My review for those cards will be reliable on a few factors;
- Cost of card
- Ability of character
- Stats of character
- Miscellaneous (Team affiliation)
Before you read, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Dice drawing effect
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword.
Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Basic Action Cards (BAC)
The effect on the basic action card (BAC) is not very powerful that you would want to buy the action die, but the global on the card is one of the mitigation in the game. You could use the global to counter any characters with unblockable or overcrush ability, or just distract an attacker if you don't have enough blockers to block it. The global can be a life saver and will be useful if your team doesn't revolve around combat damage.
This BAC is meant for characters who needs help to stay or reach a certain level for their ability to reach it's potential, or you need help spinning down your opponent's character. This wouldn't be my top pick for BAC as it is very costly, 3 cost action to spin up or down 1, or at most 2, character is quite costly. I would recommend character's or global ability instead if your intentions is to spin down or up a character.
If your characters in the field benefits from taking damage, such as Nova: Human Rocket, Hulk: Green Goliath, Iron Man: Philanthropist etc, then this BAC would help your team, on one hand, you benefit from all the abilities triggered by your characters upon taking damage, on the other hand, you deal damage to your opponent's character in his/her field. Apart from that, don't use this BAC, you could create unnecessary chaos for yourself.
If drawing 4 dice in a turn isn't enough for you, then this is the BAC you are looking for. This BAC not only allows you to draw more dice but can also be the game changer; if you need a specific die to win the game and your initial clear and draw step didn't get that die, but you drew a gearing up die, you still have a chance of drawing and rolling that crucial die to win the game for you. Of course, that is the extreme cases, but in most cases, this BAC can help a player to buy high cost character that seems impossible to buy and most importantly, allows you to cycle your dice faster.
If you need to pump your characters, there are other ways to do so, depending on this BAC is too risky and inefficient, as you can only pump your characters when you use this die. Global abilities for attack and defend pump is still the best as they can be use on your opponent's turn as well.
There are 3 things why i really like this card, firstly, it is a 2 cost BAC. Secondly, the effect helps you to go aggressive for a turn, since your characters cannot be knocked out, then why not try to deal some damage to your opponent and his/her characters. Lastly, the global helps you to pump a character's attack, you never know when the additional attack boost might come in handy.
If you want to deal non-combat damage to your opponent, look no further. If your team is playing defensive, this would be the best way to damage your opponent. For 3 cost action to deal 2 damage to your opponent is more than decent.
I would say this is a rather defensive card, if you are looking to find ways to knocked out your opponent, this would be one of the solution to do so, however, it only affects level 1 characters, and the double bursts affects level 1 or 2, so level 3 is immune to this action. You could however use ways to spin down a character then use this action to knock it out. If your total energy spend can help you knock out a high cost character, then it would be efficient to do so. The global on this card is amazing. You can use it to prevent an opposing character from knocking out your blockers through combat damage or you could use it on opposing blocked characters with overcrush so they do not do any spill damage.
Defense boost are not really that beneficial for an active player, it does prevent your characters from getting knocked out but then again. You could use the effect to boost a character's defence, then use Ant-Man/Kal L global on that character so that character have higher attacker value. The global can come in handy but unfortunately, Agent Venom global is way better than this. Still, I would prefer using a stronger action in my team.
The classic overcrush BAC, if your characters have really high attack values, use this BAC to help them, overcrush is a way to wipe your opponent's field empty and to make use of characters that have high attack and not waste them.
Characters / Action Cards
This version of angel can be counter very easily; the level 1 angel will simply be useless in this case. Even so, the level 3 angel would be vulnerable to my opponent’s level 3 characters. So it’s not very advisable to use this version of angel with so much luck involved.
Your opponent will usually use multiple characters to block and knocked him out so his ability wouldn’t trigger. Angel doesn't necessary have the best defense, so he can be knocked out easily. In the early game, he will be very useful but when your opponent starts to buy characters with high attack value, this angel will be less useful. You can set him up with defense boost global or any abilities or effect that prevents him from getting knocked out to keep triggering his ability.
This angel is one of the most aggressive attackers, simply because it is a 2 cost character. One combo for this angel is using gearing up, nasty plot, power bolt or any good basic action and you can see your angel do a lot of damage. Unlike the uncommon version, this angel is easier to set up. So thumbs up for this one.
This version of beast is mainly used as a swarm of blockers against your opponent. Having the potential of up to 5D from a 2 cost character is amazing. Unless you are playing a very defensive game, there are better versions of Beast in this set.
This version of Beast is good against any character that forces you to spin down your characters, since his effect is stronger at level 1. Your opponent would probably think twice before attacking you because your opponent might end up taking 2 damage and you gaining your health back. High level beast can stay in the field longer while the low level ones will heal you and damage your opponent. A great blocker he is!
Are you in need of dice? Have no fear, Beast is here! This version of Beast is easily one of the best ramp in this game. If all 4 of your Beasts are blocking this turn, you can have 4 extra dice to draw next turn. Don’t be surprise that you might end up with 10 dice to roll in a turn!
For 3 cost, this version of Beast can be harder to buy but he can be the solution to a lot of characters. With the potential to knock out a level 1 high cost character, this Beast is awesome. The level 1 beast also allows you to gain 2 life when you block and knocked out a character from this effect. You could use 3 Beasts to knock out a level 3 character, this will counter characters with overcrush. The max dice limit for this card is 5, which makes it even better.
All in all, Beast is merely a good blocker, so have other characters to do the damage while beast stays in the field to protect you.
Spinning down a character is decent, it will weaken any characters that engaged with Black Widow, which will make your opponent declare attackers or blockers more carefully. However, there are better versions of Black Widow in this set, so you might want to consider using them instead.
This version of Black Widow allows you to choose which opposing character you want to spin down when she is fielded. So spin down all of those characters that have a better stats and abilities when at level 3. She can weaken your opponent's character throughout the game if you can keep fielding her, so if you need someone to spin down characters, look not further.
This is one of the cards that you would want to pull in your gravity feed, because this card is expensive. It is expensive because it is so aggressive that you can finish your opponent in a few turns. One thing why her ability is so amazing is that it triggers once you assign her to attack, so you can keep triggering her ability every turn. You will get to deal your opponent damage or weaken one of his/her characters whenever she attacks. For a 2 cost and such an amazing ability, you definitely want to get your hands on this card.
The ability to roll a sidekick dice is okay but a sidekick dice might not be in your used pile when you field him or a rolled sidekick dice might not have the results you desire. So it's a risk to use this version of Captain America. There are other ways to ramp dice and this way is not an efficient way to do so.
This version of Captain America helps you to pump your sidekicks, which is beneficial for a sidekick combo. So you can consider using him if you plan on using that combo.
This is one of the best Captain America I have seen so far, this card is really powerful because not only can you get rid of your opponent’s sidekicks (regardless of how powerful they become) but you also gain health for knocking them out. This is a counter to the sidekick combo. The issue is with his fielding ability, if you don't find a way for him to exit the field, he might not have a chance to trigger his ability multiple times in the game. So do find ways for him to exit to field to make your opponent worry about fielding and keeping sidekicks.
This version of Captain America simply discourage your opponent from fielding sidekicks and at the same time, increasing your sidekick’s attack. With fewer sidekicks, your attacking team will have fewer characters to block them. One drawback about this card is that it cost 6 energy, if you need a stronger Sidekick combo supporter or a sidekick controller, do use him.
This version of Colossus die is very powerful given the stats of Colossus at level 3. If you just need a beefy character for overcrush or defensive purpose, this would the card to look out for, still, it's a bit costly only for the stats.
Although the ability of this card is pretty decent but the fact that it is a 7 cost and ability only triggers on burst sides, you want to reconsider this version of Colossus. Firstly, to use his ability, you would have to roll his level 2 or 3. Secondly, even if you managed to field him at level 2 or 3, you will need to let Colossus be unblock in order to trigger his ability, and why on earth would your opponent let you deal 6 or 8 damage to him/her, so you probably won't get to use his ability in a game. A card that is 7 cost should not have so many criteria.

This is the Colossus that we are talking about, and an example of what a 7 cost is worthy of. If you are playing a defensive team, or a team of low cost characters, if your field has 7 level 2 characters and 3 level 3 characters, when you draw a Colossus die, all you need is to field him, end your turn and the game is over, that is how powerful Colossus is.

This version of Cyclops is cheap to buy, and for his ability alone, not really something irresistible to purchase. However, one way to make this Cyclops very powerful is to use overcrush on him, that way he can wipe out multiple blockers and still have damage excess going through to his opponent. Imagine level 3 Cyclops with overcrush attacks and 2 sidekicks block him, he will deal 6A to each sidekick and deal 10 spilled damage, that is so powerful for a 5 cost character. You can make him even more powerful by using forced block global to force a character with low defense to block him.

This version of Cyclops is a field clearer. His ability doesn’t trigger when he is fielded but instead when he attacks, so you will wipe out almost your opponent’s entire field EVERY turn. If your opponent has almost as much characters as you, then Cyclops is the solution to your problem. Even his lowest level of 4 damage is very useful against a lot of characters. Cyclops helps to wipe out the field for you, but you must prepare to end the game with your remaining characters or else your opponent will have the chance to roll their characters back the next turn.


For an almost guaranteed 4 to 6 damage, or more if you pump him, this ability isn’t that bad but the problem lies with the 7 cost. Is damage worth the 7 cost that you just bought him with? If so, use him, if you think that it is too risky or too high cost, then try something else.


Forcing a character to block Deadpool can assist you if you have another character with overcrush that is attacking. You can use Deadpool and assign a character with high defense to block him so that overcrush character have a higher chance to deal more spilled damage.

A higher cost but a more usable Deadpool, this version of the character can help you to knock out any character without the help of any global abilities. It doesn't matter how low Deadpool's attack is or how that character's defense is, as long as you triggers Deadpool's ability by assigning that character to block him, that character will be knocked out at the end of the turn. This will help you get rid of any character that is bothering you in the game.

This version of Deadpool can be deadly, when Deadpool attacks, most of the time, you will assign a sidekick or character with low defence to block him, so Deadpool can knock that character out during combat. Once that happens, he gets to deal 2 damage to each opposing character. This 2 damage may seems small, but can come in handy and might even clear the field for you.

Doctor Doom is a great addition to your villain team. Your opponent is going to suffer if they are not playing a villain team. So it will affect your sidekick as well, unless your sidekicks are pumped by your other characters. His ability will weaken every non-villains, not only does characters that have less than 1D will be knocked out but all non-villain gets -1A, which will slow down every non-villain attacks. This is quite viable in a villain team.

This version of Doom is powerful, not because of its ability, but the global. Once you have a low cost villain in the field, just keep some spare shield energy with you, this energy could help to knock out some characters in your opponent’s field and also reduce some attack values from attackers. With that being said, those global could also means Doom for you too, just be careful on what your opponent might possessed, now that there are many global that can make anyone a villain, so he/she can use it against you.

This version of Doctor Doom is almost a must when you play a villain team. He can be very deadly when your opponent has no villains in their field. With that being said, do not use Doom unless you are playing a pure villain team, he could hurt you as much as it hurts your opponent. You must field him at the right time, so that you can knocked out all your opponent's character and then swarm him/her to win the game.

Now that Relentless BAC is banned, characters possessing abilities that prevent a character from blocking can come in handy. That being said, Doc Ock is very expensive if he only can prevent 1 character from blocking for a turn. You could combo him with other characters that shares the similar ability though.

To put it simple, this version of Doc Ock possess overcrush. To make used of him, you might want to use Ant Man/Kal L global so his level 2 can be deadly as well. He has quite a decent ability, you just need to pump him to make him stronger.

This version works best with overcrush and at level 3, with potential of knocking every single one of his blockers and dealing excess damage. If you want to play this version, you will definitely have to give him overcrush.

Having the ability to purchase an action die for free once during your turn sounds decent. However, to do so, you need to purchase and field Doctor Strange. If you are using an action combo, it would be better to purchase those action die directly, as most useful actions are 4 cost or less, and even lesser with the help of Red Dragon global. Using Doctor Strange to get those action dice may save you some cost overtime but would be much slower.

This is a strong Doctor Strange, it is often use for the action combo. Imagine every action you use deals 2 damage to an opponent or target character, how incredible is that. What is even better is that the ability doesn't limit to basic actions.

For 7 cost, I am not going to invest in this Doctor Strange. Firstly, fielding ability on a beefy character makes it less playable. Secondly, I need to manage my dice really well to use his ability, what if my action dice are not in my die bag? Thirdly, what action die do I need so badly that I have to resort to this card? Even if I needed it so badly, I would buy a few of it and increase my odds of drawing it. I like Doctor Strange, but this card is just bad.

For 3 cost, this Gambit can help you to ramp dice into your reserve pool in a turn. Gambit’s only drawback is that his fielding cost is not that cheap. Using his ability, you have another chance of drawing and rolling a die that you need it badly this turn, which I think is a good advantage for you.

This version of Gambit is good if you want to increase the characters in your field zone. However, you must have some luck when you draw those 2 dice. If you draw 2 sidekick dice, your chances of rolling a character goes down. Even if you draw character dice, you need to roll them on their character face or they go to your used pile. There is a lot of luck involved and if you are not comfortable with that, don't use it.

This Gambit is really tricky, on one hand, you can inflict free damage to your opponent and on the other hand, you get some energy for free. Just be careful when you use this Gambit, because some characters are better in the field that using its attack to deal damage, such as Loki or Professor X or characters that have high defence and low attack. Gambit plays a lot on luck, so you just have to pray hard that the rolls are in your favour.

For 2 cost, you can consider using Ghost Rider for his low cost, but for his fielding cost, it is ridiculously high for a 2 cost character. His stats are decent but there are other low cost vanilla characters with lower fielding cost.

This version of Ghost Rider is very versatile. He can be a very aggressive attacker or a very defensive character. The drawback for him would be that his level 3 can be hard to knock out. His fielding cost will be one reason why you wouldn’t want to use him, you would need to pay energy to field him, only for him to ramp a die for you. There are other better ways to ramp dice into your prep area.

Now that’s more like it, a better version of Ghost Rider. Imagine you can purchase a character and use it immediately on your next turn. You can buy a character that you desperately need and field Ghost Rider, so you have a chance to roll that character out the next turn. However, you need a lot of energy to do so, to buy a die you need a certain amount of energy and to field Ghost Rider takes some energy as well. If you can generate enough dice into your reserve pool, then you would have no worries about using this Ghost Rider. Similarly, I will always prefer to roll Ghost Rider at his lower level, because it’s cheap to field at the same time easier to get knocked out and reuse his ability.

Simply put it, this card is one of those sidekick supporter and it is a must to get when you are using sidekick combo. He is cheap to purchase and field as well. Stats wise; 1 fielding cost to get 5A and 5D is simply amazing.

Rolling 2 additional sidekick dice every time you field Green Goblin is a decent ramp. However, the one reason why I would use this card is mainly for the global. For one bolt to deal 2 damage to a target character at the cost of one of your sidekick is good, what can make it better is using the global on a character with the Ally keyword and fielding ability, that way you can have a chance to trigger that character's ability and also deal damage to a target character.

This is another super rare that you would want to pull in your gravity feed. This version of Green Goblin is so strong that all you need to do is for your sidekicks to stay in your field and let your Gobby do all the work. I would recommend to use some sidekick supporters to pump your sidekicks so they don't get knocked out so easily. With the right combo, you can easily finish your opponent off in no time.

For a 4 cost and direct 3A/4A to your opponent's character, Hawkeye can knock out a lot of characters or simple weaken them. He has relatively low health as well so he can just go all out to attack and end up in your prep area for you to trigger his fielding abilities again next turn.

For 3 cost, I would definitely consider this Hawkeye in my team. One problem with that ability of his is that my opponent would probably use a sidekick or a level 1 character to block Hawkeye, since Hawkeye is so easy to get knocked out. This card only works well if your intention of the game is to spin down your opponent’s character, such as giving him overcrush and attack pump effects.

And again for 3 cost, this Hawkeye is much better, having 3A/4A and attack to resolve first, your opponent characters would be knocked out while Hawkeye stays in your field, very good for blocking and attacking. If your opponent decides to overcrush you with an 8A 8D character, block it with 3 Hawkeye, your Hawkeye lives while that character leaves!

For 7 cost, Hulk ability can be very devastating when you have effects like overcrush or unblockable given to him. So you need to find a way to trigger those powers, one way to do so is using global to damage Hulk and once he is all pumped up, you give him overcrush or unblockable and attack with him.

It is hard to pull off this version of Hulk's ability. You need to have a Hulk die in your used pile when his ability triggers. This will help you to have more Hulk dice in the field, but having more of them and no other ability isn't exactly an effective way to use Hulk especially since there are other versions of him that are way more powerful.

This version of Hulk can be used to wipe out your opponent’s field, which is extremely deadly. Just put a Hulk die in the field and deal Hulk damage using global or character's ability and you can see your opponent’s field getting smaller every time Hulk takes damage. When the field is small enough, swarm your opponent to win the game.

Here is another Hulk that can wipe out the opposing field. Green Goliath is more deadly as it does an area damage instead of just knocking out 1 character each time you or him takes damage. With Hulk in the field, you can see your opponent getting less aggressive and try not to deal you or Hulk damage because each time they do so, their field will get wipe out. This is a great card and definitely worth 6 cost.

This version of Human Torch is powerful, all he needs to do is stay in the field and you keep fielding cheap characters. Your opponent will just have to take damage until you ran out of characters to field. The global can come in handy when you need them, if you use an action or global that deals damage, just use a bolt to increase that damage dealt by 1. For such fantastic ability and a supportive global, this card is definitely worth a spot in your team.

This version of Human torch is cheaper to purchase but unless you need a bunch of Human Torch dice in your field, you don’t really have to use this one. As said, you need to manage your dice very carefully to trigger the ability, and what’s worse is that you need to roll his character side or else it will end up in your use pile. Even if you roll the character side, what are the chances that you still have spare energy to field him? Human Torch doesn’t have stats that are so fantastic (the irony) that you need a bunch of them in the field.

This version of torch is cheap, but his fielding cost is expensive for a 2 cost. You would probably use him because he produce bolt energy and his ability is decent. If you don't need him for the stats or the energy, just other versions of him instead.

This version is almost similar to Human Torch: Flame On, only stronger and doesn’t have the global. You can get rid of your opponent’s characters in the field and at the same time dealing damage to your opponent, all you need to do is just fielding characters. That is another fantastic card.

For 4 cost, iron man stats is decent, his ability is compatible with his global, imagine you have a lot of shield energy in your reserve pool; you can redirect the damage from you to Iron Man and because of his ability, he takes 1 lesser damage, hence he takes no damage when you redirect damage to him. Even if you don't use field him, as long as you have a character in the field, you can use the global to protect yourself from getting damaged.

This version of Iron Man is a great supporter for your team, if you have any abilities or action that deals damage to a target character, you may damage Iron Man and gain life instead. Your opponent would probably slow down the aggressive when this Iron Man is active, they won't want to heal you instead of damaging you when declaring attackers. This is a good supporter and defender for the team.

The trick to this card is that Iron Man doesn't have to be declared as an attacker or blocker in the attack step, just use global to deal damage to Iron man while he is active, and he will deal 3 damage to one opposing attacker or blocker, so you don't have to worry about getting your Iron man knocked out. This can be use as a counter to overcrush or unblockable characters, or assist your characters that have overcrush.

This version of Iron Man is more expensive, and doesn't really provide much support to the team. He is very resistant to damage, so only damage that comes from shield character can damage him, which makes him very defensive in your team. For 6 cost, it is very expensive if you are only using him for defense purpose.

Capturing ability can be a pain; Loki is powerful in terms of possessing a capturing ability. However, a 6 costs and a fielding ability on a character that is hard to leave the field makes it less viable. And the ability only allows you to capture a character equal or lower level than Loki, so it eliminates some option if Loki is at lower level, also, the capturing last only until end of the turn which makes this version of Loki even less playable.

This version of Loki is much better. First you get to pick a character your opponent possess, then you get to knock it out and it deals damage to your opponent when you do so. The ability would be good but Loki has really high defence so it may be hard for him to exit the field. You could use Ant Man/Kal L global to assist him. Loki can be deadly in the late game when your opponent have a strong character in the field.

This is a great card with great control ability. You can prevent a character from being fielded when Loki is fielded, which can counter almost any character. At 5 cost, it is not hard to buy him, if your opponent is relying on one character in his/her game, you know who to lock when you field Loki.

This is a very situation card, in a very typical game, you won't get to see any X-Men character in the field, hence it is as good as giving this character no ability. A 5 cost character should never possess such situational abilities. Unless you are playing a draft, you should not use this version of Magneto.

This version of Magneto is supportive in a villain team. Most villains are stronger at higher level, this ability can be triggered more than once, so save up some energy and you can start spinning up your villains. The global can be deadly when used against a villain, you can force your opponent to reroll a villain so that it will exit the field when it is spun into an energy, just be be careful when you bring this card as the global can be used against you as well.

The global is very helpful for a villain team. This version of Magneto helps to pump your villains. Having stronger stats, your villains can be very deadly, if you want stronger villain, you can consider this Magneto in your team. Still, be careful of the global as it can be used against you.

This is an anti-villain action card. It can knock off almost any villain in play, including yours. However, it is very situational, not every opponent you face will have a villain, unless you make them one. The most effective way to use this action is to make all your opponent's character a villain and do an area attack with this action, but that will be a very costly move. The global is kind of redundant given that there are a lot other global that can do the same thing but with cheaper energy spend.

This version of Mjolnir helps you to knock off a character, 5A probably can’t knock off a very defensive character, but if you roll a burst or even a double burst side, it might knock it out. Still, for a 6 cost action to deal damage to only 1 character is very costly, and if you can't knock it out then it will be a waste.

A lower cost Mjolnir is definitely worth considering, the ability works best if you have Thor in your field as well as some high defense characters, or you could always use the action first then field your remaining characters. If this card can wipe off your opponent's field and you can end the game by attacking with your remaining character's in the field, then this is a great card to invest in.

Given the cost and the overall stats of Mr Fantastic, I feel that this is the best Mr Fantastic to use; he is good for blocking, especially against overcrush characters and he is hard to get knocked out. Plus, his global is very useful, forcing a character to attack will give you the chance to make that character exit the field, which will come in handy at times.

For a 5 cost character, his ability is less appealing, redirecting only 2 damage might not be enough to knock off an attacker even with his attack value. His defense is already very strong and redirecting 2 damage from the character he blocks won't make much difference. In a way, this card indirectly means that character that Mr Fantastic blocks is -2A and -2D. I would rather use the common version instead as it can do almost the same thing and at lower cost.

This version of Mr Fantastic is a good blocker only if you are really desperate, lack of blockers and cannot take any more damage from your opponent. However, the ability only triggers at level 2 or above. The level 1 is simply useless and once you get to that level after utilizing your Mr Fantastic to its maximum, it’s just another character in the field that can’t do much. What makes this card less credible is the lack of the global ability.

A copycat character is very risky, firstly, when you copy another character’s ability, that character might have abilities that don’t help you at all. If you attack with her and copies a blocking ability, it doesn't help you, similarly to copying an attacking ability when she blocks, it just doesn't help. Copying a fielding ability would be useless as well. The only ability that is useful for Mystique to copy is an active ability, but your opponent wouldn’t be so dumb to have make character with active ability engage with Mystique, since most active character tend not to attack or block. As for the stats part, most of the time, Mystique and the character she engaged to will simultaneously eliminate each other, or both survive, the burst might make a difference but I won’t really put my money on Mystique.

Another copycat Mystique, with 6 cost, the ability improve a bit more as you can now choose which character card to copy. The best scenario is for her to copy a higher cost character's card or it would be inefficient to use a 6 cost character to copy a 2 cost character's card. However even if you have that character's ability, Mystique stats are quite bad unless she is at level 3, it might not work as well as using that character you copied.If your team is super versatile to adapt to your opponent’s way of playing, then go ahead and use Mystique, if not, don't risk it.

If a 5 cost Mystique can copy a 8A 8D character in your opponent’s field, this card's effect is decent. But this card has too much reliance on luck; it is rare for your opponent to have a 8A 8D character and keeping them in the field instead of doing some colossal damage to you.

Avengers is one of the strongest affiliation in this game till today, so it wouldn’t be surprise if someone brings Nick Fury into the game. This version of Nick Fury will help you to save plenty of energy if you are playing an Avengers team. For a 2 cost and an active ability, this card is definitely playable.

This version of Nick Fury will pump all your Avengers, that additional 1A and 1D will come in handy throughout the game. It can make characters more durable to withstand damage and stronger to knock their opponent out. For 2 cost character to pump ALL your Avengers is a really good deal.

This is the powerful Nick Fury, if an 8A Avengers goes unblocked, that’s 16 damage to your opponent! Even if it is just a 2A Avengers, but when it is unblocked, it will be doubled, and if you further pump it, it is even more devastating. An avengers team will be extraordinary powerful with him aiding them all.

To make sure of his ability, you could give him overcrush and make him deal more spill damage your opponent since only mask characters can blocked him. You would probably want to use Ant Man/Kal L global to flip his stats since his attack is weak at level 1 and 2. For 5 cost, he is quite decent to use in the mid game as an overcrusher.

With the help of force block global ability, you can force a character to block Nightcrawler and get rid of it after the attack step. Or you could give Nightcrawler overcrush and your opponent will declare blockers carefully as one of them will end up getting knock out.

The ability is almost similar to the uncommon version, the difference is that this version allows Nightcrawler to knock out a character blocking him first, before dealing combat damage. This can prevent him from getting knocked out easily and when use with overcrush, allows you to knock out a tougher blocker first, hence dealing more spill damage. Nightcrawler shouldn't be underestimated, the only disappointment I have is that he doesn't have the X-Men affiliation.

This version of Nova can help you ramp a lot of dice in no time! You can damage him with abilities and effect, each time he takes damage, you ramp a die into your prep area. You could also attack with Nova and give him overcrush, for every blocker that dealt him damage, you ramp a die into your prep area. You can use him to block as well, and he will still ramp a die for you when he took damage. He may be costly but if you can ramp a lot of dice from him, the 5 cost will be well spend.

A more expensive Nova but can be useful if you use him the right way. If Nova were to take damage from a 8A character, you could redirect that 8A to someone else and that damage would knock a lot of characters out. The drawback of this Nova is that the ability triggers only on the first time every turn, which means that your opponent could have just Ping Nova 1 damage to neutralize his ability. Unless your game play revolves around redirecting damage, I would suggest you to use other Nova instead as this one is not as easy to use.

This version of Nova is awesome! You can trigger his ability when you Ping him in the attack step. He can just stay in the field and you just need to Ping him for his ability to trigger. You could also give him overcrush and if he is blocked, he will deal your opponent 2 damage for every blocker that damage him. You could also use him as a block so whenever he blocks and takes damage, he will deal 2 damage as well. There are just so many ways to use him and for a 5 cost, Nova is simply amazing.

This is the cheapest version of Phoenix, she doesn't possess very unique ability, but she can be very dangerous if she is given overcrush. That additional stats she has will come in handy. The force attack global is on this card as well, so if you prefer using Bolt energy instead of Mask, do use her.

This version of Phoenix can be very useful when you have a lot of bolt energies in your reserved pool. You can spend 2 Bolt each time she is engaged to deal 4 damage to a character or opponent. That is pretty amazing, once you field her and save some bolt energy, you can finish your opponent in no time.

This version of Phoenix is also amazing, you get to deal damage to your opponent and at the same time, knocked characters out. She can be aggressive as well as slowing down aggressive characters. The only issue is that both Phoenix and those characters she is engaged with must not be knocked out for her effect to trigger. You might want to use overcrush to assist her, that way, you can deal either spill damage or ability damage to your opponent.

Rolling dice is always the factor in this game, rerolling it gives any player an additional chance to roll what they want, by stopping your opponent from rerolling dice; you could change a lot of things in a game. However, the drawback of this is that it is a 6 cost character and your opponent would probably not reroll, or he or she could just pay 2 life for that reroll if it's critical. Also, Parallax global will make this card totally useless.

This is a more powerful Professor X. Not only your opponent cannot use actions but global abilities as well, that is nasty as both are essentials in the game. If your opponent wants to use them, they will have to pay 2 life. Either way, it puts your opponent in a bad spot.

Another controller here, this version can stop your opponent’s field from growing. All in all, each professor X offers something to control in the game. However, the drawback is that your opponent can just pay 2 life to use ignore those restrictions for a turn. Also, using Professor X from this set would prevent you from using the one with the global in UXM set, so it's something to think about if you want to use Professor from this set in your team.

Punisher can be very dangerous, simply attack with him and knock a character out. Even if your opponent decides to pay 2 life to keep that character in the field instead, you still manage to decrease your opponent's health. Having 4 attacking Punisher would be a disaster for your opponent.

For a higher cost and a really bad ability, I will never use this card. It is used for getting more Punisher into the field, but there are no other abilities that Punisher possess, more of them in the field won't make many difference, so I don't recommend you to use it. The dice limit is 3 on this card, which makes it less playable.

This is a Punisher that can potentially wipe out characters in the opposing field, attack with 4 Punisher and you have a high chance of wiping out your opponent’s field and get a clear shot to finish your opponent. Also, paying 4 life to prevent this effect will hurt your opponent just as much. The drawback is that this character is 6 cost, so you will need a lot of ramp to buy 4 Punisher dice.

Rogue’s dice stats are decent enough and most level 1 character don't have the stats that Rogue already has. Paying 4 cost just to get some decent stats on your dice and no other ability is not very appealing.

This card is very situational, you need to hope that your opponent will have an action die in his or her used pile or reserve pool when Rogue is fielded. The good thing about it is you get to use that action die if you attack with Rogue. You may want to see if your opponent uses any good action die before buying Rogue. She can act as a supporter for the action combo though.

This is another wild card. If your opponent has a blocking, active or attacking ability that you really want, go ahead and copy that with Rogue. And again, you need to make sure that the ability is worth copying because for a 6 cost character to copy a 2 cost character is not efficient.

If you can make use of the pump that Silver Surfer has, I think having lower health will benefit you more in the game. The global helps you ramp a die at the cost of 2 life, which works well with Silver Surfer's ability.

This is a more supportive version of Silver Surfer. With Silver Surfer in the field, if you have lower health than your opponent, you have the luxury to draw 1 more dice every turn. This is not a bad ramp but just more expensive to set up.

This is a more effective Silver Surfer in my opinion, when you have lower health than your opponent, give Silver Surfer overcrush and you can see how much damage this surfer can inflict on your opponent. Even at level 1, 10A 10D is no joke.

This version of Spider Man can be immune to a lot of effects and abilities. If your opponent wants to make your Spiderman unable to block, you can pay a fist and be immune to it. If your opponent wants to knock him out, you can pay a fist and be immune to it. He can also prevent a character's ability affecting him, which can come in handy at times, but the drawback is that you need a lot of fist energy in your reserve pool. This Spider-man is good for defensive purpose as he can be immune to almost every effect, if you can use this ability to your advantage, then he can be a great asset in your team.

Having an attacking ability but boosting the defence makes it harder for Spider Man to get knocked out. But if you use it with the Ant Man/Kal L global, that's a different story, give him overcrush and he can hurt your opponent.

This version of Spiderman is amazing! When your attackers is as much as your opponent's blockers, Spiderman is the solution, just keep 1 fist on your reserve pool and attack with everyone, and pay 1 fist to make every opposing character block Spidey and leave the rest of your team unblocked. This is a very powerful character and if your opponent has no mitigation to it, bring him out into the field and end the game as soon as you can.

This version of Spiderman is good if you are trying to wear your opponent down, but the set-up is very tedious, you need to have 2 fist in your reserve pool and Spiderman cannot be blocked, which is not an easy tasked as your opponent probably wouldn’t allow your Spiderman ability to trigger. Also, once your opponent life goes below 10, this Spiderman would just be another character in your field that can’t do much.

This version of Storm is cheap and can help you to get rid of your opponent’s character. However, the drawback is that you might end up making your opponent’s character stronger instead. But for a 3 cost and low defence, it is easy to re-field her again and trigger her ability.

This is a more expensive version of storm, it can help you win the game or it might backfire on you. If storm attacks, and you manage to reroll all your opponent's character to energy, you have a clear shot at your opponent. However, you might end up making them stronger and even if you do roll them out of the field but your team attacks isn’t able to finish your opponent off, your opponent have more dice to roll next turn and can just field back his or her character. You can always set up your team to have the possibility of finishing your opponent off first before attacking with Storm.

For a 2 cost, this storm is actually very powerful. Your opponent will declare attackers and blockers very carefully so they don't get engaged with Storm and ends up being rolled away. For a 2 cost and the X-men affiliation, this is a good storm that you can consider using.

This is a more expensive but powerful Storm. You can make your opponent character stronger but what if your opponent didn’t? He or she lose a character and 2 life as well! This storm is use more to inflict damage onto your opponent; usually players will choose to target a sidekick as they have lesser chance to roll on a character face. If you are playing with any versions of Storm in this set, just hope that lady luck is on your side.

When your opponent starts to build wall of blockers, things can get really annoying; but not when you have the Thing. He can be really powerful. If you have lesser characters in the field than your opponent, the Thing cannot be blocked, which can be deadly on his level 3 face. However, you need to be wary that having lesser characters will put you in a disadvantage situation as more of your opponent's character can be unblocked.

For a cheaper cost, the Thing can work well with overcrush. The same issue applies, having fewer characters put you in a disadvantage, if you can turn the tide towards your favour, go ahead and build an underdog team.

For 7 cost, it is very expensive to purchase the Thing. Having more dice in your reserve pool for free is not a bad thing, the only problem is that you need to have lesser characters than your opponent to trigger his ability. A fielding ability on The Thing just make it worse, for a 7 cost to have requirements for the ability to trigger is simply not worth it.

For Thor to damage your opponent, you definitely need to give him overcrush, it is impossible for your opponent not to block an attacking Thor given that his stats are so strong. If an opposing fist character is very powerful and hard to get rid of, Thor might be the solution to it.

His ability i not bad if your opponent only has fist character in their field, other than that, your opponent can just block Thor with a sidekick or other energy character. You can give him overcrush and limit the number of blockers your opponent can declare against him. Still, there are a lot of characters that are able to block him, which makes him less playable.

Capturing is cool, but unless your opponent plays an all fist character in his or her field, Thor can end up being useless, since his ability triggers only when fielded, so when you field him and no opposing fist characters are in the field, then you wasted his fielding ability. Even if your opponent have an all fist character in the field, you need to make sure that when Thor shows up he can capture all those characters and then all your other characters can finish your opponent off before they are returned to the field. It just takes too much effort to make this version of Thor works.

This is a powerful version of Thor, although not everyone uses an all fist character team, but they will most like have at least 1 fist character in their team. Once your opponent has a fist character in the field, you can bring this Thor out to the field and give him overcrush to do some really huge damage to your opponent, even if they have only 1 fist character, Thor still gets +4A and +4D, which is a great help.

Venom ability is great when your opponent doesn’t have fist characters in their team. Even if your opponent has fist characters, you can give him overcrush and limit the blockers your opponent can declared against him. His global is usable and suits his ability since only fist character can block him, you might want to use it to weaken them. Just be careful as the global can be used against Venom.

This version has a lower cost and better ability, this version of Venom is good for blocking sidekicks and all other characters that aren't a fist character. Since he has a blocking ability, he doesn't necessary have to block alone, if an opposing non fist character attacks and has high defence, use multiple characters including Venom to block and if that character knocks out, Venom effect still triggers.

This venom can get rid of and weaken a lot of non-fist characters, however, he is a 6 cost, so you need to get him out fast to be effective against your opponent.

The card effect for this action is quite limited if you want to use it to protect your characters. You can only choose an energy type for every Vibranium Shield use, if you use one Vibranium Shield, for 1 energy you protect, there are 3 others you can't protect, the effect also applies to opposing character as well so it's hard to pull off. The global ability is what you need for this card. It makes Shield energy precious as it can prevent 1 damage to you or a character, which can save you at times.

If you are specifically countering an energy type, you can use this action to help you. It can buy you a turn or it can prevent some characters from blocking. The drawback is that your character that matches the same type will also be affected, which can backfire at you, so use it .

This action can prevent a character from getting knock out through taking damage. It can also be use as a counter to overcrush, just place this action one of your characters and block an overcrush character with a character that has Vibranium Shield. The drawback is that the action is 5 cost, so you have to use it efficiently.

For 5 cost, that additional stats can come in handy. The unique part is the global ability, it is useful when you are using shield characters in your team. You can keep healing as long as your Shield characters damage your opponent.

Unblockable characters are good, his ability is compatible with his global. You might want to pump him more so he can do more damage.

His ability is decent, but War Machine has relatively high health, hence, it is not easy for him to leave the field and re-fielding him, there are other characters that can knock out characters and have lesser demands, so it's not very advisable to use him.

For a 5 cost just to spin your opponent’s character down one level, I will pass on this one.

This is the better Wolverine to use, equip him with overcrush and he can inflict a potential 12A, how great is that.

A 6 cost for a guaranteed 5A to a potential 8A is more than decent. If you can make him stronger and guaranteed unblockable, he can be a force to be reckon with.
This set has one of the best staples and cards in the game, even till today, so if you still can find this set, go ahead and invest in it, you won't regret it! Thanks for reading and I hope that my review helps.
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