Hey Dice Masters fans, if you are looking at this article, you are probably worrying that you might commit mistakes that a new player will make, don’t worry, this article is not to judge you because of those mistakes but rather inform you about the mistakes and explain why you should not continue making them.
One: Building a theme team
This is not Heroclix; by building a team with characters having the same affiliation is not going to give you any additional benefits in the game. A new player might mistake a combo team with a theme team.
An avenger’s combo doesn’t necessarily require all 8 characters in your team possessing the avenger’s affiliation. It just means that your strategy is dependant on Nick Fury or the Team watch ability, and you need some avengers to trigger the ability. You are still allowed to use other character that doesn’t possess an avenger’s affiliation to support your team.
Professor X clearly isn't an Avenger, but with his global, it allows you to purchase your high cost avengers at ease. So don't just restrict a certain affiliation in your team.
Two: Prioritizing the rarity over the effects of a card
Dice Masters is a collectible card and dice game, there are bound to have different rarity for each card. The problem with new players or even some veteran is that they like to use a rarer version of a card instead of a better version of it. For example, WOL Lyssa Drak uncommon is way better than the rare version. But some people might use the rare version because it is harder to find. Similarly, some player might use the super rare version of Mr Fantastic instead of the common one simply because they paid a high price for it and they want to make use of it.

I understand where you are coming from, I personally spent hundreds of dollars on super rare and rare cards, and I would love to display my collection to other players. But there are other ways to do so, you can show them your collection before or after the game, you can keep your rare and super rare in an album and show it off, but when you are playing a game, you want to be at your best, so use a better version of a card.
Three: Not maximizing your dice limit
When you decide to use a character, always make sure that you have enough dice to fully utilize that character to the maximum. For example, a 2 cost aggressive character would benefit by having 4 dice on its card. If you don’t have enough dice on that card, try to get more of it, you can buy it or borrow it from another player who has it. I believe there are always kind souls that are willing to lend some dice to a beginner. If you really cannot find extra dice for that character, use some other character instead.
Four: Not purchasing your high cost character when you have the chance to
If you have a 6 or 7 cost character in your team that is the winning factor for your game, when you have the chance to, buy that character. With all the ramping global abilities, it is not surprising for a player to roll 6 dice in a turn. So, in the early game, when you have the chance to, BUY the high cost character. If you keep dragging with the purchase, the character might not be as helpful to you in the late game.
Colossus is one example, you can end the game very fast and you don't even need to attack. So, when you have the chance to buy him, do not hesitate, you do not know when will you have the chance to purchase a 7 cost character.
Five: Keeping too many energies in your reserved pool
Let’s continue from point four, usually a player keeps energy in the reserve pool to use global abilities, but if you are using those energies to ramp more dice for your next turn, make sure you don’t overdo it. Professor X global is a great ramp, so keeping mask energy is great because you trade it off with 2 dice for your next turn. Despite that, don’t get too focus on ramping until the point where you don’t know why you need so much dice in a turn.
Invest in a character instead of using energies for global abilities. Energies in your reserve pool are there temporarily, it helps you to buy some time or have a one turn boost for your characters, but at the end of the day, it is your characters and actions that are helping you to win the game. Only when you have bought all the characters you need to win the game, then you can start saving up energies for your global.
Six: Purchasing unnecessary dice
There are times where you have dice in your reserve pool but you couldn’t purchase any character you want because of the mismatch of energies, so the only thing you can purchase is a basic action die. In spite of that, don’t purchase any basic action die that is no help to you, sure, there is a 50% chance you get that 2 generic energy that might help you in the later game, but there is also the other 50% chance you get the action face, if that action doesn’t help you at all, you are wasting a die and it does go back to your dice bag, so your bag is filled with unwanted dice. It then becomes more of a burden than a help. Sometimes, it is better to not purchase anything than buying a die that is absolutely redundant for your game.
Seven: Being too defensive
Some new players have this mind-set that if they attack with their characters, they might end up having no blockers on their next turn. In a way it is true, however, if you are playing a very defensive game, there is no way that you are going to win the game, your opponent is just going to deal 1 damage to you and all he/she needs to do is wait for the time limit to end and wins the game by having higher life point. A defensive team can protect you from combat damage but lacks the offensive factor. If you really want to build a defensive team, you can use non-combat damage from character or action effect to deal damage to your opponent. Also, not only characters that have attacking ability can attack, if you have a character with fielding ability already triggered, there is no use of it being in the field, so why no attack with it?

Groot and Pepper Potts are one example of defensive character. They allow your character to have high defence and highly unlikely to get knocked out while blocking. But if you keep defending and not attacking, there is no way you are going to win.
If you want to play defensive, Power Bolt BAC is a good way to deal damage to your opponent.
Eight: Being too aggressive
Okay, not to be a hypocrite here, but being too aggressive is a mistake made by new players as well. When you want to attack, don’t attack blindly, if your opponent has various characters that have blocking ability and your characters are likely to be blocked, don’t attack at all.
If you have a chance to deal at least 1 damage to your opponent when you attack, then you can attempt to attack with your characters. Otherwise, you will just be feeding your opponent’s blocking ability or allow him/her to knock out a character with fielding ability. When you attack blindly, it benefits your opponent more than you, and never in a game should you do that.
Nine: Not reading your opponent’s card
This is one of the most common mistakes that a beginner has. Before the game begins, they don’t attempt to look through their opponent’s card and in the middle of the game, they lose the game and have no idea how they lost. This is not a trading card game, looking at your opponent’s cards is legal and you don’t have to feel bad for looking at their card. If you wondered why your opponent doesn’t do the same to you, it is probably because they know your cards and know what your game play is.
You don’t have to memorize the ability of your opponent’s card; you can just refer to it when your opponent uses that character’s die. Just look through your opponent’s card so you can estimate what your opponent is playing, and also see if there is any global ability that you could use.
Ten: Not enjoying the game
I know this might not be a mistake for a game itself but the point is if you don’t enjoy playing the game, then I suggest you to stop playing. The purpose of a game is for the players to enjoy the process of playing it, if you don’t enjoy it, you lost the purpose in it.
I see many players walking out of the game because they couldn’t win or it’s an expensive collection. I have posted articles about the game and I will still stand by my point that this game isn’t expensive and it is not a game you can easily sell your collection and get your money back. So the best way is to enjoy it when you play the game so you have absolutely no stress in it.
After reading this, I cannot guarantee you that you will win every Dice Masters game but I can promise you that you will stop making mistakes and get better in the game. Thanks for reading, hope this helps!
Global ability is something fun in the game, but most of the time you are confused on how and when to use a global, this post is made for those new players that have questions about the global ability and hopefully after viewing this post, you get a better idea on how you use those abilities.
When – this will tell you when you are able to use the global abilities. Some global are reactive global, so you can use it to react to an effect or ability immediately without having the priority to use a global.
Limit – this is the number of times you can use that global abilities.
None: No limit, you can use the global as many times as long as you have that amount of energies.
Once per turn: You may only use the ability of the global once. If both players have identical cards that have Global Abilities that are limited to use once per turn, each player may play the Global Ability on each card once per turn, effectively permitting the ability to be used twice per turn.
How – this will teach you the proper way to use the global.
All sources are abstracted from Wizkids Event System Dice Masters Questions.
Avengers vx X-Men Set
AVX BAC Distractions
Global: Pay [1 Mask] to remove one attacker from the attack zone to the field.
When: Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Move one attacker from the attack zone to the field zone, that attacker can be your opponent’s attacker that you are unable or do not wish to block, it can also be your attacker that is blocked and you do not wish for that character to take damage, hence removing it from the attack zone.
AVX BAC Invulnerability
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. One target character gets +1A (until the end of the turn).
When: Main step or attack step
Limit: None
How: Pay a bolt to give one target character additional 1A. You may use this attack bonus on your opponent as well, mainly for your opponent to get enough attack to knock out of your character with fielding abilities.
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target blocked character deals no damage.
When: Attack step
Limit: None
How: Pay a fist to ignore all damage dealt from a blocked attacker. You can use this to prevent blockers from getting knocked out.
AVX BAC Take Cover
Global: Pay [1 Shield] to give one target character +1D (until the end of the turn).
When: Main or Attack step
Limit: None
How: Similarly to Invulnerability, Take cover provides additional 1D to any character. You can use it on your opponent’s character as well, mainly to prevent them from getting knocked out.
AVX Dr Doom Nemesis
Global: If you have a Villain fielded, pay [1 Shield] to give a target character -1A and -1D (knock out those with zero defence).
When: Main or Attack step
Limit: None
How: You may use this global to reduce a character’s attack and get rid of characters with 1D, including your own characters.
AVX Green Goblin Norman Osborn
Global: Pay [1 Bolt] and knock out one of your Sidekick characters to deal 2 damage to a target character.
When: Main or attack step
Limit: None
How: You can use a bolt to send your sidekick to the prep area and deal 2 damage to any target character, both yours and your opponent’s.
AVX Human Torch Flame On
Global: Pay [1 Bolt] when you deal damage with an action die or global ability to deal one extra damage to one target.
When: Main or attack step
Limit: Once for every action or global use, if you use Power Bolt once, you cannot pay 2 bolts and deal 2 additional damage.
How: When you deal damage using global or action dice, you may add 1 additional damage by using this global, however, the global is non-stackable, so you cannot use multiple bolt energies to deal multiple damage, however, if you use 2 action die such as force beam and power bolt, you can use the global twice, one for every action die.
AVX Iron Man Inventor
Global: Pay [1 Shield] to redirect 1 damage from you to one of your characters.
When: Reactive global
Limit: None
How: When you would receive damage from a source, you may pay 1 shield to transfer that 1 damage to your characters instead.
AVX Magneto Holocaust / Sonderkommando
Global: Pay [1 Mask] to reroll a Villain die.
When: Main step.
Limit: None
How: If after rerolling your villain die twice, you still cannot get the results you desire, you can use this global to reroll your own villain die during the main step. You can use the global to make your opponent reroll his or her villain die as well. You may also reroll a villain die that is already in the field, when the rerolled villain die shows an energy face, your opponent moves it to his or her reserved pool.
Q: If I used this global and rerolled a villain into energy and use the global again to reroll that energy back into a character face, do I have to pay the fielding cost for the character again?
A: Yes you do, when you move a dice from your field zone into the reserved pool, and then for some reason, intend to move it back into the field zone, you need to pay the fielding cost of the character.
Q: Can I make use of a villain converter global to make a particular die in my reserve pool a villain die, then use this global to force reroll that die?
A: No you cannot, a villain die is a character die that already possess the villain affiliation, however, you can use the villain converter global on a character already in the field and then use this global to reroll that character, it will stay in the field if it shows character side, otherwise, put it into your reserve pool.
AVX Mjolnir All versions
Global: Pay [2 Bolt] to deal 1 damage to a target character.
When: Main and Attack step.
Limit: None
How: You can use this global to deal damage to any characters including yours.
AVX Mr Fantastic Brilliant Scientist / the Invincible Man
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target character must attack this turn.
When: Main step
Limit: None
How: Use this global on your opponent's Main step, then he/she must declare that character as an attacker during his/her attack step.
AVX Phoenix All versions
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Target character must attack this turn.
When: Main step
Limit: None
How: Use this global on your opponent's Main step, then he/she must declare that character as an attacker during his/her attack step.
AVX Silver Surfer All versions
Global: Once during your turn, pay [1 Shield] and take 2 damage to draw a die and place it in your prep area.
When: Main step
Limit: Once per your turn
How: Use this global to take 2 damage and draw a die and place it in your prep area.
AVX Venom All versions
Global: Pay [1 Fist] to spin an opponent's [Fist] character down 1 level.
When: Main step and attack step.
Limit: None
How: You can use this global to spin down an opposing fist character, you may also use this global twice on the same die to spin it from level 3 to level 1.
AVX Vibranium Shield All versions
Global: Pay [1 Shield] to prevent 1 damage to a character or player.
When: Main step and attack step. Reactive Global.
Limit: None
How: Use this global to prevent a damage to a target character or player, both yours and your opponent’s.
AVX War Machine All versions
Global: When one of your [Shield] characters damages your opponent in the attack step, pay [1 Shield] to gain 1 life.
When: Attack step. Reactive global.
Limit: Once for each shield character that damages your opponent.
How: When your shield characters damages your opponent in the attack step. Pay a shield to gain a life. You may pay multiple shield to gain multiple life if you have multiple shield characters damaging your opponent in the attack step.
Avengers vs X-Men Promo Cards
AVX OP BAC Deflection
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Prevent 1 damage to a character.
When: Main and Attack step.
Limit: None
How: Use this global to prevent a damage to a target character, both yours and your opponent’s.
AVX OP BAC Takedown
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target character gains the Villain affiliation until the end of the turn.
When: Main and Attack step.
Limit: None
How: This is a villain converter. Target character is considered a villain until the end of the turn.
AVX OP Colossus Phoenix Force
Global: Pay [2 Fists]. Double the attack and defence of one of your fielded Phoenix Force dice this turn. Limit once per turn.
When: Main and Attack step.
Limit: Once per turn
How: Pay double fists and target one of your fielded phoenix force character.
AVX OP Cyclops Phoenix Force
Global: Pay [2 Fist] on your turn. Move a Phoenix Force die from your used pile to the field at its lowest level.
When: Main step on your turn
Limit: None
How: Pay double fists and move a phoenix force die from your used pile into its field at level 1; this does not trigger fielding ability.
Uncanny X-Men Set
UXM Ant-Man Pym Particles / the Insect World
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Switch the A and D values of one of your characters.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Switch the attack and defence values of one of your characters. Do note that the values switched can accumulate with applied effects but cannot accumulate with static effects.
Static effects
Q: If my Groot (We are Groot, +3D to all characters) is active, can I use Ant-Man global to switch my level 3 Vision stats (4A 7D) from 4A 10D to 10A 4D?
A: No you cannot, Groot active ability is a static effect, you can only switch the values of vision alone, then gain the defence bonus from Groot, so in your case, if you use the Ant-Man global on vision, Vision will be 7A 7D.
Applied Effects (bonus stats that lasts until end of turn)
Q: If I use Take Cover Global (target character +1D) on level 3 Magik (2A 7D), then use Ant-Man global on Magik, will she be 8A 2D now?
A: Yes she will be, using take cover will modify Magik defence value for this turn, and hence you are able to swap that modified defence value as an attack value using Ant-Man global.
UXM BAC Enrage
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Give one character +1A.Pay [1 Fist].
Similar to Invulnerability global
UXM BAC Relentless
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target character cannot block.
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Use this global to prevent a character from blocking. Note that you cannot use this global to remove a blocker from the attack zone.
UXM BAC Selective Shield
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target blocked character deals no damage.
Similar to Smash global
UXM BAC Transfer Power
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Swap the attack value of one of your characters with that of one opposing character.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Use this global to swap one of your characters low attack value with one of your opponent’s character's high attack value. You may also do this on your opponent’s turn, mainly to switch one of his or her high attack value characters with your sidekick's, so you absorb lesser damage. When your opponent does this on you, you may spend a shield to swap the attack value back. This can go back and forth until one play runs out of shield energy.
UXM Cable All versions
Global: Pay [2 Bolts]. Deal 1 damage to target enemy character. That character must block this turn (if able).
When: Main Step for the whole global and Attack Step for the first part only
Limit: None
How: During your main step, you may pay 2 bolts and deal a target opposing character 1 damage and force that character to block. You may also use this global to deal your opponent’s character 1 damage during the attack step, but you may not force that character to block since blockers have already been assigned.
UXM Ice Man Too Cool for Words
Global: Pay [1 Bolt] to spin any number of your Sidekick dice to their [Bolt] side (if active, move them to your reserve pool).
When: Main and Attack step
Limit: None
How: During your main step, you may use this global to change your sidekick dice to bolt energy. During the attack step, even if you declared your sidekick as an attacker or blocker, you may still spin them to their bolt side using this global and then proceed to resolve the attack step.
UXM Iron Man Upright / Industrialist
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Target character gains the Villain affiliation.
Similar to Takedown global
UXM Kitty Pryde Shadowcat
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target character cannot attack this turn unless its owner pays 1 life.
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Use this to prevent your opponent’s character from attacking, they can ignore this effect by paying 1 life. This is not Distraction global, you cannot remove an attacker from the attack zone with this global.
UXM Mr Sinister Nasty Boy / Nathaniel Essex
Global: Pay [2 Bolts]. Each player chooses one of his characters to take 3 damage.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay 2 bolts and each player dealt one of their characters 3 damage.
UXM Professor X Recruiting Young Mutants / Trainer
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Move up to 2 Sidekick dice from your used pile to your prep area.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: You can use this to ramp more dice to roll on your next turn. You can do this as many times as you want until you ran out of sidekick dice in your used pile. You may also choose to move only 1 sidekick dice instead.
UXM Pyro Pyrokinetic
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Draw and roll 2 dice from your bag. Keep any [Bolt] results rolled. Return the rest to your bag.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Use a bolt energy to draw 2 dice from your bag, immediately place those that doesn’t have any chance of bolt energy into your bag. Any results that show a bolt, excluding (?), place them in your reserve pool; otherwise, place them in your bag.
*Pyro Uncontrolled has the same global but requires 2 bolts instead.
UXM Sentinel Archvillain / Robot
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. One X-Men character must block this turn (if able).
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Use a shield and force one of your opponent’s X-men characters to block, however, that character can choose who to block.
UXM Storm Weather Witch / Lady Liberator
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Change the target of an action die that targets a character die to the character die of your choice.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: When your opponent uses an action and targets one character, choose another character (yours or your opponent’s), that character becomes the new target. Your opponent may also use the global to change the target back to the original target; this can go back and forth until one player stops using the global.
Yu-Gi-Oh Set
YGO BAC Horn of the Unicorn
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Target monster gets +1A.
Similar to Invulnerability Global
YGO BAC Mirror Force
Global: Pay [1 Fist] . Target blocked monster deals no damage.
Similar to Smash Global
YGO BAC Mirror Force
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Swap the attack value of one of your monsters with that of one opposing monster.
Similar to Transfer Power Global
YGO BAC Sword of Revealing Light
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target monster cannot block this turn.
Similar to Relentless Power Global
YGO Blue Eye White Dragon Monstrous Dragon
Global: Pay [1 Bolt] and knock out one of your monsters to reduce the cost of the next die you buy by 2 energy.
When: Main Step for full effect, Attack step for first part.
Limit: None
How: Pay a bolt and knock out one of your character, then the next die you purchase gets 2 energy discount, this effect is stackable, knocked out 3 characters with this global, reduce cost of next die by 6. Do note that if you use this global effect on your opponent’s turn or your attack step, you cannot gain the reduce cost effect on your next turn.
YGO Doom Calibre Knight Fiendish Fighter
Global: Pay [1 Fist] when you attack. Your monsters cannot be the target of action dice or card abilities.
When: Attack Step.
Limit: None
How: When you declare an attacker, use this global to ensure that the attacker cannot be targeted by action dice or card effect from any other character.
YGO Goblin Attack Force Goblin Squad / Unruly Throng
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target monster must block this turn (if legal).
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to the force block global, target characters can choose which attacker they want to block as long as they block.
YGO Lord of D Dragonkin
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Target "Dragon" gets +1A and +1D.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Use a shield to boost one of your monster with the word “Dragon”.
YGO Mystical Elf Everlasting Support / Protector
Global: Pay [1 Shield] . Target monster gets +1D.
Similar to Take Cover global
YGO Slifer the Sky Dragon Lightning Blast
Global: Pay [1 Bolt] to deal 1 damage to target monster.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Use a bolt to reduce the defence of a target character by 1 this turn.
*The super rare version requires you to move a sidekick from your prep area to your used pile first then dealing that 1 damage to a target player instead.
YGO Summoned Skull Lightning Strike
Global: Pay [1 Bolt] when target monster you control damages an opponent to put it into your bag instead of the used pile.
When: Attack Step
Limit: None
How: When one of your characters damages your opponent during your attack step, you can pay a bolt and instead of sending that dice to the used pile, put it into the bag instead.
YGO Thousand Dragon Noxious Nostril Gust
Global: Pay [1 Bolt] . The next action die you buy this turn costs 2 less energy.
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Pay a bolt to reduce the next action die you purchase by 2 costs. The effect is stackable but cost cannot be lower than 1.
Dungeons and Dragons Set
DND BAC Cone of Cold
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. One blocked attacker get +2A.
When: Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay a fist to make one of your or your opponent’s blocked attacker gain 2A.
DND BAC Magic Missile
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Deal 1 damage to a character.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to YGO Slifer the Sky Dragon Lightning Blast, I will be using any similar global with reference to this instead.
DND BAC Polymorph
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Spin one of your characters down a level to spin another character up a level.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: You may do this even after you declared an attacker or blocker. The spun down character must be yours but the spun up character can be anyone's.
DND BAC Resurrection
Global: Once during your turn, pay [1 Shield] to draw a die from your bag and place it in your prep area.
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Silver Surfer global, but you do not need to pay 2 life to do so.
DND Beholder All version
Global: Pay 1 energy. Move a die showing an action face from your reserve to your prep area. Do not roll it next turn.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: When you rolled an action and you do not wish to use it this turn, you can pay 1 generic energy from this global and put that action die from your reserve pool to your prep area and use it on your next turn instead.
DND Carrion Crawler Lesser Aberration / Greater Aberration
Global: Pay [1 Bolt] . Deal 1 damage to an NPC.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Magic Missile BAC, however you may only do so to a sidekick.
DND Human Paladin Apprentice Harper / Lesser Emerald Enclave
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Reduce the damage you take from a character's ability to 1.
When: Main and Attack Step. Reactive global.
Limit: None
How: Whenever you are assigned damage from a character’s ability, you may pay 1 shield and reduce that damage to 1.
DND Red Dragon All version
Global: Once per turn, pay [1 Bolt]. When you purchase your next action die this turn, it costs 2 less (minimum 1) and you deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When: Main Step
Limit: Once
How: You can pay a bolt during your main step, if you do so, your next action die cost 2 less and when your purchase that action die, you deal 1 damage to your opponent. You do not deal 1 damage to your opponent by just paying a bolt using this global ability without buying an action die.
DND Tarrasque Greater Aberration
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Choose an attacking character. It goes to the used pile if knocked out this turn.
When: Attack Step
Limit: None
How: When your opponent has declared an attacker, you may use this global on that character, when that character is knocked out, it goes to the used pile instead.
DND Treant All version
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Prevent the next 2 damage that you (the player) take from an ability or action die this turn.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: When you are about to take damage from a character’s ability or action die, you may use this global and prevent the next 2 damage inflicted from those sources.
Q: Can I use this global once to prevent 2 damage from 2 different source?
A: No you cannot, this global only prevents the next 2 damage from an ability or action die, so prevention only from 1 source per use.
Justice League Set
DC BAC Anger Issues
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target character gets +1A until end of turn.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Invulnerability global, but uses a fist energy instead.
DC BAC Casualties
Global: Pay [1 Fist] or [1 Bolt]. Gain 1 life whenever an opposing Sidekick is KO'd this turn.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: You may use this global each time an opposing sidekick is knocked out this turn to get 1 life.
DC BAC Shockwave
Global: Pay 1. Target level 1 character is unaffected by action dice this turn.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: You may use this global on one of your level 1 character before your opponent uses an action dice this turn to be immune to it.
DC BAC Villainous Pact
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Once per turn, during your turn, if you have no dice in your Prep Area, you may draw a die and place it in your Prep Area.
When: Main Step
Limit: Once
How: Similar to Resurection global, but it requires mask instead and may only do so when you have no dice in your prep area.
DC Batman the Cape Crusader
Global: Once per turn pay [1 Fist] or [1 Bolt]. The first time you play a basic action die this turn, gain 1 life.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once
How: Whenever you play a basic action die, you may use this global to gain 1 life.
DC Lantern Ring Energy Projection
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target opposing character gains the Villain affiliation until end of turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to all villain converters global.
DC Sinestro Instill Fear / Order Through Fear
Global: Once per turn pay [1 Fist]. Target Villain gets +1A until end of turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once
How: Use this global and make a villain gain +1A.
Justice League Promo: Trinity War
DC OP BAC Pandora’s Box
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Target character gains the Villain affiliation.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to all villain converters global.
DC OP BAC the Outsider
Global [1 Fist]: Target Villain gets +2A. You may not target the same Villain more than once per turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once for every different villain.
How: Similar to Sinestro global, but you get +2A instead and you can use this global more than once as long as they are not the same villain.
Age of Ultron Set
AOU Gamora Raised by Thanos
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. KO a blocked or blocking character die, after damage is dealt.
When: Attack Step
Limit: None
How: After damage have been resolve during the attack step, you may use this global to knock out a blocked character or a blocker.
AOU Iron Man Tinhead
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Target character becomes a [Villain] until end of turn.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to all villain converters global.
AOU Ultron Peacekeeper gone wrong / Ultron Drone all Version
Global: Pay [2 Fist] to force an opposing character to block a character die of your choice this turn.
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Before declaring an attacker, you may use this global to force an opposing character to block a character of your choice. When you declare that chosen character as an attacker, the forced character must be declared as its blocker. However, your opponent may use other characters to team block your attacker.
AOU Wasp The Winsome Wasp / Bio-Electric Blasts
Global: Pay 2. Deal 1 damage to a character.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Magic Missile global but you use 2 generic energy instead.
AOU Wasp Founding Avengers
Global: Once per turn, you may pay 2. Deal 1 damage to a character or player.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: Once per turn
How: Similar to her other global, but you may use it to deal 1 damage to your opponent instead, and you can only use the global once per turn.
War of Light Set
WOL BAC Lethal Force
Global: Pay [2 Bolt]. Deal target character 1 damage.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Mjolnir Global.
WOL BAC Monument to Evil
Global: Pay [1 Mask][1 Fist]. Target character gains the Villain affiliation until the end of the turn.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to villain converters global, but requires a mask and a fist to do so.
WOL BAC Stealth Ops
Global: Pay [2 Mask]. Spin target character die down 1 level.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Use this global to spin a character down 1 level.
WOL Batman All version
Global: Use [1 Energy]. The first time you play a Basic Action this turn, draw one die and add it to your Prep Area.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: Once
How: Similar to Resurrection global, but you may use a generic energy instead and must play a Basic Action die first.
WOL Black Lantern Batman and Superman
Global: Once per turn, after your reroll, if you have at least one of each energy type in your Reserve Pool, gain [1 Energy] energy.
When: Main Step
Limit: Once
How: When you rolled at least one of every energy (mask, shield, fist and bolt), excluding generic and question mark, you gain 1 generic energy for free. You may also choose not to use this global ability.
WOL Hal Jordan Green Lantern
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Once per turn, you may spin a [Villains] up or down one level.
When: Main Step
Limit: Once
How: Use this global to spin a villain down or up one level.
WOL Mera Queen of Atlantis / Mournful Rage
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. If a character would deal you 5 or more combat damage, it instead deals you 2 combat damage.
When: Attack Step. Reactive global.
Limit: None
How: Whenever a character would deal you 5 or more combat damage during the attack step, you may use this global to replace that value to 2.
WOL Parallax Source of Terror / Fear
Global: Use [1 Energy]. Reroll any number of your dice before your Attack Step.
When: Roll and reroll and Main step
Limit: None
How: If you feel like rerolling your dice until you get the results you desire, you may use this global to help you. You can reroll your own dice in the reserve pool as well as characters in the field.
WOL Spectre Divine Retribution
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Deal 1 damage to target Sidekick.
When: Main and Attack step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Carrion Crawler global.
Rainbow Draft Weekend Promo
DC WK Batmobile
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Your Batman dice get +1D this turn.
When: Main and Attack step
Limit: None
How: Use this global to give your character with the word 'Batman' in their card title +1D.
The Amazing Spider Man Set
ASM Agent Venom Thunderbolt / Flash Thompson
Global: Pay [1 Energy]. Target character gets +1D.
When: Main and Attack step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Take Cover global but you use a generic energy instead.
ASM BAC Archnemesis!
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Target character has D equal to its A until end of turn.
When: Main and Attack step
Limit: None
How: Pay a shield, change a target character's defence to it's attack value, you can use this to increase your character's defence or decrease your opponent's. Your opponent cannot switch the value back.
ASM BAC Exposed!
Global: Pay [2 Bolt]. Target opponent must pay 1 life to block with one or more characters. You may only use this once per turn.
When: Main step
Limit: Once
How: Pay 2 bolt during your main step, your opponent must pay you 1 life for declaring 1 or more blockers. Your opponent pay 1 life to declare blockers, not 1 life for each blockers declared.
ASM BAC Slander
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. When a "When fielded" or "When this character attacks" ability damages you, deal 1 damage to target opponent.
When: Main step or attack step. Reactive global.
Limit: None
How: When you are dealt damage by a fielding or attacking ability, you may pay 1 fist to deal your opponent 1 damage.
ASM BAC True Believer
Global: Pay [2 Mask]. Once during your turn, you may remove one of your characters from the Field Zone until end of turn.
When: Main step or attack step.
Limit: Once during your turn.
How: You may pay 2 masks to place a character in the field into the out of play area until the end of the turn. That character is not considered to be active when out of play and it considered to leave the field when you use this global on it.
ASM Mysterio Dr. Ludwig Rinehart
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Once during your turn, each player may draw a die and place it into their Prep Area.
When: Main step or attack step.
Limit: Once during your turn.
How: Similarly to Resurrection global but you use a mask instead and both players will get to ramp a die instead.
ASM Spider-Man Tangled Web / "Public Menance"
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Target character die gains the [Spider-Friends] affiliation this turn.
When: Main step or attack step.
Limit: None
How: Target character die is given the Spider-Friends affiliation in addition to any other affiliation it already possess.
ASM White Tiger Mystical Amulet / Razor Sharp
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Once during your turn, each player must field a Sidekick Die from their Used Pile if able.
When: Main step or attack step.
Limit: Once during your turn
How: Pay a fist, both players field a sidekick from their used pile. If your used pile does not have a sidekick die, you can't field a sidekick from your used pile.
Dungeons and Dragon Faerun Under Siege Set
DND FUS BAC Barkskin
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Target character die gets +1D until end of turn.
When: Main step or attack step.
Limit: None
How: Similar to Take Cover global.
DND FUS BAC Blink Transmutation
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Remove target attacking character die from the Attack Zone (it stays in the Field Zone)
When: Attack step.
Limit: None
How: Similar to Distraction global.
DND FUS BAC Mordenkainen's Sword
Global: Pay [2 Bolt]. Deal 1 damage to target character die.
When: Main or Attack step.
Limit: None
How: Similar to Mjolnir global.
DND FUS BAC Power Word Kill
Global: Pay [2 Fist]. KO target Level 1 character die that was dealt damage this turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: If a level 1 character die was damaged this turn (by combat or non-combat damage) you may pay 2 fist and knock that character out.
DND FUS Beholder All versions
Global: Pay [1 Energy]. Move target Spell die on an Action face in your Reserve Pool to Beholder's card. At the beginning of your next Roll and Reroll Step, return it to your Reserve Pool on the same face.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: If you have a Spell die on an action face in your reserve pool, you may pay 1 generic energy and place that die on Beholder's card. At the beginning of your next turn, return that die to your reserve pool on the same face. Not all action die are spell card.
DND FUS Giant Spider Greater Beast
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Target character must block this turn.
When: Main Step
How: Similar to the force block global, target characters can choose which attacker they want to block as long as they block.
DND FUS Lizardfolk Paragon Humanoid
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Target equipped character die gets +2D until end of turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay a shield energy, target character that is equipped with a gear gets +2D.
DND FUS Orcus All versions
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Deal 1 damage to target attacker.
When: Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Magic Missile global but you can only deal damage to that character if it is declared as an attacker.
DND FUS Ring Lesser Gear/Epic Gear
Global: Pay [1 Energy]. Once during your turn you may put a NPC die from your Used Pile into your Reserve Pool on any face.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once during your turn
How: When you have at least a sidekick die in your used pile, you may pay 1 generic energy and place a sidekick die at any face into your reserve pool.
World's Finest Set
WF BAC Brave Sacrifice
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Spin target Sidekick to level 1.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay a shield energy, spin target sidekick to level 1. Normal sidekick character from a sidekick dice are at level 1, this global is meant to use it on characters with the Ally keyword.
WF BAC Dark Avenger
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Once during your turn, deal 1 damage to target player if you have no character dice in the Field Zone.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once during your turn
How: Pay a bolt energy when you have no character dice in the field zone to deal 1 damage to a target player.
WF BAC Too Big to Fly
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target character die gets +1A until end of turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Anger Issue global
WF BAC Trusted Friend
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target character die gains [Batman Family] or [Team Superman] until end of turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay a mask energy to make a character die gain the Batman family or Superman family affiliation.
WF Batman Natural Leader/Terror of Crime Alley / Crimefighter
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. KO target level 1 [Villains] or [Team Superman] character die unless an opponent pays 2 life.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay a fist energy, knock out a target level 1 character with the villain or Team Superman affiliation unless your opponent pays 2 life.
WF Commissioner Gordon All versions
Global: Pay [2 Fist]. Deal 1 damage to each player.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay 2 fist energy and deal 1 damage to each player.
WF Dick Grayson All versions
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target character die gains [Batman Family] until end of turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay a mask energy to make a character die gain the Batman family affiliation.
WF Kal-L From Another Earth
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Switch target character die's A and D until end of turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Ant Man global but you can target any character die including your opponent's.
WF Steel Super Support
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Prevent 1 damage to target character die.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Vibranium Shield global.
WF Superman Hero of Metropolis / Invulnerable / Super Strength
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Prevent 3 damage to target character die unless an opponent pays 1 life.
When: Main or Attack Step. Reactive global.
Limit: None
How: When a character is dealt damage, you can pay a shield energy and prevent 3 damage to that character, your opponent can pay 1 life to cancel the effect.
WF Superwoman All versions
Global: Pay [1 Energy]. You may convert any amount of your energy to [Bolt] this turn.
When: Main or Attack Step.
Limit: None
How: Pay a generic energy, you may then convert any of your energy to a bolt energy, however, those converted energy do not trigger effects that specifically need bolt energy.
Civil War Set
CW BAC Brother Fights Brother
Global: Pay [1 Shield] when a character die you control is KO'd. Gain 1 life.
When: Reactive
Limit: None
How: Whenever a character die you control is knocked out, you may pay 1 Shield energy to gain 1 life. You may pay once for every character of yours that is knocked out.
CW BAC Driven Underground
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Deal 1 damage to target character die that has already been damaged this turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: When a character die has been damaged this turn, you may spend 1 bolt to deal 1 damage to that die. Note that you cannot use this global after combat damage has been resolve as you do not have the window to use global ability.
CW BAC Long Live the Resistance!
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Prevent all damage to you from one opposing die's "When attacks" ability.
When: Attack Step. Reactive
Limit: None
How: When an opposing character die's attacking ability deals you damage, you may pay a mask energy to prevent it.
CW BAC The Front Line
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target opposing character die can't block this turn unless your opponent pays 1 life.
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Relentless global with the difference that you use a fist energy instead and your opponent can pay 1 life to ignore it. Note that you can still use the global on a target opposing character even if your opponent ignore the effect once before.
CW Goliath All Versions
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target character die gets +1A and +1D until end of turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay 1 fist energy to pump a character die's attack AND defense.
CW Luke Cage All Versions
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Deal 1 damage to each player.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Commissioner Gordon's global, but you pay 1 fist instead.
CW Rocket Raccoon Furball
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Deal 1 damage to target blocking character die.
When: Attack Step
Limit: None
How: After blockers are declared, you may pay 1 bolt energy to deal 1 damage to a blocking character die.
CW Wasp Fashionista
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target character die must block this turn.
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to force block global, that character must block, but it can choose who it wants to block.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Set
TMNT BAC Give me a Break
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Until end of turn, when a character die is assigned to block, deal it 1 damage.
When: Main Step
Limit: None, but because of the effect, paying multiple times per turn doesn't stack the effect.
How: During any player's main step, they may pay a bolt, if they do, when a character is declared as a blocker, they are dealt 1 damage. A player can pay as many bolt as they want but because of the effect, blockers assigned are still dealt 1 damage.
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Once during your turn, if you have less than 10 life, gain 1 life.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once during your turn
How: Once during a player's own turn, if that player has less than 10 life, he/she could pay a shield energy to gain 1 life.
TMNT BAC Tactical Cover
Global: Pay [1 Shield] to give one target character +1D (until the end of the turn).
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Take Cover BAC from AVX set.
Arrow and Flash Set
AF Clayface: The Terror
Global: Pay [0]. Once per turn on your turn, spin one of your Sidekick character dice to the [Mask] face.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once during your turn
How: Once per your turn, you may choose to spin one of your sidekick dice (can be energy in your reserve pool or a fielded sidekick character) into a mask energy.
AF Cyborg: Technic Imperative
Global: Pay [0]. Once per turn on your turn, spin one of your Sidekick character dice to the [Shield] face.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once during your turn
How: Once per your turn, you may choose to spin one of your sidekick dice (can be energy in your reserve pool or a fielded sidekick character) into a shield energy.
AF Giganta: Tall Glass of Water / Larger than Life
Global: Pay [1 Energy]. Spin target character die you control down 1 level.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: You may spend 1 generic energy to spin down your own character down a level.
AF Gorilla Grodd: Brains and Brawn
Global: Pay [0]. Once per turn on your turn, spin one of your Sidekick character dice to the [Fist] face.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once during your turn
How: Once per your turn, you may choose to spin one of your sidekick dice (can be energy in your reserve pool or a fielded sidekick character) into a fist energy.
AF Merlyn: League of Assassins
Global: Pay [0]. Once per turn on your turn, spin one of your Sidekick character dice to the [Bolt] face.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once during your turn
How: Once per your turn, you may choose to spin one of your sidekick dice (can be energy in your reserve pool or a fielded sidekick character) into a bolt energy.
AF Rip Hunter s Chalkboard: Only Zatara Can Reach The POINT / WHEN AM I?
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. The first die you purchase this turn is added to your Prep Area instead of your Used Pile.
When: Main Step
Limit: Once per turn
How: Whenever you purchased your first die during your turn, you may pay 1 shield energy and put that die into your prep area instead of your used pile.
AF Star Labs All versions
Global: Pay [1 Shield and 1 Bolt]. Move a Sidekick die from your Used Pile to your Prep Area and field another Sidekick die from your Used Pile.
When: Main or Attack step
Limit: None
How: You may pay 1 shield and 1 bolt to move 2 sidekick dice from your used pile, 1 into your prep area and field the other one into your field zone.
Deadpool Set
DP Motorcycle: Vroom!
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Remove target blocked character die from the Attack Zone.
When: Attack Step
Limit: None
How: When a character attacks and is blocked, before combat damage resolves, you may pay a fist to remove that character from the attack zone back to the field zone.
Doctor Strange Team Pack
DS Eye of Agamotto: Mystical Conduit / Reside within the Amulet
Global: Pay [1 Energy]. The first action you buy this turn is put into your bag (instead of the Used Pile).
When: Main Step
Limit: Once per turn
How: When you purchase your first action die this turn, you may pay 1 generic energy, if you do, that action goes into your bag instead of the used pile.
TMNT Heroes in a Half Shelf Set
TMNT II BAC Haymaker
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target character gets +1A until end of turn.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Invulnerability global, but uses a fist energy instead.
TMNT II BAC Mutation
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Spin one of your characters down a level to spin another character up a level.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Polymorph global in DND Set
TMNT II Speedy Delivery
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. One target character gets +1A (until the end of the turn).
When: Main step or attack step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Invulnerability global in AVX set
TMNT II Splinter's Teaching
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Swap the attack value of one of your characters with that of one opposing character.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Transfer Power global in UXM set
TMNT II Unstable Canister
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Deal 1 damage to a character.
When: Main and Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to Magic Missile global in DND set
TMNT II Casey Jones: Penalty Box
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target Sidekick character die must block this turn, if able.
When: Main Step
Limit: None
How: Similar to a force block global, that sidekick must block but can choose to block whomever it wants to block.
Iron Man and War Machine Starter
IMWM Iron Manor: Earth X / Celestial Slayer
Global: Pay [0]. Once per turn, on your turn, spin down one of your Stark Industries character dice. You may field a Stark Industries character die for [1 Energy] less.
When: Main Step
Limit: Once during your turn
How: Before fielding a Stark Industries character, you may spin down one of your Stark Industries character die, if you do, that Stark Industries Character cost 1 less energy to field.
IMWM Jarvis: Butler
Similar to Iron Manor global
Batman Set
BM Darkseid: Erasure
Global: Pay [1 Energy]. Move a die from your Prep Area to your Used Pile. Then, draw a die from your bag and add it to your Prep Area.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None as long as you have dice in your prep area to use for this effect
How: You may spend 1 generic energy, move a die from your prep area into your used pile then draw a die from your bag and place it into your prep area.
BM Dove: Dawn Granger / Danger!
Global: Pay [1 Shield]. Target attacking character die gets -1A.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay a shield energy to reduce the attack value of a target attacking character by 1.
BM Firefly: Force of Entropy
Global: Pay [1 Bolt]. Once per turn, choose target Villain character die. When that die attacks, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When: Main Step
Limit: Once per turn
How: During a player's main step, he or she may pay 1 bolt, if they do, they choose a target character, if that character attacks on that turn the global was used, deal 1 damage to the opposing player.
BM Hawk: Hank Hal / Might Makes Right
Global: Pay [1 Fist]. Target attacking character die gains +1A (until end of turn). Character dice may only be targeted by this Global Ability once per turn.
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: Once per turn for every character
How: Similar to anger issue global but limit to once per turn on a character.
BM Ra's Al Ghul: Mystery and Power / Fighting Death Himself
Global: Pay [1 Mask]. Target character card loses Villain Affiliation(until end of turn).
When: Main or Attack Step
Limit: None
How: Pay 1 mask energy and choose a character, that character loses the villain affiliation for this turn, it can however gain the affiliation back through other means.
More to come as more sets are being released