Disclaimer: I do not hate or dislike any characters, every review I made is based on my opinion and experience of the game, and it is purely strategic. I also won't oversell a character just because I am a fan of it.
New Keyword
Aftershock: When this character leaves the Field Zone because of your opponent, you must use their Aftershock effect.
The following are possible scenario to trigger Aftershock ability:
- Getting knocked out from an opposing character's ability or action effect used by your opponent
- Getting knocked out from an opposing character through combat and non-combat damage.
- Sent to the used pile/ prep area/ out of play / reserved pool due to an effect from your opponent's character or action.
Ally: Character dice with the Ally ability count as Sidekicks while in the Field Zone in addition to their other designations. They don’t count as Sidekick Dice while in the bag, Prep Area, Used Pile, or anywhere else.
Sacrifice: Sacrificed characters are moved from the Field Zone to the Used Pile (often as a cost or penalty).
Underdog: This ability can be used when you have fewer character dice fielded than your opponent. This abilities can be attacking, blocking, active or fielding abilities and will trigger only if you fulfilled the underdog criteria.
Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword. Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Basic Action Cards

The action effect helps if you are trying to knock out a character with one of your characters without having to go into combat. The global is the selling point, you can make a character with high defence low attack so you knocked it out easily, or you can have your high attack low defence character to have higher defence to prevent getting knocked out easily. The global is great and it gives an advantage to the active player, because once you change the stats of a target character, there is no way your opponent can change it back.

The effect of this action is great, but the issue is that it has the underdog criteria. If you need to field a character from your field zone that badly, I suggest you to use Polymorph bac instead as it has lesser cost and no underdog required.

It gets really annoying when your opponent starts to build that Wall of defence in his/her field, but with this action card, you don't have to get annoyed by that anymore. The existence of this card in the game is threatening enough to discourage any player from building a wall and force them to change their strategy immediately. The double burst is an add on, and most likely you can to recycle the action die once you rolled on this face.

This is the nerf version of the Lantern Battery: Power Source, you can only use this action when you roll and use it and your opponent's villain is immune to it. I would rather you spend 4 cost on the battery for a continuous effect. The global is not bad, but instead of spending 2 bolt every turn to trigger the pay life to block effect, why not just spend 4 cost on a permanent action die.

For 5 cost, you would expect a lot more from a basic action. It is not a bad action but just a little too expensive for the effect. If you use this action, the character you sacrifice must be as cheap as possible and the character you knocked out most be worthy of your expenses.

This action is amazing, not only that the fact that it is only a 2 cost, but it also provides a good effect. Making a character lose its ability will buy you some time, but the drawback is that you can only use it during your turn, but for 2 cost, it's great. The global is another selling point as well, you get to deal damage to your opponent if they attacking or fielding ability damages you, like an eye for an eye, it probably won't stop them from triggering the ability but able to deal them 1 damage for it sure feels good.

If you need to ramp dice with an action, Gearing Up BAC would be better. You need to sacrifice a character to trigger this effect and you might not have a character in the field in the early game, if you don't mind the risk and the sacrifice cost, go ahead and use this action.

Another 2 cost action, the bonus coming from this action is amazing, for 2 cost to get +2A and +2D is great. The global is good if you intend to make a character leave the field but not to the prep area or used pile, just out of play for a turn, this would be useful to trigger underdog effect. A great 2 cost BAC.

That 2 damage from the action is not really that great from a 3 cost action but the underdog part is amazing. Given that not a lot of player would use a Spider Friend build, your action would work against their characters. If you build a spider friend team, you will be immune to this effect. A 3 cost action to be able to knock out a character is great.

If you want to spin up your characters, this is the action to do so, for 3 cost to spin ALL your character up is an amazing deal.
Character Cards

Agent Venom has great stats, the stats would be better at level 3. This version of him allows you to level up whenever he takes damage. There are quite a number of ways to deal damage to a character now, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get him at level 3. However, if you intend to use him, you need a plan for him, because for a 5 costs (4 costs with Spiderman’s help) with 6A 6D and no other ability is decent but not as strong as other characters. His global is great though, you can use a generic energy to give your characters additional defence, which can help to prevent characters from getting knocked out as long as you have sufficient reserve energy.


If you need a lot of sidekicks, just get Agent Venom’s help. Whenever he takes damage, you can field a sidekick, which is a good bargain. He helps a sidekick team if the players are having difficulties rolling a sidekick. However, if you are not intending to play a sidekick team, it is not wise to use him. He does possess the global as well so you can pick between the common and the rare if you just want the global.


Instead of levelling up your characters, this version of Aunt May trades herself off with another non-villain character in your prep area. If you were to go aggressive with another character and Aunt May, your other attacking characters is highly likely to get knocked out, so trigger Aunt May's aftershock ability would put them back into the field so you could go aggressive with them again on your next turn. For 2 costs, the ability is great.

This is almost similar to the uncommon version, with the exception that you can only choose Spider Friends character and put them into the field at level 2 instead. The cost is higher and placing spider friend die into your prep area is not an easy thing to do, you could consider this version if you are keen to play a spider friend team, if not, you probably want to stick to her common or common version instead.

This is similar to AVX Storm: Ro; with the exception that the cost is higher, her abilities triggers only when she is attacking and you resolve the ability only after resolving the combat damage. You get a 50% chance to turn those blockers into energy, sending them into your opponent's reserve pool and during your opponent’s turn, those energies are sent to the used pile. Given the stats and abilities that Black Cat possess, your opponent would be careful about who to block her with, because that blocker might end up being rolled away, for a 3 cost to give your opponent such pressure, I think it's a great ability.

This is similar to Storm: African Princess, with the exception that it is more costly and her level 3 is more difficult to leave the field. Her stats are better than storm, so if you want to use the rerolling method to get rid of characters, I suggest Storm unless you need better stats or the Spidey Friends affiliation.

This is a more costly card compared to the other 2 versions of Black Cat, however, this version is stronger than the other 2, but you must fulfil the underdog criteria. She could wipe out your opponent's field or she could just make them stronger by rerolling them. There are a lot of planning and luck involved to set up her ability, if you have a great plan to utilize her, by all means use her in your team, but if you are not the kind to take risk, leave this card alone. Still, a better Super rare than most others.

Although this is not as aggressive as Black Widow: Tsarina, but for a common and at the same cost, I think the ability is great. Your opponent have to either take the full damage or take 1 damage from black widow Aftershock if they choose to block and knocked her out.

This version of Black Widow is very specific, unless you are trying to counter an ally or sidekick team, for 1 additional cost to get this ability is not worth it.

This is another great Black Widow to be added to your collection! First of all, you get to draw a die when her aftershock triggers, and second of all, you get to return her to the field when you rolled energy for your drawn die. To be able to ramp 1 die and keep regenerating her is a great deal, but be careful because every successful regeneration cost you 1 life, so you need characters to heal your health so Black Widow can go aggressive. This version of Black Widow is more for ramping dice, so if you want to be more offensive, then use other version instead.

One way of making Blade trigger his ability is to give him overcrush and he will have a higher chance to deal combat damage to your opponent. However, if you really need a character to help you gain life, there are other cheaper characters to do so.

Blade isn’t a character that is easy to leave the field, so having a fielding ability on him is a bit of a waste. The second drawback for this card is that the fielding ability triggers only when you fulfilled the underdog criteria. If you have a great way to solve those 2 issues for this character, then having him to deal 2 damage and you gaining 2 life is definitely worth a 6 cost.

This is not a bad ability, if you use overcrush on Blade, you can have a higher probably of him not getting knocked out because one of your opposing character gets -2A, and he gets additional 2A. Blade would be a great attacker for your team, it would be even better to get purchase him at a lower cost.

If you want to attack with Blink, it is best to use Ant Man global so her attack value is stronger. However, for 4 cost and the ability to retreat is just not very appealing, and what's worse is that you need to pay an energy to do so. If you need a character to retreat just to trigger some effects or abilities, Blink is too expensive for you to do so.

This version of Blink is more defensive, her ability can come in handy, an ability or action that targets another character might be a crucial move that will eventually allows your opponent to finish you off, so Sacrificing Blink to save yourself might be a good move. The drawback is that Blink is 5 cost and it sure hurt to sacrifice your 5 cost just like that, plus, her ability couldn't counter AOE or global abilities so it is a little limited in that sense. Still, you can definitely keep her as a backup just in case.

This is a better blink, if your opponent is using Cerebro, Lantern Ring, Lantern Battery or Imprison BAC to slow you down and damaging you, you can pay 2 masks to move those action from the field to the used pile. Since her ability is an active ability, you don't need to sacrifice her to trigger her effect, for 5 cost to counter powerful action die, I think her ability is great.

This is a stronger version of Batman Cowardly and Superstitious Lot, with the exception that it deals more damage and is higher cost, and it deals damage only when your opponent uses an action die. It would be great for carnage to be in your team when you are playing an action team, just in case your opponent tries to slow your game plan by buying most of your action die, such as power bolt or magic missile, use Carnage against them, it definitely hurts when your opponent takes 2 damage while dealing you 2 damage.

The overcrush ability is probably the reason why you use this version of Carnage in your team. The second part of his ability is not too bad given that some action die have the potential of knocking out Carnage. You will need more attack enhancement global for Carnage to be destructive at his lower level, but for 5 cost to have overcrush and his stats is worthy.

This card is so cunning; just 1 overcrush from carnage to your opponent and you might glued him to an action card. This is not a very effective way to counter an action die, but if you can slow your opponent down, then I think it is worth it, get carnage out and use overcrush on him so you deals damage to your opponent, and then place him in an action card that he or she haven’t bought or will buy more in the later turn. I don’t think anyone will buy a power bolt at 6 costs. However, if your opponent bought the necessary action die then don't bother using Carnage.

If you need overcrush for Carnage, use one of his starter cards with overcrush instead. For this version, his ability only triggers when you used an action die, so which means that this card is more expensive and has a requirement for the ability to triggers, and I am not really keen on cards with such ability.

For a 5 cost and the ability to get overcrush and increased attack value not just for him, but for dagger as well is awesome. The only thing you need in a constructed format is the ant man global and Cloak will do quite a massive damage. If you are only relying on Cloak and Dagger then triggering Cloak's underdog ability isn't hard.

Unless you have switched their attacks and defend, there is no reason for you to attack with either cloak or dagger. If you use overcrush and switched their stats around, this ability would be great as neither of them will be knocked out after dealing combat damage. Still, you have to fulfill an underdog criteria for such ability, I would prefer the common version to this.

This is a great cloak, it does not have the underdog criteria, if you are going to use overcrush, unblockable action and the ant man global, Dagger gets them as well. Just use 1 overcrush or unblockable action die and 1 fist to switch stats around is enough, as both cloak and dagger will get the effect and deal massive damage, which is a good deal.

If you don’t want to use the other version of Dagger and want to solely rely on Cloak to trigger all the effect, then this would be a cheaper Dagger to use. However, this Dagger can’t do much when Cloak is not with her.

This version is more costly but has an ability that protects her. Although not a lot of action dice will be harmful to just a specific character, but if you don’t mind the extra cost, then just spend it for additional protection.

This version is an even more protective Dagger, instead of just protecting herself from action die, this prevents her from being targeted by your opponent, it means all the magic missile and distraction global etc. cannot affect Dagger. In my opinion, I think Cloak is more of a threat than Dagger so I probably would choose to target Cloak over Dagger. If you feel like this additional ability is unnecessary then just use the common version instead.

Additional defence is usually better for a blocker or someone with overcrush. Daredevil attack doesn’t really make me interested to give him overcrush and his ability triggers under the underdog criteria, so why give yourself lesser characters with higher stats when you can just have more blockers? I think the latter would be a more suitable style for blocking, at the same cost, I would prefer to Daredevil from the AOU set.

This changes thing, no underdog requirement needed so daredevil can just be this one guy that blocks your opponent, his stats is not that high but being able to block 2 attackers is good enough.

This is a good counter against overcrush characters, just stack 4 daredevil against them and you will see their attacks dropping down to almost nothing. Most overcrush characters have a potential 9A, block with 2 daredevils and they get 5A, not to forget that you still have defence to block off the excess damage. The only issue is that you need to manage your field well, but at the same time, it puts some pressure on your opponent as they probably will keep their field small so Daredevil ability don’t trigger, and you can seize this opportunity to swarm at him or her when their field is smaller.

Spidey Friends are not on par with the avengers or lanterns yet, so don’t expect your opponent to use Spidey Friends character in a construction format. Hence, don’t risk it if you can’t predict your opponent’s team.

This is a great 7 costs character, just attack with multiple characters including a Doctor Octopus, your opponent will definitely have to pay you 2 life to prevent this effect. Every turn, you opponent just have to give you 2 life as long as Doctor Octopus is attacking.

This is like a way more expensive version of Baron Zemo: Thunderbolt. However, if you are intending to play an action team, having Doctor Octopus around isn’t a bad thing, your other characters can attack and help you move your action die from your used pile into your prep area, in this case, you can play both combo and aggressive at the same time. I don’t think it's a bad move but you must make sure that you get Doctor Octopus out as soon as you can.

For a 2 cost with ridiculously high fielding cost might not be very efficient. I rather you use the other version of Drax instead.

A much better Drax, having an option to field for free is a good ability, you need to work on the underdog ability if you really want to save some the cost from fielding Drax. If you can do so, 3 cost for his stats is really good.

If you don’t like the feeling of fielding lesser character that your opponent, then you can use this Drax instead, paying 1 life to field Drax may not be a bad thing given that a lot other characters can heal you back to full health. It gives you choices as well, for me, choosing 1 life over 3 energy is rather worthy.

This is a fun Drax to use. If they really don’t want Drax to be in the field, they will pay 1 life and force you to use energy to field Drax, which isn't that bad. Either way, Drax has a strong stats and some fielding issue, if you want to use him you need to have a role for him.

Electro doesn’t have such a great stats for me to purchase him at 5 cost with no abilities, so I will skip this one.

Let me say this because I think this is ridiculous, for a 6 costs, I have to field him and let him get knocked out during my opponent’s turn to deal my opponent just 1 damage, then during my next turn, instead of rerolling and reusing his ability, I must spin him to a bolt energy? For a 6 cost to deal my opponent just 1 damage after so many steps is just pathetic.

If you want to use bolt to deal damage to your opponent’s character, there is a magic missile global for you to do so. Using this Electro is just a waste of your time, you need to buy him, roll him, field him, let another character of yours get knocked out during the attack step, then spend only bolt energy (no wild) to deal an opposing character damage. It is not necessary to make things difficult for yourself in the game.

Her ability is specifically against a villain character, even so, 3 damages and a fielding ability for a relative hard to exit the field character is not very appealing. Not to forget that you have to pay to trigger her ability.

Unless your opponent would suffer a lot because of the 3 damage, I don’t think the sacrifice is worth it.

This is a much better Firestar, just use global or character abilities that deal damage to her constantly to trigger her ability. Just make sure she has enough defence to endure those damage because if she is at level 1, you can only deal her 2 damages before she get knocked out, so do have some defence boosting global for her.


This is a rather great Ghost Rider, you can go ahead and be aggressive with her, because your opponent will take damage regardless. Just make sure that you can draw her out again or it is hard for you to go along with this combo, just hope you won't burn out your energy for fielding her.

This is a risky Ghost Rider, for a more expensive cost, I think I would expect more from her. If you draw a sidekick die, you are sacrificing Ghost Rider for a sidekick. If you don’t roll that die into a character, you pretty much wasted it. What’s worse is that if you rolled an energy face on an expensive character die, you wasted that die. If I want to ramp more dice, I would use other ways to do so.

The aftershock effect for this Ghost Rider is decent, but it's rather hard to trigger her ability, she deals that damage to your opponent only if your opponent blocks and knocked her out, other ways of knocking her out wouldn't trigger her ability, and knocking her out is not an easy thing to do. You might want to use other version of Ghost Rider instead.

This gladiator would be best if you give him overcrush and he is block with characters with affiliation. Easier said than done, not character has an affiliation, so it makes him harder to get that bonus, sometimes all your opponent need is 1 good blocker with no affiliation and he will become useless.

This is a better offensive Gladiator, but still, characters with no affiliation will make him weak.

This is a good blocker, any characters that can block 2 characters is great. The only characters that will be will be weak against Gladiator is those with multiple affiliation. To make all versions of Gladiator in this set stronger, you would need global that can provide affiliation, Spider Friends and Villains are one affiliation that can be easily given, so you can use those to combo with Gladiator to make him really strong.

A villain supporter die, you need to manage your dice well to be able to search your bag for a desired die. If you can do it well, then go ahead and use the glider, if you can't then just draw dice normally, you could end up wasting this action.

A more usable version of the Goblin Glider, instead of trying to roll and field it, this action just allows you to field it immediately, however, you need to make sure that you attacked with the character or else it would end up in your used pile, so just attack with it since you got nothing to lose. If you are using Green Goblin, this will help you more.

This is a more expensive version of the Goblin Glider and acts as a double edge sword. Sacrificing a character is not a good thing and taking 2 damage for using an action is really a pain, but it applies both ways, if you can somehow make use of this, then this version will be suitable for your villain team, but If you are comfortable with this version, use the uncommon version instead.

This version of Green Goblin can be tricky, the stats may not be very impressive for a 4 cost character but the versatility of allowing it to be spun up whenever you could use a global ability is great, you could spin him up a level anytime you think it's worth it.

A lower cost for Goblin, sacrificing a character to field him for free or spin him up a level may seem a little unworthy but if you have characters that is hard to leave the field and has a fielding ability, you can trigger Goblin to move that character out of the field. For 3 costs and his stats is actually pretty good.

This version of goblin allows me to deal damage to both players to field him for free, which is fun and can be useful, but doesn't have the versatility of spinning up a level as and when he could. And at level 2 and 3, he is rather hard to exit the field to trigger his ability again.

This version of Green Goblin is the opposite of Gobby, instead of dealing damage to your opponent for your sidekicks, you deal damage equal to his or her sidekicks, and this makes your opponent think twice about fielding an ally or sidekick. The second part of the ability is a bonus, not every Spiderman is usable but sending a character to the used pile when they are knocked out is always a good bargain, and it's an additional ability, so I will take it.

For a 2 cost with the Spidey Friends affiliation, I think it is decent, just that the fielding cost might be a little expensive for her stats.

A team supporter, unfortunately her ability only triggers upon the underdog criteria and when fielded, if you can manage your Spidey friend properly, she should come in handy.

For her stats I think 3 cost is fine and if you have an active spider friends, she fields for free. If you need more spider friends, she is a great one to be included in your team.

This version of Hobby is great when you can gain life as long as you have sidekicks in your field. In a game, your opponent will definitely use a global so you can keep healing as long as you have enough sidekicks.

Spinning up to his highest level is great, but unlike Green Goblin, Hobgoblin lacks the versatility of levelling up as and when he wants. You could predict your opponent's action but that doesn't mean that your opponent would follow your prediction when it comes to using a global. Moreover, his fielding cost is a little expensive and you don't have the options to field for free.

This Hobgoblin will be the life saver for your game, as long as you have 2 bolt energy; you can cancel your opponents global. Don’t look down on this card; your opponent could use that additional attack bonus from global or that Wasp global to finish you off, so that Hobby ability will come in handy.

All versions of Hulk has an aftershock effect, which means that you most probably want to give Hulk overcrush and let it be knocked out so the ability triggers. This version is against all sidekicks, sidekicks are mostly fielded to prevent sidekick dice from flooding a player’s dice bag, sacrificing all sidekicks could be a sudden disaster for your opponent, however, the effect works for both players, so if you intend to use this Hulk, make sure you are prepare to sacrifice your sidekicks.

This version won’t be as disastrous as the common version, but sacrificing a character could work well against an underdog team. If your opponent only has 2 characters in the field, this Hulk benefits you. On the other hand, you need to have a wall to sacrifice characters so that you don't get badly affected by the effect.

If your opponent is using the Professor X global or any character to ramp for dice, your will see them suffer when this character triggers its aftershock effect. Especially in the late game, drawing only 4 dice does not help any player, but if you have other ways to ramp dice such as gearing up BAC, then this Hulk will favour you more. To sum up, the Hulk in this set has a very high stats and it is not likely that they will get to trigger their aftershock effects, not to forget that they are high cost so you might not want to be too dependant on them.

Having a 3 cost character with Ice Man’s stats is great, but having to re-field him every turn can be costly as well. In the game, dealing damage to a character is not a hard thing to do, so prepare to knock out Iceman almost every of your opponent’s turn when using him. All that said, he is a low cost character with a Spider Friend Affiliation, so you can still consider using him.

If you have a way that benefits you while simultaneously taking damage with an opponent, then this Iceman suits you, if not, just use other character.

This Iceman is really tricky, if he takes damage, both of the players must pay 1 energy or they each sacrifice a character, this is another character that acts as a double edge sword. If you have more characters than your opponent, then sacrificing their character would be beneficial for you, but your opponent could also spend an energy to prevent it. Iceman would rain your opponent's energy or shrink their field, but you you need to manage your resources well if you want to use him to avoid getting backfired. If you are not comfortable using him, use other characters instead.

For the stats and the affiliation, I think 5 costs is just right, but if you intend to use him, don't forget about Ant Man global and overcrush.

A more costly Iron Spidey but with an ability. You could use him as a blocker, the stats that he has makes him very hard to get knocked out, now with his ability to ignore level 1 character’s damage, he can be invincible in the field. If you use him as an attacker, and overcrush, he seems a little harder to knock out so you can keep giving him the aggression every turn.

This is the best Iron Spidey, needless to say, he requires overcrush and Ant Man global. Regardless the blockers, your opponent either keep Iron Spidey in the field or spend energy to ignore the effect. This can depletes his/her energy in no time. Not the best super rare but still usable.


Kingpin has better stats when he is at level 3, but unless you specifically need his level 3, use other version of him instead.

This is a better Kingpin for the same cost, just use Magic Missile global and deal Kingpin damage; your opponent will take that damage as well. Kingpin’s defence is high enough so you don’t have to worry about him getting knocked out for this combo, even if he does so some reason, it’s all worth it.

There is professor X global to move sidekick Dice, you probably won’t need him to do the job for you.

This is a more costly Kingpin, but for his ability, I think it is really worth it. He can really destroy your opponent’s field, depletes your opponent’s energy or life, as long as he keeps taking damage. This is a great destroyer and if you have no other plans of attack, he is the best I can suggest.

This is great if you know that your opponent is playing Spider Friends combo, at the same time, fielding ability on a level 2 or 3 Kraven isn’t really helpful given that his attack is stagnant while his defend grows and make him harder to leave the field.

If you intend to use overcrush on Kraven then fielding ability and sacrificing another character is worth the 3A. I mean, what else could get your Kraven out of the field?

7 costs and a fielding ability on a character that is hard to leave the field is ridiculous, if you want your opponent to sacrifice characters, there are other ways to do so.

A cheap villain and possible chance to get a 5A or 6A from a 3 costs character, I think it’s not too bad. However, since the uncommon has an ability and same cost, use that version instead.
2/10 (Use the uncommon instead)

For the same cost and additional ability, I think this is a better Lizard. As long as someone leaves the field before the attack step, he can use make someone unable to block him. Use any means to make characters leave the field, both yours and your opponent's and you will see that your characters are all unblockable now, so it is not a bad idea to invest in this 3 cost.

Additional defence for Lizard is good but not as helpful as the uncommon version, not to forget that this is has a higher cost, so in the least you expect better ability.

If you are intending to use Spiderman in your team as a supporter and doesn’t want him to get knocked out, use Luke Cage to protect him, other than that, Luke Cage isn’t really that strong alone.

This is a better Luke Cage and plays well with the rest of his team, as long as your opponent keeps using a global ability, you will that your Spider Friends are at level 3 in no time.

This is a supporter for your Spider Man, and you probably won’t depend too much on it. He is a hard to leave the field character with a sloppy ability. When you field him, you need to make sure that Spiderman is in your bag and fulfill the underdog criteria to trigger his ability. I am not sure which Spiderman that you will be using to make you invest in a 6 costs character to support him, but for me, I won’t need Luke’s help to do so.

She is an anti-villain character, but the good part is that she got the ally ability, but if you can get a cheaper version of her, things would be better.

She is a supporter instead for this version, having level 2 non-villain characters in your field is not a hard thing to do. Then again, you need to keep re-fielding her to keep on gaining life.

This is the best MJ to use, not only is she a 2 costs ally, she also gives you free overcrush, and that is a Meta needed for a lot of characters. She is simply one of the best supporters you could ever ask for a 2 costs and the best rare in this set.

This is a good villain supporter, however, not everyone likes to play high cost villain, but if you intend to rely on high cost villain for your game, you might want to consider using Morbius to support your team. The second part of his ability is a bonus, not everyone will use Spiderman though, but if they do, you get 1 lesser blocker.

This is a good supporter if you need to ramp a lot of dice for your team, the only issue is that it is 6 costs, but fret not, the global on Mysterio helps you to buy him in turn 2 along with another dice ramp global, the only different is that his global allows your opponent to get an extra die as well. Once Mysterio is active, whenever your opponent draws a die, you can add die into your prep area as long as you have the energy to do so, this is a good ramp for your team.

For 7 cost to knock out sidekicks and your opponent must meet those criteria for you to do so is plain lame.

This is another good Mysterio, as long as you can afford to sacrifice a sidekick, you can move dice from used pile to prep area whenever your opponent draws dice. This is a good support and your other characters can enter the field earlier.

Rhino stats might be great for a 5 cost, but a character that is hard to leave the field has a fielding ability to deal 1 damage to a sidekick, I think this is crap.

A better version of the common card but still, 5 costs and you can only sacrifice a sidekick.

This is a better Rhino to counter a sidekick team, but fielding ability on him is a little wasted though.

What is the purpose of keeping sandman in the field? He is not a cheap character to begin with and his stats are crap for such cost and ability, why would I spend energy to regenerate him? Not to forget that there is this small chance that you will roll energy and not get him back, hence wasting the energy.

If you want to deal damage to a character, there are less tedious ways to do so. Sandman basically has no motivation for me to keep regenerating him, that 3 damage could come from other source that are cheaper or has lesser requirement.

This is the same issue as the common version; there is simply no reason why you would regenerate him. If he has a good stats, I wouldn't mind using him, but the fact is that his stats doesn't justify his cost, even at level 3 it still sucks.

This is another cheap Spider Friends character, however, I don’t think you want to use this version since the other 2 versions have really good abilities.

The ability to ignore a character text is always great. This allows you to buy some valuable time to set up your combo or simply prevent ability from affecting you.

This is more expensive and has the same text as the uncommon version. The exception that is character that you target to lose the text gets put into the used pile when it is knocked out this turn, which is great, but if you don’t think the additional 1 cost is worthy of the effect, then use the uncommon one instead.

This version of sable is like most other characters with the ability to deal damage when they are blocked, the exception is that she don’t damage your opponent, instead your opponent loses health, this actually can make some difference. Some characters’ ability triggers when your opponent is dealt damage, but don’t trigger when your opponent loses health. Also, you gain 1 life, for 4 cost, that is a good deal.


This is a little too costly for a dice ramp. Some may argue that this is almost similar to the unblockable version of her, but then you have to draw a sidekick dice to give her unblockable for this version, easier said than done.


Her ability is decent, it helps you to get rid of low defence character. Her level 1 and 2 are easier to leave the field so you don’t need to worry about that. However, her other versions are more offensive so you might want to use those instead since dealing damage to character has more options than dealing damage to opponent.


For a lower cost, you can still deal damage to your opponent, she can be much more aggressive since she is easier to purchase. This Super Rare is not as good as most others, but for her cost and stats, it is still usable.






If you use Ant man global on her while fulfilling the underdog requirement, her attack is incredible for a 3 cost. She is an underdog worth considering.

Spider Woman will knock the characters who engaged with her and herself out when combating. Although this may not seem useful in the early game, but in the late game with all the high cost character attacking and being active, you could use Spider Woman to get rid of them and make your opponent suffer. For late game purpose she is amazing.

Unless you really need her to be in the field after she is knocked out, I don’t see the risk of regenerating. You might want to use other version of her instead.

Zombie Venom is meant for you to knock out a character that is bothering you in your opponent’s field, especially those with active abilities. Apart from that, there is no other motivating factors about Zombie Venom that really want me to keep him in my team.

This is more like a mini anti-sidekick character, that 1 damage only would most likely target a sidekick, that additional stats is helpful, but if possible, use the uncommon Vulture instead.

The first part of his ability is great, even if your opponent has built a wall of character and decides to swarm you, you won’t necessary lose when Vulture blocks, all those sidekicks and 1D character will be knocked out if there are no additional stats given to them. The second part of the ability is the best part, when a character die leaves the field, be it sacrifice, rolled away, spin away or knocked out, Vulture gets +4A, and this effect is stackable! It is not difficult to get rid of characters especially with Magic Missile global, so when your Vulture is pumped up, give him an overcrush or unblockable and let him destroy your opponent.


The web shooter helps to cancel any ability from a fist or mask character until your turn ends, this will help you to neutralize any potential blockers and preventers, it also helps you deal damage to the die if you are lucky. For 4 cost, I think this is a decent preventive measure for your team, however, it only targets 1 die, and that is the sad part. There are plenty of cheaper options out there.

Instead of mask and fist, this one targets bolt and shield. However, most bolt characters are offensive and there is no point blanking those texts this turn, whereas shield characters are either more defensive but some are unblockable, so blanking them might not be great as well. If you want to counter shield and bolt instead of mask and fist character, then use this version instead.

A more versatile version of the card but more costly, it helps to buy you some time for at least 1 turn.Still, there are cheaper options out there, period.

She is one of the cheapest Spider Friend characters in the game. Stats are decent, so if you just want to numbers, you can use her.

It will be good if she can combo with Ant Man global for her ability. 3 costs for potential 6A and overcrush is not someone you want to mess with. The global helps a sidekick team as well, or you could just use it for her ability since you need someone to sacrifice.

I still prefer the other White Tiger with overcrush ability, 4 cost with additional 3A is not bad but without overcrush, the bonus doesn’t seems to be appealing, especially since this card is more expensive.

If you can keep fielding sidekicks, this White Tiger is useful, but I don’t like the odds of it. So use the other 3 cost White Tiger when possible.

The one shot bonus for Wolverine doesn’t seems so appealing for a 7 cost and you need an x-men character to leave the field, other version of Wolverine would be stronger at lower cost.

If you intend to give Wolverine overcrush, then taking out a fellow X-men is good since he cannot be knocked out. You could also takeout another fellow X-men during your opponent’s turn so he can withstand any attacker. If those are not your game play or don’t suit you, use something else instead.

I don’t think any X-men is worth sacrificing my 7 cost to keep him/her in the field.
Following the release of the War of Light set, it makes this set look really bad. A lot of characters in this set are dependant on characters from other set to make it strong so you really can't just invest in this set if you want to play a constructed format against other players. The quality control of this set is also really bad given that the dice quality isn't as good as previous set and some of the cards are in damaged condition. The rarity distribution certainly doesn't help, most of my friends have gotten duplicated rare in a feed and excessive dice for a single character in a CASE. There are cards that can be added into the current Metas and there are new combo available with this set, but still, it is not as strong as other sets, so if you want to start the game, don't start with this. Negative comments aside, this is still a collection and if you can get it cheap, it is worth adding the whole set into your collection. Let's hope that future sets will be better, hope my review helps and thanks for reading.
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