Friday, February 15, 2019

Justice Like Lighting Team Pack Review

Hey Dice Masters Fan, today we are going to review another team pack from Marvel Dice Master. If you are unsure of a team pack, it is basically an expansion pack that consist of 8 characters, with 2 dice and 3 different cards each. Let's begin shall we. 

Disclaimer: This review is based on my knowledge and experience in terms of playing the game, if you want to read it, please read with an open mind and refrain from any negative comments. 

Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,

AOE - Attack or damage that deals damage to every character in your opponent's field.
Beefy - Strong stats 
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush 
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.

Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation. 
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it. 
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead. 
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average c
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game. 

(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different, it's my post, I will appreciate if you respect my ratings)

Character/Action Cards


An unblockable Ant Man can be really deadly since his level 3 attack is massive. Good win condition. 


Well, you can use an action dice that gives overcrush to Ant Man and he can spin up to level 3 to deal some spill damage, not bad too. 


Again with overcrush you can deal damage to your opponent in the early game, but without effects to keep him at level 3, he might be a bit weaker. 


It is so good to see flip cards back in the game! Atlas has a superb stats at level 3, you can make his a villain or just thunderbolt. 


Atlas one on one side helps to keep spinning character to level 3. His other side gives character overcrush (himself included), so you can keep flipping him to level up a character on one hand and then next turn give them overcrush and iron will, good supporter. 


A fantastic card, on one hand you have amplify so it's easy to get him to level 3, on the other hand, you can give your thunderbolts overcrush just like that. You can also use the first face to ramp up. 


For both sides of Citizen V, it is rather meh, like flipping a thunderbolt card is not something superpowerful, and boosting them by only 1A and 1D seem weak for a 6 cost character. 


It is super hard to use Infiltrate since his attack value is high, unless you make him unblockable. But on the other side, you can use him to support a villain or thunderbolt using retaliation, that can be a win condition. Also, his other face can give your villains overcrush. 

7/10 (I wanted to give more but it's hard to get him to the other face) 

It's easy to flip Citizen V to the other face, you can just make a character unblockable, but the other face has a weak power, 1A and 1D boost is too little for his cost. 


Hawkeye does have a great stats for him to have fielding ability, however, knocking our only 1 sidekick seems average. 


A bit better this case but reducing your opponent's level to 1 isn't very threatening. 


Seriously, for 5 cost to deal a maximum of 3 damage upon fielding is a joke. The global ability is decent, but Magic Missile global is still stronger. 


For 4 cost character to either get a 1A and 1D boost or overcrush is really good. 


Both abilities are decent, like only decent, a 2A boost is good but not as fantastic, whereas a blockers restriction ability can be easily countered. 


Now we are talking, having Attune is always powerful, plus, if you can attune multiple times you can have a second ability to deal damage to a character each time you field a thunderbolt character. 


On the villain face, she's really weak since that 1A pump won't do much, but the non villain side is a great control ability, your opponent cannot swarm you when she is active. 


A 2A pump or prepping a die each time you field a thunderbolt character is a strong support for that team. 


This card is hard to set up, to get to her non villain face, you would need to flip one other character's card, then you get her stronger side where she can keep pumping her stats if you keep flipping cards and potentially getting overcrush, it's a good ability but just harder to set up. 


I am not a fan of knocking out sidekicks but Intimidate is interesting, you can use her in the early game to counter any potentially blockers. 


A 3A debuff to your opponent's character dice is great but only applies on your turn, which is weaker now. The AOE damage is good too for her other side but for 5 cost to deal only 2 damage seems weak. 


A low cost Thunderbolt in general, you can flip her sides too if you need some flipping action. 


A great supporter for your Thunderbolts, you can prevent them from being targeted for any reason. 


A good attack pump and you can give your attacker Fast for better offense. Still a good support. 


A decent global to turn your sidekicks into bolt face if you need bolt energy. Attune is great ability and once your flip to his other side, your opponent cannot blank your Thunderbolt character's text. 



So this is clearly a Thunderbolt deck, there are other thunderbolts around so the Thunderbolt team is a viable deck to play. This set offers a lot of cards with double face so your team is more versatile. Most cards here revolve around Thunderbolts so if you are not a fan of it, you can skip this set. If you need a good deck to play, just get 2 action cards, 8 sidekick dice, 6 basic action dice and 2 of this team pack, you can build a good team out of it. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Kree Invasion Team Pack Review

Hey Dice Masters Fan, it's time for me to do another set review to catch up with the current set. This time round the Kree has invaded Dice Masters with their own theme set. 

A team pack is an expansion set for Dice Masters that includes 8 characters with 2 dice and 3 different cards each, so if you want a full 4 dice set for a character, you would need to have to buy 2 team packs. Without further ado, let's get started. 

Disclaimer: All my reviews are solely based on MY own point of view for the card, in terms of strategy in the game, kindly read this review with an open mind.

Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,

AOE - Attack or damage that deals damage to every character in your opponent's field.
Beefy - Strong stats 
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush 
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.  

Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation. 
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it. 
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead. 
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average c
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game. 

(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different, it's my post, I will appreciate if you respect my ratings)

Character cards

Drax does have some good stats and his fielding cost is a little heavy, to field for free is a decent ability. 


Another way to field Drax for free, it's a bit easier to trigger this ability if you are using another Guardians member, but other that, he doesn't have much else to offer. 


A good ability to assist your other character with a great attacking or active ability, can be use as a good defensive character too.  


For Groot to get knocked out is a little silly, but it's definitely a handy ability after you knocked him out, there's a chance for him to return to the field. 


A great defensive ability! That 1 damage prevention could save you in the game. Plus, that global is great for a thematic team too! You can put a character that you just bought right into your bag. 


A great ramp ability, this will stop your opponent's aggression, if you can block the attack and keep your blocker(s) alive, you get to ramp. 


A fantastic card! The global ability is great, you can use this to reduce the cost of a card down by 3, keep more fist energy to abuse this global! 


For 3 cost character to get Swarm is little weak but since the fist energy you get from him can help you to reduce a card's cost, you can consider this version instead.


Another version but it gives him an extra boost, I won't change the ratings though since the global is the powerful effect for this character. 


Swarm and Infiltrate and he's only 2 cost, you can keep rushing your opponent  with this character, be it blocked or unblock, you can use him to do an early game aggression. 


Well an alternate way to abuse their swarm effect, you can rush your opponent and if you can deal your opponent damage, you get to ramp, so more of a support aggro card. 


Well, if swarming isn't your style, you can use him to help save fielding cost for your cheap cost character. 


Basically a good blocker, she can counter overcrush directly, and if you are lucky, you can prevent a unblockable attack, all at the sacrifice of Mantis. 


A good support for your other Guardians member, you can rush with those characters and even if they are knocked out, you get to ramp. 


A 1 cost fielding reduction is decent for other Guardians member. 


With a lot of Guardians member being active, Rocket can get very defensive and be a fantastic blocker for only 3 cost.



Basically an aggressive attacker with the help of your Guardians character, can be himself too. 


Rocket is simply aggressive when you keep fielding Guardians member, but there isn't much cheap cost guardians member for you to cycle around in the field to keep triggering his ability. 


You can purchase Supreme Intelligence by knocking out 1 Kree and 1 other characters. You can also gain life in the process. You can also use the global to ramp up. Supreme Intelligence does have good stats, so to get him for free is a good thing. 


The healing power is stronger than the put into bag ability, I mean if you are rushing to get him into the field then you can use this version instead, but both knocked out characters for his fabrication must be a Kree. 


You can use this version to support your team by constantly fielding Kree, when you have enough you can rush in to finish your opponent. 


Wow, you can keep buying a villain in the early game for some early aggression, support or control then once you are done when them, you can return 2 of them back to their card and Thanos is now 2 cost! For his stats and overcrush, that is really cheap! 


8 Cost is really expensive but once you get him out to the field he can really do a ton of damage and really will force your opponent to keep blocking him, because his spill damage is double!


Okay now let's get back to reality, for 9 cost and to only boost your character by 1A and 1D is really bad, even if you can reduce Thanos to potentially 1 cost, it's not worth the effort. 



Okay, the name of the team pack makes me feel like we are going to have tons of Kree in this set but we get more Guardians member instead. Still, it's not a bad thing since most of the cards here are useful and you can consider getting this set, also, if you really want to use the characters with Swarm keyword, you need to buy 2 sets of these. So with that, I hope the post helps you one way or another, and thanks for reading! 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Avengers Infinity Campaign Box Review

Hey there Dice Masters Fans, it's been a year since I last posted. Just like most of you, I have been anticipating Wizkids release for the next set, after some time of no new release I decided to focus on another game which explains why my blog has been inactive for the past year. Dice Masters has always been my favorite game, which is why I decided to continue reviewing their release set. So without further ado let's continue where we stop.

The Campaign Box is similar to a  collector box but it has a lot of cards and dice for your character and action, so you just need to buy 1 set of the campaign box and your collection for this set is complete! 

Disclaimer: I am not a pro in this game, just a very casual and passionate player, so my review will be solely on the utility of the card in the Meta. If you have an issue with my review, feel free to move on to other sites :-) 

Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,

AOE - Attack or damage that deals damage to every character in your opponent's field.
Beefy - Strong stats 
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush 
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.  

Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation. 
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it. 
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead. 
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average 
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game. 
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different, it's my post, I will appreciate if you respect my ratings)

Basic Action Card (BAC)

Good action card to reduce cost of your dice and place them into your bag so you can quickly use them upon purchase.



An AOE action dice, all your opponent need to counter is using a sidekick in their field. 



A possible way to increase the attack of your character to match someone's defense. It's 2 cost, can be used as a good attack buff. 


Another AOE, only a max 3 deal doesn't seem very powerful for 4 cost, especially in the late game. 


Basically a way to use the attack phase to knock out your characters of a certain energy type, can be counter easily when your opponent plays different energy characters. 


A great win condition, overcrush is quite underrated, plus the global ability can allow you to boost your attack value when you need to. 


A good ramp effect in the late game since you have a chance to ramp up to 4 dice, but with a lot of better ramp effect, this one is hard to set up to work efficiently.


A good defense buff card. 


Another great win condition card to make a character unblockable. The global can come in handy to spin down a character's level if you needed to. 


A good counter card to counter against any capture, control or trap effect used by your opponent. 


Character/ Action cards

A decent low cost character that can help you to defend in the field for a long run since you can always pay 1 cost to clear damage from him. 


Meh, that 1A and 1D is not worth a sidekick's sacrifice. 


A good way to act as a blocker but do not deal combat damage to your opponent's character but paying 1 energy. You can stop character's with fielding ability. 



Wow, if Avengers are not strong enough, this card just make them unstoppable, making them 1 cost lesser is super powerful, with big Entrance you can literally make a 3 cost character 1 cost! You can also prep a die, which is crazy, also, you can now make a character an Avenger with the global! 


Giving a 2A and 2D boost can change a lot of thing especially when you can make anyone an Avenger! 


Wow, you can use this effect to play a pure Avenger deck! You can ramp really fast and help you to filter out your sidekick dice! 


Black Panther would be good if you can make your opponent's character a villain or give him overcrush. Just that he is a bit costly to make him an aggressive character. 


If your opponent plays a villain deck, Black Panther would be super powerful. But besides that, he is really costly. 


Another way to counter villain deck, you can give him overcrush and also knock out a villain when he gets knocked out, but still, not very viable in the Meta. 


A great early game rush character, you can use her to attack and if your opponent has a higher level character, he takes 1 damage. Also, the force attack global can come in handy. 


A good way to keep knocking out your opponent's sidekick. 


A great boost to your other characters, you can simply swarm your opponent with a bunch of cheap cost but boosted characters and win the game early. 

A good way to boost your sidekicks to protect them.


Well, combo him with with attune or Avengers and keep using cheap cost action and see him keep fielding sidekicks so you can have better dice to roll in the long run. 


You can make use of your sidekicks, when they get knocked out and you get to prep a die as well, not bad. 


For a 7 cost character to reduce cost for your action is absurd, even if he has attune. 


Nope, too costly for a 1 time off effect.


You can essentially use an action dice twice! So get him into the field early and keep your action combo rolling!


A good way to control your opponent by making their non villain more expensive to buy. 


Wow, this is getting serious, now he screws your opponent's fielding cost and global cost. 


A bit tricky to use this character since you might end up knocking out your own character, plus your opponent can always counter with a sidekick in the field. 


A great attacker in general and lethal. 


A bit hard to set her up if she's lower level and also level 3 character can just counter her. 


A mediocre way to knock out a character die. 


Nope, too expensive for a 1 time off ability. 


Come on, stop giving this beast such a weak ability. 


If a sidekick blocks him, he gets -3A, what logic is this?


Very interesting ability, but nope, too precious for his stats to get knocked out and too wasted for anyone not to keep using his ability. 


He is of no threat, why would anyone target him for anything. 


Well, you can use Iron Man to keep gaining life by using a global on him, seems decent to trade 1 energy for 1 life. 


A 5 cost character to get Attune is a bit expensive. 


Basically a good way to shut down all card text from an affiliation, but your opponent can easily pay 2 life to ignore that. 


A fielding ability for a control effect for one turn, I will pass. 


If you can knock out as many character as possible, you can buff Red Skull for a turn. 


For his stats to field for free is decent, but with no other ability, he's a bit expensive to even purchase. 


A better Red Skull, just keep knocking out character and you can gain life or make your opponent lose life. Thumbs up. 


A good ramp ability that can be used multiply times. 



Basically if you have another Guardians in the field, Star Lord cannot die, a good counter to overcrush. 


A 4 cost character with Attune is decent. 


A good ability to not only deal AOE damage but also prep dice, too bad you can't use the ability a lot of times. 


Nope, too little damage for such a high cost character. 


A great global ability to reduce your action dice! 


A good blocker. 


A very situational ability, might not even deal damage to your opponent using this the whole game. 


And again, what's the threat he possess that people would want to target him. 


A decent low cost character but her fielding cost is a little too expensive for such ability and stats. 


A great ability to combo with your action dice! Also it can make her more durable with your action dice. 


A great counter to Action combo deck! 



Basically this set has a lot of interesting card and can definitely fit into the Meta, so if you are a fan of the game and Marvel, this set is a must! Anyway, as you can see, my reviews are a little shorter because I like to keep things right to the point from now on. So I hope this post helps and thanks for reading!