Disclaimer: Before I continue, I need to say that I have no hate for any characters, everything I post is strictly based on my opinions and thoughts in terms of the tactics and strategies of the game.
Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
New Keywords
Enlistment: Enlistment ability allows you to get extra effects unless your opponent knocks out one of their character dice.
Intimidate: When fielded, remove target character die from the Field Zone until end of turn. Place it next to your character cards during that turn as a reminder.
Resistance: Resistance ability allows you to get extra effects if one of your character dice was knocked out this turn.
Also, each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Basic Action Cards

This is a great action card to support Resistance abilities. Not only can you knock out a character of your choice, you forced your opponent to knock out a character as well. The global is compatible with the action and can assist your Resistance team as well, gaining 1 life whenever one of your characters is knocked out is a good deal.

A 2 cost action will always be worth considering. This action allows you to deal damage to your opponent's character, and in return, he/she may do the same to you. Just field characters that benefit from taking damage and you will see that this action would benefit you more than your opponent.

This action supports overcrush, you can knock out a blocker with the highest defence and you can deal more spill damage. If you roll on the burst sides, you can also deal 1 damage to your opponent. For 3 cost, it is a good action card. The global is a great add on, it doesn't directly allows players to ping a character, but you can ping a character that has already taken damage, so you can use effects that deals damage to a character then use this global to further damage that character, this allows you to be able to knock out a character and at the same time, prevent your opponent from pinging your character as and when he/she likes.

This is another good ramp to support your team. You can put a die that you just bought from your used pile into your prep area. What is even better is that if you have a character that was knocked out this turn, you get to move another die. This action is great throughout the game and can help you with dice management, especially in draft where you don't get to use ramps from other sets.

If you need to level up all your characters, this would be one way to do so. But given that With Great Power... can do the exact same thing and it's cheaper, I would use that action instead.

This action is used to deal damage to an opposing character by using another opposing character's attack value. Your opponent needs to have a character with high attack value and one with high defense value for the action to work at it's best. It is not as easy to pull off this action, so if you have no confidence in it, use other actions.

An action that allows you to gain life can be helpful especially if you are paying life throughout the game. The global is the great thing about this card. It allows you to prevent all damage from an attacking ability by paying a mask, which can save you during desperate times. This is a defensive action and a great mitigation to counter attacking ability that damages you.

This action card can help you to boost a character's attack at the cost of weakening another charatcer's attack. If your opponent has a character that shares the same affiliation as yours, then it would be best used if you weaken that character, if no opposing character shares the same affiliation, you can weaken another of your character's attack, that 2A might come in handy, and this action is 2 cost, so it's usable.

This action is a great ramp, because you get to draw and roll 3 dice, if your opponent choose to knock out an opposing character, you draw and roll 2 instead, which is still a great ramp. For 4 cost, you can either draw and roll 3 dice or draw and roll 2 dice and knocked out an opposing character, either way, it's a good deal.

This action card is very lethal, especially on unblockable characters. That 3 additional attack value will be very lethal. The global is great now that the Relentless global is now banned. Your opponent could pay 1 life to ignore the effect, but you still manage to reduce your opponent's life, so I don't think that it is a bad thing. This card is what a 5 cost action should look like.
Character / Action Cards

We kick start this set with Ant Man. This version is a simple vanilla card, unlike the UXM version of the character, this version has a more defensive stats, so it's harder for him to get knocked out. Depending on your gameplay, you can use the UXM version if you prefer Ant Man to have higher attack value. You can use this version if you want him to have a higher defense value.

Characters with Fast should never be underestimated. Ant Man stats might not be very powerful, but with some pump effects, you can make him a threat. Having the Fast ability allows a character to deal combat damage first, hence, potentially knocking out your opponent's character first before they knocked yours out, this is a great counter to overcrush and an ability that works well with it, this version of Ant Man should not be underestimated.

This version of Ant Man is great throughout the game, if you can get rid of your opponent's level 1 characters and sidekicks, this version of Ant Man would then be unblockable. If you find trouble doing so, you can simply give him overcrush and pump him, his ability will limit his opponent's blocker, hence having the chance to deal more spill damage. The Ant Man from this set has potential, and all 3 versions do have the Avengers affiliation, if you are worried that by using Ant Man from this set, you aren't able to use the global on the UXM set, you could replace the Ant Man global with Kal L global instead.

This version of Baron Zemon is a good ramp. Having an active character with resistance is not hard, so you can be sure that when you field Baron Zemo, you will trigger his ability. The only issue is his level 3 stats, it is quite hard for him to leave the field, however, with that strong defense stats from a 3 cost character, I don't think I would want him to leave the field just in case my opponent decides to overcrush me. For a 3 cost character to get a good ramp ability and good stats is more than decent.

Mask energy rarely helps if you want to pump a character. This version of Baron Zemo allows you to pump him as much as you want. Each time a character you control is knocked out, you may pay a mask to increase his stats, the more characters that is knocked out and the more mask you pay could make him very lethal. You never know when you might need the additional stats in the game. For a 3 cost character, his ability is quite decent.

An unblockable ability is deadly, for Baron Zemo to be unblockable, all you have to do is to knock out one of your character die. At this stage of the game, it is not difficult to knock out a die, just ping a sidekick and you can trigger Baron Zemo's ability. For a 3 cost character to become unblockable easily is a good ability.

This version of Black Widow is no longer an Avenger, but a Thunderbolt member. That doesn't mean that she is a pushover. Her ability may seems small but coming from a 2 cost character, it is quite decent, you never know when that 1 damage can come in handy. I don't think this is the best Black Widow in the game, but at least it's playable.

I am going to go straight to the point and say that this version of Black Widow is weak. Not being able to choose a character die to be spun down is a disadvantage for you as your opponent can always choose to spin down a character die that will benefit them at lower level. If all opposing characters are at level 1, it does not give any penalty to your opponent for not being able to spin down a character die. For the same cost, you could have use a better version of Black Widow.

In the early game, it would be very disaster for you to bring Black Widow out early as most of your opponent's characters have 0 fielding cost. In the late game, you will realize that it is hard for her to knock out anyone as most opposing characters have at least 1 fielding cost. Still, I would prefer other versions of Black Widow.

This is a good blocker. It will prevent situation where your opponent swarm you with his/her low cost character and wins the game. It could spoil your opponent's game play if he/she is building a wall of low cost characters. In the late game she might not be as effective but your opponent will always have a few characters that have 0 fielding cost, so she still could block them all. For a 3 cost character that can block 2 or more characters is great.

I am not a big fan of characters with abilities that works only against a specific type of energy. Although I do like the fact that bullseye have very high attack value. You can use him in an environment where your opponent uses a lot of Fist characters. He can assist characters with overcrush, the more damage he deals from his ability, the more spill damage you can deal to your opponent.

This version of Bullseye is more usable as he doesn't just specifically work against an energy type. You may think that dealing 2 damage to your opponent's character at the cost of dealing damage to your own characters is dumb, well, it isn't such a dumb move if you are using a resistance or retaliation team. That 2 damage to a character die will come in handy, and you can choose to deal damage to any opposing character. As for your opponent, he/she cannot choose Bullseye, so everyone else is eligible, so make use of this by having characters that benefit from taking damage or getting knocked out, your opponent probably wouldn't deal your characters damage if it is going to further hurt them. It takes some effort to make him playable, so if you are not willing to think too hard, then use someone else.

This would be a good counter against your opponent's fist characters. On one hand, you can knock out 2 opposing fist character and on the other hand, your opponent can knock out another character to prevent this effect. Either way it gives you a little bit of advantage in the game. Still, Bullseye need some support from other characters or effects, because your opponent would gladly knock out a sidekick to prevent his enlistment effect. This kind of set up takes some effort, so make sure that the fist characters that you are targeting is worth all the effort.

This version of Captain America can heal you every turn, as long as a character is knocked out. This is not a difficult at all. What's more is you get to spin your Captain America up a level even if none of your characters was knocked out this turn, this would make Captain America more stronger and durable. For 4 cost, his ability is quite decent.

If you don't like to gain life, maybe you would prefer him to have an ability that deals damage. This is another decent card, however, I feel that damage dealing effects can be found in a lot of characters, so for a 4 cost to deal only 1 damage on your turn may be a little weak. I would prefer healing since healers are harder to find.

This version of Captain America is great because he will trigger his ability at the end of your turn, it's the matter of who you are allow to knock out. To knock out a character every turn seems great, but he only allows you to knock out a level 1 character, so you will need to spin down that character fist before triggering his ability. If you fail to meet your resistance criteria, you can at least knock out a sidekick. The ability is decent but I feel that a 5 cost character could have more potential than just knocking out 1 character each turn.

I feel that a 5 cost character that can only pump 1 sidekick is very weak. What is worst is that Captain America possess a fielding ability, he is not easy to leave the field, so a fielding ability isn't the best thing for him. I would much rather use other characters to support my sidekicks. I am quite disappointed about this card, mainly because it is a super rare card.

In a constructed play, it is unlikely that your opponent would play a Resistance team, and also your opponent would probably not use an all bolt team. So Captain Marvel could be a disaster if your opponent have no resistance or bolt characters. Even if they have, but very minimal, give Captain Marvel overcrush to do some damage. The drawback is that she is a 7 cost, and her stats is weak for a character that is used for dealing huge damage to your opponent. If you are able to pump her significantly, then it would be a different story.

If you are playing an aggressive team, you will find this version of Captain Marvel very useful. Your characters gaining that +1A would come in handy and might even help you finish your opponent off faster. Your opponent could stop you by knocking out a character die, but they lose 1 blocker, so either way, you have the upper hand. What is great about her ability is that this process happens every round when you attack, so your opponent is going to suffer as long as Captain Marvel is active.

If one attack step is bad enough for your opponent when you have attacking abilities and overcrush in play, how about 2 attack step in a turn? Having the second attack step would mean chaos for your opponent, because after the first attack step, your opponent would most likely be out of blockers, thus giving you the opportunity to finish your opponent off. This would work well with characters with unblockable ability, if your opponent manages to distract them in the first attack step, it is unlikely they will have enough energy to distract them again in the second attack step. This card is so good and it is worth 7 cost, it is the rare to look out for in this set.

This is a great attacker. Deathlok possess overcrush and is already very strong by itself, his stats is impressive. What makes this card even better is that you can pay 2 life to spin him up a level if he would be knocked out and clear damage from him. So you can make him stronger every turn and at the same time, having the potential to deal spill damage to your opponent. For 6 cost, this is definitely worth playing.

This is a more costly Deathlok, but he is still usable. Just give him overcrush every turn and he cause some destruction, what is great about this card is that you don't need to pay life to clear damage from him, you can just knock out a sidekick. So you can use him to block an overcrush character and if he is going to be knocked out, you can knock out your opponent's sidekick to clear damage from him. He is a formidable character that shouldn't be messed with.

This version of Deathlok would be useful at level 3, it is almost hard to knock him out, but if you manage to, you can spin him down 1 level and gain 2 life, then clear all damage from him. Just give him overcrush every turn and your opponent would suffer, dealing damage and gaining life at the same time would be something unfavorable for your opponent. His level 1 is less useful, so use effects to spin him up when you can.

A vanilla card Falcon is available in the UXM set. This version has a stronger attack value and decent defense value, but the fielding cost is a little rough. Fret not, Nick Fury from the AVX set will support Falcon in either boosting his stats or make him field for free. If you need another cheap Avengers with good stats, look no further.

A fielding ability and the ability to make only 1 sidekick unblockable may seem weak when compared the the UXM version. However, if you are lazy to set up the sidekick combo, you can just focus on making one sidekick unblockable when you field Falcon, then you can pump that sidekick to deal some damage to your opponent. This may seem slow but if you can pump a sidekick and field Falcon every turn, it can be as strong as the UXM version.

An Intimidate ability is great if you want to remove a character from the field but you do not want your opponent to trigger the resistance ability. Falcon is not difficult to leave the field, so triggering the Intimidate ability is not difficult, however, since there are other versions of Falcon that are stronger, I would suggest you to use them instead.

This version of Falcon is a great supporter especially if your opponent keeps fielding sidekicks. You get to gain 1 life every time your opponent fields a sidekick, and if they don't want you to heal, the have to knock out a character, either way, it's an advantage for you. This could easily counter a sidekick combo.

Goliath stats are awesome. But the one reason you would use this card is because if the global, usually a pump effect from a global only pump attack OR defense, this global pumps BOTH attack AND defense, which is awesome, it can make your characters with overcrush even stronger and more durable.

Every single game in Dice Masters, your opponent will definitely use a global ability. So you can be sure that Goliath will gain overcrush when he is active. The ability is decent, but sure to pump him more when he has overcrush.

Before you turn your back on this card, I would say that this card is amazing. Whenever your opponent uses a global, you get to place a token on Goliath, making him cheaper every time a token is placed on him. Your opponent will definitely use global in the whole game, so it's possible to buy Goliath at 1 cost, and for 1 cost to get his stats is amazing. You do not need to revolve your game around him, just place him in your team and when he is cheap to buy, you can just buy him and then hope to cause some destruction when he is active.

Hercules is a Beefy character, and he possess an Avengers affiliation as well, so I won't mind using him. This version allows him to pump other attack characters when he attacks, which can come in handy. His ability is quite decent, but not to the extend that it is a must to use him in any team.

For a character that cannot be blocked by sidekicks, you need to buy that character as soon as possible and it will help you in the early game. This version of Hercules is not that cheap to begin with, and in the mid game, it is hard for him to deal damage, even spill damage since only sidekicks cannot blocked him. So I would much rather you to use someone else in your team.

This version of Hercules allows you to deal 2 damage to both you and your opponent when he is knocked out while attacking. It is quite specific to trigger his ability and it is hard for him to get knocked out by during combat. Even so, you need to make sure that his ability helps you or it would backfire at you.

This version of Iron Fist is a counter to sidekicks. However, you can only knocked out 1 sidekick per turn and only if your opponent declares attackers. If you find that this method is more expensive, then try use other ways to get rid of sidekicks.

This version of Iron Fist is used for desperate measures. If your opponent declare attacks and you are in need of one blocker or you will lose the game, you can pay 3 life to field Iron Fist from your used pile and then declare him as a blocker. I am impressed by his ability to come into the field and save you, but I am not impressed by the fact that you need to pay 3 life to do so. If you are left with 3 life or less, you wouldn't be able to trigger his ability. Still, you can field him immediately after the turn you buy him to put another character into your field, only if your opponent declares attackers. I find his ability fresh but it is up to you to decide if 3 life is worth fielding Iron Fist or not.

This is the best version of Iron Fist. When your opponent declares attackers, each of your Iron Fist die deals it's attack value to your opponent's character, which may knock out their attackers. This is a defensive ability given that your opponent have to deal his/her characters damage every time they declare attackers, so it would make them think twice before declaring an attack, they might end up losing characters instead of dealing you damage. For 5 cost, the ability is worth the cost.

Iron Man has relatively good stats, but his ability only triggers at level 1, that's a turnoff. There are ways to make him field for free, but if his ability is only available at level 1, and it is not a very impressive ability, I don't see the point of using this version.

This is a better version of Iron Man, it makes your opponent declare characters properly or it would get knocked out by Iron Man. Iron Man has good stats to be a good blocker, and his ability helps to counter overcrush characters. If Iron Man blocks a character with overcrush, even if your opponent knocks out another character to prevent his enlistment effect, that attacker at least gets -2A, which will weaken it's overcrush damage. For 5 costs, the ability is decent.

Your opponent would knock out a character when you field Iron Man, not preventing this effect is like a suicide for your opponent. So expect Iron Man's ability to be prevented every time he is fielded, the ability is not that bad, but it is the fact that Iron Man won't have an easy time leaving the field, so you might not get the chance to trigger his ability every turn.

This is a counter for sidekick combo, sidekicks that cost 1 more to field can drain your energy, however your opponent can just knock out 1 character to ignore this effect for the rest of the turn and not each time he/she wants to field a sidekick,,that makes this card less playable. For a super rare, this card is another super rare card that will make you feel bad about your luck when you purchase a feed, so thumbs down for that.

Jessica Jones has decent stats, but other than that, she doesn't offer anything else. She has no affiliation so you would probably use her only if you need that fist energy in draft.

The ability to retreat from combat during your attack step can be useful if you can use it correctly. Jessica Jones can drain your opponent's blockers and if you feel that during the attack phase, she would be knocked, you can remove her from the attack zone. It is not easy to set up a combo that is useful for retreating, so only use her if you come up with a plan.

This version is a more expensive version and posses the fast keyword. You can have an overcrush die ready in your reserve pool, and attack with Jessica Jones and a few other characters, your opponent would think that you would attack with Jessica Jones since she possess fast, an ability that works well with overcrush, and when a lot of blockers is declared against her, you can remove her from the attack zone and give another character overcrush, hence dealing more spill damage and keeping Jessica Jones in the field. It is a mind game to play with your opponent if you use this version of Jessica Jones, which can be useful in the mid game.

For a 2 cost character, Justice fielding cost might be a little expensive, but if he gets +2A, that would be worth it. He can really do some damage in the early game, so I would say that this is a good card.

This is an even better version of Justice. When you give a character overcrush, your opponent would declare as many blockers as possible to reduce the spill damage, however, Justice would disagree with that. The more blockers your opponent would declare against him, he would deal damage to each one of them, hence dealing more spill damage, so your opponent would probably only blocked him with only 1 blocker, so you can deal some spill damage. Either way, he is quite a lethal attacker, especially in the early game, and he is only a 3 cost character.

This version of Justice is more defensive and yet offensive, you can give each of his die overcrush and your opponent would declare a lot of blockers on him. However, only 1 of those blockers can assign damage on him, while he deals his full damage to all the blockers and spill damage, if any. This can keep him in the field while wiping your opponents characters. It would be great in the early game if he can keep dealing damage to your opponent every turn.

Loki have low attack value and high defense value, so attacking with him may not be very wise, his ability helps him to be a formidable attacker as you can pay a mask energy to switch his attack and defense stats. You can then give him overcrush so he can deal some damage to your opponent. This would be helpful in the draft format where Ant Man and Kal L global isn't available.

If your opponent is fielding a wall of sidekicks to block you, you can use Loki to capture all of them, significantly decreasing the characters in their field zone. The ability is decent, and can be quite usable in the draft.

Loki can be a great blocker given that his defense value is high, any character that can block 2 characters is a good blocker.

This version of Luke Cage counters sidekicks, the first time a player takes damage, they must knocked out a sidekick. The global is the great thing about this card, it allows you to deal damage to each player by paying a fist, which can help you win the game if you keep enough fist energy and you have more than than your opponent.

This is a very defensive Luke Cage, he helps you to prevent damage, you can't deny that it is helpful. If your opponent finds that it is more worthy to deal you damage, they can pay 2 life to prevent Luke Cage ability, either way, it benefits you. If your opponent doesn't deal you damage every turn, you can use the global to deal your opponent damage, it works extremely well with his ability, you can deal your opponent 1 damage while Luke Cage prevents that damage for you. I am glad that there is finally a powerful and usable Luke Cage in the game.

This version of Luke Cage doesn't allow your opponent to prevent the damage, instead, just spin up a Luke Cage die and redirect all damage to that die. This can save you in times. The global works well with this version as well, you can deal damage to your opponent and prevent the damage to you by spinning Luke Cage up 1 level, it benefits you way better for using the global when Luke Cage is active. For 6 costs and also he possess the Avengers affiliation, this card has potential.

This version of Maria Hill can protect you from getting swarm at any point in the game. Being able to block any number of sidekicks allows her to block off all attacker sidekicks while other characters can block other attackers, she can come in handy, and she is only a 2 cost character, which is worth it.

This is a sidekick supporter character, that 2 defense might come in handy for your sidekick, however, you can't attack with her, so you can't go aggressive when you need to, and that is a drawback. I would prefer to use other versions of her.

For 3 cost to allow Maria Hill to attack is rubbish, there are other versions of her that have lower cost, other ability and allow to attack.

This version of Mary Jane helps your team if you can playing Resistance combo, each time you field a character with Resistance, all your Mary Jane dice gets +2D, you can use Ant Man or Kal L global to switch things up and she can be a very lethal attacker, all of this only for 2 cost, that's worthy.

This version of Mary Jane supports Enlistment combo. When you field a character with Enlistment, your opponent can knock out 1 of their character dice to prevent the Enlistment effect, but when this version of Mary Jane around, each time they knocked out an a dice because of your Enlistment fielding abilities, she deals your opponent 1 damage. It is lose-lose situation for your opponent. You can get this awesome ability for 2 cost, so I wouldn't never say no to this card if I am playing an Enlistment combo.

This version of Mary Jane supports both Enlistment and Resistance character. By making all of them cheaper can help you in the long run, and that is something you should consider if you are playing Resistance, Enlistment or both.

I don't think you are going to use Moon Knight just to counter Iron Man. However, if you are planning to attack with Captain America, he can boost Captain America's attack, which can come in handy.

This version of Moon Knight helps you to purchase Captain America at a cheaper cost. At the same time, it counters your opponent's Avengers character, it makes all your opponent's Avengers harder to buy and harder to field. There is definitely potential in this card and you can consider to use him during draft where you can predict that your opponent is going to use Avengers.

A fielding ability on Moon Knight is not that great given that his level 3 stats is rather hard to exit the field, however, the ability can be useful if you want to field your Captain America as fast as possible. If you don't wish to go through the trouble, just buy and field Captain America normally.

Moonstone helps you to prevent your opponent's fielding and attacking abilities' damage by spinning her die down 1 level. What is even better is that your opponent cannot do anything to prevent this ability. So keep her at higher level so she protect you from lethal non-combat damage from characters.

A fielding ability from a 5 cost character to deal only 1 damage is a little weak. You might want to use other characters that deal more damage if possible.

This is a better version of Moonstone, dealing 1 damage to your opponent when she attacks makes her more useful as she can keep dealing that 1 damage every turn as long as she is in the field. Still, there are other characters that can deal that much damage and cheaper cost, so you might want to reconsider your options.

Ms Marvel has no affiliation, and her stats are not that super good for a 5 cost vanilla card, so I will suggest use someone else instead.

This versions of Ms Marvels allows you to weaken an opposing character by spinning it down and strengthen one of your character by spinning it up. If you are bring her out fast enough then using this ability every turn will eventually pay off, so it's up to you to see if she is worth your time.

This version of Ms Marvel will ensure that your opponent has no level 3 characters in the field. If you need your opponent's character as low level as possible, look no further.

This version of Namorita can slow down your opponent's aggression. She just need to blocks to trigger her ability, so the target doesn't have to be the character she is engaged with. That -2A debuff can allow you to absorb lesser damage from an unblocked character. It can also weaken a character that has overcrush. For 3 cost, her stats are great for a blocker, if you have 4 Namorita blocking, you can give a character -8A, and that coming from a 3 cost character is more than impressive.

Namorita may have very weak attack, but that can be solved when you use Ant Man or Kal L global on her. Once she has switch her stats, you can give her overcrush and you opponent will declare blockers specifically, because if she knocks out a non-shield character, it goes to the used pile instead. On the other hand, you can use her to block, she doesn't have to block a character all by herself, as long as she help to knock out a non-shield character, you can send that die to the used pile, that would make your opponent declare attackers carefully as well. For a 3 cost to put such pressure on my opponent, saying that it is great would be an understatement.

This version of Namorita is meant to counter overcrush. When she blocks a non-sheld character, she captures it, so it won't have a chance to deal spill damage. If your opponent wants to prevent this effect, he/she can spin down that character die, weakening it and won't be as strong. Either way, you gain the upper hand. I like that they are making all 3 versions of her playable.

The 4 other super rare cards from this set are characters from the alternate universe. Natalia Romanova may be a little expensive, but she is guaranteed to deal 4 damage to your opponent when she attacks. Just attack with her in 5 turns and it's game over for your opponent. For 7 cost, she is quite decent to possess that kind of ability.

Nitro works best with countering Enlistment's effect, you can just knocked him out and at the same time knock out an opposing character. With at least a 3 defense value, he can easily choose to knock out any character that has lesser defense than him. You could also use him for attacking or blocking purpose, for 3 cost and the ability to drag someone down with him when he is knocked out is more than decent.

One way to use this Nitro efficiently is to declare him as an attacker, that way, only characters with higher defense than him can block him, then switch his stats with Ant Man or Kal L global and give him overcrush to deal some damage to your opponent. He can do some really massive damage in the mid game.

I am less impressed with this version of Nitro. I would much rather use another character that has intimidate that has the same cost as Nitro. Although not a lot of characters can have higher defense than him, but I rather not take the risk and use a character with Intimidate instead.

Punisher stats are impressive and he can leave the field easily, so a fielding ability on him won't be an issue. You can go aggressive in the mid game by fielding him and remove a character with the highest defence from the field zone and then give him overcrush so he can deal some massive damage, then once he is knocked out, you can do this next turn. Quite a decent ability and impressive stats for a 4 cost character.

This version of Punisher is a terror. He doesn't posses Intimidate, but rather, he gives your other sidekick characters Intimidate. So if you can field lots of character this turn including Punisher, your opponent's field should be empty right now. I wouldn't underestimate Punisher.

This version of Punisher possess Intimidate as well. If you field your Punisher at level 1 or 2, and you don't have overcrush, you can keep him in the field first. During your opponent;s turn, you can make him stronger by spinning him up and spinning down a character your opponent just fielded. This will make Punisher stronger and your opponent's character weaker, once your Punisher is at level 3, give him overcrush and deal some spill damage on your turn, if he exits the field you can repeat this process again.

Isn't annoying that every time you bring a basic action that gives overcrush, your opponent just buys them from you. With this action, you don't have to anymore. Fist characters are aggressive and will benefit with overcrush, if you are afraid that your opponent will buy the basic action from you, you can use this action instead. Since Pym Particles cannot be purchased by your opponent, you don't have to worry about your opponent getting it, what's even better is that it is a 2 cost and it provides mask energy.

This version of Pym Particles allows your characters to gain Fast, which is a great keyword to possess. In addition, that character gains Fast. The burst part of this action makes your Ant Man and Wasp immune to opponent's action and global that might target them, which is decent, but you don't have to necessary use them to use this action.

This action can come in handy when you are playing a fist and mask team, that pump effect would come in handy.

This version of Radioactive Man can knock out all sidekicks and characters with low defense in the field. Which can help you to trigger Resistance effect. It is not hard to knock him out at level 1 and 2 during combat. For 3 cost, his ability is decent.

This version of Radioactive Man helps you by giving you a chance to remove a sidekick die from your bag and place it in your field zone as a character. You can make use of him in the early game by going aggressive with him and try to draw and field a sidekick and during the late game, your sidekick dice are nowhere near your bag. The drawback is that your opponent can do the same, so it might help him/her as much as it helps you. If you can make sure that this effect helps you more, then you can go ahead and use him in your team.

For 3 cost, this version of Radioactive Man is a good ramp. You can go aggressive with him and you can draw and roll a die. If your opponent doesn't want you to ramp, they have to knock out a character die, either way, you have the upper hand.

Rescue is a great dice to help you gain life. If you don't roll her on a character face, you get to heal 1 life, if you roll her on a character face, you get an character with great stats that can be a good blocker. Whichever the case, it provides you with a win win situation.

This is a more supportive version of Rescue. You can pump a character if you roll an energy face, and even after your roll and reroll step, you can roll all those Rescue dice again. This is one character where you would feel blessed to roll them on an energy face.

This version of Rescue allows you to field more shield characters if you roll her on an energy face. It is not a bad ability, but it will help you more only if you are playing a shield team. I love the concept of Rescue, it makes rolling energy a more desire outcome than getting the character face, but at the same time, if you roll her on a character face, she provides you with a character that have great stats, thumbs up for Pepper.

For a 2 cost GOTG character and great attack value at level 2 and 3, I wouldn't mind adding him into my GOTG team.

Rocket Raccoon has high attack value but very weak defence value, so having a Fast keyword will help him more when he is engaged with a character. His global is special too, it doesn't allow a player to Ping a character directly but rather Ping a blocker, which helps any character with Fast and overcrush. For 3 cost, I would consider him into my team even if I am not using a GOTG team.

This version of Rocket Raccoon is higher cost and he forces your opponent to block each Rocket Racoon die before your opponent blocks other character dice. This would work in a situation where you have more character dice than your opponent in the field and Rocket Raccoon has the weakest attack value, so when you attack with all your character dice, your opponent must block Rocket Raccoon, hence not being able to block another character that have a higher attack value than him. This would work well with 4 Rocket Raccoon dice. This card has potential, but it is not easy to pull off.

Rocket Raccoon is cheap and he possess an ability that when he attacks, he deals 1 damage to each player. If you have ways to protect yourself from this damage, then this would be better for you. If you don't have a plan to make his ability work, use the vanilla card instead.

This version of Ronin is great as a blocker. If he would be knocked out during the attack phase while blocking, you can prevent 2 damage from an attacking character die, which is a great counter to overcrush. If 4 Ronin dice are blocking and would be knocked out, your opponent is going to get frustrated that all those damage is prevented.

This version of Ronin helps your Resistance combo. You can knock him out and prevent all damage from a source that will do you or your character harm. This can save you in times of need. For a 3 cost, this is definitely worth it.

This is a another great version of Ronin. Instead of knocking him out, you can simply redirect the damage from a source to Ronin. This is a little better than the uncommon version as it allows you to keep Ronin in the field if the damage you redirected is not a lot. Either way, this is a good super rare card, and it is the card to look out for in your feed.
This is another character with the Intimidate ability. The stats are quite good, so it's a decent card.

This is a character that can help you ramp dice. If he is at level 1, when your opponent fields a character, you can spin him up 1 level and you can ramp a die. This would make him stronger and at the same time help you with dice management. You need to make use of his stats such as giving him overcrush, and also make him leave the field when he is at level 3.

Instead of Ramp dice for you, this version of Scarlet Spider deals your opponent damage. It is cheaper to buy and will deal your opponent damage each time he/she fields a character and you spin up your Scarlet Spider dice. This is a good ability, similarly, you need to get him out of the field when he is at level 3.

Scarlet Spider's attack value is high enough to knock out almost any character, so you can keep him in the field to knock off any character you don't wish to see staying in the field.

She is a simple sidekick supporter. So it's decent ability and a decent super rare card, don't feel bad if you pull her, at least she is usable.

This is another character that can block 2 characters. For her stats and her ability, this is a decent card.

This is a great version of She Hulk. She already have overcrush so dealing damage to both an opposing character and an opponent won't be difficult. What's great is that if you can fulfill both criteria, you get to gain 2 life. This is a great ability from a 5 cost character.

She Hulk has Intimidate, but her second ability is the one that counts. She cannot be blocked by fewer than 2 character, so she would drain some blockers. However, I still prefer other versions of her as they are stronger.

This version of She Hulk counters Intimidate. In a draft, she would be useful as your opponent cannot use Intimidate on your characters. In a constructed format, it is not likely that she will be useful, so do use her only in drafts.

This is a cheap and good blocker. Songbird can retreat from the attack zone when she blocks, as long as you pay a shield to do so. This will allow he to block an attacking character and still stays in the field. Her stats are decent as well and for 2 cost, you can consider her in your team as a blocker.

This is a perfect counter to overcrush. If you block with at least 2 Songbird dice, none of them takes damage, so the character she blocks won't get to deal any spill damage. For 3 cost, she is a perfect blocker.

An unblockable ability is always great. Songbird stats are not that impressive as an attacker, but with some pump she should be fine. It makes you motivated to have another Thunderbolt character in your team so when that character and her attacks, she is unblockable. For 3 cost and an unblockable ability that isn't hard to trigger, I will say that this card is great.

This version of Speedball will help you wipe out yours and your opponent's field when he takes combat damage. He can be a good blocker, when he blocks an opposing character with very high attack value, he will be dealt that damage, and you can deal that damage to all character dice, so your opponent's field should be empty. During your turn, you just need to field all your characters and swarm your opponent for the victory. There is potential for this card, so keep an eye on it.

This version of Speedball can help you ramp some dice, but the drawback is that if you draw and roll a die on a non-energy face, you have to return it to the bag. In draft, if you have no other ramp option, you can consider him, but in constructed play, there are better options. This is a little risky to use if your luck isn't good.

Speedball stats are decent for him to possess Fast. He can prevent your opponent from Pinging him since he take 2 less damage from non-combat damage. He is a character that is difficult to knock out. I find his ability decent but apart from that, he is a little bit costly for his ability.

This version of Spider Man can save you from getting damage from non-combat damage from opposing fielding abilities. For 4 cost and a great protector, you can't deny that this card is great.

This version of Spider Man doesn't protect you from fielding abilities' damage, but rather deals your opponent 1 damage for using a fielding ability. The damage may not seem a lot, but if your opponent uses a fielding ability often, it would stack the damage and could drain your opponent's health. What's great is that if you get Spidey on level 1, you also gain 1 life. This card is great in it's own right, and can be a threat to your opponent.

This version is almost similar to the uncommon version, it just prevents your opponent's fielding ability unless they pay 1 life each time to use it, the ability to give your opponent the option is actually not that bad, the decision your opponent make to either pay 1 life or not triggering the fielding ability will affect his/her game in the long run, if they made a bad decision, you will gain the upper hand. The level 1 ability will hurt them more as they have to pay 2 life instead to trigger a fielding ability. This card should not be underestimated as well.

This version of Steve Rogers will help to take damage each turn from each source as long as he is active. That redirection of damage will save you in times of need. Although you can only use 1 die, that's all you need, just pump his defense and he can absorb damage from more sources. This is another good super rare to look out for.

This version of Taskmaster is sick. He have the potential to gain Aftershock, Breath Weapon, Energy Drain, Experience, Fast, Heroic, Enlistment, Intimidate, Iron Will, Overcrush, Regenerate, Resistance, Retaliation, Teamwatch, Swarm and Vengeance. Once he has a few of those keywords ability, he will be a force to be reckon with.

This version of Taskmaster can copy a character's stats when he blocks or is blocked, that could be a game changer as you can choose to copy a stats that benefits you the most. Just make sure the stats that he copied doesn't make him weaker.

A fielding ability on Taskmaster is not very wise. What is worse is that he needs to pay a mask to trigger his capture and copy ability, and that only last for 1 turn. The ability you copy needs to be worth the effort or you could waste his ability. He is hard to manage so unless you know how to make him very useful, I suggest you to use other characters instead.

Thor Stats are great, but for a 6 cost character that isn't easy to leave the field to only possess Intimidate seems a bit weak.

This version of Thor is helpful for you in a draft, Resistance and Enlistment character will not be able to block when you field Thor. This ability needs to finish your opponent off when you field her, or else it's hard for her to use her ability again. If your opponent plays an enlistment or resistance team, you can send Thor out to finish them.

I think this game hates Thor. For a 7 cost to possess a fielding ability that makes her hard to get knocked out is ridiculous given that she is already hard to get knocked out.

Tony Stark is hard to get knock out, the higher his level, the more useful his ability will be but the harder it is for him to get knocked out. If you want to deal damage to your opponent's character, there are cheaper ways to do so. For a 7 cost character, I would expect more from him.

This is a counter sidekicks, and that's basically about it.

This version of Venom is more deadly. Not only your opponent's sidekick are harder to field, but it supports your sidekick team. The more sidekick you field, the more damage it deals to your opponent. This is a good card and a great offensive character for a sidekick combo.

This version of Venom is very deadly for a sidekick combo. Most characters can only pump sidekicks +1A and +1D, but this version of Venom allows you to pump them as much as you want if you can keep paying mask energy. You should look out for this card if you want to play a sidekick combo.

This is a great action, it is cheap and useful and also it has the continuous keyword so you can use it whenever you feel necessary. You can use the action to withstand overcrush, protect a character or pump a character then give it Ant Man or Kal L global to do some damage. For 2 cost and so many ways to use it, I give it a thumbs up.

This action die is awesome, it is a continuous action so you can keep it in the field. Once it is active, it provides Resistance ability for your characters, whenever a character you control is knocked out, all your characters gets +2D, so the more characters you knocked out, the more powerful your characters get. That additional defense can withstand attacks or can be swap using Ant Man or Kal L global to do some damage. For a 3 cost ability, this card is very impressive.

For a higher cost, the effect of this Vibranium shield is not as great, but it is usable. The action allows your character to go up to level 3 instead if it would be knocked out. This will make that character stronger and more durable. At least all 3 versions of Vibranium shield is useful, which is a good redemption from the AVX set.

Wasp stats are decent and she does possess the avengers symbol. However, there are other versions of her that are stronger, so I would go with those instead.

She is another cheap character to have the Fast keyword, but you need ways to reduce her fielding cost as they are very expensive.

The global on her card can come in handy, but the ability part is not that great, dealing only 1 damage to a character that did not block Wasp seems weak. I would rather use other versions of her unless I need the global.

This version of Wasp helps other overcrush characters. Whenever your opponent declares a die to block when Wasp attacks, that character takes 1 damage, which will result in you dealing more spill damage eventually. What is great about her is that that character does not have to block her for her ability to trigger. She also possess Fast which can help her ability if she has overcrush. She has the potential to perform well, so you can consider using her.

This version of Winter Soldier gets stronger each time your opponent uses an action die. However, action combo does not require their characters to attack and even if they do, their characters would be unblockable, so there is no point to pump Winter Soldier.

Action die that are strong usually doesn't target a character, so Winter Soldier's immunity to being targeted by action die may not be useful.

This version of Winter Soldier is more playable, use him only if you benefit from taking damage. If your opponent wants to prevent it, they can knock out one character. The ability is not that bad, but I would expect more from Winter Soldier since they make Bucky so weak in the AOU set.
Initially when I saw this set, I was quite disappointed as I thought this set would be as strong as the first set. But after reading and analyzing the card, this set is pretty good, it might not be the strongest but it is definitely not the weakest. There are cards in this set that are good and they are not expensive to get, just play a few draft and you can receive them. The mechanics for this set is not as easy to understand, but once you get the pattern, you will enjoy playing them. I hope that my review helps, and thanks for reading.
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