Disclaimer: I love this game, I love superheroes, so I have no hatred for anyone in the game, all my reviews are based on tactics and strategies to win when playing this game, so if i said that a card is bad, it's not that I hate the character, but rather the card is not strong enough to be included in your team.
Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
Character/Action Cards
There are no basic action cards in this team pack.

One of the common affiliation in this set is the Mystic affiliation. Ancient One's ability here helps you to weaken your opponent's Mystic character, however, not everyone of your opponent would use Mystic characters in a constructed format, so Ancient One might not be very helpful to you in every game.

If you are building a Mystic team, you can use this version of Ancient One to protect your characters. Although he is a little expensive, if you see your opponent has a global or character to target and stop your combo, having Ancient One in the field to prevent your Mystic characters from getting targeted is not a bad thing.

If you are playing a Mystic team and you want to buy them at a faster rate, you could choose Ancient One to reduce their cost. However, since Ancient One is 7 cost, it's not easy getting him out in the field, so if you made the effort to buy and field him, make sure you make full use of his ability such as buying more Mystic character. If the 7 cost plus the 1 or 2 energy you spend on buying and fielding Ancient One could eventually help you to save more than 10 cost buying Mystic characters, then it will be worth it.

Clea's ability is almost like a synergy ability, just that you can only use it once per turn. The bolt energy you spend to deal 3 damage is worth while but to use it only once per turn is a little weak, plus, you need to buy and field Clea first to do so. There are other characters that can deal more damage and have a stronger ability.

Clea supports the Mystic team by making them easier to field. it's quite a decent ability but she is 6 cost, so you really need to field her fast. It's the same logic as Ancient One, you need to ensure that the energy you save using Clea is more than 6 cost so you will not have any opportunity loss at cost.

It's weird how she turn from a Mystic character to a villain, I know she is a villain in comic but it's just weird. Anyway, fielding ability on a character with such a high stats just doesn't make sense. Her ability can only knocked out level 1 or Mystic character, which doesn't justify her high cost.

Doctor Strange again plays around Action die. His ability is not too bad and again with cost theory, if you think you can save more cost from his ability, then go ahead and use him.

Doctor Strange is a healer for you team if you rely a lot on action die. Rolling 2 or more action die at a time does not only apply to your roll and reroll step, you get to heal 2 life if he is active and you roll at least 2 action die during your roll and reroll step, but if you want to make full use of it, use Parallax global. You just need to keep rolling action die and they don't even have to land on action face for his ability to trigger. Don't be surprise that your life is back to 20 again after making use of Doctor Strange ability,

Action die can really hurts especially if they deal more than 4 damage. Doctor Strange here can protect you from those action die. His ability is great, unfortunately, Captain America: Super Soldier exist and he is a 4 cost with better ability than Doctor Strange, so you might want to use Captain America instead.

If your opponent plays action die, Dormammu will really affect your opponent's game, but not all your opponent's game relied heavily on Action dice, so Dormammu won't affect their game much.

Again, Dormammu can hurt your opponent badly if and only if your opponent relies heavily on Action die. Still, the second part of his ability is a bummer, if your opponent wants to use action die that badly, he/she can just knocked out a character in your field to ignore his effect, that just make his ability weak all over again.

This version of Dormammu is cheaper, and his ability can totally counter an action combo. This card is more versatile because even if your opponent doesn't rely heavily on action dice, he/she would still need to use a few for the game play, so by keeping Dormammu active, you are making your opponent's life difficult, if they want to use action die, they need to maintain 2 or less active character in their field, which isn't easy for any team given that in the late game, you want to have your field occupied.

If you feel like your opponent will buy plenty of a particular basic action die, you can use eye of Agamotto to make your opponent's life slightly harder by making it cost more. However, if your opponent really wants to buy that basic action die, he/she will buy almost all of them before you can use Eye of Agamotto.

This is a stronger version of the Eye of Agamotto, if you think that your opponent will use a basic action die very often, place this action on the basic action card. Once the Eye of Agamotto is on that card, each time your opponent uses the basic action die, he/she takes 1 damage, and it will stop him/her from using or just drain his/her life. The global is pretty awesome too. You get to put the first action due you buy directly into your bag, so you can use it on this action, and don't worry about your opponent doing the same, because once Eye of Agamotto is active, it wouldn't be too good for your opponent to use that basic action die that soon.

Instead of using Eye of Agamotto against your opponent, this version simply helps your team. All your characters gets +1A each time you use the basic action die that Eye of Agamotto is on, which means you can potentially give your characters +3A, and that's just one eye of Agamotto. You can pair this with a good basic action die that supports your team to the fullest and the combo will work well.

Mindless Ones is a character with decent stats and cheap cost, however, it's not worth taking 1 damage to field a Mindless Ones, unless if it benefits you in another way. If you need a 2 cost villain with decent stats, there are plenty others to choose from.

Regenerate is a really annoying ability, and for a 3 cost villain to possess one, it's really worth it.

This is the first Marvel character to possess the swarm keyword, however, Mindless one have weak defense, so your opponent might ping it before it gets to swarm any die. A swarm is still best to work with a 1 cost character.

I really love Scarlet Witch, but this version of her just doesn't make sense. If you need to cycle your action die, you can use other characters. For her, each time you field her you get to draw and roll 1 action die, which isn't bad, but the flaw is if you roll action face for that die, you take 2 damage for it. It just isn't worth it unless you intentionally want to take damage.

This is a better version of Scarlet Witch that allows you to cycle your action die faster. So if you are playing an action combo, you can consider using her.

This is an alternative of Scarlet Witch that you can use if you are using an action combo, gaining life maybe isn't as good as dealing damage, but you might need it if your opponent is very aggressive, so she is a good healer especially if you are relying a lot on action die.

Wong has great stats, so possessing Fast is beneficial for you and if you are intending to use a sidekick team, you can include Wong in it. No complains about him since he is just 2 cost.

This version of Wong is great if you are using a lot of sidekicks in your team. If having them in your field can't do much damage to your opponent, you can trigger Wong's ability when you field him and sacrifice as many sidekicks as you want and pay that many energy to deal that many damage. It's an alternative in case someone bought a counter to your sidekick team and you can't do much with your sidekicks.

Wong is a sidekick supporter, so if you lack of some, you can include him in your team.
Basically this is a unique set, it is not like our usual starter set neither is this a foil pack, so just purchase this set and you get every card in this set. The only thing is you only get 2 dice for each character and you can use a maximum of 4 dice for each character, so if you want to max out each character, you need to purchase 2 of this team pack. Fortunately, the team pack is not costly.
I don't have much thing to review about this set because it's very small scale compared to the other set. This set may not have really strong character but still, there are some good ones for you to consider buying this product. Hope my review helps and thanks for reading!
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
Character/Action Cards
There are no basic action cards in this team pack.

One of the common affiliation in this set is the Mystic affiliation. Ancient One's ability here helps you to weaken your opponent's Mystic character, however, not everyone of your opponent would use Mystic characters in a constructed format, so Ancient One might not be very helpful to you in every game.

If you are building a Mystic team, you can use this version of Ancient One to protect your characters. Although he is a little expensive, if you see your opponent has a global or character to target and stop your combo, having Ancient One in the field to prevent your Mystic characters from getting targeted is not a bad thing.

If you are playing a Mystic team and you want to buy them at a faster rate, you could choose Ancient One to reduce their cost. However, since Ancient One is 7 cost, it's not easy getting him out in the field, so if you made the effort to buy and field him, make sure you make full use of his ability such as buying more Mystic character. If the 7 cost plus the 1 or 2 energy you spend on buying and fielding Ancient One could eventually help you to save more than 10 cost buying Mystic characters, then it will be worth it.

Clea's ability is almost like a synergy ability, just that you can only use it once per turn. The bolt energy you spend to deal 3 damage is worth while but to use it only once per turn is a little weak, plus, you need to buy and field Clea first to do so. There are other characters that can deal more damage and have a stronger ability.

Clea supports the Mystic team by making them easier to field. it's quite a decent ability but she is 6 cost, so you really need to field her fast. It's the same logic as Ancient One, you need to ensure that the energy you save using Clea is more than 6 cost so you will not have any opportunity loss at cost.

It's weird how she turn from a Mystic character to a villain, I know she is a villain in comic but it's just weird. Anyway, fielding ability on a character with such a high stats just doesn't make sense. Her ability can only knocked out level 1 or Mystic character, which doesn't justify her high cost.

Doctor Strange again plays around Action die. His ability is not too bad and again with cost theory, if you think you can save more cost from his ability, then go ahead and use him.

Doctor Strange is a healer for you team if you rely a lot on action die. Rolling 2 or more action die at a time does not only apply to your roll and reroll step, you get to heal 2 life if he is active and you roll at least 2 action die during your roll and reroll step, but if you want to make full use of it, use Parallax global. You just need to keep rolling action die and they don't even have to land on action face for his ability to trigger. Don't be surprise that your life is back to 20 again after making use of Doctor Strange ability,

Action die can really hurts especially if they deal more than 4 damage. Doctor Strange here can protect you from those action die. His ability is great, unfortunately, Captain America: Super Soldier exist and he is a 4 cost with better ability than Doctor Strange, so you might want to use Captain America instead.

If your opponent plays action die, Dormammu will really affect your opponent's game, but not all your opponent's game relied heavily on Action dice, so Dormammu won't affect their game much.

Again, Dormammu can hurt your opponent badly if and only if your opponent relies heavily on Action die. Still, the second part of his ability is a bummer, if your opponent wants to use action die that badly, he/she can just knocked out a character in your field to ignore his effect, that just make his ability weak all over again.

This version of Dormammu is cheaper, and his ability can totally counter an action combo. This card is more versatile because even if your opponent doesn't rely heavily on action dice, he/she would still need to use a few for the game play, so by keeping Dormammu active, you are making your opponent's life difficult, if they want to use action die, they need to maintain 2 or less active character in their field, which isn't easy for any team given that in the late game, you want to have your field occupied.

If you feel like your opponent will buy plenty of a particular basic action die, you can use eye of Agamotto to make your opponent's life slightly harder by making it cost more. However, if your opponent really wants to buy that basic action die, he/she will buy almost all of them before you can use Eye of Agamotto.

This is a stronger version of the Eye of Agamotto, if you think that your opponent will use a basic action die very often, place this action on the basic action card. Once the Eye of Agamotto is on that card, each time your opponent uses the basic action die, he/she takes 1 damage, and it will stop him/her from using or just drain his/her life. The global is pretty awesome too. You get to put the first action due you buy directly into your bag, so you can use it on this action, and don't worry about your opponent doing the same, because once Eye of Agamotto is active, it wouldn't be too good for your opponent to use that basic action die that soon.

Instead of using Eye of Agamotto against your opponent, this version simply helps your team. All your characters gets +1A each time you use the basic action die that Eye of Agamotto is on, which means you can potentially give your characters +3A, and that's just one eye of Agamotto. You can pair this with a good basic action die that supports your team to the fullest and the combo will work well.

Mindless Ones is a character with decent stats and cheap cost, however, it's not worth taking 1 damage to field a Mindless Ones, unless if it benefits you in another way. If you need a 2 cost villain with decent stats, there are plenty others to choose from.

Regenerate is a really annoying ability, and for a 3 cost villain to possess one, it's really worth it.

This is the first Marvel character to possess the swarm keyword, however, Mindless one have weak defense, so your opponent might ping it before it gets to swarm any die. A swarm is still best to work with a 1 cost character.

I really love Scarlet Witch, but this version of her just doesn't make sense. If you need to cycle your action die, you can use other characters. For her, each time you field her you get to draw and roll 1 action die, which isn't bad, but the flaw is if you roll action face for that die, you take 2 damage for it. It just isn't worth it unless you intentionally want to take damage.

This is a better version of Scarlet Witch that allows you to cycle your action die faster. So if you are playing an action combo, you can consider using her.

This is an alternative of Scarlet Witch that you can use if you are using an action combo, gaining life maybe isn't as good as dealing damage, but you might need it if your opponent is very aggressive, so she is a good healer especially if you are relying a lot on action die.

Wong has great stats, so possessing Fast is beneficial for you and if you are intending to use a sidekick team, you can include Wong in it. No complains about him since he is just 2 cost.

This version of Wong is great if you are using a lot of sidekicks in your team. If having them in your field can't do much damage to your opponent, you can trigger Wong's ability when you field him and sacrifice as many sidekicks as you want and pay that many energy to deal that many damage. It's an alternative in case someone bought a counter to your sidekick team and you can't do much with your sidekicks.

Wong is a sidekick supporter, so if you lack of some, you can include him in your team.
Basically this is a unique set, it is not like our usual starter set neither is this a foil pack, so just purchase this set and you get every card in this set. The only thing is you only get 2 dice for each character and you can use a maximum of 4 dice for each character, so if you want to max out each character, you need to purchase 2 of this team pack. Fortunately, the team pack is not costly.
I don't have much thing to review about this set because it's very small scale compared to the other set. This set may not have really strong character but still, there are some good ones for you to consider buying this product. Hope my review helps and thanks for reading!
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