this set.

This version of Batman has no ability to offer, but he can be purchased at 1 cost if you have 4 other active Batman family character in the field. For 1 cost to get his stats is quite decent. The most important thing about this card is the global. You can use converters on a level 1 character and then use a fist to knock that character out. If your opponent cherish that character, he/she would pay 2 life to save that character, either way, you get to do some harm to your opponent. You can keep spamming the global until your opponent choose to knock out that character.

For 5 costs, the Vengeance ability seems weak, Batman die isn't exactly that good even at level 3 for his cost, and dealing 1 damage to opposing sidekick is not a big deal. Your opponent wouldn't be fearing if they dealt you damage because it doesn't really affect them much. So I would recommend not to use this version of Batman.

This version of Batman is more costly but not exactly very playable. The issue is that when your opponent dealt you damage, if they have no Superman family or villians in the field, if you don't have any window to use global to convert their characters for Batman's Vengeance to trigger, then you simply waste the ability. It is hard to make this ability work in a constructed format, Vengeance is suppose to worry your opponent from dealing you damage too many times in a single turn, but if the vengeance ability is very situational, it wouldn't put fear in your opponent, hence defeating the purpose for the keyword. \

This is the cheapest Batman from this set, however, it really doesn't motivate me to use him in my team, especially since he doesn't have the global. When you take damage, you knocked out a Batman die and return it to the field at level 2, it is like spinning down or up a Batman die to level 2 every time you take damage. How is that going to make your opponent worry about dealing you damage? There are other versions of Batman that are more usable and have the same cost as this one, you might want to choose those instead.

A fielding ability on Bizarro is really not the wisest thing to do. His ability works against characters with global ability on their card, so your character is vulnerable to it as well. For a 6 cost character to do a AOE 2 damage effect only on characters with global ability on their card is really weak.

This is a more usable Bizarro, if your opponent plays character with global ability on their card, they are going to suffer when Bizarro shows up. You don't have to use Bizarro in every game you play, but keeping him in your team would be useful, since global are an essential in the game, Bizarro would be usable in most game. You can make him more powerful by giving him overcrush, since he cannot be blocked be characters with global text, you eliminate some blockers and he have potential to deal more spill damage. He does have a second ability which allows him to block any number of character with global text, if your opponent have a few characters with global text, you just need one Bizarro to block them all. For 6 costs and a beefy character with usable ability is more than decent.

Instead of being unblockable by characters with global text, this version of Bizarro gets stronger for every character card with global in your opponent's team, which means that those characters don't have to be active for Bizarro's ability to trigger. He can get as strong as 24A 23D if all your opponent's character have a global text. If you play in a constructed format, you are almost guaranteed to have a professor X, so Bizarro will be pumped. What's more, you don't event need to give him overcrush because he already possessed one. This is such a deadly character and will definitely deal tons of damage to your opponent.

The Black Lanterns are back! We kick things off with Anti Monitor, he is not so much of a control freaks like the Black Lanterns in the WOL set, but he is very Beefy. When he attacks, you opponent already loses 2 life, just like that, and he gets +2A, so use him with overcrush and he is bound to deal some spill damage. For 6 costs, he has a good ability, so I wouldn't mind using him in my team.

This is one of the cheaper Black Lanterns, but it is not exactly a very powerful one. Firestorm prevents your opponent's mask character from blocking, and they can pay 2 life to ignore this effect. This is not exactly a bad ability, but if your opponent doesn't play a mask team, they can always use a sidekick or other energy character to block. Mask energies do have great blockers, but other energies have them as well. So if you would ask me, I wouldn't rely on Firestorm alone to control my opponent's game, if my opponent is really that desperate, they can just pay me 2 life to block with all their mask characters.

For 4 costs, the ability from this Black Lantern is awesome! If your opponent is playing a team that relies on non-combat damage, your opponent is going to lose a lot of life for dealing you damage. That would probably stop your opponent's aggression of dealing you non-combat damage. Since the wording is losing life instead of dealing damage, it is hard for your opponent to counter this effect. For a 4 costs character to make your opponent's life difficult, it is really worthy and this is another super rare to look out for.

For 4 cost, this is another great Black Lantern that you can add into your team. Looking at his attack value, he can pretty much knock out a lot of characters, so each time your opponent attacks and is blocked by Martain manhunter, your opponent will at least lose 1 life. It probably won't slow your opponent's aggression down, but being able to make your opponent lose life when he/she attacks is someone I would want in my team.

An active ability on Brainiac is appropriate. This version for Brainiac allows you to force a character to block a character of your choice, that could come in handy in a lot of situation; you can force a character with high defence to block an attacking sidekick so it couldn't block a character with overcrush, you could make a character engaged with another character of your choice, or you could just use the ability to knock out someone that is bothering you through combat damage. There are so much you could do with Brainiac ability, so for 5 costs, it is pretty decent.

This version of Brainiac is more costly, but it is more effective if you are playing an overcrush team, you can swap blockers in a way which you desire so your character with overcrush deals more damage. If you are able to control the way your opponent blocks to deal more damage from your overcrush character, then purchasing this character would be worthy.

Having a fielding ability on Brainiac is a waste, and his ability only counters Superman family, so if your opponent doesn't have one, you need to convert them into becoming one, which is really costly. If you want to get rid of a character using the same way, use Storm: Wind Raider or Storm: African Princess instead.

If you are using Batman in your team, Bruce Wayne can help speed up the process. It is not difficult for one of your characters to get knocked out, moving your Batman into the field shouldn't be a problem. Stats wise he is really good for a 3 cost.

For a higher cost, you get to do the same thing as the common version but you move your Batman into the field at level 2 instead, and you get to deal 2 damage to a target character die. If you plan to use Batman as an attacker, then this version of Bruce Wayne would help you better as you can keep cycling your Batman and deal 2 damage to a target character each time Bruce triggers his ability.

At the same cost, this version of Bruce Wayne allows you to move your Batman into the field at level 3 instead. You also get to capture a level 1 or 2 character die, which can nullify that character's ability for this turn. Similarly to the uncommon version, you can keep cycling your Batman dice using Bruce Wayne and keep on capturing characters, for 4 cost, if you can pull it off, it can be a great ability.

If you don't field any of your sidekicks, when you field Falcone, you are likely to deal your opponent 3 damage. You could field some sidekicks, just make sure you have lesser than your opponent for Falcone to deal that 2 damage. 2 direct damage from a 3 cost character is pretty decent.

I have to say that this is a counter to the flying sidekick team. It is a total lockdown if your opponent is playing all Ally and flying sidekicks. Even if your opponent is not using a flying sidekick team, Falcone could come in handy if your opponent decide to use those sidekicks or Ally to deal you some damage, it is more of a discouragement for your opponent to field sidekicks.

Before you look pass this card, think out of the box. This version of Falcone can be deadly if played against an Batman family team. However, you can always convert 2 dice to a Batman Family, this way, your opponent can only declare one of them as an attacker if Falcone is active. It is a really costly move but if you can gain some control over your opponent, so you might want to consider.

A vanilla card for a Batman family character. Catwoman is cheap but her fielding cost is expensive for her stats, if you just need another Batman family character, then use this version, if not, you can consider the other version of Catwoman.

Characters that cannot be blocked by sidekicks is great in the early game, however, Catwoman's fielding cost is really high for a 3A 3D, in the late game, she will be more a hindrance than a help.

This version of Catwoman is even more harder to use, your opponent just need to have 2 active character dice to counter Catwoman. It is very hard to pull her off in any point during the game.

This is a more usable version of Catwoman, although the character dice that she can counter is very limited, but from a 3 cost character, it is actually decent. What's more is that if your opponent cherish that character, he/she will pay 2 life to save it. You can always pump Catwoman's defence so she can keep on being aggressive every turn without being knocked out so you don't have to keep spending a lot of energy to field her. For a 3 cost character to either knocked characters out or make your opponent lose some life is quite worthy.

When Batman has Bruce Wayne to support, Superman has Clark Kent. However, this version of Clark Kent isn't really that powerful to begin win. Fielding superman at level 2 is not a bad move, but setting up the combo is a little hard especially since Clark has a really high defence and his ability only triggers when you take combat damage. So you are technically replacing Clark kent with Superman. You need to have Superman die in your used pile or prep area as well, because if the Superman die is in your bag, it doesn't help with Clark's ability. So if you were to ask me, I would rather just use the energy and purchase a superman die directly than going through all the trouble to field superman at level 2.

This is a more usable version of Clark Kent. It kind of motivates you to set up for his ability to purchase a superman die for 4 life and add it to your prep area. Losing life isn't as bad now since there are cards that can heal you back. If your Superman has a powerful ability, then losing 4 life to get it for free will be worth it.

This is similar to the common version, but you get to search your bag for a Superman die instead. I don't think it's a bad ability given that can field Superman after knocking out Clark Kent in combat, but it takes a lot to set up this combo all just to field Superman, this version makes it easier to get your Superman into the field but if you really need Superman in your field, just purchase it and field it normally.

This is another Vengeance ability that doesn't really affect my opponent much. Spinning your Gordon and Batman dice up one level isn't such a big deal given that you don't use either of them as your main attacker. The global however, is pretty useful, you can use it to trigger Vengeance ability and there is no limit to how many times you can spam it.

Gordon works with Batman, but I would prefer Bruce and Batman combo to Gordon and Batman. Gordon's vengeance ability only allows you to search your bag for a Batman die and add to your prep area, while Bruce allows you to move Batman die from used pile and bag. At 4 cost, Gordon doesn't provide you any other ability other than ramping a Batman die for you, that is if your Batman die is even in your bag, If i were to use him, it will be for the global ability.

For a higher cost, Gordon can help you to field a Batman die at level 3. The global ability does help you as you can purchase a Batman die this turn while Gordon is active, then use his global to trigger the vengeance ability and immediately field that Batman die into the field at level 3. The ability is not that bad but it is a little costly just to field a Batman die, there are definitely ways to make this ability work but I don't think any Batman is that powerful enough that require you to go through all this trouble just to field it.

If you are in need of a Dick Grayson die, you can purchase it at 3 cost whenever a Batman family character is knocked out, what is good about it is that you get to place that die in your prep area if you choose to do so. Apart from that, there is nothing much Dick Grayson can offer other than his decent stats. The global ability is great though, you can make anyone a Batman family. If you need an average cost decent Batman family character, you can consider using him.

For a higher cost, this version of Dick Grayson replaces himself with the Batman family character that got knocked out, the drawback is that the character must be sent to the bag for you to move Grayson to the field at level 1. For 5 costs, I expected something more from Grayson, moving him into the field at the expense of a Batman family character is not bad but Grayson doesn't offer anything else for your team, this is not someone you want to spend 5 costs on.

Although he is more expensive than the other 2 versions, but this version of Dick Grayson is very deadly. When a Batman family character is knocked out, he gets +2A and +2D, and he will deal his damage to your opponent even if he is blocked! How sick is that? The global really helps him here, just covert sidekicks to Batman family and knock them out and your Grayson will be significantly boosted, if your opponent has no mitigation to this, it is possible for a one turn kill. This is the Grayson you should look out for.

Doomsday is really beefy, but in order to use him well at a lower cost, you need 2 active villain at all times. If you want to go for an early game destruction, you can set him up with overcrush and a few other villains, if not, just use the other versions.

A beefy guy with a fielding ability just turns me off. However, if you want to counter your opponent's character more effectively, you can use converters to convert them to Superman family and then field Doomsday, those character will be sent to the used pile instead. This is actually not bad for a 5 cost character, but it is hard for him to exit the field. You could counter that with overcrush but his level 3 makes it really tough to exit the field, but if you could pull off, it can spell Doomsday for your opponent.

Doomsday with Iron Will and his ability just form a perfect match. Each time he takes damage, your opponent will have to weaken or get rid of one of his/her character, which is beneficial for you. If your opponent decide to use Magic Missile global to ping Doomsday to neutralize his Iron Will, you can make use of the global and ping him to trigger his ability more often. Whichever the case, having Iron Will, strong stats and ability that will weaken your opponent can be a disaster for your opponent if used correctly.

Zod in this set relies a lot on non-basic action die, so have some in your team. This version of Zod gains additional 1A and Fast whenever you use a non-basic action die. It is not so hard to use a non-basic action die, but the key thing is the ability to use Fast, it allows Zod to deal damage first, knocking out potential blockers before they could knock him out. The only issue is that to make use of Fast, you need overcrush which is mostly available on basic action die, and that wouldn't help Zod, but, if you can somehow use non-basic action die and overcrush on the same turn every turn, Zod would be very powerful.

Fancy an opposing character's ability? Why not copy it with Zod's ability. This version of Zod is more of a wild card for your team. If you want an active or attacking ability of one of your opposing character, simply use a non-basic action die and Zod can copy that ability this turn. Copying is commonly use because of the risk it possess, your team may not have the synergy that your opponent has, however, Zod can copy your own character's ability, so why no duplicate an ability with Zod, plus, his stats is so beefy, any attacking ability on him would be powerful.

The second part of Zod's ability is somehow similar to Baron Zemo: Thunderbolt, but you cannot use it on basic action die. The fun part about this card is you get to deal 2 damage to a target character die whenever you use a non-basic action, so you can keep dealing your opponent's character every turn if you keep rolling action face for your dice when Zod is active. Zod is higher cost but if you intend to deal your opponent's character damage while using non-basic action die, this is the card for you.

Before I even start, I need to say that Harley Quinn dice in this set is beautiful. Now coming back to the topic. this version of Harley supports villains, Villains can be expensive to field, so fielding them for 1 less would be helpful, however, this works both ways so you might end up helping your opponent as well. The burst part of the ability allows Joker to field for free. If you are using this card to support the Joker, you might want to consider using Harley Quinn: Dr. Harleen Quinzel instead, fielding Joker for free isn't a very strong ability. You should only use this Harley Quin to support your villains as a whole.

If you want a swarm of Harley Quin, then this version of Quinn is meant for you. Harley Quin doesn't provide much apart from some decent stats, however, for 1 generic energy to purchase her die sure is worth it. If you are lucky enough to get knocked out on the single burst face, you may use 1 cost to buy a Joker die instead, which is really cheap.

A lower cost Harley Quinn, however, not everyone will use Batman so her ability might not be so good in a full constructed format. However, if you can keep her at level 1 at all times, you can use your Joker as the attacker for your team, Joker's stats are not that strong but with some boost and an unblockable ability, Joker can get very scary. You can consider this version of Harley Quinn to support your Joker.

This is another cheap character for the Batman family, however, you might want to use Bullock other version for his ability instead. His stats is considered fairly weak and his fielding cost at level 3 is high. For a vanilla card, there are other characters with better stats.

All other version of Bullock relies on luck, which isn't a bad thing, all you need is to guess the correct number and you get to deal your opponent 2 damage. If you draw 4 sidekick dice, you know you have a very high chance to get 4 energy, so you have a higher chance of dealing your opponent 2 damage. I am not a someone who likes to depend my game solely on luck, but if I need an additional Batman family, I would use Bullock. If your luck is good, he can deal your opponent 2 damage every turn. When I draw my dice, I would think of the worst scenario results for my dice roll, if I somehow get those results, at least Bullock gets to deal my opponent 2 damage, so I wouldn't feel as bad. Also, his ability triggers before your reroll step, so you still have a chance to get the perfect roll for your dice. That being said, I don't mean that you should use him as your main offensive source, but if you have that additional energy, you could spend to buy him, it might just pay off if he deals your opponent 2 damage every turn.

Another Harvey that plays the guessing game, this time, instead of dealing damage, he allows you to draw and roll a die, what's good is that you get to reroll that die. I am less fancy of this version as a lot of characters can ramp die for you so I wouldn't rely on Bullock for ramping me that die. Dealing damage would be more motivating for you to keep him in the team rather than rolling an extra die. If you want to try your luck, Harvey Bullock: Mafia Ties would be better, if you want to ramp more dice, use other means instead.

If you are not keen on dealing damage to your opponent, how about gain life instead? If you luck is good, healing 2 life every turn is going to be a headache for your opponent if he/she is dealing 1 or 2 damage to you every turn. At the same time, you deal 2 damage to a target character whenever you gain life for this effect, I don't know about you, but I think it is pretty decent. I have spoken enough on how to use Bullock in your team, but at the end of the day, you need that luck to make him work. Sometimes when both players are evenly good at the game, it is the luck that defines the winner, so Bullock can be the luck factor. Even so, if you are really uncomfortable, don't use him.

For 6 cost, Kal-L is a beefy character, and he can get tougher with his ability, having at least 9D can fend off a character with overcrush. His global is amazing, it is like using the Ant Man global but this time round it allows you to target opposing characters as well. If your opponent switch his/her character's stats up with Ant Man global, you can use Kal-L global to switch it back, you can also use his global to switch a low attack how defence character's stats so you can easily knocked it out. This is the game changing global in this set, and you can use the global in additional to his ability and make him a 9A, give him overcrush and see how he destroys your opponent.

This version of Kal-L may not have the global on him, but that doesn't mean that he is not usable. Not everyone will play Superman family and if there is no global to convert characters to Superman family, you can spend 2 shield and make Kal-L unblockable. What's great about it is that you can pay 2 shield and all your Kal-L dice can only be blocked by Superman family characters. 3 unblockable Kal-L should put your opponent out of misery.

This version of Kal-L doesn't have the global ability but he is certainly a great blocker. You can be outnumbered by your opponent's swarm of dice, but one Kal-L will save your life. If your opponent attack with let say 10 attacking character dice, you just need to block one with Kal-L and pays a shield energy, that way, he deals his damage to all attacking character dice, and that would pretty much knock all of them out and they wouldn't be able to deal you combat damage. He may be 7 cost but he could save your life when you thought your game is over.

Krypto is one of the cheapest Superman family character and his stats is decent. If you just need a cheap Superman family character, look no further.

Krypto stats are really not great to have Fast, because he can hardly knocked out a character, but if you have ways to boost him with attack bonuses and then give him overcrush, that Fast ability will come in handy.

If you are playing a Superman family team, then Krypto will be very tough and powerful. You can use converters global to convert your opponent's character to further boost Krypto. For a 4 cost and unlimited potential of stats, I think he is pretty strong.

If you are playing Superman, then you can support him with Krypto. Fielding Kyrpto for free isn't bad but if you have no plans on using him in your team, then you might want to switch him out with someone more useful, because apart from his stats, Krypto doesn't offer anything else for your team.

This is freaking awesome, powerful, fantastic, amazing and Imba! I apologize if i exaggerated but I am not overselling this card, it is really that good. For 2 cost, you get to blank out a character's text, that includes global abilities. If your opponent relies on a certain global, it makes him/her discouraged on fielding that character die who has the global on it's card. What's great is that even if your opponent has 4 copies of a character dice, you just need one Kryptonite to blank out the text of that character. This will definitely neutralize a lot of threats for your team. It is an action die, so you can purchase up to 4 of it and your opponent cannot purchase it from you. The burst effect is not that special but if you are facing Superman family team or able to convert them into one, then it will be even deadlier when used against your opponent.

At the same cost, I think we are all less impressed with this version of Kryptonite. Spinning a target die to level 1 is great, but why use it to spin down a target when there is a version for you to blank it's text completely. The burst part is great if you can convert characters to superman family but if they still have the Iron Will text, you can't knock them out with just this action. Even if you can knock it out, if your opponent have 4 copies of a character die with active ability in the field, 1 Kryptonite isn't enough to shut that ability off. It is not a bad action but given a choice, I would go for the common version.

If you could use this action at your opponent's turn, it would be much useful because reducing all character's attack would be disadvantageous to you since you are the attacking playing. It just makes all characters harder to get knocked out because their attack values are reduced. Not all player uses Superman, so I wouldn't count on the burst effect be useful in a constructive format. Still, the common version is the one to look out for.

This is a Lex Luthor that can really change the complexity of the game. If your opponent is relying only on 1 energy type, then Lex would make your opponent suffer. Increasing a character's purchase and fielding cost will make a big difference. A 2 cost character becoming 3 will be less aggressive, and a 4 cost character will be harder to buy. A character with no fielding cost will be need an energy to field, weakening your opponent a little, a character with 3 fielding cost will need 4 instead and becomes super expensive to field. Just name the energy correctly, because it affects you as well. But all in all, if you want to control the game, this is a way to do so.

This is great against a team that relies on combat damage. If you have not been dealt damage by a character die, the first overcrush or unblockable you receive each turn is reduced to 1. However, a team that relies on non-combat damage will not be stop by Lex, unless their first die that deals you damage is huge, other than that, your opponent will just slowly damage you every turn till he/she wins. You still can have Lex in your team just in case you encountered a team that relies on combat damage.

We have a Lex that counters combat damage, so by right we need one that counters non-combat damage, well, here it is. This version of Lex doesn't reduce non-combat damage but rather prevents your opponent from winning with non-combat damage. If your opponent only relies on non-combat damage, you can just keep Lex active and form a wall of characters, because if your opponent doesn't deal you combat damage, he/she cannot win the game. You can definitely keep him in your team in case your opponent plays a non-combat damage team.

I would never have guess that Lois Lane is a fist energy, but whatever. She is the cheapest Superman Family character in the set so you can consider her if you want to play Superman family team. She also comes with an Ally keyword and that's about it. You could use her in additional to your Ally sidekick team as well.

At a higher cost, this version of Lois Lane supports your other Superman Family characters. If they are not already strong enough, Lois Lane will make them stronger if they attack. That 1A will come in handy and if you want that bonus, you can use this version instead.

If you are not interested in attacking bonus, how about a free Iron Will ability given from Lois Lane. Superman family characters are weaker at level 1, but with Lois Lane's help, they don't look so weak after all. Plus, you can convert your level 1 character to Superman family and gain that Iron Will as well. At 3 cost, I think she is very powerful in making your team
extremely durable.

Mr Freeze damage is fairly high, so he might just knocked out a character during combat. Your opponent will also declare blocker specifically so his ability doesn't trigger. Annoying isn't it? Well, you can counter all those when you give Mr Freeze overcrush, the idea is not to deal spill damage, but when you give him overcrush, Mr Freeze will get plenty of blockers to minimize the spill damage. You will use this chance to divide your damage so that Mr Freeze doesn't knock out those characters, but rather damage them and put them out of play. If you knock those character out, they have a chance to return to the field, even if they don't, they produce energy for your opponent, so putting them out of play would be safer for you. This can be used to lock out potential characters with attacking, fielding or active abilities by putting them out of play so your opponent cannot use them on his/her next turn. It isn't a very strong move but it can definitely buy you some time especially if your opponent is on the winning edge of the game and all he/she need is those characters to attack on his/her next turn. It takes some effort to set Mr Freeze up for his potential, but if you can set up well, he can control your opponent's game.

A fielding ability on Mr Freeze seems inappropriate. However, the ability is no bad, given that you can send a die out of play, so technically it is not knocked out and it is no longer active. Still, there are other cheaper ways to get rid of a die. Sending one die out of play using a 5 cost character doesn't seem very powerful as it will come back to your opponent's field at the end of your turn.

This is another form of control that you can use. Mr Freeze literally freeze a die in your opponent's prep area, so even if you knock that die out during your turn, you can use Mr Freeze to freeze it so your opponent cannot even roll that die. You can keep targeting that same die to lock that character out. Although it is only 1 die, but it will definitely slow your opponent's pace down.

Here is a character who is here to create some chaos. Mr Mxyzptlk can turn a character die into another character die. This means you can turn your sidekick into a 7 cost character or it can change your opponent's 10 cost ace into a sidekick of your own. Not only does the character changes it's ability, it also change the affiliation, purchase cost and most importantly the stats! So a 9A 9D character can be nerf into a 1A 1D pawn, and vice versa. You can duplicate a powerful die for your benefit or nerf a die by changing it, either way, your opponent would not be pleasant. So if you were to ask me, I think this 5 cost is well spend no matter how terrible Mr Mxyzptlk stats are.

A fielding ability on Mr Mxyzptlk may not be too easy to exit the field with his stats, but his ability will make it very easy to do so. When he is fielded, all character in the field becomes 1A and 1D, and it is regardless of bonus, which means that all boost, applied or static doesn't matter, it also makes your opponent's character weaker so you can knock them out easily. The drawback is that your character will be nerf as well, so make sure you don't play characters that have unblockabe or overcrush when you field him.

This version of Mr Mxyzptlk is fun to play. You get to use a Basic Action die whenever your opponent uses it, this will also trigger your characters that reacts when an action die is played. Although using action die on your opponent's turn won't be as useful as compared to using it on your turn, but it's free. If your opponent uses Magic Missile BAC, you get to beam your opponent 2 damage as well. If your opponent ramp 2 dice into the prep area, you can do it as well. This would be fun in a lot of teams, but it will be very powerful in an action team.

If you intend to play a mask team, then this version of Nightwing is going to be helpful to you, with 8 active mask character in your field, each attacking Nightwing die will deal 8 damage to a character die, that will definitely be enough to knock out almost any character. It is really strong if you can set him up well but it takes some time to set up, if you need him for knocking out opposing characters, then you need to risk the chance of playing a mask team.

How rare is it that we have an uncommon card that is a vanilla card instead of the common version. This version is cheaper to purchase. His stats is decent and he has the Batman family affiliation. If you need him purely because you need a cheap Batman family character, then you can use him.

Like his girlfriend, Nightwing can also split his damage divided in anyway you like. But instead of pinging him to trigger the ability, you need to attack with him. This makes him only able to use his ability once per turn die. This isn't so bad as you don't have to spend energy to ping him. You can't wipe out the opposing field like how Batgirl: Barb is able to, but it still can be used to counter Iron Will and deal damage to opposing character die. 4 attacking nightwing will be a nightmare for your opponent.

This is another character that can control your opponent's game. Although this version is not as strong but in the early game, it can make your opponent suffer. Making a 1 cost character die into 2 cost or a 2 cost character die into a 3 cost will make the difference and will slow your opponent down in the early game. However, don't rely too much on Oracle because in the late game or even the mid game, your opponent will stop buying characters that are 2 costs or below, hence making Oracle less useful.

This is a stronger version of Oracle. Making your opponent pays 1 more energy to use a global is going to be a headache for your opponent, each global boost or ramp that he/she wants to use is increased by 1 energy. Global is an essential in the game, and making your opponent pays 1 more energy for each global is very deadly. You would see your opponent giving up trying to use those global while you are not affected by Oracle.

If you think that your opponent won't rely on global that much, why not use this version instead. This version of Oracle forces your opponent to pay 1 more energy to field a character die other than sidekicks, which is very sick. Increasing your opponent's character's fielding cost can drain his/her energy every turn especially if you can knock out those characters every turn. It will make your opponent less aggressive and more conscious about fielding characters. For a 4 costs to imply such pressure on your opponent is definitely worth it's cost.

We have an Oracle that makes global expensive, we have an Oracle that makes fielding characters expensive, so we should have one that makes playing action expensive. This version of Oracle helps you if you rely on your action dice a lot more than your opponent and you are worry that your opponent make slow you by buying them action dice. Having to spend 1 generic energy just to use an action die is not very expensive but it will still drain some energy from your opponent. I still prefer the Oracles with the global and fielding character effects as those are more essential in the game. Your opponent probably doesn't play with action die in the game, and even if he/she needs it at a crucial time, they will just pay that 1 energy to use it.

First of all, Ivy has a really good stats for her cost, especially level 3. Her ability makes her a force to be reckon with. As long as she can deal damage to a character in the attack step, that character will be knocked out. This will make your opponent declare attackers and blockers very precisely when she is active. For 3 cost and an ability that have the potential to knock out anyone, is great.

There are other ways to knock out sidekicks, using Poison Ivy to do so is not an efficient way. You might want to use other versions of her instead.

This version of Poison Ivy is more offensive. Dealing that 1 damage to each opposing character might seems small, but you could knock out a lot of characters while doing so. You can use her along with chararcters that are given overcrush, this way, even if that character is blocked, all it's blocker already lose 1 defence, so it has a higher chance to deal more spill damage. For 4 cost and a supportive yet offensive ability, it's more than decent.

Power Girl ability relies on another Superman family character being active. Hence, when you build her in your team, have a cheap or strong Superman family character in your team as well. This version of Power Girl helps to drain your opponent's blockers. Her stats are pretty beefy as well. You can play an overcrush team and use Power Girl to take some blockers away so other characters can deal more spill damage. For a 5 cost, it is not too bad.

For a 6 costs character to allow you to draw 1 extra die during your clear and draw step seems a little expensive. It really depends on how you want to play the game, if you want to go aggressive, this is definitely a slow way to ramp dice for you. You need to make sure that you are actually gaining more from using her. Since she is a 6 costs, you need to make sure that she helps you to draw one more die every turn for more than 6 turns. When she helps you to draw that additional die every turn for a long period, you will be in an advantageous situation and can overwhelm your opponent in no time. It takes time to make her useful in your team, if you are an impatient player, then I strongly suggest you don't use her.

If drawing additional dice isn't your cup of tea, how about gaining life? This version of Power Girl can help you in almost anything. Imagine your opponent ping you for 2 damage only for Power Girl to heal you back to full health, or you can use effects that requires you to pay life and use Power Girl to heal your life back. Once you get her out into the field, and you have another Superman Family character being active, it is basically free health every turn. For 6 cost to gain health EVERY turn is a good deal.

An area damage to all opposing character may not seem very big but if you were to play an overcrush team, you will realize that the one damage you dealt is pretty useful, it allows your overcrush character to deal more spill damage. Afterall, the damage is free as long as Power Girl and a Superman family character is active. If you feel that setting up Power Girl is too long for her ability to trigger, then she is not suitable for you.

The ability is similar to Robin: Boy Wonder, but the stats for this version is more aggressive and it provides fist energy instead, which is more appealing to aggressive players. If your Batman is active, all your Robin dice will be at least 6A and 4D, and that is from a 3 cost character! This is a great addition to the Batman family.

If you want to buy Robin at 2 cost, you can do so by getting a Batman die active. However, with no other ability, I would rather pay 3 cost for the common version that is much stronger when Batman is active.

If you need a good blocker, Robin can be one for your team when Batman is active. If you want a stronger blocker in terms of stats, then the common version will be more suitable, however, if you want a blocker that can block 2 characters, this version is for you. Either way, all versions of Robin is only playable when Batman is active.

A character that can controls your opponent's character is great, but this version of Scarecrow can only target villains. You definitely need converters to make his ability stronger. Since you are using a controlling ability, Scarecrow cannot attack while he is controlling a character, so he cannot attack or exit the field while he controls that character, if you cannot knock him out during your opponent's next turn, then you will need to wait for your next turn to knock him out in order to re-field him. You will definitely waste a lot of time trying to make him exit the field. Hence, if the character that you control isn't worth all this effort, then you might not want to use this version of Scarecrow.

This version of Scarecrow is can help to reduce your opponent's blocker by controlling some of their sidekicks, it is more useful in a sidekick ally team though. You don't have to use him in every game but if your opponent starts to build a line of sidekicks, then you might want to use Scarecrow to "borrow" some sidekicks from your opponent. If you are playing an unblockable sidekicks team along with some sidekick booster characters, borrowing at least 1 sidekick will make a difference. Still, he is 5 costs, and you need to make sure that you can at least deal some damage to your opponent with their own sidekicks or it will be a waste.

For a lower cost and a better ability, I definitely like this version of Scarecrow more. The ability triggers when it is knocked out, so you can be aggressive with Scarecrow and hope that he gets knocked out. This is where the fun part begins, when he is knocked out, he gets to control an opposing die, and the fact that he is spun to an energy face means that your opponent cannot do anything to target Scarecrow so there is almost no counter to it. This is a new level of controlling characters, you have the chance to trigger Scarecrow almost every turn and you get to target ANY opposing character without worrying that Scarecrow would be targeted by effects and forced to release that character. For 4 costs, this is a very good mind controller.

One of the cheaper Superman family character and he comes with Iron Will. His stats is also fairly good so I consider him pretty decent.

This ability for Steel is okay given that your opponent cannot distract him or deal damage to him with global but the fact that you cannot target him with global abilities as well. So even if he is unblocked, you cannot use global to pump him. I would rather have another character to support my characters to prevent them from getting targeted by opposing global than having a character that totally cannot be targeted by global. With that kind of restriction, I don't think I want to use Steel in my team.

This is a more defensive yet offensive Steel. If your opponent uses any character to target Steel, then Steel will deal his damage to that character, which is a fair bit of damage. You will unlikely see this situation because Steel will possess almost no threat to your opponent and he/she probably wouldn't target him with a character ability. However, you could use characters that have fielding and targeting ability such as Mary Jane: MJ to target Steel with overcrush and in return Steel will knock her out and send her to the prep area, giving her a chance to be re-field and trigger her ability again next turn. This would be a win-win for you. Still it requires some set up to make him work, so if you are not keen with his ability, feel free to not use him.

This is a more playable version of Steel. If you bring in a team of characters that have Global abilities. Steel would be very favourable to you, because once he is active, each time your opponent wants to use your global ability, he/she has to pay 1 additional energy or life to do so. This can counter players that rely on their opponent to bring in some strong global for their own use. This can also drain your opponent's life or energy each time he/she wants to use your global. Combo him with Oracle: Master Investigator and your opponent would probably not use any of your globals. He does have a global as well that will come in handy, so for 5 costs, he is fairly strong.

First of all, Supergirl's stats is incredible. Even so, for 6 cost she is not exactly very appealing for her ability. There is hardly any action or global ability that your opponent will want to use on her. The more likely scenario is your opponent paying 2 life to distract Supergirl when she attacks with overcrush, that doesn't seem powerful from a 6 cost character. And even if she is strong against action or global, there is still character abilities that can weaken her.

This version of Supergirl has Iron Will but her other ability isn't motivating enough to make player want to use her. Since she cannot be targeted by action dice, you cannot give her overcrush or unblockable using action dice, that is already a huge bummer. If she cannot be given overcrush from action dice, there is very little things you can make use of for this version of Supergirl.

This is a more usable version of Supergirl, but it really depends on your opponent's team, hardly anyone will use 2 costs and below characters to attack unless they are playing a swarm team. So Supergirl will most likely be a tanker to block all opposing sidekicks. You can keep her in the team if you are afraid of getting swarmed by the Half-Elf Bard combo.

This version of Superman is beefy like all other Superman, it doesn't provide any abilities but you can purchase it almost as cheap as 1 cost if you have 5 different active Superman family character in your field. A 1 cost to get such stats is actually very powerful. The global is the key here, it can help your Iron Will character prevent getting damaged, the interesting part of the global is that your opponent get a chance to pay 1 life to ignore this global effect, so if your opponent is desperate to get rid of your Iron Will characters, he/she will definitely pay 1 life, as for you, even though you lost a character with Iron Will, you still manage to make your opponent lose health, so I think it's a great trade off.

For a 6 costs Superman with Iron Will and nothing else is a little expensive. I would rather have other character have Iron Will and my Superman's cost reduced. The global is still available on this card so you can definitely consider using it if you really need an Iron Will Superman.

This is the more expensive Superman, but before you say no to this card. It is actually pretty cool, it has the global ability, Iron Will AND overcrush. If you are not using overcrush action dice or not using any other Superman family character, then this Superman is great and can be fit into any given team. If you want a cheaper Superman, then use Superman: Hero of Metropolis and use overcrush action instead, but that will take a longer set up.

This version of Superman doesn't have the global text but it does comes with an additional ability that allow you to ramp die whenever Superman is damaged. This totally fits the ability, usually your opponent will try to take out your Iron Will by using Magic Missile global and Ping him, and whenever he/she does so, you get to ramp a die, and when Superman that has overcrush is blocked by multiple blockers, you get to ramp a die for every blockers declared against him. That's a whole lot of dice to ramp from a 6 cost character. I am thankful that they are finally making Superman playable in the game.

If you are lucky enough to roll 3 bolt/wild on your first turn, then you can purchase Superwoman immediately. That's a great trade off given that her stats is so powerful. Her global makes it possible to buy her on the first turn, you just need to pay 1 generic energy and you can convert any amount of energy to bolt! That is really sick, even if you have no bolt energy, you can always convert your energy to bolt, so bolt global are gonna be a killer move with her global around.

This version of Superwoman allows you to immediately roll and place her into your reserve pool when you purchase her with at least 3 bolt energy. You will either get more bolt energy or a character, if you can field her. So it's possible to buy her and get her fielded by turn 3 with some help from ramp effects. It's a one turn advantage and if you don't make use of it, then it is as good as spending 5 cost on a vanilla card with good stats. If that is the case, I would rather you use the common version if you cannot pull off a one turn boost from this version.

If you want more effect for purchasing her with at least 3 bolt, then this version should suit you well. If you purchase her with at least a bolt energy, then you can place her die in your prep area, which is not a bad thing, given that you can reroll her on your next turn, you also get to deal 3 damage to ALL villains or Batman family characters. This would be useful in draft but for constructed, you need a converter to make her ability work. Even so, to deal 3 damage to characters and placing her die straight to your prep area when you purchase her is very powerful.

If you play a pure villain team, it would help the joker trigger his ability better. Just use professor X global to keep your sidekick dice away from your bag and you can ensure that your Joker will deal 2 damage to your opponent each time he attacks. If you think that he is expensive, use Harley Quinn to reduce his cost. This is a playable Joker if played alongside with Harley Quinn.

This version of Joker would be best played in an action team. Because if the drawn die for his ability is a strong character die, then you will have to waste it by putting it into your used pile. However, if you draw a basic action die, not only can you use it without having to actually roll it, you can to place that die into your prep area. You can definitely use Professor X global to make sure your sidekick dice are nowhere near your bag so Joker's ability would have a higher chance of getting triggered. Even if you pull a sidekick die, you will send it to the used pile and your draw for the next turn would be stronger. For 4 costs, and potentially 2 cost with Harley's help, this Joker is no laughing matter, the irony.

This version of Joker is more reliance on luck. You need to draw a sidekick die in order for you to even have a chance to trigger his ability, then once you draw a sidekick die, you will have to roll it to see which character takes 2 damage from the Joker. If your roll is bad that you land on sidekick or wild face, you waste his ability. Even if you manage to roll a non-wild energy face, your opponent might not have characters of that energy type in his/her field. Your odds of wasting Joker's ability is way higher than pulling it off. Even if you can purchase him at a lower cost, I don't think his ability is that reliable in a competitive play if you want to deal damage to characters. Plus, that sidekick die you drawn goes back into your field so there's no benefit of drawing that sidekick die if you failed to get the results you want from Joker's effect. The other 2 versions of him in this set is way stronger, so don't even think about using him in your team unless you are super confident in your luck.

This is a very offensive Penguin. He doesn't have to deal damage through combat, but whenever a player field a non-villain character, he deals 1 damage to that player. If you are playing a villain team, Penguin is going to be very helpful for you as you are unlikely to take damage from Penguin unless you field sidekicks, whereas your opponent have to take 1 damage each time he/she fields a non-villain character. This would definitely hurt your opponent if he/she doesn't play a villain team. For 5 cost, this is a great character against non-villain teams.

This version of Penguin is lower in cost, but the ability is not as strong, it deals damage to a non-villain whenever it is fielded, so a sidekick can exit the field upon fielding unless they received some defence boost. Dealing your opponent's character 1 damage doesn't hurt as much as dealing him/her 1 damage directly when he/she fields a non-villain. But if you have a better plan for him, then go ahead and use him.

This version of Penguin is very versatile, but instead of working with villains, he would be better off in a non-villain team. He can get very strong in his defence as long as you keep fielding non-villain, and during your turn, you can switch his attack and defence and give him overcrush to do some damage. And during your opponent's turn, for every non-villain character that your opponent fields, Penguin will boost his defence and making him a very good blocker. It will be disaster if you have all 4 Penguins fielded. For 4 cost to get a good attacker and blocker, it is really worthy.

This version of Riddler counters sidekick, including yours, but the problem is that his attack is really low and you can't switch it with his defence before fielding him, so sidekicks with at least 4D would be highly likely be immune to Riddler's effect. For a 4 cost character to wipe out only sidekicks seems very costly.

This is a very fun riddler to use, all you need to do is name a character or action dice and for each of those dice drawn, he deals your opponent 1 damage. This is a great counter against swarm ability and ramps, as long as your opponent draws that die, regardless of any effect, Riddler deals your opponent 1 damage. If your opponent is dependable on 1 or 2 characters in his/her team, Riddler is guaranteed to deal your opponent some damage. The damage is great because your opponent doesn't have to field that character or roll it out, he/she just needs to draw it. For 5 cost, the ability sure is worth it.

This is a counter against Action team, or if you play an action team and your opponent is buying more of the action die that you, then Riddler will help with the issue. Each time your opponent uses an action die, he/she will be dealt 1 damage, it will definitely make your opponent avoid using the action or buying your dice. You don't even need to field Riddler, just keep him in your team and your opponent will twice about using action dice.

This is another character that can drain your opponent's blocker. However, Two Face's stats is not very powerful at level 1 and that might trigger your opponent to block him. You could use levelling up global on him in case if your opponent doesn't block him so he can deal up to 6 damage at level 3. Still, I would rather use the other versions of Two Face as there are other characters with better stats that can drain your opponent's blockers.

This is the scary Two Face. As long as he doesn't get distracted, he will definitely deal his damage to your opponent, give him overcrush and if he doesn't get distracted, you can be sure that your opponent will leave him unblocked because if he is blocked, he gets to deal spill damage and his ability damage to your opponent. Keep him at level 3 and give him overcrush whenever you can and he will cause havoc for your opponent.

If you are not so fond on Combat damage, then this version of two face will be suitable for you if you are using action or global to deal damage. A simple global like Red Dragon, along with a Human Torch global to boost it, can deal your opponent 2 damage, with Two Face's help, just pay 2 life and that same method becomes 4 damage. This is not only limited to global, a lot of action die can deal damage to your opponent, such at Magic Missile, Power Bolt and Dark Avengers BAC, use Human Torch global to boost it and Two Face to pay for the ability, you can deal up to 6 damage from a Magic Missile action die! I wouldn't mind paying 2 life to double damage for a global or action die if it's going to hurt my opponent more. For a 6 cost to double my action and global damage is a good deal.

All versions of Ultraman requires Kryptonite action to work. For this version, each time a player uses Kryptonite effect, Ultraman gets more and more beefy. For a 2 cost action to boost this much to a character is crazily good. During your turn, you can use Kryptonite action to blank a character's text and boost your Ultraman, then give him overcrush to do some damage. Your opponent can use the Kryptonite action on his/her turn to blank Ultraman but that would waste your opponent's action just to blank his text, whereas if your opponent uses that action to blank someone else's text, Ultraman can get very powerful and becomes a very good blocker. In a turn Ultraman can get up to 26A and 26D, all this from a 5 cost character!

This is a nightmare for any Superman family character, if Ultraman is active, all you need to do is play a Kryptonite action and you can knock out all opposing Superman family character, not only that, you get to deal damage equal to the combined level of those knocked out dice. You can use converters to convert characters to Superman family and Ultraman with Kryptonite can easily knocked out any character! This combo is great, because you can use the Krytonite to blank out any character, preferably those who are reducing Ultraman's potential, then use converter to convert characters to Superman family so Ultraman can knock them out and deal your opponent damage. For a 6 cost character and a 2 cost action, this is force you don't want to mess with.

This is an Ultraman that isn't as deadly but shouldn't be underestimated. Being able to use all basic action card in play is great especially if they are very offensive and you are building a team that relies on action die. You can just use Magic missile and Power Bolt and each time you use a Kryptonite action, Ultraman can use those 2 basic action effect immediately. If you use 4 Krytonite dice, that's 16 damage! Not to forget that you have your opponent's basic action to use as well. This Super Rare may not be at the top tier level, but if you can use him well, he can bring your opponent down!

This is an amazing Wonder Woman! Who cares if she doesn't have any affiliation, as long as you are safe from opposing fielding ability that deals damage. This can nerf a lot of character's ability. If your opponent uses character that deals damage upon fielding, she will affect your opponent's game. For a 5 cost to disable such ability is more than worthy.

If you are worrying about your character's getting ping by Magic Missile global, have no fear, Wonder Woman is here! This version will protect you and your characters from global damage. So if your opponent intend to finish you off with that Wasp global, she can stop it, or if your opponent tries to ping your character's out of the field to swarm in at you, she can prevent that as well. I am glad that this form of protection is only worth 5 cost.

This version of Wonder Woman isn't use for protection but rather retaliation. If you game revolve around using global abilities to deal your opponent damage, and you are afraid your opponent will do the same to you, use this version of Wonder Woman, your opponent will then think twice about using global to damage you. If you prefer some form of protection ability from Wonder Woman, then use the common and uncommon version instead.
All in all, this set is awesome! I have never seen a set that has so many usable characters before. Each character at least have a version that is usable in a game so a player wouldn't feel so bad if he or she pulls a unusable version because they at least have a die for that character. The Super rare are awesome as well, they may not be the best, but at least they can be use unlike some sets where a super rare is totally crap. This set adds more combo to the game and it brings control to a different level. It also provide some great card that boost an aggressive and mid range team. There is just so much to offer from one set, and whichever stuff you pull from this feed, you would feel satisfied. I am really impressed with this set and I hope Wizkids have such standards for every set after this. I hope that my review helps and thanks for reading!