Disclaimer: I like the GOTG, but I will still be very neutral when it comes to reviewing all the cards, everything that I am going to review will be based on the tactics and strategy of the card, so it's not the character's fault if the card is bad, it's just not usable in a competitive environment.
Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
New Keywords
Called Out - When a character with this keyword attacks, you may choose a target opposing character die, only that die can legally block the attacker. If the attacker is unblockable, cancelled the called out effect.
Infiltrate - When a character with this keyword attacks and is not blocked, instead of dealing combat damage to your opponent and sending the die to your used pile, you may return it to your field zone and deal your opponent 1 damage.
Also, each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Character/ Action cards

Adam Warlock's ability is fantastic, some examples of fielding ability would be ramping dice, dealing damage or target 1 character gets something something, so to be able to double that effect would be awesome, it would save you so much energy in the long run if you invest in Adam Warlock than fielding another copy of a character die.

To be able to use this card well is a little tricky but no worries I can guide you. First of all, it's a hard task to get Adam to get knocked out by combat damage is a little hard given that his defense is so high but, with some help from force block global, you can get it done. Most importantly, you are using Adam to counter some expensive or strong character. You can attack with Adam, force them to block, then Adam gets KO, then place those character that KO him on his card and never ever field Adam for the rest of the game. This way, you can prevent your opponent from ever using those characters for the rest of the game. What is so good about this is that if Adam leaves the field, there is entirely nothing your opponent can do to retrieve his/her characters back!
Blanking ability effect is great but for Adam's case, you can only blank character's ability that are lower level than his and only if Adam attacks, so it doesn't counter fielding or attacking abilities. If you wish to counter abilities, there are cheaper ways to do so.

Does anyone realize that Agent Venom and Venom's dice are always the same picture but different color? Anyway a character with Call out can be used in so many different ways, you can force an opposing character to block and KO them in the process. Agent Venom's additional ability also allows him to be immune for a turn if he manage to target a villain with call out, in a constructed format it might not be common to see a villain with call out, but it's a bonus ability so I'll take it.

If you need a guy with extra stats then Agent Venom is a good option.

This ability can be useful in the early game if your opponent only has a sidekick in the field, and when you field Agent Venom, you get to attack with both him and that sidekick, which you now controls. You can also use that sidekick to support your sidekick combo. Regardless, you only have a turn to use that controlled sidekick, so use it to the maximum potential.

It does stinks when your opponent doesn't finish you off using combat damage, but rather the non-combat damage. Angela simply prevents that. Not only to you, but attacking abilities that would deal damage to your characters are prevented by her as well.

Infiltrate abilities are not hard to trigger, you can always make them unblockable or simply swarm your opponent with Infiltrators. Angela is great, she deals 2 damage instead of 1 for her infiltrating ability.

Coming back to the issue where Infiltrators are hard to use their ability, Angela will solve them for you. Simply make all of them unblockable and you will deal Infiltrating damage to your opponent. What's more, for every Infiltrators you have, you can just use their ability without worry and deal your opponent damage and on the next turn, you still can keep them for blocking purposes. Great super rare card to start off the set.

Beta Ray Bill has great stats, his ability does help him if you give him overcrush. You do have a higher chance of dealing more spill damage. Still, there are other better 6 cost character with better abilities.

Beta Ray Bill is a great blocker, especially against overcrush character. Since he only takes 1 damage from them, it's hard for them to do any spill damage. Decent ability and beefy stats, good addition to GOTG team.

Seriously, for 7 cost to only be able to knock out an opposing fist character of equal or lower level is too weak.

She's only cost 3, and she has the Avengers affiliation and the Call out keyword, what more could you have ask for in a common card?

Instead of Call out, she get's the deadly keyword, no complains, both are good.

Instead of just boosting her Infiltrate damage, Black Widow boost all your Infiltrator's infiltrate damage! That is so sick, if you could combo this with Angela: Hunter of Demons, you can hurt your opponent very badly.

Seriously, for a 4 cost character, I can only use Intimidate on a villain character?

A more useful Captain America. You can go aggressive with him and if your opponent doesn't KO him, he will deal his attack value to your opponent. With his good defensive stats, it might be hard for your opponent to KO him. You can just give pump his defense so high that your opponent would just let him be unblocked because it's not worth all the sacrifice from his/her characters. Either way, he's a good aggressive attacker.

If you need more Infiltrators, simply field more sidekicks and Capt. Combo this with Angela: Hunter of Demons and you can see how deadly your sidekicks are. Another great Super rare.

Captain Britain Iron man has a great ability in the long run. When he's active, you just need to field a character, preferably 4 cost or higher, and you get to purchase that character for 3 less, in the long run, you can save a lot of cost if you keep fielding characters. Similarly for basic action die. The issue is the part where you need to buy him, but if you can solve that issue, you can save a lot of energy with this card in the long run.

Captain Marvel's stats is great, but for her cost to only gain 1 life and it's a fielding ability, it's hard to keep triggering her ability in the long term.

You can always go aggressive with Captain Marvel but I don't think she's gonna get KO that easily, and again, for 5 cost, to gain only 1 life seems very pathetic.

With Captain Marvel around, your sidekicks are like undead, whenever they are KO by your opponent, they just come back to the field at level 1. It will be very helpful for you if you are using a sidekick combo.

Cosmic Cube, or rather the Space Gem if you follow the avengers sequel, really has the power to change space. In the game, when you would draw the cosmic cube die, you may change the fate of your draw die by placing those die you don't want out of play and draw a new set of dice. It can help your game somehow but you would need to spend 3 cost for this die, and if you don't use the effect, or if you draw this die any other time than the clear and draw step or you roll this die on an action face and don't reroll, it would be a total waste.

Now we are talking, if you are using an action combo, this would be the perfect card in your team. The first die you purchase for this effect, you could use on a cheap action die, like this one, then you can spend the rest of the effect buying action dice for 3 less. If your dice roll is perfect, you can purchase up 1 2-cost action and 2 4-cost action in a single turn, and that's if you only have 3 energy to spend this turn! With good ramp, you could purchase all your action dice in a single turn.

For a 2 cost action to increase all action or character ability damage by 2 is simply overpowered. With that increment, you can easily finish your opponent off in a shorter time.

Cosmo is a 2 cost GOTG supporter, so if you are going aggressive with your other GOTG, you can KO Cosmo. For 2 cost, such a sacrifice won't have too much impact for you.

For only 2 cost, Cosmo helps to pump all your GOTG character's defense. Nothing bad, awesome.

If you are worried that your opponent would finish you off with his wall of characters, fear not. Simply block with Cosmo and if he is KO, your opponent's unblocked character deals only 2 damage at most. It's a great damage nullifier for a 2 cost.

It's been a while since we see Aftershock ability. Daisy, or I should say, Quake is a weird character, she's like a ticking time bomb, she can wipe out the entire field when your opponent knocks her out. One way to use her would be having characters that are beefy in your field, so when Quake triggers her ability, your character's are safe.

Her attacking ability is really dependent on how much shield energy you spend when she attacks. You can use it to eliminate your opponent's weaker character and support your other attackers if they have overcrush. But be careful, your characters are not immune from her damage.

This version of Quake simply gets stronger with Shield energy in your reserve pool, instead of just wiping out the whole field. Decent ability, especially since shield energy can be kept for globals even in your opponent's turn.

For some reason, Drax seems to have a high fielding cost for his stats, but nevertheless, his ability allows him to field for free if you have another GOTG character active, so it's not hard to field him for free, as for what you want to do with him, it's really up to you. If he has 0 fielding cost, his cost and stats is really decent.

It's not hard to KO a character, you can use magic missile global to ping a sidekick, and you can trigger Drax ability. That additional 3A will come in handy in combat.

You could simply use Drax to pump all your GOTG characters, don't look down on that pump, it may be the cause of winning. Great ability.

Dugan has better stats than a sidekick, so for any reason if you need him active and he is KO, you can always use a sidekick to trade places with him.

With some many global that allows you to field sidekicks and so many Ally in the game, it's not hard to get sidekicks in your field, for only 2 cost, Dugan attack can increase beyond your imagination! Figure of speech, but you get the point.

Sidekicks can be rather weak and can be ping easily, Dugan simply protects them from global and character ability, so if your opponent wants to get to your sidekick, they must first go through Dugan.

This is by far the cheapest version of Gamora in the game. Gamora is cheaper than her other version but comes with a price, she must attack if your opponent has an active villain. This might not be a bad thing, she gets an additional attack pump and you can go really aggressive with her given that her stats are decent for her cost.

Fielding Gamora can be a hassle since her fielding cost is not cheap and getting her to leave the field is another issue since she has high defense stats. So for her to only allow you to place a GOTG die into your bag or prep it on the turn she is fielded seems a little weak, given that Big Entrance BAC does the same effect for a lesser cost and work.

As much as I am a fan of Gamora, I feel that there are other Infiltrators that is the same cost as her but has a cheaper fielding cost. Her burst ability is great but only on her burst side, there are other Infiltrators with better ability.

Ramping an extra dice is great but in the long run, it is not feasible, you won't want to keep only 1 character in the field as your opponent can always swarm you, and you won't want to keep only 1 character in the field because you do want to field characters and attack. You could however play action cards to support your team and Ghost Rider being the only character die in the field so you always get the extra ramp, but I still feel more secure using characters than action die to do combat.

I like characters that can block 2 character but in the long run, you will feel that it's not feasible for Ghost Rider. You might as well invest your 4 cost for 2 blockers that are 2 cost each and have a combined stats higher than Ghost Rider, and you still could have more than 1 character in the field. Ghost Rider has to be the only die in the field for him to trigger his ability, and you won't want to leave him alone in the field, it's too risky.

This version is better, but Ghost Rider's fielding cost isn't very cheap and his ability only triggers under underdog circumstances, so i would rather you use other character with lower cost and no requirement for ramp.

Groot works like a double edge sword, you GOTG is protect from global and action dice. So you opponent cannot target them with those, but neither could you, so you can't use action die and give your GOTG overcrush, neither can you pump them with global. If you have ways to win and you guaranteed that you won't have to use action and global on your GOTG characters, then this version of Groot is for you. The global is great though, it allows you to heal yourself if needed for only 2 shield energy.

Damage reducer is always great, especially towards you. Groot can save you by reducing your first source of damage received by 1, 2 on his burst side. The number might be small but it definitely helps in the long run.

Groot is a protector, if another character of yours is knocked out this turn by your opponent and when Groot is knocked out, you get to return Groot and every character in your prep area into the field at level 2. This is more of less a safeguard for your team, it makes it hard for your opponent to wipe your entire field when Groot is active, because each time they do, your characters will just return to the field. And you can go ahead and block with your characters, as long as Groot and 1 other character is knocked out, they will return to the field, so you don't have to waste energy to field them and you don't have to roll them on your next turn.

Groot Thor has an amazing ability. Using all other character's fielding abilities when he is fielded can make a big difference in your game. You could ramp dice, deal damage and pump characters etc all in the same turn. The issue here is his stats, it's hard to get him out of the field, so if you can solve this issue, then re-fielding him would be super awesome for your team. The additional ability of not allowing anyone to copy his ability is great, it prevents your opponent from stealing his awesome ability.

Hulk is back again, but seriously, even with his awesome stats and his avengers affiliation, having a 6 cost vanilla cost is really expensive even for Hulk.

It's not hard to spin Hulk up a level since you can always ping your sidekicks. And since you can always level up Hulk, you can always spin him down to deal 2 damage to each opposing character. Something similar to Hulk: Green Goliath in AVX set, but more tedious way to trigger the area damage, nevertheless, the area damage can come in handy especially when your opponent starts building wall.

I believe this is the first time Hulk has a rare version. Giving Hulk overcrush can be deadly since his stats is so beefy and his ability gives you the option of dealing spill damage to an opposing character instead of your opponent. You can always use that spill damage to get rid of an opposing character that is annoying you.

Ironheart has good stats but her fielding cost is just too expensive. Even with her call out ability, I still feel that her overall cost is not worth her ability.

Giving Ironheart a fielding ability isn't the wisest move, since she is has issue leaving the field. And her ability only helps you to put dice from your used pile into your bag, not even prep them. I don't see the value in buying her, fielding her, all just to place a dice into your bag. You could have use big entrance BAC, it would be more efficient.

This version of Ironhearts requires you to have at least 2 different avengers in your team. Avengers are rather cheap, just get 2 cheap and good ones will do the trick. You can save her fielding cost and pump her stats, and for 5 cost, it'll make her a good offensive and defensive character, so nothing to complain here.

This is another great super rare card. As long as he is targeted by global or action die, he gets to deal damage to your opponent. You can use action die to give him overcrush or make him unblockable and then pump him with global as much as you can, and he will deal some massive damage to your opponent, and that's even before he deals any combat damage! And if your opponent wish to do anything to him by targeting him with global or action die, they will take damage from him. He only has 1 die and is quite hard to purchase, but he is definitely worth your purchase.

Such a strange card, it makes your character cost more but you can prep them whenever you move this action from your field to the used pile. Take it as you paying 1 more energy to prep each die you purchase. Not a bad card but it does take some time and effort to pull it off.
To make full use of this action die, you would need to have as many character dice in your reserve pool as you can when you use the action effect. And you need to make sure that you can save as much fielding cost as you can for using this action. It's actually not bad in the long run, because first of all, if you were to roll a level 3 of a die, it's 1 in 6 chance, and that's not very high. With this action, you just need to spin them to their level 3 side and you only need to spend 1 energy to field them instead of 2 or even 3 energy.

This card is awesome! Sometimes in the early game, you use some character to ramp dice or even deal some early game damage, and in the late game, they can be a burden in your dice bag, so trading them with a stronger character in your team might be better for you. Plus, if you use the action in the long run, you can save a lot of cost on energy.

Wow, just wow. A global ability protector for your team. With her active, you don't have to be afraid that your opponent would harm your characters with global. But do take note that neither can you, so be careful, plan your team well if you decide to include her

I think this card says it all, stopping your opponent's fielding ability can affect their game, especially since so many characters has it.

This is somewhat like her common version but it's a little tricky here, it does stops your opponent from using global if he/she fields a non-villain, but your opponent can still use global on your turn or he/she could use global first before fielding characters, so it doesn't totally prevent your opponent's usage of global ability. It only stops a couple of combo, but generally speaking, you might end up wasting her in the field if her ability doesn't affect your opponent's game.

Madame Web has god stats for her cost, and giving her additional pump when she blocks a villain sure is a bonus, but generally, it's hard for her ability to trigger and it would be too expensive in the long run to convert a character to villain for her ability.

Something similar to intimidate effect but triggers when she attacks and not when she is fielded. If you move the right character, you can counter a lot of your opponent's counter against you and since it's an attacking ability, it's not hard to trigger her ability again next turn.

Seriously, isn't this card a little broken? Forcing all opposing character to block her, means you can swarm your opponent with the rest of your field and that can win you the game. All you need to do is pay 2 generic energy when she attacks, that's not hard to trigger. This card is sick, reminds me of Spider Man: Webslinger in the AVX set.

A decent stats character with the ability to ramp. The only issue is that she might have difficulty exiting the field for you to ramp dice over and again in the long run, nevertheless she can be a good blocker for your team.

Similar to the common version but instead of fielding ability, the ramp happens only if she is knocked out. It's just as decent as the common version so nothing to complain about.

To attack with Mantis and not get blocked is a little hard to set up mainly because your opponent won't allow you to trigger her ability. To make her unblockable is one way to go at it. Nevertheless, buying her die for only 1 cost is decent, especially if you have ways to pumped her stats.

Moondragon can go up to level 3 very easily. You can use action dice and boost your character and Moondragon goes up a level. So mainly you are using her for the high stats.
This version of Moondragon is an alternative for her to go up to level 3 in no time. Taking damage is part of the game, you can use global that deals yourself damage to trigger her ability. But I would rather use another 5 cost character with her stats and have better ability.

This is a supporter for your GOTG characters. It does helps if your characters are at a higher level, so with Moondragon around, your GOTG characters will at least be at level 2. A decent supporter, but not necessarily in my opinion.

I am just as surprise as you that Nebula is a GOTG instead of villain, but great, more GOTG members. Nebula ability does cause a little effect on your opponent by asking them to reselect one of their dice drawn. It can really get annoying at times. Imagine your opponent draws 3 dice, including a powerful character die, then place all his/her dice from the used pile into the bag and draws the fourth die, only to have you put the powerful character die back into his/her bag and decrease the chance of your opponent to draw that die. It does helps you to buy some time if luck is on your side, and also cause some frustration against your opponent. Not forgetting that Nebula has great defensive stats so for 4 cost, it sure offers a lot.

Infiltrators are best to go along with Angela: Hunter of Demons, so I would assume that if you are using Infiltrators, you would use Angela. Nebula is a great infiltrator because not only is her able to deal damage to your opponent, she is also an amazing blocker and not easy to get knocked out.

Nebula does helps you to have a little advantage in the game by allowing you to discard 2 dice and draw 2 brand new ones. You can always discard weaker dice like sidekicks or characters or action that you no longer need in the game and have a chance to draw better dice. Plus, she doesn't have to be active for you to use her ability. So in the long run, she can help you to cycle your dice faster.

Simple as it sounds, Norman Osborn helps your villain team and all the fielding cost you saved could be used to purchase better dice, so in the long run, it's a great value.

Adding a dice into your bag is great, it allows you to use that die faster. It's a great add on for your villain team, so no complains.

This is a sick ability, even if your opponent has no villain, as long as you have villains in your field and when you field Norman, you get to deal your opponent damage, just like that! The crazy part is that it's 1 damage for every villain die, not Active villain, so having a few cheap villains will do the trick. It's also easy for Norman to exit the field, so a fielding ability is perfect for him.

I believe this is the first time that an equipment is introduced for Marvel Dice Masters Universe. For only 2 cost, you get to pump a character, you can equip it on a character with overcrush, unblockable or simply equip to a good blocker to make it a great blocker. What is so great is that the pump stays on the equipped character as long as both dice are in the field, so you can say that the pump is permanent. Great card.

Another alternative, instead of pumping, this version of Nova Uniform protects the user from villain and global. I still prefer the pumping stats version as villains are not as common, and the uniform only protects damage from global, not effect.

Equip this on a character with overcrush, it sure helps.

Nova Prime has great stats but no other ability, you don't really need to prevent damage dealt to him. Plus, the effect only last 1 turn.

This is a great blocker against overcrush character, simply pay 1 energy while Nova blocks that character and no spill damage will go through.

Nova can deal up to 4 damage each time he is fielded, all you need to do is pay energy of different kind when he is fielded. You need to make him exit the field though if you want to keep dealing damage to your opponent this way. Decent card, great source of offense.

Punisher has a weird affiliation, Marvel Knights and Mystic. Nevertheless, using him is very risky, because you might end up knocking out your characters most of the time. Or even if you tied with your opponent for having the lowest character in the field, you are probably going to KO a weak character. His stats is strong though, and if you really need to use him, combo him with a weak character that has good fielding ability so he can keep attacking and you can KO that character using his ability, and if you are lucky, you might KO an opposing character that is strong, unlikely, but not impossible.

Quasar does have good stats for her cost, her ability is an bonus. You can always make her unblockable and pay a bolt to trigger her ability and hopefully use her ability again next turn and you can keep doing this until the game ends. Nothing bad about it.

This ability is sick, usually wild energy are the best because you can spend them as whatever the you want. Turning your opponent's wild energy into generic energy is just crazy and would definitely affect your opponent's game.

This card is by far one of the best rare in this set! To be able to spend any type of energy for global is simply overpowered. You don't need to roll the right energy to use a specific global with Quasar around. Your generic energy will be as useful as your wild energy! Her global is another add on, it's like trading a bolt for a wild energy, even though you can only use the global once per turn, it's a guaranteed wild energy for you to spend on your turn, and you can use the global on your opponent's turn as well!

Richochet's fielding cost might be a little expensive, but he's got Infiltrate keyword! By far one of the cheapest Infiltrators in this set. He's got the Spider friends affiliation as well, so for 2 cost, the card has it's value.

Ricochet can be used against sidekick combo. Given his attack value, he will most likely be blocked, so it's not hard to trigger his ability. Over time, your opponent will have trouble keeping sidekicks in the field.

This is a great addition for Infiltrator's combo. Combo this with Angela: Hunter of Demon and you get to deal your opponent damage for Infiltrating and with Ricochet active, you get to ramp one die for every character that uses Infiltrate. The Infiltrator combo can get really sick.

Rocket has great attack value but low defense value, so giving him fast ensures a higher chance that he can KO his blockers before they can KO him, give him overcrush to make the best of his ability.
Rocket is easy to get KO, you can combo his ability with overcrush and his attack value will be high, so when he gets knocked out, even if he doesn't deal spill damage, you can deal his attack value to a target character, and it will probably be high enough to knock them out.

Well, why not? Just go super aggressive with Rocket and if he gets knocked out, he deals your opponent 1 damage, I don't anything bad about this.

Seriously, for 7 cost, and a fielding ability on such a beefy character. The only thing I am given is additional 2A and only if I don't have any other dice in the field zone. Anyone that thinks that I am going to use this card in my team is crazy.

Another mediocre ability from Ronan. Knocking out characters is great but if you are only subjecting to villains, then it's hard for his ability to work in every game because not every player uses a villain team.

Wow, guess the game really hate Ronan or something. For 8 cost, I repeat, 8 cost, you get to capture only villain dice, but only for a turn. There are way better capturing ability at a lower cost that doesn't subject to only villain dice. Plus, his effect only last a turn, so there isn't really much you can do on that turn his ability is activated.

Sword agent can get really powerful if there are lots of sidekicks in both player's field zone. He can be a great blocker, or if you use the flip stats global, he can be a great attacker.

A simple sidekick character with good stats, not too powerful but usable in draft.

That additional pump from their ability will come in handy. They are cheap and has the ally keyword, nothing to complain about.

Another Infiltrator that you can add into your Infiltrate combo. Squirrel girl has decent stats for her cost and the avengers affiliation. Nothing too bad but there are of course cheap and better Infiltrators in the game.

This is really fun, what's Squirrel girl if she cannot summon Squirrel? Getting a free character in the form of a squirrel token every turn is nothing bad, it adds as a free character for you to block if needed to. The global is great, it allows you to redirect damage dealt by your characters to another character, for instance, if you attack with a 4A character and it's block by a 4D opposing character, you can pay 4 fist and transfer the 4A by your attacker to someone else in the field that isn't in the attack zone, pretty interesting global.

Squirrel girl here helps to drain your opponent's blocker. You can go aggressive with her, even at level 1, and your opponent needs to block with 3 blockers to avoid taking damage. You can always pump her to the fullest and your opponent eventually cannot avoid taking damage. The ability is really powerful, you can either drain blockers or deal damage to your opponent, another great rare to look out for.

Star lord has really high fielding cost for his stats. So for him to gain a fielding ability might not be the best idea. Nevertheless, he can deal 1 damage to your opponent just by getting into the field, and he's got the GOTG affiliation.

By now you should have seen lots of great Infiltrators, so if you want to use an all Infiltrators team, you can add Star Lord into the mix. If you only want a few good ones, I am sure you will find cheaper or better Infiltrator than Star Lord.

This is a great GOTG supporter. GOTG characters are very powerful if the synergy is right. With Star Lord being active, you can give your GOTG characters overcrush and each one of them can only be block by 1 blocker, and that itself is really powerful. You could also use the Call out ability to knock out an opposing character that is affecting your game, so all in all, if you plan to use a GOTG team, do look out for Star Lord.

Stick has really good stats for his cost, especially at level 3. If you can get him to level 3 and give him overcrush. Only level 3 characters can block him and you can see him deal some collateral damage.

Give Stick overcrush and call out on a sidekick. You can see him deal some massive damage to your opponent.

Overcrush is really the way to go for Stick. You opponent probably won't use sidekicks or weak characters to block him to avoid triggering his unblockable ability, and he/she probably won't declare so much blockers against Stick unless necessary. He is simple to use and just hope you get to roll him on his level 3 for some crazy damage.

Thanos is a villain counter, he is a little bit expensive, but you can always keep him in your team so when you do face a villain team or even if your opponent uses a villain that is powerful, you can use Thanos to blank all villains. Be careful not to use villain as Thanos ability work against your villain as well.

7 cost character needs to have a great ability in order to motivate you to make the effort to buy and field them. Thanos here is a great example of a good 7 cost card. When he is fielded, you can name a character dice that you think your opponent relies on a lot. Firstly, that character cannot be fielded, so your opponent lose out a character, and second of all, whenever that die goes to your opponent's used pile, which is going to happen at some point of time, your opponent takes 4 damage. Whichever character you choose, it will be a burden for your opponent's team, and that's what a 7 cost character should be capable of.

If a 7 cost character should be capable of putting tons of pressure on your opponent, then an 8 cost character should be capable of torturing your opponent mentally. Thanos is yet another good example of a great 8 cost character. Imagine if you manage to field Thanos, all you need to do is start fielding villains and your opponent will take damage, it's like your opponent cannot block an attacking villain but the best part is your opponent cannot react to it like he/she could in a combat, so they probably have to just suck up that damage.

A villain team supporter. The only drawback is that the collector is 6 cost, so you need to use his ability more often to make his purchasing and fielding cost worth. Collect does have very defensive stats so having an active ability is great.

There hasn't be an effect that remove dice from the game until now. So here's how you could use Collector to your advantage. Regardless of what your opponent chooses, because your opponent pretty much will select a weaker dice compared to your choice, so just choose an unpurchase high cost die, and place that die into your used pile, now remove all other dice in your used pile out of the game, which means that you can now get rid of weaker dice for good including sidekick dice. It does take some dice management so you don't lose out from using Collector's ability. Also, Collector has really high defensive stats so you either get to use him only once per game or you need ways to make him exit the field.

Give me a minute to be impressed by this card. Wow! You can actually purchase an opponent's character with this effect. When Collector is active, all you need to do is just purchase character at a cheaper cost and attack with it, you can combo this with characters with great attacking or even fielding ability, or you can use your opponent's ones if they are stronger. Although it's just a one turn thing, it allows you to immediately field that character and you can attack with it.

This action would be perfect if you are playing an action combo. It makes purchasing character dice very expensive, imagine just having 1 sidekick dice in the field, your character cards cost 1 more. That is why using an action combo would be best suited to use this action as action dice aren't affected. For only 2 cost, it can make your opponent's game very miserable.

I like the idea of capturing characters, but doing it randomly relies a lot on luck, and if luck is against you, you probably would select a strong character of your own that you might need for your game.

To use the Kyln, you would need to ensure that every turn, you have a character to "sacrifice", most likely it's a sidekick. If you don't then you are forced to choose one of your essential characters for Kyln's effect. It does put pressure for your opponent as they always need 1 other character for Kyln's effect, but it's a double edge sword so you could end up harming yourself as well. It's really not easy to use The Kyln.

2 cost character with Infiltrate, decent stats and fielding cost, no complains.

This is a great ramp in additional to your ramp! It basically increase all your draw and roll dice effects by 1, and it's only 2 cost!

There are plenty of better Avengers at 3 cost and have abilities. If you were to use Yellow Jacket, I suppose it's for the chance to get him at level 3, I mean, for 3 cost and his level 3 stats sure is impressive.

Unblockable abilities are great, Yellow Jacket can prove to be very powerful. Even at level 1 or 2 stats, he still can do some damage, and if you want to make full use of him, pump him as much as you can.

With no threats possess against your opponent, I doubt they would target Yellow Jacket for any reason. So as much as it's great for him to cancel effect for his ability, I don't think it's very useful if no one ever targets him.

Yondu has great attack value and low defense value so a fielding ability is great for him. Give him overcrush to make full use of his effect, since all opposing character are already dealt 1 damage, you should be able to do some spill damage.

If you are playing a GOTG team, Yondu will most likely be your secondary offenses. All you need to do is field him and he deals at least 1 damage. Make a full GOTG character team and he deals 8 damage, you get my point. Since he has low defense, it makes him easier to leave the field so you can deal more damage when you re-field him next turn.

Instead of working with GOTG team, Yondu here helps you to deal damage according to the character dice in your used pile. With the right dice management, you can easily deal high damage against your opponent.
With cards from this set, I think the GOTG is going to be as good as the likes of JLA and Avengers soon. There are lots of good cards in this set, not just towards a certain team, but generically speaking, they can fit in well in any team. We saw some great attackers, blockers, supporters and counters in this set, and most of the Super rare cards are good. So look out for draft sessions nearby to you as I feel that the draft is going to be super fun. I personally would recommend a player to get at least 1 feed as the cards you'll be getting is super good. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope my post helps!
New Keywords
Called Out - When a character with this keyword attacks, you may choose a target opposing character die, only that die can legally block the attacker. If the attacker is unblockable, cancelled the called out effect.
Infiltrate - When a character with this keyword attacks and is not blocked, instead of dealing combat damage to your opponent and sending the die to your used pile, you may return it to your field zone and deal your opponent 1 damage.
Also, each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Character/ Action cards

Adam Warlock's ability is fantastic, some examples of fielding ability would be ramping dice, dealing damage or target 1 character gets something something, so to be able to double that effect would be awesome, it would save you so much energy in the long run if you invest in Adam Warlock than fielding another copy of a character die.

To be able to use this card well is a little tricky but no worries I can guide you. First of all, it's a hard task to get Adam to get knocked out by combat damage is a little hard given that his defense is so high but, with some help from force block global, you can get it done. Most importantly, you are using Adam to counter some expensive or strong character. You can attack with Adam, force them to block, then Adam gets KO, then place those character that KO him on his card and never ever field Adam for the rest of the game. This way, you can prevent your opponent from ever using those characters for the rest of the game. What is so good about this is that if Adam leaves the field, there is entirely nothing your opponent can do to retrieve his/her characters back!

Blanking ability effect is great but for Adam's case, you can only blank character's ability that are lower level than his and only if Adam attacks, so it doesn't counter fielding or attacking abilities. If you wish to counter abilities, there are cheaper ways to do so.

Does anyone realize that Agent Venom and Venom's dice are always the same picture but different color? Anyway a character with Call out can be used in so many different ways, you can force an opposing character to block and KO them in the process. Agent Venom's additional ability also allows him to be immune for a turn if he manage to target a villain with call out, in a constructed format it might not be common to see a villain with call out, but it's a bonus ability so I'll take it.

If you need a guy with extra stats then Agent Venom is a good option.

This ability can be useful in the early game if your opponent only has a sidekick in the field, and when you field Agent Venom, you get to attack with both him and that sidekick, which you now controls. You can also use that sidekick to support your sidekick combo. Regardless, you only have a turn to use that controlled sidekick, so use it to the maximum potential.

It does stinks when your opponent doesn't finish you off using combat damage, but rather the non-combat damage. Angela simply prevents that. Not only to you, but attacking abilities that would deal damage to your characters are prevented by her as well.

Infiltrate abilities are not hard to trigger, you can always make them unblockable or simply swarm your opponent with Infiltrators. Angela is great, she deals 2 damage instead of 1 for her infiltrating ability.

Coming back to the issue where Infiltrators are hard to use their ability, Angela will solve them for you. Simply make all of them unblockable and you will deal Infiltrating damage to your opponent. What's more, for every Infiltrators you have, you can just use their ability without worry and deal your opponent damage and on the next turn, you still can keep them for blocking purposes. Great super rare card to start off the set.

Beta Ray Bill has great stats, his ability does help him if you give him overcrush. You do have a higher chance of dealing more spill damage. Still, there are other better 6 cost character with better abilities.

Beta Ray Bill is a great blocker, especially against overcrush character. Since he only takes 1 damage from them, it's hard for them to do any spill damage. Decent ability and beefy stats, good addition to GOTG team.

Seriously, for 7 cost to only be able to knock out an opposing fist character of equal or lower level is too weak.

She's only cost 3, and she has the Avengers affiliation and the Call out keyword, what more could you have ask for in a common card?

Instead of Call out, she get's the deadly keyword, no complains, both are good.

Instead of just boosting her Infiltrate damage, Black Widow boost all your Infiltrator's infiltrate damage! That is so sick, if you could combo this with Angela: Hunter of Demons, you can hurt your opponent very badly.

Seriously, for a 4 cost character, I can only use Intimidate on a villain character?

A more useful Captain America. You can go aggressive with him and if your opponent doesn't KO him, he will deal his attack value to your opponent. With his good defensive stats, it might be hard for your opponent to KO him. You can just give pump his defense so high that your opponent would just let him be unblocked because it's not worth all the sacrifice from his/her characters. Either way, he's a good aggressive attacker.

If you need more Infiltrators, simply field more sidekicks and Capt. Combo this with Angela: Hunter of Demons and you can see how deadly your sidekicks are. Another great Super rare.

Captain Britain Iron man has a great ability in the long run. When he's active, you just need to field a character, preferably 4 cost or higher, and you get to purchase that character for 3 less, in the long run, you can save a lot of cost if you keep fielding characters. Similarly for basic action die. The issue is the part where you need to buy him, but if you can solve that issue, you can save a lot of energy with this card in the long run.

Captain Marvel's stats is great, but for her cost to only gain 1 life and it's a fielding ability, it's hard to keep triggering her ability in the long term.

You can always go aggressive with Captain Marvel but I don't think she's gonna get KO that easily, and again, for 5 cost, to gain only 1 life seems very pathetic.

With Captain Marvel around, your sidekicks are like undead, whenever they are KO by your opponent, they just come back to the field at level 1. It will be very helpful for you if you are using a sidekick combo.

Cosmic Cube, or rather the Space Gem if you follow the avengers sequel, really has the power to change space. In the game, when you would draw the cosmic cube die, you may change the fate of your draw die by placing those die you don't want out of play and draw a new set of dice. It can help your game somehow but you would need to spend 3 cost for this die, and if you don't use the effect, or if you draw this die any other time than the clear and draw step or you roll this die on an action face and don't reroll, it would be a total waste.

Now we are talking, if you are using an action combo, this would be the perfect card in your team. The first die you purchase for this effect, you could use on a cheap action die, like this one, then you can spend the rest of the effect buying action dice for 3 less. If your dice roll is perfect, you can purchase up 1 2-cost action and 2 4-cost action in a single turn, and that's if you only have 3 energy to spend this turn! With good ramp, you could purchase all your action dice in a single turn.

For a 2 cost action to increase all action or character ability damage by 2 is simply overpowered. With that increment, you can easily finish your opponent off in a shorter time.

Cosmo is a 2 cost GOTG supporter, so if you are going aggressive with your other GOTG, you can KO Cosmo. For 2 cost, such a sacrifice won't have too much impact for you.

For only 2 cost, Cosmo helps to pump all your GOTG character's defense. Nothing bad, awesome.

If you are worried that your opponent would finish you off with his wall of characters, fear not. Simply block with Cosmo and if he is KO, your opponent's unblocked character deals only 2 damage at most. It's a great damage nullifier for a 2 cost.

It's been a while since we see Aftershock ability. Daisy, or I should say, Quake is a weird character, she's like a ticking time bomb, she can wipe out the entire field when your opponent knocks her out. One way to use her would be having characters that are beefy in your field, so when Quake triggers her ability, your character's are safe.

Her attacking ability is really dependent on how much shield energy you spend when she attacks. You can use it to eliminate your opponent's weaker character and support your other attackers if they have overcrush. But be careful, your characters are not immune from her damage.

This version of Quake simply gets stronger with Shield energy in your reserve pool, instead of just wiping out the whole field. Decent ability, especially since shield energy can be kept for globals even in your opponent's turn.

For some reason, Drax seems to have a high fielding cost for his stats, but nevertheless, his ability allows him to field for free if you have another GOTG character active, so it's not hard to field him for free, as for what you want to do with him, it's really up to you. If he has 0 fielding cost, his cost and stats is really decent.

It's not hard to KO a character, you can use magic missile global to ping a sidekick, and you can trigger Drax ability. That additional 3A will come in handy in combat.

You could simply use Drax to pump all your GOTG characters, don't look down on that pump, it may be the cause of winning. Great ability.

Dugan has better stats than a sidekick, so for any reason if you need him active and he is KO, you can always use a sidekick to trade places with him.

With some many global that allows you to field sidekicks and so many Ally in the game, it's not hard to get sidekicks in your field, for only 2 cost, Dugan attack can increase beyond your imagination! Figure of speech, but you get the point.

Sidekicks can be rather weak and can be ping easily, Dugan simply protects them from global and character ability, so if your opponent wants to get to your sidekick, they must first go through Dugan.

This is by far the cheapest version of Gamora in the game. Gamora is cheaper than her other version but comes with a price, she must attack if your opponent has an active villain. This might not be a bad thing, she gets an additional attack pump and you can go really aggressive with her given that her stats are decent for her cost.

Fielding Gamora can be a hassle since her fielding cost is not cheap and getting her to leave the field is another issue since she has high defense stats. So for her to only allow you to place a GOTG die into your bag or prep it on the turn she is fielded seems a little weak, given that Big Entrance BAC does the same effect for a lesser cost and work.

As much as I am a fan of Gamora, I feel that there are other Infiltrators that is the same cost as her but has a cheaper fielding cost. Her burst ability is great but only on her burst side, there are other Infiltrators with better ability.

Ramping an extra dice is great but in the long run, it is not feasible, you won't want to keep only 1 character in the field as your opponent can always swarm you, and you won't want to keep only 1 character in the field because you do want to field characters and attack. You could however play action cards to support your team and Ghost Rider being the only character die in the field so you always get the extra ramp, but I still feel more secure using characters than action die to do combat.

I like characters that can block 2 character but in the long run, you will feel that it's not feasible for Ghost Rider. You might as well invest your 4 cost for 2 blockers that are 2 cost each and have a combined stats higher than Ghost Rider, and you still could have more than 1 character in the field. Ghost Rider has to be the only die in the field for him to trigger his ability, and you won't want to leave him alone in the field, it's too risky.

This version is better, but Ghost Rider's fielding cost isn't very cheap and his ability only triggers under underdog circumstances, so i would rather you use other character with lower cost and no requirement for ramp.

Groot works like a double edge sword, you GOTG is protect from global and action dice. So you opponent cannot target them with those, but neither could you, so you can't use action die and give your GOTG overcrush, neither can you pump them with global. If you have ways to win and you guaranteed that you won't have to use action and global on your GOTG characters, then this version of Groot is for you. The global is great though, it allows you to heal yourself if needed for only 2 shield energy.

Damage reducer is always great, especially towards you. Groot can save you by reducing your first source of damage received by 1, 2 on his burst side. The number might be small but it definitely helps in the long run.

Groot is a protector, if another character of yours is knocked out this turn by your opponent and when Groot is knocked out, you get to return Groot and every character in your prep area into the field at level 2. This is more of less a safeguard for your team, it makes it hard for your opponent to wipe your entire field when Groot is active, because each time they do, your characters will just return to the field. And you can go ahead and block with your characters, as long as Groot and 1 other character is knocked out, they will return to the field, so you don't have to waste energy to field them and you don't have to roll them on your next turn.

Groot Thor has an amazing ability. Using all other character's fielding abilities when he is fielded can make a big difference in your game. You could ramp dice, deal damage and pump characters etc all in the same turn. The issue here is his stats, it's hard to get him out of the field, so if you can solve this issue, then re-fielding him would be super awesome for your team. The additional ability of not allowing anyone to copy his ability is great, it prevents your opponent from stealing his awesome ability.

Hulk is back again, but seriously, even with his awesome stats and his avengers affiliation, having a 6 cost vanilla cost is really expensive even for Hulk.

It's not hard to spin Hulk up a level since you can always ping your sidekicks. And since you can always level up Hulk, you can always spin him down to deal 2 damage to each opposing character. Something similar to Hulk: Green Goliath in AVX set, but more tedious way to trigger the area damage, nevertheless, the area damage can come in handy especially when your opponent starts building wall.

I believe this is the first time Hulk has a rare version. Giving Hulk overcrush can be deadly since his stats is so beefy and his ability gives you the option of dealing spill damage to an opposing character instead of your opponent. You can always use that spill damage to get rid of an opposing character that is annoying you.

Ironheart has good stats but her fielding cost is just too expensive. Even with her call out ability, I still feel that her overall cost is not worth her ability.

Giving Ironheart a fielding ability isn't the wisest move, since she is has issue leaving the field. And her ability only helps you to put dice from your used pile into your bag, not even prep them. I don't see the value in buying her, fielding her, all just to place a dice into your bag. You could have use big entrance BAC, it would be more efficient.

This version of Ironhearts requires you to have at least 2 different avengers in your team. Avengers are rather cheap, just get 2 cheap and good ones will do the trick. You can save her fielding cost and pump her stats, and for 5 cost, it'll make her a good offensive and defensive character, so nothing to complain here.

This is another great super rare card. As long as he is targeted by global or action die, he gets to deal damage to your opponent. You can use action die to give him overcrush or make him unblockable and then pump him with global as much as you can, and he will deal some massive damage to your opponent, and that's even before he deals any combat damage! And if your opponent wish to do anything to him by targeting him with global or action die, they will take damage from him. He only has 1 die and is quite hard to purchase, but he is definitely worth your purchase.

Such a strange card, it makes your character cost more but you can prep them whenever you move this action from your field to the used pile. Take it as you paying 1 more energy to prep each die you purchase. Not a bad card but it does take some time and effort to pull it off.

To make full use of this action die, you would need to have as many character dice in your reserve pool as you can when you use the action effect. And you need to make sure that you can save as much fielding cost as you can for using this action. It's actually not bad in the long run, because first of all, if you were to roll a level 3 of a die, it's 1 in 6 chance, and that's not very high. With this action, you just need to spin them to their level 3 side and you only need to spend 1 energy to field them instead of 2 or even 3 energy.

This card is awesome! Sometimes in the early game, you use some character to ramp dice or even deal some early game damage, and in the late game, they can be a burden in your dice bag, so trading them with a stronger character in your team might be better for you. Plus, if you use the action in the long run, you can save a lot of cost on energy.

Wow, just wow. A global ability protector for your team. With her active, you don't have to be afraid that your opponent would harm your characters with global. But do take note that neither can you, so be careful, plan your team well if you decide to include her

I think this card says it all, stopping your opponent's fielding ability can affect their game, especially since so many characters has it.

This is somewhat like her common version but it's a little tricky here, it does stops your opponent from using global if he/she fields a non-villain, but your opponent can still use global on your turn or he/she could use global first before fielding characters, so it doesn't totally prevent your opponent's usage of global ability. It only stops a couple of combo, but generally speaking, you might end up wasting her in the field if her ability doesn't affect your opponent's game.

Madame Web has god stats for her cost, and giving her additional pump when she blocks a villain sure is a bonus, but generally, it's hard for her ability to trigger and it would be too expensive in the long run to convert a character to villain for her ability.

Something similar to intimidate effect but triggers when she attacks and not when she is fielded. If you move the right character, you can counter a lot of your opponent's counter against you and since it's an attacking ability, it's not hard to trigger her ability again next turn.

Seriously, isn't this card a little broken? Forcing all opposing character to block her, means you can swarm your opponent with the rest of your field and that can win you the game. All you need to do is pay 2 generic energy when she attacks, that's not hard to trigger. This card is sick, reminds me of Spider Man: Webslinger in the AVX set.

A decent stats character with the ability to ramp. The only issue is that she might have difficulty exiting the field for you to ramp dice over and again in the long run, nevertheless she can be a good blocker for your team.

Similar to the common version but instead of fielding ability, the ramp happens only if she is knocked out. It's just as decent as the common version so nothing to complain about.

To attack with Mantis and not get blocked is a little hard to set up mainly because your opponent won't allow you to trigger her ability. To make her unblockable is one way to go at it. Nevertheless, buying her die for only 1 cost is decent, especially if you have ways to pumped her stats.

Moondragon can go up to level 3 very easily. You can use action dice and boost your character and Moondragon goes up a level. So mainly you are using her for the high stats.

This version of Moondragon is an alternative for her to go up to level 3 in no time. Taking damage is part of the game, you can use global that deals yourself damage to trigger her ability. But I would rather use another 5 cost character with her stats and have better ability.

This is a supporter for your GOTG characters. It does helps if your characters are at a higher level, so with Moondragon around, your GOTG characters will at least be at level 2. A decent supporter, but not necessarily in my opinion.

I am just as surprise as you that Nebula is a GOTG instead of villain, but great, more GOTG members. Nebula ability does cause a little effect on your opponent by asking them to reselect one of their dice drawn. It can really get annoying at times. Imagine your opponent draws 3 dice, including a powerful character die, then place all his/her dice from the used pile into the bag and draws the fourth die, only to have you put the powerful character die back into his/her bag and decrease the chance of your opponent to draw that die. It does helps you to buy some time if luck is on your side, and also cause some frustration against your opponent. Not forgetting that Nebula has great defensive stats so for 4 cost, it sure offers a lot.

Infiltrators are best to go along with Angela: Hunter of Demons, so I would assume that if you are using Infiltrators, you would use Angela. Nebula is a great infiltrator because not only is her able to deal damage to your opponent, she is also an amazing blocker and not easy to get knocked out.

Nebula does helps you to have a little advantage in the game by allowing you to discard 2 dice and draw 2 brand new ones. You can always discard weaker dice like sidekicks or characters or action that you no longer need in the game and have a chance to draw better dice. Plus, she doesn't have to be active for you to use her ability. So in the long run, she can help you to cycle your dice faster.

Simple as it sounds, Norman Osborn helps your villain team and all the fielding cost you saved could be used to purchase better dice, so in the long run, it's a great value.

Adding a dice into your bag is great, it allows you to use that die faster. It's a great add on for your villain team, so no complains.

This is a sick ability, even if your opponent has no villain, as long as you have villains in your field and when you field Norman, you get to deal your opponent damage, just like that! The crazy part is that it's 1 damage for every villain die, not Active villain, so having a few cheap villains will do the trick. It's also easy for Norman to exit the field, so a fielding ability is perfect for him.

I believe this is the first time that an equipment is introduced for Marvel Dice Masters Universe. For only 2 cost, you get to pump a character, you can equip it on a character with overcrush, unblockable or simply equip to a good blocker to make it a great blocker. What is so great is that the pump stays on the equipped character as long as both dice are in the field, so you can say that the pump is permanent. Great card.

Another alternative, instead of pumping, this version of Nova Uniform protects the user from villain and global. I still prefer the pumping stats version as villains are not as common, and the uniform only protects damage from global, not effect.

Equip this on a character with overcrush, it sure helps.

Nova Prime has great stats but no other ability, you don't really need to prevent damage dealt to him. Plus, the effect only last 1 turn.

This is a great blocker against overcrush character, simply pay 1 energy while Nova blocks that character and no spill damage will go through.

Nova can deal up to 4 damage each time he is fielded, all you need to do is pay energy of different kind when he is fielded. You need to make him exit the field though if you want to keep dealing damage to your opponent this way. Decent card, great source of offense.

Punisher has a weird affiliation, Marvel Knights and Mystic. Nevertheless, using him is very risky, because you might end up knocking out your characters most of the time. Or even if you tied with your opponent for having the lowest character in the field, you are probably going to KO a weak character. His stats is strong though, and if you really need to use him, combo him with a weak character that has good fielding ability so he can keep attacking and you can KO that character using his ability, and if you are lucky, you might KO an opposing character that is strong, unlikely, but not impossible.

Quasar does have good stats for her cost, her ability is an bonus. You can always make her unblockable and pay a bolt to trigger her ability and hopefully use her ability again next turn and you can keep doing this until the game ends. Nothing bad about it.

This ability is sick, usually wild energy are the best because you can spend them as whatever the you want. Turning your opponent's wild energy into generic energy is just crazy and would definitely affect your opponent's game.

This card is by far one of the best rare in this set! To be able to spend any type of energy for global is simply overpowered. You don't need to roll the right energy to use a specific global with Quasar around. Your generic energy will be as useful as your wild energy! Her global is another add on, it's like trading a bolt for a wild energy, even though you can only use the global once per turn, it's a guaranteed wild energy for you to spend on your turn, and you can use the global on your opponent's turn as well!

Richochet's fielding cost might be a little expensive, but he's got Infiltrate keyword! By far one of the cheapest Infiltrators in this set. He's got the Spider friends affiliation as well, so for 2 cost, the card has it's value.

Ricochet can be used against sidekick combo. Given his attack value, he will most likely be blocked, so it's not hard to trigger his ability. Over time, your opponent will have trouble keeping sidekicks in the field.

This is a great addition for Infiltrator's combo. Combo this with Angela: Hunter of Demon and you get to deal your opponent damage for Infiltrating and with Ricochet active, you get to ramp one die for every character that uses Infiltrate. The Infiltrator combo can get really sick.

Rocket has great attack value but low defense value, so giving him fast ensures a higher chance that he can KO his blockers before they can KO him, give him overcrush to make the best of his ability.

Rocket is easy to get KO, you can combo his ability with overcrush and his attack value will be high, so when he gets knocked out, even if he doesn't deal spill damage, you can deal his attack value to a target character, and it will probably be high enough to knock them out.

Well, why not? Just go super aggressive with Rocket and if he gets knocked out, he deals your opponent 1 damage, I don't anything bad about this.

Seriously, for 7 cost, and a fielding ability on such a beefy character. The only thing I am given is additional 2A and only if I don't have any other dice in the field zone. Anyone that thinks that I am going to use this card in my team is crazy.

Another mediocre ability from Ronan. Knocking out characters is great but if you are only subjecting to villains, then it's hard for his ability to work in every game because not every player uses a villain team.

Wow, guess the game really hate Ronan or something. For 8 cost, I repeat, 8 cost, you get to capture only villain dice, but only for a turn. There are way better capturing ability at a lower cost that doesn't subject to only villain dice. Plus, his effect only last a turn, so there isn't really much you can do on that turn his ability is activated.

Sword agent can get really powerful if there are lots of sidekicks in both player's field zone. He can be a great blocker, or if you use the flip stats global, he can be a great attacker.

A simple sidekick character with good stats, not too powerful but usable in draft.

That additional pump from their ability will come in handy. They are cheap and has the ally keyword, nothing to complain about.

Another Infiltrator that you can add into your Infiltrate combo. Squirrel girl has decent stats for her cost and the avengers affiliation. Nothing too bad but there are of course cheap and better Infiltrators in the game.

This is really fun, what's Squirrel girl if she cannot summon Squirrel? Getting a free character in the form of a squirrel token every turn is nothing bad, it adds as a free character for you to block if needed to. The global is great, it allows you to redirect damage dealt by your characters to another character, for instance, if you attack with a 4A character and it's block by a 4D opposing character, you can pay 4 fist and transfer the 4A by your attacker to someone else in the field that isn't in the attack zone, pretty interesting global.

Squirrel girl here helps to drain your opponent's blocker. You can go aggressive with her, even at level 1, and your opponent needs to block with 3 blockers to avoid taking damage. You can always pump her to the fullest and your opponent eventually cannot avoid taking damage. The ability is really powerful, you can either drain blockers or deal damage to your opponent, another great rare to look out for.

Star lord has really high fielding cost for his stats. So for him to gain a fielding ability might not be the best idea. Nevertheless, he can deal 1 damage to your opponent just by getting into the field, and he's got the GOTG affiliation.

By now you should have seen lots of great Infiltrators, so if you want to use an all Infiltrators team, you can add Star Lord into the mix. If you only want a few good ones, I am sure you will find cheaper or better Infiltrator than Star Lord.

This is a great GOTG supporter. GOTG characters are very powerful if the synergy is right. With Star Lord being active, you can give your GOTG characters overcrush and each one of them can only be block by 1 blocker, and that itself is really powerful. You could also use the Call out ability to knock out an opposing character that is affecting your game, so all in all, if you plan to use a GOTG team, do look out for Star Lord.

Stick has really good stats for his cost, especially at level 3. If you can get him to level 3 and give him overcrush. Only level 3 characters can block him and you can see him deal some collateral damage.

Give Stick overcrush and call out on a sidekick. You can see him deal some massive damage to your opponent.

Overcrush is really the way to go for Stick. You opponent probably won't use sidekicks or weak characters to block him to avoid triggering his unblockable ability, and he/she probably won't declare so much blockers against Stick unless necessary. He is simple to use and just hope you get to roll him on his level 3 for some crazy damage.

Thanos is a villain counter, he is a little bit expensive, but you can always keep him in your team so when you do face a villain team or even if your opponent uses a villain that is powerful, you can use Thanos to blank all villains. Be careful not to use villain as Thanos ability work against your villain as well.

7 cost character needs to have a great ability in order to motivate you to make the effort to buy and field them. Thanos here is a great example of a good 7 cost card. When he is fielded, you can name a character dice that you think your opponent relies on a lot. Firstly, that character cannot be fielded, so your opponent lose out a character, and second of all, whenever that die goes to your opponent's used pile, which is going to happen at some point of time, your opponent takes 4 damage. Whichever character you choose, it will be a burden for your opponent's team, and that's what a 7 cost character should be capable of.

If a 7 cost character should be capable of putting tons of pressure on your opponent, then an 8 cost character should be capable of torturing your opponent mentally. Thanos is yet another good example of a great 8 cost character. Imagine if you manage to field Thanos, all you need to do is start fielding villains and your opponent will take damage, it's like your opponent cannot block an attacking villain but the best part is your opponent cannot react to it like he/she could in a combat, so they probably have to just suck up that damage.

A villain team supporter. The only drawback is that the collector is 6 cost, so you need to use his ability more often to make his purchasing and fielding cost worth. Collect does have very defensive stats so having an active ability is great.

There hasn't be an effect that remove dice from the game until now. So here's how you could use Collector to your advantage. Regardless of what your opponent chooses, because your opponent pretty much will select a weaker dice compared to your choice, so just choose an unpurchase high cost die, and place that die into your used pile, now remove all other dice in your used pile out of the game, which means that you can now get rid of weaker dice for good including sidekick dice. It does take some dice management so you don't lose out from using Collector's ability. Also, Collector has really high defensive stats so you either get to use him only once per game or you need ways to make him exit the field.

Give me a minute to be impressed by this card. Wow! You can actually purchase an opponent's character with this effect. When Collector is active, all you need to do is just purchase character at a cheaper cost and attack with it, you can combo this with characters with great attacking or even fielding ability, or you can use your opponent's ones if they are stronger. Although it's just a one turn thing, it allows you to immediately field that character and you can attack with it.

This action would be perfect if you are playing an action combo. It makes purchasing character dice very expensive, imagine just having 1 sidekick dice in the field, your character cards cost 1 more. That is why using an action combo would be best suited to use this action as action dice aren't affected. For only 2 cost, it can make your opponent's game very miserable.

I like the idea of capturing characters, but doing it randomly relies a lot on luck, and if luck is against you, you probably would select a strong character of your own that you might need for your game.

To use the Kyln, you would need to ensure that every turn, you have a character to "sacrifice", most likely it's a sidekick. If you don't then you are forced to choose one of your essential characters for Kyln's effect. It does put pressure for your opponent as they always need 1 other character for Kyln's effect, but it's a double edge sword so you could end up harming yourself as well. It's really not easy to use The Kyln.

2 cost character with Infiltrate, decent stats and fielding cost, no complains.

This is a great ramp in additional to your ramp! It basically increase all your draw and roll dice effects by 1, and it's only 2 cost!

There are plenty of better Avengers at 3 cost and have abilities. If you were to use Yellow Jacket, I suppose it's for the chance to get him at level 3, I mean, for 3 cost and his level 3 stats sure is impressive.

Unblockable abilities are great, Yellow Jacket can prove to be very powerful. Even at level 1 or 2 stats, he still can do some damage, and if you want to make full use of him, pump him as much as you can.

With no threats possess against your opponent, I doubt they would target Yellow Jacket for any reason. So as much as it's great for him to cancel effect for his ability, I don't think it's very useful if no one ever targets him.

Yondu has great attack value and low defense value so a fielding ability is great for him. Give him overcrush to make full use of his effect, since all opposing character are already dealt 1 damage, you should be able to do some spill damage.

If you are playing a GOTG team, Yondu will most likely be your secondary offenses. All you need to do is field him and he deals at least 1 damage. Make a full GOTG character team and he deals 8 damage, you get my point. Since he has low defense, it makes him easier to leave the field so you can deal more damage when you re-field him next turn.

Instead of working with GOTG team, Yondu here helps you to deal damage according to the character dice in your used pile. With the right dice management, you can easily deal high damage against your opponent.
With cards from this set, I think the GOTG is going to be as good as the likes of JLA and Avengers soon. There are lots of good cards in this set, not just towards a certain team, but generically speaking, they can fit in well in any team. We saw some great attackers, blockers, supporters and counters in this set, and most of the Super rare cards are good. So look out for draft sessions nearby to you as I feel that the draft is going to be super fun. I personally would recommend a player to get at least 1 feed as the cards you'll be getting is super good. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope my post helps!
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