New Keyword: Heroic
Heroic is the new component for this game, how it works is that every time you field a character with the Heroic ability, choose another character in your field that has the heroic ability as well, those 2 characters now can use their heroic ability until the start of your next turn.
Before you read, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Dice drawing effect
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword. Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Basic Action Cards

This action is useful if your opponent starts to build a wall of characters in his/her field, also, you need to make sure that you can make use of the additional attack bonus, such as overcrush or unblockable ability. If you can make use of that, then this card is worth the cost.

The global ability is great for characters who benefits having more attack value. However, the effect on the card is not as good. To your targeted character, it is just levelling up the character with this action, to a targeted opposing character, it is just a forced attack effect, both can be easily replaced by other cheaper and convenient effects, such as global abilities.

If you have a way to knocked out your opponent's character in the field, such as dealing damage with an area of effect ability or damage dealing global, then this card would be useful for you.

Capturing action is useful when you are against a wall of characters or you want to get rid of a character. This action helps you to buy some time to finish off your opponent while your opponent's characters are Imprisoned. This also helps you to remove some of his/her dice away from the game temporary, thus creating difficulty for his/her dice management.

Controlling a character is an asset to your team for a turn. You can change the course of the game by controlling 1 opposing character. It gives you the ability the character possess, helps you to remove 1 blocker from your opponent and a chance to knock out the character that you control. To do all this great effects for only 4 cost, this action is amazing.

I don't see the need of dealing damage to myself unless there is a beneficial purpose to do so. If you need an effect that can deal damage to both players and each characters, you can consider this action.

This card is banned, so I shall not talk too much about it.

This action is very defensive, you can use it on a type of energy so that character cannot attack, which can buy you a turn in the game. At the same time, it prevents your characters of the chosen energy from attacking, if you are playing a very defensive team, this would be a great action for you to use, but if you have at least a character that benefits when attacking, then don't use it, it might backfire at you.

This action is specifically targeted on villains, and not everyone would use a villain in a game, you can use converters to make this action useful though. Despite that, 3 damage is not really effective if your intention is to knock out a villain as most villain have very high defence.

The action effect allows you to roll a die in your used pile, so you have a chance to field a character that you just bought. Even if you don't roll a character face on that die, you can put it in your bag so you have a higher chance of drawing it on your next turn. The global is the great thing about this card. It allows a sidekick to deal extraordinary damage by swapping their attack with an opposing character, it makes your opponent worry about getting their attack swap and will always wanting to reserve a shield energy just in case.
Character Cards

For a 3 cost and a character that is not too hard to re-field, you can definitely use this version of Angel if you are building a sidekick team, getting a sidekick is not easy and able to field one for free is appealing, however, you need to make sure that you have a sidekick dice in your used pile for the ability to trigger.

A good and cheap supporting character if you want to build a sidekick combo, the only catch is that Angel must attack with the sidekick as well, so if you are lagging of blockers, make sure you don’t blindly attack. Also, this boost is not permanent so your sidekicks don’t get the pump effect from Angel while defending, so bring more sidekick supporters into the field before you field Angel.

This is one of the cheapest heroic characters in the game, so I believe players will play him if they are going to use a heroic team. Angel is quite good for defensive purpose and he does help in terms of blocking, but the effect will be gone on your next turn, and it is quite costly to keep spending that 1 shield for the effect to trigger every turn. On the side note, you can use Angel and attack so he can keep recycling through the bag and activate your heroic ability for other character.

Angel is a good attacker if you are using a pure shield team in the game. For this effect to work at its best, it is advisable to have a lot of shield characters in your field and attack with all of them including Angel. But if you ask for my opinion, I would say use the 2 cost Angel in AVX set, since it is cheaper and has the same stats as this one, not to mention that the ability is easier to trigger.

For a 2 cost character and a potential of 5A, this will be one of the better low cost attackers in the game. If you don’t need to use the Ant Man global or you just need a 2 cost character in your team, I suggest you to use this version of Ant Man.

What is interesting about this card is the Ant Man global, you can totally change the game with this global. For Ant Man ability alone, it helps if you want him to stay in the field, as the additional defence stats is helpful and can prevent him from being knocked out easily. You can use the ability to boost his attack as well, just flip his stats with his global before you attack and when you attack with him, use the global to flip the stats back. That way, you get +2A instead.

Ant man is one of the characters that you are able to use for all its rarity variant, the rare version of Ant Man allows you to level up Ant Man at the cost of your life, which increases your chance of getting him out at level 3. That 5A is going to hurt when he is unblocked or given overcrush. This version gives you a higher chance of fielding him at level 3.

Apocalypse stats are great, but for 6 cost and the ability to get more Defence when he already have a high Defence seems weak given that he can't keep the bonus on your opponent's turn. On the other hand, you can use Ant Man/ Kal L global and boost his attack and using overcrush on the turn he is fielded so he can deal some massive damage.

This version of Apocalypse can counter overcrush if your opponent has no villains in the field. But nowadays villains are not that rare to see in the field and your opponent can always have a villain converter global and nerf Apocalypse ability.
3/10 (Generally because it's hard for his ability to trigger)

This is an undead Apocalypse, he can be used to block characters with high attack and still come back to the field on the next turn. Or you can use Ant Man/Kal L global and overcrush to make him deal some damage and if he is knocked out, he can still return to the field. The only issue is that his ability only triggers at level 2 and 3, so do spin him up if you can.

Bishop is quite an expensive character to use given his stats, but this Bishop is immune to bolt characters. Other than that, I wouldn’t see the need to use this bishop, plus, my opponent would have other energy characters to deal with bishop.

Slightly cheaper Bishop, but then again, it is very situational to use him. You don’t see people playing just purely with bolt characters.

A more usable Bishop, he can deal damage to opposing characters every time he is dealt damage. Still, for a 5 cost character to deal that small damage to an opposing character seems a bit weak. If you are able to stack up to 4 bishops in your field, then things might be different, but I would suggest you to use those potential energies (the irony) on somewhere else.

This version of Black Panther’s ability alone kind of make him useless even with his potential of 8A, however, all you need to do is to give him overcrush and you will see how powerful Panther can be. Not to mention that he is cheap for his stats.

More expensive version of Black Panther but this Panther can attack even when your opponent have no characters in his or her field. Plus, that 2A is a bonus, even if you feel like attacking with more than 1 character, go ahead, you just don’t get the additional bonus from Black Panther’s ability. The only drawback about Panther is his health, he can be knocked out easily, just use some defense pump to assist him in case your opponent wants to knock him out.

If you don’t feel like attacking with Black Panther, or you do not get overcrush this turn to make his attack worthwhile, then use your other character to attack and use his ability to prevent a character from blocking. What’s more, since his ability isn’t an active ability, you can stack up the effects with more Panthers!

A cheaper version of cable, his ability is not too bad, but that 1 damage dealt can only be dealt on an opposing character instead of opposing player, thus, that 1 damage might not be harmful to anyone. The global wise is unique, it forces one of your opponent's character to block, and deals 1 damage to it. It’s decent, why I don’t give it more credit it’s because the global cannot force a character to block a character of your choice, it just says block.

This is a higher cost cable and more worthy for it's cost. You can pair him with overcrush effects, if your opponent blocks him, he will deal 2 damage to each opposing characters, hence you are able to deal more spill damage, if your opponent doesn't block him, he deals damage to your opponent. Either way, your opponent suffers.

This version of Cable is great, you just need to keep 2 bolt energy in your reserve pool, if he is blocked, you can pay those energy and he deals damage to your opponent and still able to resolve damage normally in combat. If your opponent doesn't block him, you can save that bolt energies on something else. Give him overcrush and your opponent will suffer.

Captain America is hard to re-field so having a fielding ability does not make him very powerful. On the other hand, you can send someone to the prep area if that character is bothering you; just convert it to a villain if it isn’t already one. But for this ability at 5 cost, I will pass.

This version of Cap is cheaper but his ability only works when he is fielded, so back to the fielding ability issue. Fielding a character takes at most 3 energies, with ramp effects, you don’t really need to worry about fielding a character, plus, Cap already took up 1 or 2 generic energy for his ability to trigger, why not I just spend those energy to field someone else instead and use the energies that I spend on buying Cap to buy someone more powerful. Fielding a character is not really a major issue in this game, so I wouldn’t recommend using him.

The boost from Cap surely is awesome and can make him and his partner both aggressive and defensive. You just need to make full use of those stats or else it would go to a waste

This is a great support and a must for an x-men team. Just put this cerebro die on a low cost X-Men character, each time you field that character you get to knock out an opposing character, how great is that.

This is a slow counter against your opponent’s aggressive team. It would make them pay more to field a 2 or 3 cost character (those energies could have been used for something else). What’s more, this effect doesn’t trigger only on an x-men team, so anyone can use them. Good for a control team or anyone that wants to counter an aggressive team.

A little costly and long set up, but it is very crucial when you need a certain character to win the game and he or she doesn’t show up, so what do you do? You use Mutant Hunter to search for him or her in your bag and hopefully able to find it and roll it on the character face and win the game.

3 damage from a 6 cost character? I don’t think that is worth it.

That 1 damage to your opponent and his or her characters seems very weak on a 6 cost character.

A lower cost Cyclops and his ability is great for a heroic team. Both him and his partner gets to deal your opponent 1 damage in additional to the ability his partner has. You just need to keep fielding a heroic character every turn so Cyclops and his partner can deal 2 damage to your opponent every turn.

This is a great Cyclops and a bolt character supporter. Bolt characters are mainly use for non-combat damage, increasing those damage by 1 makes a big difference in the long run. What's great is that this doesn't just apply to non-combat damage, but combat damage as well. This is a great card to use if you are building a bolt team.

Emma Frost is not exactly a good character, not that her stats are low but for her stats and her ability at 5 cost, I don’t think it’s very useful. One, my opponent can always have a villain character in their field or can simple convert one out and two, my opponent can choose to let other energy type engage with Emma instead. Either way, keeping her in the field possess no threat to your opponent, so your opponent wouldn’t worry too much about it.

A cheaper version of Emma, but also very situational, it can help you to weaken opposing fist characters and that is about it. That 1A probably wouldn’t make a huge different given that fist character are very strong in their attacks.

Same issue with characters that have such situational ability, my opponent probably wouldn’t let any fist character engage with Emma, plus, to redirect only 1 damage from a 5 cost character (not to forget that she is a super rare), that is quite disappointing.

This is a cheap and good avenger. Do I need to say more?

This Falcon lacks the avengers team symbol, but who cares, he makes all your sidekicks unblockable. This is a must for anyone using a sidekick combo.

If you want me to compare all 3 Falcons, I would say this is the less useful one. To deal damage to opposing character, there are other possible ways, why shift your sidekicks to the used pile just to deal that 2 damage?

There is an Iceman at the same cost with an ability so I rather use that instead.

This version of Iceman is more expensive, but it can give him the necessary pump in time of needs. He can be very aggressive and defensive as well, but the drawback is you need to keep a lot of bolt energy to make him very powerful.

This version of Ice Man works well with Ant Man/Kal L global, use that global then his ability plus overcrush you can see the power of Ice Man. The global is very special too, you can use it to turn your sidekicks to bolt energy, hence making bolt global abilities very deadly.

A lower cost Ice Man and the ability is great, as long as you keep fielding characters every turn, Ice Man can be a very powerful attacker. The only drawback is that it doesn’t have the global.

The one reason I would play this Iron Man is because of the global. Iron Man defense is already very high and having less damage done to him wouldn’t matter that much. Plus, the ability only triggers against a villain, sure you can always make someone a villain but why would I spend the shield energy on that just to prevent some damage taken to Iron Man.

A defensive heroic ability, however, for a 5 cost I would expect more from a superhero. I mean having more defense isn’t a bad thing, but most heroic character cannot be knock out that easily, and for those who can be knocked out easily, you need them to get knocked out or their attack to goes through to keep re-fielding them and keep pairing them up.

Definitely a better Iron Man, instead of reducing some damage, isn’t it better to cancel all of them? That can totally counter overcrush characters. Give level 3 Iron Man overcrush and then use his global to see him deal some powerful damage on to your opponent and not worrying about him getting knocked out, since the global can make anyone a villain.

Juggernaut is high in attack but low in defense with the exception of his level 3. So his ability kind of helps him to stay in the field so he can deal some damage to his opponent in the next few turns. However, for a 6 cost character, I would expect stronger ability; moving sidekicks to your used pile will result in you having weaker dice to be drawn and your field to shrink, unless you need sidekick dice then it's a different story. But what I am saying is that Juggernaut is good but having to sacrifice sidekicks to keep him in the field doesn't seems like an ability a 6 cost character should have.

For a 7 cost and a potential of 11A, I think it is decent, but a 7 cost should do a lot more than that. What’s worse is that you need to sacrifice your sidekick to trigger his ability.

A fielding ability on Juggernaut is ridiculous, he is very hard to get re-field and there are just too many criteria for this card to have its effect. Villain converter and villains are quite common and all of this just deal 1 damage and gain 1 life is not worth the effort.

For a lesser cost, you can consider this Juggernaut, for his stats it is great for a 5 cost and the ability to block more than 1 character is always good.

A low cost character with decent stats and low fielding cost, and she has the X-men symbol so I don’t see why she isn’t great.

For a slightly higher cost but better ability, Kitty Pryde can do some great damage in the early game and in the late game, you could just use her for energies instead.

This is an almost guaranteed 2A or 3A from shadow cat. Her global is a weaker version of distraction, but it is kind of fun to see if your opponent decides either to attack you or to pay 1 life. Either way, you get something out of it. On the irony, her global can backfire on you when your opponent have a lot of reserved mask energy, and he or she uses the kitty global against you. For a 4 cost, I say the ability is not that bad.

This version of Kitty Pryde benefits more with overcrush, you can pay a mask energy to remove a blocker so she can deal more spill damage. I am saying that the ability is bad but for 5 cost and her weak stats, it is very costly for this ability.

This version of Magik is like an undead Magik, to make the best out of this; use ant man global and overcrush and you can see Magik deal some damage, and what’s more is that you get to roll her back, maybe at a higher level and even if you fail, you can always roll her out on your next turn.

This card is tricky, when your opponent attacks and Magik blocks, you get to unresolved the attack if you don’t draw a sidekick dice. This will totally counter any character with overcrush as they might not even have the chance to deal combat damage.

For a 5 cost and a more powerful ability, I say this Magik can be your attacker in the team. Give Magik an overcrush and ant man global, and then try your luck to see if you can deal more damage to your opponent. A little bit on the luck factor but who knows, you may be lucky enough to finish your opponent.

This is a more expensive Psylocke: Kwannon the Assassin and he is harder to get re-field, so why would you want to choose him?

Talking about undead characters, this Magneto just won’t go to the used pile, the only characters that you should worry about for Magneto are those who can roll characters into an energy, apart from them, you can go very aggressive using Magneto, knowing that no matter what happens, he will just keep coming back.

His ability is not too bad but he is a 6 cost and for his ability to trigger, my opponent cannot have any villains in his field, which at this point in the game, it is rare to see someone without a villain.

Imagine your opponent draws dice during his or her clear and draw st, he or she takes damage for it or when they draw dice for any ability or action effect, they take 2 damage as well, how painful would that be? This Magneto can drain your opponent’s health every time he or she decides to draw more dice for any reason. For a 7 cost, I say this Magneto is a controller beast! However, the issue is that your opponent can have a villain in the field to prevent this effect. If you are able to get rid of any villain in your opponent’s field at any given time, then you will see this Magneto do a lot of damage on your opponent.

Marvel Girl isn’t a character that is easy to be re-field, so for a 6 cost to only spin down my opponent’s dices down 1 level is just not good enough for me to include her in the team.

If you are playing a Heroic team, then Marvel gain will be the team’s supporter, but the problem is that if you are playing a Heroic team then you probably have no reason to play other non-Heroic character apart from Professor X with the global, so it’s a give and take situational, if you feel like recovering your health during mid-game then go ahead and use Marvel Girl Superhero and include a low cost non-heroic character in your team, so you always have someone to spin down, doing this will cost you to exclude 1 other Heroic character in your team.

The fielding ability issue again for Marvel Girl. Plus, there are other cheaper ways to spin down a character. What's worse is that you have to keep a bolt energy to trigger her ability.

For a 6 cost and only get 2D bonus when my opponent has no villains fielded? I would pass, there is always Groot: We are Groot if you want some extra protection, he is lower cost, stronger and no requirement.

This is the real Sinister! If you are playing a villain team, it is recommended to use this Sinister. That global of his really helps, you can deal damage to a character of your choice, most probably one with fielding ability, and try to knock it out, at the same time, your opponent must do the same and he/she might not have a character that benefits from getting knocked out.

This version of Sinister is very tricky to use. It takes a lot of management and at the end of the day just to keep Mr Sinister in the field. His level 3 has the strongest attack but harder to leave the field, unless you give him overcrush every turn and keep him in the field. Also, your sidekicks must be there for his effect to work, be it blocking or attacking. This is quite a tedious process all just to keep Mr Sinister in the field. His uncommon version is better.

This is a low cost Mystique and can become very powerful with the help of Professor X global or other dice generating effects. However, Mystique is more worthy at level 2 since her stats are all the same, so it’s really about the luck factor when you play her, having 1A and 1D for 2 fielding cost is not worth it, but for her cost and her unlimited potential I would say it’s more than decent.

A villain team can have Mystique on it since her stats varies based on the number of villains, but it comes down to the dice face, too much luck involved, but if your team already have a long line of villains in the field, then maybe paying a maximum of 2 fielding cost for Mystique is worth it.

For a little higher cost, Mystique can literally be anyone she wants. However, it depends on what your opponent has in his or her field, paying 4 cost just to trigger a 2 cost character attacking ability is plain dumb, why not just use the 2 cost character in the first place, copying power is too unstable in this game and it may seems very fun but if you want to play competitive, you might want to consider the meta fixes in this game. If you really want to use Mystique, just use her as a backup plan, in case your opponent have a 5 or higher cost character with really good attacking powers, you can have Mystique copy that and be worthy of her costs.

For a 5 cost and a guaranteed 3A, I say Namor is not bad at all; he would be perfect if you have built a long line of defense and Namor will be that offensive character. Just make sure you can keep fielding him fast enough to keep hurting your opponent.

Are you sick of being imprisoned by your opponent? Or are you sick of paying that 1 life every time you declare a blocker because of Power Battery? Or that cerebro is wiping off your field and you just can’t stand it? Have no fear, Namor is here. All Namor needs to do is block your opponent and that action dice have no effect. For a lower cost and a counter to all those Action dice that are hard to counter, I say he is a worthy Avenger (and character)!

This is a good sidekick recruiter and a great combo that works alongside with Green Goblin: Gobby and the sidekick combo team. You get to swam with your powerful unblockable sidekicks and Namor will bring 2 of them back into the field, plus his ability works AT THE END of every turn, so you can go ahead and block with your sidekicks and rest assure they will be back into the field.

I am not a big fan of this Professor X ability, but you can be sure that his global is what changes the game. The global is so powerful that 6 cost or even 7 cost characters are easy to buy. He is a must in the game if you are looking to build a lot of high cost characters. Just in case you can’t pull the rare version, use this one!
9/10 (For the global)

A team supporter, but I wouldn’t invest my money on this version of Professor X, because I need the global if I am building a Heroic team and I don’t think I will ever attack with Professor X given his low attack.

This is one of a sidekick booster, and he comes with the powerful global, just in case if you attack with your boosted sidekicks, you might want to try and roll them back on your next turn. The global will allow you to generate your sidekick dice faster so your chances of rolling a sidekick are higher. He is a must in the sidekick booster team.

Although Psylocke is a cheap character to field and easy to leave the field as well, but her ability is very limited. You can get rid of 2cost characters, but when it comes to the mid-game, she will no longer be very useful as your opponent will have few or even none of a cost 2 or less character in the field. Since she has the x-men symbol, you can definitely keep her as a backup and use her if you are dealing with an annoying 2 cost character. PS Constantine Hellblazer can easily counter her, so don’t bother to counter that counter.

A nerf version of Betsy Braddock, but a lower cost, you don’t put that character to the used pile, instead, you either lower its level or knock it out. I don’t think it’s powerful enough to be in my team, not after knowing that there is a better Psylocke.

The meta girl! You can literally get rid of anyone using Psylocke, so I would definitely keep her in my team, she can be an aggressive attacker in the early game and can counter a lot characters in the late game. What’s more is that she is a 2 cost, totally worth the cost and the spot in your team.

Pyro has very low health and also low fielding cost, but above average attack value, so just be very aggressive when you are playing Pyro, even if he is blocked and knocked out, he will deal 1 damage to your opponent, a good fit for the villains.

This Pyro is more suitable in a bolt team, if you have enough bolt energy with you, you can go ahead and attack with Pyro and pay the energy to deal some damage to your opponent. Plus, if you are really playing a pure bolt team, then you can use Pyro global and try to roll 2 dice, you might end up with 4 bolt in your reserve pool instead! The global is dependable on luck but the ability itself is awesome!

A more costly global with the same effect, but I see why it is more costly, you will need to have more bolt in your used pile and that takes quite some time to manage, but once you get the dice ready in your used pile, you can go ahead and attack with Pyro, and he can deal a variety range of damage to your opponent. I once used him in a tournament and deal 12 damage to my opponent. A little reliance on lady luck but it all comes down to how you manage your used pile for unlimited potential damage. Pyro is in best shape in a full bolt team.

For a 3 cost with decent stats and the x-men symbol, I say that Pietro is not a bad choice if you can to get rid of a character, but 1 damage seems little to do any harm, but for 3 cost, you can definitely consider.

This Quicksilver can get rid of all your opponent’s sidekick unless they are pumped. Other than that I don’t see any use of him. He can act as a backup just in case your opponent has too many sidekicks and Green Goblin: Gobby starts to show up.

A more useful usable version of Quicksilver, he kind of just wipes out your opponent’s field if you have a lot of Quicksilver attacking. Combine his power with Cyclops field leader, 4 Quicksilver can get rid of almost anyone, if your opponent doesn’t want their characters to take those damage from his ability, they will have to absorb the damage from Quicksilver. So it's best for Quicksilver to work with overcrush.

X-men characters are strong but not to the extent that everyone will have them in their team. His ability might be strong given that it triggers when fielded as well as when knocked out, but it can be useless when your opponent have no X-men in their field. Unless you are trying to re-field an X-men such as Gambit or Storm by getting rid of them in the field, do not use this Quicksilver if you have intention of countering an X-men, there are better ways to do it.

A 6 cost character and able to rage until he is at his peak is decent, for high stats character I think the only way to make them powerful is overcrush. Other than that, nothing special about Red Hulk.

For a 7 cost, this Red Hulk has some decent ability, to make him useful just force your opponent’s sidekicks to block Red Hulk and your opponent takes 3 damage for just that. However for a 7 cost, it is easy to Nerf Red Hulk, unless your opponent is playing boost sidekick team, or he or she would just roll that sidekick away.

A little bit costly for a Heroic character but if you have overcrush, you can make Red Hulk and/or his partner deal some massive damage.

A almost guaranteed 5A 4D character dice, but you need to know what you would want so many sabretooth dice at level 3. If you have a plan, such as countering Black Widow: Tsarina or for Colossus Piotr Rasputin or simply overcrushing with Sabretooth, then go ahead and put sabretooth in your team.

An almost undead sabretooth, then again, that makes his level 1 useless. When you use sabretooth, you need to know why you are playing him, this version of Sabretooth is good for overcrushing and attacking, since he will always be back in the field and you don’t have to worry about him getting knocked out about having no blockers on your next turn.

This is a good heroic supporting character as most of the Heroic characters have their best stats at level 3, however, the ability only triggers at the end of the turn, your other character who have attacking abilities will lose them if you don’t attack this turn, so pair up your heroes properly so you get the best out of everyone.

Wanda might be the cheapest Scarlet Witch to use, but then again, her ability is too situational, this set has a lot of characters that are against the X-men but when it comes to full construction, very little X-men will be played, so the ability might not be very useful. Since she is cheap, she can be kept as a backup character if you are playing villain to counter any x-men.

A little bit of small control for your team, but that ability is not very threatening, your opponent can always reroll the results you force him or her to reroll. But for a 3 cost I think it’s worth a shot, especially in an avenger’s team.

A good boost for your team, having 2 attempts to reroll is never a bad thing so I think this is the best super rare in this set.

I am going to be very blunt about Sentinel since it can only counter against X-men. You can get rid of any x-men using mutant hunter but aside from that, I won’t use him at all.

Unless your opponent is playing an X-men team, I don’t see this Sentinel being useful in any other ways.

It has the similar issue with all other Sentinel.

Your She-Hulk will always be level 2 in the least, for potential 7A 7D on a 5 cost I think that’s a decent stats and she also have the avengers symbol so I wouldn’t count her out if I am building an avengers team. Don’t forget about the devastating overcrush that can make her deadly.

A great attacker on your team, she will drain your opponent’s blocker away and I think that’s a great ability. Have 4 She-Hulk as well as some other hard hitting high damage character and you will see the Power of Lady Liberator!

A little costly for heroic ability but it can change the game with some overcrushing and some red hulk she hulk combo. Dealing damage as well as healing, what a great combo!

This is like a 5 cost relentless, sounds familiar, but I will pass, I can use a cheaper spiderman and save an energy for relentless. Unless you are building an army of characters with such ability, I suggest you to try other Spidey.

This is very situational, and also there is no point of me taking half damage from any character, it just makes him hard to get knocked out which really isn't motivating for me to use him in any team.

This Spidey can drag people to the prep area, but also very situational, not only the fact it cannot target shield and fist characters but also the fact that it is hard to knocked out any given heroic character except for storm. I don’t see why you have to waste your brain cells to make this character work, you can use other cheaper and more efficient way to knocked someone out.

This is a cheap version of storm, but the ability is not very helpful when your opponent doesn’t use damaging action dice. The global might help you if your opponent decides to powerbolt a character you want to keep in the field, you could use the mask to transfer those damage instead. Or you could use it to counter a character that is given overcrush from an action die, use the global to give your character the overcrush instead.

She is a cheap heroic character, and apart from that, nothing special about storm. The pairing ability wouldn’t help much since very little action dice targets anyone, but most of the time, you just use her to trigger the heroic ability of others.

This is a minor counter against action that damages all character. Apart from that, you could use the ability towards your advantage, you can use force beam BAC and damage everyone and storm will redirect the first 2 damage to your opponent, so you gain the upper hand for using the global. For 3 cost, I think her ability is good enough.

Forcing your opponent to attack is like getting rid of the characters that are annoying you, at the same time, it keeps the field open for your team to attack! Just prepare a line of defense so your Toad ability wouldn’t backfire against you. The burst also helps to get rid of low defense character that are attacking and weaken some high defense character as well. For 5 cost, his ability is great.

This toad is a great if you are trying to get rid of a blocking or active character, the second part of the ability is great as well, when your opponent declare an attacker, you may force another character to attack, if your opponent have 2 characters with overcrush, once he/she declared the first attacker, you may use Toad's ability to force the second character to attack and at the same time, block with Toad so that the attack value of the second character is halved, and that would really nerved an overcrush character.

Toad can get rid of a blocking or active character if you think they are bothering you, plus, on level 1 or 2 that character takes 2 damage, that could knocked them out if they have low defense.

Vision has a very high Defense so he can be your team blocker, he would always be spun up anyway so just keep him for blocking. To make the best used of Vision, you can use the Ant Man global and make vision a vicious attacker when you get the chance to.

I am not a fan of characters that take no damage from a certain energy type, so I am going to pass for this vision.

Victor has a slightly higher cost, it is very situational for his ability, it just increases his chance to knocked out a mask or fist character, and to me, it’s not a very strong ability that I would pay 5 cost for it.

Overcrush is the solution for the best there is. Having a minimum 10A from a 5 cost is simply amazing. If your opponent doesn’t want to block him, they can always absorb that painful 5A or even 8A.

This Wolverine is indeed not very nice, if you give him overcrush, you can be sure that the 2 fist you pay will pay off, but there are cheaper Wolverine that you can always invest in.

A great attacker! It is always good to make your opponent lose 2 blockers, put some overcrush with Wolverine and his partner and you can see the heroic team going nuts!

Preventing all damage from fist and shield character can counter a character with overcrush. However, if you are using heroic, you would want your characters to take enough damage so you can re-field and pair them again, it's a double edge sword and you need to plan well to make this benefit you more.

Since she cannot block, just gave her overcrush and deal some massive damage, there is no point of keeping her in the field during your opponent’s turn. Since her stats are the same as Wolverine, I suggest you use wolverine instead, since wolverine can attack AND BLOCK.

I am not a fan of selective energy counter, plus, for a 6 cost and your intention is to get rid of a character, I think you deserve a better character. And again, there are better characters that can do a better job at knocking out characters.

A better X23 since this one is cheaper than Assasin and she can block. The only drawback is that she needs to attack if your opponent has 5 cost or higher character in his or her field. In the game, you should never have restrictions like this, especially on a 5 cost character; it limits yourself to do a lot of things, so just replace her with someone already.
All in all, this set is not as good as AVX, but, you would need cards and dice from this set to support your characters from other sets. If you are not intending to collect this set, I suggest you to get some of the strong cards in this set. Hope my review helps, thanks for reading!
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