A team pack is an expansion set for Dice Masters that includes 8 characters with 2 dice and 3 different cards each, so if you want a full 4 dice set for a character, you would need to have to buy 2 team packs. Without further ado, let's get started.
Disclaimer: All my reviews are solely based on MY own point of view for the card, in terms of strategy in the game, kindly read this review with an open mind.
Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
AOE - Attack or damage that deals damage to every character in your opponent's field.
Beefy - Strong stats
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
Well, if swarming isn't your style, you can use him to help save fielding cost for your cheap cost character.

Basically a good blocker, she can counter overcrush directly, and if you are lucky, you can prevent a unblockable attack, all at the sacrifice of Mantis.

A good support for your other Guardians member, you can rush with those characters and even if they are knocked out, you get to ramp.

A 1 cost fielding reduction is decent for other Guardians member.

With a lot of Guardians member being active, Rocket can get very defensive and be a fantastic blocker for only 3 cost.
Basically an aggressive attacker with the help of your Guardians character, can be himself too.

Rocket is simply aggressive when you keep fielding Guardians member, but there isn't much cheap cost guardians member for you to cycle around in the field to keep triggering his ability.

You can purchase Supreme Intelligence by knocking out 1 Kree and 1 other characters. You can also gain life in the process. You can also use the global to ramp up. Supreme Intelligence does have good stats, so to get him for free is a good thing.

The healing power is stronger than the put into bag ability, I mean if you are rushing to get him into the field then you can use this version instead, but both knocked out characters for his fabrication must be a Kree.

You can use this version to support your team by constantly fielding Kree, when you have enough you can rush in to finish your opponent.

Wow, you can keep buying a villain in the early game for some early aggression, support or control then once you are done when them, you can return 2 of them back to their card and Thanos is now 2 cost! For his stats and overcrush, that is really cheap!

8 Cost is really expensive but once you get him out to the field he can really do a ton of damage and really will force your opponent to keep blocking him, because his spill damage is double!

Okay now let's get back to reality, for 9 cost and to only boost your character by 1A and 1D is really bad, even if you can reduce Thanos to potentially 1 cost, it's not worth the effort.
Okay, the name of the team pack makes me feel like we are going to have tons of Kree in this set but we get more Guardians member instead. Still, it's not a bad thing since most of the cards here are useful and you can consider getting this set, also, if you really want to use the characters with Swarm keyword, you need to buy 2 sets of these. So with that, I hope the post helps you one way or another, and thanks for reading!
Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average c
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different, it's my post, I will appreciate if you respect my ratings)
Character cards
Drax does have some good stats and his fielding cost is a little heavy, to field for free is a decent ability.
Another way to field Drax for free, it's a bit easier to trigger this ability if you are using another Guardians member, but other that, he doesn't have much else to offer.
A good ability to assist your other character with a great attacking or active ability, can be use as a good defensive character too.
For Groot to get knocked out is a little silly, but it's definitely a handy ability after you knocked him out, there's a chance for him to return to the field.
A great defensive ability! That 1 damage prevention could save you in the game. Plus, that global is great for a thematic team too! You can put a character that you just bought right into your bag.
A great ramp ability, this will stop your opponent's aggression, if you can block the attack and keep your blocker(s) alive, you get to ramp.
A fantastic card! The global ability is great, you can use this to reduce the cost of a card down by 3, keep more fist energy to abuse this global!
For 3 cost character to get Swarm is little weak but since the fist energy you get from him can help you to reduce a card's cost, you can consider this version instead.
Another version but it gives him an extra boost, I won't change the ratings though since the global is the powerful effect for this character.
Swarm and Infiltrate and he's only 2 cost, you can keep rushing your opponent with this character, be it blocked or unblock, you can use him to do an early game aggression.
Well an alternate way to abuse their swarm effect, you can rush your opponent and if you can deal your opponent damage, you get to ramp, so more of a support aggro card.
Well, if swarming isn't your style, you can use him to help save fielding cost for your cheap cost character.

Basically a good blocker, she can counter overcrush directly, and if you are lucky, you can prevent a unblockable attack, all at the sacrifice of Mantis.

A good support for your other Guardians member, you can rush with those characters and even if they are knocked out, you get to ramp.

A 1 cost fielding reduction is decent for other Guardians member.

With a lot of Guardians member being active, Rocket can get very defensive and be a fantastic blocker for only 3 cost.

Basically an aggressive attacker with the help of your Guardians character, can be himself too.

Rocket is simply aggressive when you keep fielding Guardians member, but there isn't much cheap cost guardians member for you to cycle around in the field to keep triggering his ability.

You can purchase Supreme Intelligence by knocking out 1 Kree and 1 other characters. You can also gain life in the process. You can also use the global to ramp up. Supreme Intelligence does have good stats, so to get him for free is a good thing.

The healing power is stronger than the put into bag ability, I mean if you are rushing to get him into the field then you can use this version instead, but both knocked out characters for his fabrication must be a Kree.

You can use this version to support your team by constantly fielding Kree, when you have enough you can rush in to finish your opponent.

Wow, you can keep buying a villain in the early game for some early aggression, support or control then once you are done when them, you can return 2 of them back to their card and Thanos is now 2 cost! For his stats and overcrush, that is really cheap!

8 Cost is really expensive but once you get him out to the field he can really do a ton of damage and really will force your opponent to keep blocking him, because his spill damage is double!

Okay now let's get back to reality, for 9 cost and to only boost your character by 1A and 1D is really bad, even if you can reduce Thanos to potentially 1 cost, it's not worth the effort.
Okay, the name of the team pack makes me feel like we are going to have tons of Kree in this set but we get more Guardians member instead. Still, it's not a bad thing since most of the cards here are useful and you can consider getting this set, also, if you really want to use the characters with Swarm keyword, you need to buy 2 sets of these. So with that, I hope the post helps you one way or another, and thanks for reading!
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