I will also skip the global clarification on each card since I have a post especially for that.
Basic Action Cards (BAC)
When used, your opponent must target 2 of his/her character dice, those character dice cannot block this turn. If this action is used after blockers are declared, it has no effect since your opponent already declared blockers.
When used, target one character die (friendly or opposing), spin that character die up or down 1 level. You cannot target a level 3 character die to spin up, neiher can you target a level 1 character die to spin down. If you use this action on the burst sides, you must target another character die with this effect. Since the burst effects states another, you cannot use the burst effect to spin up or down a target character die twice.
When used, all characters in the field are dealt damage. On double bursts side, both players are also dealt 1 damage. The damage dealt to all characters from this action is NOT considered targeting.
When used, draw 2 dice from your bag and roll them. You DO NOT get to reroll those 2 dice. If your bag is empty, place all the die in your used pile into your bag and draw the remaining dice for this action effect. If after refilling your bag you can only draw 1 die, then roll only 1 die.
When used, you must target 2 of your character dice, if you only have 1 character in your field, then target that die. Those character dice gets +1A and +1D this turn. On a burst side, they can +2A and +2D instead.
When used, all your character dice that attack this turn returned to the field zone when they are knocked out. If you used this action and you have yet to declare an attack, your characters DO NOT return to the field when they are knocked out. If you attack with your characters and they were unblocked but knocked out, they return to the field zone instead of the attack zone, so they do not deal damage to your opponent.
When used, you can either deal 2 damage to a target player or a target character die.
When used, target a level 1 character die, then knocked it out. If used on a double burst side, you can target a level 1 or level 2 character die instead.
When used, all your characters in the field gets +2D this turn, this is not considered targeting your characters including that 1 character that gets the additional 3D if you use it on the burst sides.
When used, you must target 2 of your character dice, those 2 characters gain overcrush and +1A.
Your Angel die cannot be blocked by character dice of a lower level, hence they can only be blocked by character die of a higher or equal level.
If you attack with an Angel die and he is blocked did not get knocked out, he deals 2 damage to your opponent. As long as he fulfill the requirement of getting blocked and not getting knocked out, he deals that 2 damage.
If you have used an action die this turn, be it basic or non-basic action die, all your Angel dice cannot be blocked. If you have yet to use an action during your main step and you declare Angel as an attacker and he is blocked, even if you played an action during your attack step, he remains blocked.
When a beast die is declared as a blocker, he gets +1A and +1D, on the burst face he sides +2A and +2D instead.
When a beast die is knocked out while blocking, you gain 1 life. On a burst face, your opponent also takes 2 damage.
When a beast die is declared as a blocker, draw one die from your bag and place it in your prep area. On the burst face, you draw 2 dice from your bag, choose 1 to put into your prep area and the other one to your used pile. If there is a timing conflict for this ability, resolve each beast effect individually.
When a beast die is declared as a blocker, the attacker that he blocks spin down 1 level, if it is already level 1, knocked it out. If a level 3 character die is blocked by 3 beast die, the first beast will spin the attacker down to level 2, the second beast will spin the attacker down to level 1 and the third beast will knocked it out. For the burst face effect, only if beast blocks and knock out a level 1 character die, you gain 2 life. If multiple level 1 beast die blocks a level 1 character, only the beast that resolves his effect by knocking out the character enable you to gain 2 life.
At the end of the attack step and before the cleanup step, each character die that is blocked by or blocks a black widow die are spun down a level. If multiple black widow die blocks a character die, gets spin down twice if at level 3. If Black Widow blocks or is blocked by a character die but gets knocked out before the end of the attack step, her ability still triggers.
When you field a Black Widow die, target one opposing character die, that character is spun down to level 1. If all opposing character die are at level 1, she has no legal target.
When a Black Widow die attacks, she deals your opponent 2 damage. Your opponent can prevent the damage by spinning down one of his/her characters down 1 level. If 2 Black Widow dice attack, your opponent can prevent 4 damage from her by spinning down a level 3 character down to level 1.
When you field a Captain America die, roll a sidekick die from your used pile and placed it in your reserve pool. You don't get a reroll attempt for that die.
If a Captain America die is active, all your sidekicks character die in the field gains +1A and +1D.
When you field a Captain America die, you have to knock out all opposing sidekick character dice. For each sidekick die you knocked out using this ability, gain 1 life.
When a Captain America die is active, your sidekick character dice gets +2A and your opponent's sidekick character die cost 1 additional energy to field.
When at least 1 Colossus die is active, at the end of your turn, you must spin all your Colossus die up 1 level.

When a Colossus die is active, at the end of your turn, each of your level 2 and level 3 character die in the field deals 2 damage to your opponent. Do note that the damage source from those level 2 and 3 characters comes from themselves instead of Colossus.

When a Cyclops die is blocked by multiple blockers, he deals his full damage to each blockers instead of splitting it. If your Cyclops die has overcrush, he deals damage to every blockers and deals the total spill damage to your opponent. For example, a level 1 Cyclops die with overcrush is blocked by 2 sidekick character die, he will deal 4A to each sidekick die and then he will have 3 spilled damage each from the sidekicks, hence, he will deal 6 spill damage to your opponent.

When a Cyclops die attacks, he deals his attack value to every opposing character, damage from this ability is not considered targeting. You can use abilities and effect to increase Cyclops attack and increase his damage dealt for his ability.

If a Cyclops die is blocked, you may have him deal his attack value to your opponent instead of his blockers. If you choose to do so, he goes to the used pile during cleanup step instead of resolving combat damage with his blockers. If Cyclops is knocked out during the attack step, you cannot trigger his ability as he does not get the option to choose to damage his opponent instead of his blockers.

When a Deadpool die attacks, you may assigned an opposing character die to block him (if able). Assigning a blocker to block him is not considered targeting that character die.

When a Deadpool die attacks, you may assign an opposing character die to block him. At the end of your turn, knocked out that character die. Even if your Deadpool is knocked out, the effect has already been applied on that character die, so regardless, the assigned opposing character die will get knocked out.

When a Deadpool die attacks, you may assigned an opposing character die to block him. If he is able to knock out that opposing character die, he deals 2 damage to each opposing character.

When a Doctor Doom die is active, all non-villain character die gets -1A and -1D. If the character has 0D, it is knocked out immediately. If a non-villain character die is in the field and you use a global to make it a villain, it does not get -1A and -1D, but once the the global effect wear off, usually at the end of the turn, that character die gets -1A and 1D.

Your Doctor Doom die can only be blocked by sidekick or villain character dice.

When you field a Doctor Doom die, each player must knocked out all but one of his/her non-villain character dice. If you want to make a non-villain character die a villain, you have to do so before fielding Doctor Doom.

When a Doctor Octopus die attacks, target an opposing character die, that die cannot blocked this turn.

Simply put it: Overcrush.

He has the same ability as Cyclops: Slim.

When a Doctor Strange die is active, during your main step, you may purchase an action die for free. You can choose which action die you want to purchase for free using his ability and which action die that you want to pay full cost for it during the main step.

When a Doctor Strange die is active, each time you use an action die, basic or non-basic, he deals 2 damage to your opponent.

When you field a Doctor Strange die, search your bag for an action die and roll it. You do not get a reroll attempt for that rolled die. Placed that rolled die in your reserve pool. If your bag has no action die when you field Doctor Strange, then you don't get to roll any die for his ability.

When you field a Gambit die, you may draw a die from your bag and roll it, you do not get a reroll attempt, placed the rolled die in your reserve pool. On his burst faces, you draw 2 dice, choose 1 to roll and the other one back into your bag. If you field multiple Gambit dice, each with a burst face, resolve them individually.

When you field a Gambit die, you must draw 2 dice from your bag and roll them, you do not get a reroll attempt. If those rolled dice is a character, you may field them for free. If those rolled dice is an action or energy, place them in your used pile. On the burst faces, you draw 3 dice, choose 2 to roll and put the last one back into your bag.

When you field a Gambit die, you may draw a die from your bag and roll it, you do not get a reroll attempt. If that die rolls on a character face, that character deals damage equal to it's attack value to your opponent, then place that character die to your used pile. If that die rolls on an action or energy, it goes to your reserve pool. Do note that the character die that deals damage from Gambit's ability is not considered active, so it does not trigger any abilities the die possess.

Plain Card

If Ghost Rider is knocked out while engaging in the attack step. Draw 1 die from your bag and place it in your prep area.

When you field a Ghost Rider die, choose a die in your used pile, then placed it in your prep area. If your used pile has no die, you don't get to choose any die for Ghost Rider ability.

When a Green Goblin die is active, all your fielded sidekicks character die gets +1A and +1D.

When you field a Green Goblin die, you may roll up to 2 sidekick dice from your used pile, then place those rolled dice into your reserve pool, you don't get a reroll attempt for those dice.

When you field a Green Goblin die, you deal your opponent 1 damage for each of your sidekick character dice in the field.

When you field a Hawkeye die, he deals his attack value to a target opposing character. You cannot use applied effects to boost his attack value for his ability, but if there are any static effect that applies to him, he deal his total attack value to a target opposing character.

Characters that are damaged by a Hawkeye die are spun down to level 1.

Simply put it: Fast.

When a Hulk die is active, each time a Hulk die or you takes damage, all your Hulk dice gets +2A and +2D. On a burst face, Hulk dice gets +3A and+3D instead.

When a Hulk die is active, each time you or a Hulk die takes damage, you must move all Hulk dice from your used pile to your prep area.

When a Hulk die is active, each time you or a Hulk die takes damage, knocked out a target opposing level 1 character die. On a burst face, you may knocked out a target opposing character die of any level.

When a Hulk die is active, each time you or a Hulk die takes damage, Hulk deals 2 damage to each opposing character die. On a burst face, he deals 3 damage instead. This damage is not considered targeting.

When a Human Torch die is active, each time you field a character die, he deals 1 damage to a target player or 1 damage to a target character die.

When a Human Torch die is active, each time you field a character die, you may roll a Human Torch die from your used pile, you do not get a reroll attempt. If you rolled on a character face, place it in your reserve pool, if you rolled on an energy face, placed it back into your used pile.

When you field the first character die each turn, any Human Torch die that is already in the field gets +1A and +1D.

When a Human Torch die is active, each time you field a character die, he deals 1 damage to a target character die AND 1 damage to your opponent.

Each time Iron Man takes a damage, be it combat or non-combat damage, he reduce those damage by 1. On the burst face, he reduce those damage by 2 instead.

Each time Iron Man takes damage, be it combat or non-combat damage, you gain 1 lfie. On the burst face, you gain 2 life.

When Iron Man takes damage in the attack step, he deals 3 damage to an opposing character die that is blocking or attacking. He can use his ability when he takes non-combat damage in the attack step.

Iron Man takes no damage, both combat and non-combat, from character die that isn't Shield energy.

When you field a Loki die, capture a target opposing character die of equal or lower level. Return that captured die at the end of the turn.

When you field a Loki die, take control of a target opposing character. Place that character die in your field, you can use that character's ability for this turn. At the end of your turn, knocked out that character and place it in your opponent's prep area, it also deals it's attack value to your opponent, you can modified that character's attack value to that controlled character die so it deals more damage to your opponent.

When you field a Loki die, choose an opponent's character card. Your opponent cannot field dice from that character card while a Loki die is active. If you field another Loki, you can choose another character, replacing the previous choices.

If a Magneto die is engaged with an X-Men character die, he gets +2A and +2D.

When a Magneto die is active, you may pay 2 energy to spin a target villain die (yours or your opponent's) up one level. You use this effect as many times as you want.

When a Magneto die is active, your other villain character dice gets +2A and +2D.

When used deal 6 damage to each villain character die (yours and your opponent's). On a double burst side, deal 8 damage instead. Damage from this action is not considered targeting.

When used, deal 5 damage to a target character die, on a single burst side, deal 6 damage instead, and on a double burst side, deal 8 damage instead.

When used, deal 4 damage to all character dice except Thor dice (yours and your opponent's). Damage from this is not considered targeting.

When a Mr Fantastic die blocks, he gets +2A and +2D.

When a Mr Fantastic die blocks, he may redirect up to 2 damage that was dealt to him to the character die that he blocks.

Before declaring him as a blocker, you may spin a Mr Fantastic die down a level to block an additional attacker. If you spin a level 3 Mr Fantastic die down to level 1, he can block a total of 3 characters. Also note that if you spin a die down a level, only that die can block 1 additional character.

When a Mystique die blocks or is blocked by a character die, she copies the stats of one character she is engaged with. On her burst side, she gains an additional +1A and +1D to her copied stats.

When you field a Mystique die, choose an opponent's card, all your Mystique dice in the field copies that character's ability, affiliation and global text. On her burst face, her dice also copies the stats of the character, matching level for level. When you field another Mystique, choose an opponent's card, replacing all previous choices.

When a Mystique die is active, at the beginning of your turn, choose an opposing fielded character die, each of your Mystique die in the field copies that character die's stats. On her burst face, she also gain an additional +1A and +1D to her copied stats.

When a Nick Fury die is active, you may field Avengers character dice for free.

When Nick Fury is active, your avengers character die get +1A and +1D.

When a Nick Fury die is active, your avengers character die that are not blocked deals double damage to your opponent.

Your Nightcrawler dice can only be blocked by mask characters.

At the end of the attack step, knocked out a character die that block Nightcrawler. Resolve this effect for each Nightcrawler dice. After assigning damage, even if Nightcrawler is knocked out, knocked out an opposing character die that blocks Nightcrawler.

Immediately after blockers are assigned, before action and global are used, knocked out a character die blocking Nightcrawler.

Each time a Nova die takes damage, you draw a die from your bag and add it to your prep area.

The first time a Nova die takes damage each turn, redirect that damage to one target character. If you have multiple copies of Nova die, the first one to take damage redirects his damage to a target character, then the other Nova die does not get to redirect as it is no longer the first time Nova takes damage.

Each time a Nova die takes damage during the attack step, he deals 2 damage to your opponent.

When a Phoenix die is engaged with a character die, she gains +2A and +2D.

When a Phoenix die is engaged, you may spend 2 bolts to deal 4 damage to a target character or opponent.

When a Phoenix die is engaged, at the end of the attack step, each character still engaged with Phoenix die deals its attack value to your opponent, then knocked out those characters. If at the end of the attack step Phoenix die is knocked out, she does not triggers her ability. If at the end of the attack step Phoenix knocks out all the die she engage with, those knocked out characters do not deal damage to your opponent.

When a Professor X die is active, your opponent cannot reroll their dice. This includes rerolling during roll and reroll step, characters that grant an additional reroll and abilities or effects that allows a reroll. Your opponent can pay 2 life to ignore this effect for a turn, he or she only need to pay once per turn to ignore the effect and NOT pay 2 life for each reroll.

When a Professor X die is active, your opponent cannot use actions or global abilities. He or she can pay 2 life to ignore this effect for a turn. He or she only needs to pay once per turn and NOT pay 2 life per use of an action or global ability.

When a Professor X die is active, your opponent cannot field character dice. Your opponent can pay 2 life to ignore this effect for a turn. He or she only needs to pay 2 life once per turn and NOT pay 2 life to field a character dice.

When a Punisher die attacks, target one opposing character die, that character die is knocked out immediately. Your opponent can pay 2 life to prevent that character die from being knocked out. If you attack with multiple Punisher die, all will target a character die at the same time, you can choose to target the same die for each attacking Punisher die. For example, you attack with 3 Punisher die, all 3 targeting a Hulk die for his ability, you opponent can pay 6 life or knock the Hulk die out.

When a Punisher die attacks, search your bag for a Punisher die and put it into your prep area. If your bag has no Punisher die, you don't get to put any die into your prep area. Your opponent can pay 3 life to prevent you from searching and placing a Punisher die into your prep area.

When you attack with a Punisher die, each Punisher die deals 2 damage to each opposing character die. Your opponent can pay 4 life to prevent a Punisher die from dealing this damage. Damage dealt by Punisher is not considered targeting.

When you field a Rogue die, you may capture any opposing character die in your opponent's used pile. Spin that die to it's level 1 face and Rogue possess that die's stats instead of her own. Return that captured die to your opponent's used pile until the end of your turn and Rogue's stats are reset to her printed values.

When you field a Rogue die, capture an opposing action die from your opponent's used pile or his/her reserve pool. When you attack with that Rogue die, you may use the action die she captured, with no bursts. Regardless if you attack or not, returned the captured die back to your opponent's used pile after your attack step. If your opponent has an action die on an energy face, when you field a Rogue die, you can capture that action die showing energy as well, when you attack with that Rogue die, you can still use the action even though the die she captured is on an energy face.

When you field a Rogue die, you must capture an opposing character die in your opponent's field. Rogue copies that character die's stats and abilities. Returned the captured die to your opponent's field at the end of the turn and Rogue's copied ability is gone and her stats are reset to her printed values.

At the start of your attack step, if your opponent has more life than you, same life doesn't count, all your active Silver Surfer die ges +2A and +2D.

When you have a Silver Surfer die active, if your opponent has more life than you, same life doesn't count, you draw one additional die for your clear and draw step.

At the start of your attack step, if your opponent has more life than you, same life doesn't count, all your active Silver Surfer die gets double their attack and defence.

Each time a Spider Man die is targeted by an action effect, character ability or global ability, you may pay a fist to prevent that Spiderman die from getting affected. If your opponent has a character with abilities or action effects to prevent you or makes you pay life from doing a certain things in the game, you can pay a fist to make a fielded Spider Man die ignore those effects.

When a Spiderman die attacks, you may pay a fist to give him +4D until the end of the turn. You may only use this ability once per turn per die.

When a Spiderman die attacks, you may pay a fist to force every opposing character die to block him if able.

If a Spiderman die attacks and is not blocked, you may choose to pay 2 fist, if you do, instead of dealing damage to your opponent, he changed your opponent's life to 10.

When you field a Storm die, target an opposing character die, then reroll it, if it doesn't roll on a character face, placed that die into your opponent's used pile. If it rolls on a character face, it will stay in the field on that face.

When you attack with a Storm die, reroll all of your opponent's character die in the field. Place any character that doesn't roll on a character face into your opponent's prep area. If it rolls on a character face, it will stay in the field on that face. This is not considered targeting and die that are removed this way is not considered being knocked out.

When a Storm die is blocked or blocks, after blockers are assigned, reroll all character dice engaged with Storm, place characters that doesn't not roll on a character face into your opponent's prep area. If it rolls on a character face, it will stay in the field on that face. Then resolve combat damage.

When you field a Storm die, target up to 2 opposing character dice, then reroll it, if it doesn't roll on a character face, placed that die into your opponent's used pile. If it rolls on a character face, it will stay in the field on that face. For each die that moved by this effect, deal 2 damage to your opponent.

At the start of the attack step, if your opponent has more fielded character dice than you, same number doesn't count, The thing die cannot be blocked and takes no damage while blocking.

At the start of the attack step, if your opponent has more fielded character dice than you, same number doesn't count, all The Thing dice gains +3A and +3D.

When fielded, if your opponent has more fielded character dice than you, same number doesn't count, draw 3 dice from your bag, roll them and place them in your reserve pool, you don't get to reroll them.

When a Thor die damages your opponent, target an opposing fist character die, knocked it out immediately.

All Thor dice cannot be blocked by Fist character.

When you field a Thor die, capture all opposing fist character dice, return them back to your opponent's field at the end of your turn.

At the start of each attack step, your active Thor dice gets +4A and +4D for each opposing fist character die in the field.

When a Venom die attacks, non-fist character dice cannot block him.

If a Venom die blocks and knocks out a non-fist character die, he deals 2 damage to your opponent and you gain 1 life. His ability does not subject to him knocking out an attacker alone, as long as he deals combat damage to knock out an attacker while blocking, his ability triggers. If 2 Venom dice blocks a non-fist character and knock it out, they both triggers their abilities.

When you have a Venom die active, your opponent's non-fist character dice gets -2A and -2D. On his burst faces, your fist characters dice also gets +1A and +1D.

This can only be used during your main step, when used, at the start of your attack step, choose an energy type, for this turn, character dice of those energy type takes no damage. When you made the choice, during your attack step, character dice of the chosen energy takes no damage, combat and non-combat.

When used, place this die on an opposing target character die, opposing character dice that matches that character die's energy type cannot attack or block until the end of your opponent's next turn. Place this die into the used pile after it's used.

When played, place this die on one of your target character die. The die stays with that character in the field. Any time in the game, you may put this die into the used pile and prevent all damage to the target character die for the rest of the turn.

If you have an Iron Man die active in your field, all your active War Machine die gets +2A and +2D.

If you have an Iron Man die active in your field, all your active War Machine die cannot be blocked when they attack.

If you have an Iron Man die active in your field, when you field a War Machine die, knocked out a target opposing character die.

When a Wolverine die attacks alone, target one opposing character die, spin it down 1 level. Attacking alone means that it is the alone die attacking, if you attack with 2 Wolverine dice, it is not considered attacking alone.

When a Wolverine die attacks alone, that Wolverine die gets +4A and +4D. Attacking alone means that it is the alone die attacking, if you attack with 2 Wolverine dice, it is not considered attacking alone.

When a Wolverine die attacks alone, it cannot be blocked. Attacking alone means that it is the alone die attacking, if you attack with 2 Wolverine dice, it is not considered attacking alone.
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