I will also skip the global clarification on each card since I have a post especially for that.
Basic Action Cards

When used, target one of your character die, it gets +1A for each character die in your opponent's field until the end of your turn.

When used, target a character die, that character must attack at it's next opportunity. Spin that die up a level if able.

When used, each time an opposing character is knocked out this turn, deal 1 damage to your opponent.

When used, capture any number of opposing character die with a total fielding cost of 2 or less. Place all captured dice underneath this action die. This capturing effect last until you deal damage to your opponent or this action is cancelled. Then place all the die that was captured back into your opponent's field. This effect is not considered targeting.

When used, at the start of your attack step, target an opposing character die with a lower level than one of your dice. You must attack with it, it provides you with it's ability. If the controlled die is unblocked or knocked out, it goes to your opponent's prep area at the end of your turn. If the die is blocked but not knocked out, it goes back to your opponent's field. On the burst side, you can target any opposing character with equal or lower level than one of your dice instead. If you have only level 1 character dice in your field, unless you rolled a double burst side for this action, you cannot target any opposing character as none of them are lower level.

When used, deal 1 damage to all character die, both yours and your opponent's. On a burst side, deal 1 damage to each player instead. On a double burst side, you deal 1 damage to each player and each character die instead. Damage given to all character die from this action is not considered targeting.

When used, spin this action die to an energy side, then reroll a character or sidekick die from your reserve pool, you don't get a reroll attempt. You can use the generic energy from this action.

When used, choose an energy type. Character die of that type cannot attack until the start of your next turn. On a double burst side, also target one character die of that chosen type, that character die cannot block until the start of your next turn.

When used, deal 3 damage to a target villain die. On a double burst side, deal 4 damage to that target villain die instead.

When used, roll a character die from your used pile, you don't get a reroll attempt. If you rolled a character face, field it for free. If you rolled on an energy face, place it into your bag.
Character Cards

When you field an Angel die, you may field a sidekick character die from your used pile.

When an Angel die attacks, your sidekick character dice gets +1A and +1D. Unlike most other attacking ability, this ability only trigger once, so your sidekick only gets a boost once when one or more Angel die attacks.

When you field an Angel die, you may pair him with another Heroic character die. Once per turn, when Angel is paired up, you may pay a shield to give an Angel die and his partner +2D until the end of the turn.

When an Angel die attacks, all other attacking Shield character must be blocked first before Angel die can be blocked.

Plain card

When an Ant-Man die attacks, he gets +2D until the end of the turn.

When you field an Ant-Man die, you may pay 1 life to spin that fielded die up 1 level. If you field Ant-Man at level 1, you cannot pay 2 life to spin him to level 3.

When you field an Apocalypse die, he gets +5D until the end of the turn.

While your opponent has no villain character die in his/her field, prevent all damage, both combat and non-combat, to Apocalypse die.

The ability is only available on the burst face. After an Apocalypse die is knocked out, return him to the field at level 1.

Bishop die takes no damage from bolt characters, both combat and non-combat.

If a Bishop die is engaged with a Bolt character, that die gets +2A until the end of the turn.

For every 2 combat damage dealt to a Bishop die, deal 1 damage to a target opposing character die.

Black Panther die can only attack if your opponent has at least one character die in the field.

If a Black Panther die attacks alone, he gets +2A. Attacking alone means attacking with one die.

If a Black Panther die does not attack, you may target an opposing non-fist character die, that die cannot block this turn. Resolve this effect for each Black Panther die that does not want to attack.

When a Cable die attacks and is blocked, he deals 1 damage to a target opposing character die.

When a Cable die attacks and is blocked, he deals 2 damage to a target opposing character die.

When a Cable die attacks and is blocked, you may pay 2 bolts to have him deal his attack to your opponent instead of his blockers as though he was not blocked. His blockers still resolve combat damage to him. If he is blocked by not knocked out, he goes back to your field. If he is blocked and knocked out, he goes to your prep area.

When you field a Captain America die, target an opposing villain character die, move it to the prep area. This does not count as knocking out that character die.

When you field a Captain America die, the next character die that you field this turn can be fielded for free.

When you field a Captain America die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up, that Captain America die and his partner each gain +4A and +4D

When used, place Cerebro on a character's card with the X-Men affiliation. It remains there until you or another card effect removes it. When you field a character die from that card, knock out one target opposing character die.

When used, place Cerebro on a character's card. It remains there until you or another card effect removes it. Your opponent dice from that card cost a minimum of 2 energy to field. This cost cannot be reduced, even if another card effects allow it to be fielded for free.

When used, place Cerebro on a character's card with the X-Men affiliation. It remains there until you or another card effect removes it. At the start of your turn, you may move a Cerebro die from that character's card to the used pile and search your bag for a die from that character's card and roll it, you don't get a reroll attempt. If you move Cerebro to trigger the search effect, and you cannot find that character die in your bag, you don't get to roll any die.

When you field a Cyclops die, he deals 3 damage to a target opposing character. Your opponent can pay 3 life to prevent this effect.

When you field a Cyclops die, he deals 1 damage to your opponent and 1 damage to each opposing character dice. This damage to the character dice is not considered targeting.

When you field a Cyclops die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up and when he and his partner attacks, they deal 1 damage each to your opponent.

When a Cyclops die is active, whenever one of your bolt character die deals damage, both combat and non-combat, increase the damage dealt by 1.

If your opponent has no villain character die in his/her field, prevent all damage, both combat and non-combat, from fist character die to Emma Frost.

When an Emma Frost die is active, opposing fist character die gets -1A.

Each time an Emma Frost character die is damaged by a fist character, combat or non-combat, redirect the first 1 damage dealt to her to your opponent.

Plain Card

When a Falcon die attacks, your sidekick character dice cannot be blocked.

When you field a Falcon die, you may move up a sidekick character die from your field into your used pile to deal 2 damage to a target opposing character die.

Plain Card

You may pay a bolt to give an Iceman die +1A and +1D. You may boost him as many times as you like.

Once per turn, you may pay a bolt to double an Iceman die's attack value.

The first time each turn you field another character die, each Iceman already in the field gains +3A.

Each Iron Man die takes 1 less damage from villain character die, combat and non-combat. On his burst face, Iron Man die takes 2 less instead.

When you field an Iron Man die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up, prevent the first 2 damage dealt to that Iron Man die and his partner, combat and non-combat.

Cancel all damage, combat and non-combat, dealt to Iron Man die from a villain character die. On his burst face, he also double his attack value while he is engaged with a Villain character die.

Whenever a Juggernaut die takes damage, you may move any number of sidekick character dice from your field into your used pile. For each sidekick moved, prevent up to 3 damage to that Juggernaut die.

Once per turn, you may move one of your sidekick character die from your field into your used pile to give a Juggernaut die +4A and +4D.

When you field a Juggernaut die, if you opponent has no villain character die in the field, you may move one of your sidekick character die from your field to your used pile to deal 1 damage to your opponent and gain 1 life.

If your opponent has no villain character dice in the field, each of your Juggernaut die can block one additional opposing die.

Plain Card

Your Kitty Pryde dice cannot be blocked by sidekick character dice.

When you field a Kitty Pryde die, that die cannot be blocked for this turn.

When Kitty Pryde is blocked, you may pay a mask to move one character die blocking her from the attack zone back to it's field. She is still considered blocked. Then resolved combat damage.

When your Magik die is knocked out, reroll that die, if you rolled on a character face, return her to the field at that face. If you rolled on an energy face, place her in your prep area.

When a Magik die blocks, draw a die from your bag. If it is not a sidekick die, remove Magik and the attacker from the attack zone back to their field. Return the drawn die to your bag. If your bag has no dice, refilled it from your used pile and draw a die, if you cannot draw any even after refilling, then you cannot trigger her ability. If multiple Magik dice blocks, resolve each of them individually.

After Magik damages an opponent, reroll her die until you roll a mask face. For each character face you roll, deal 1 damage to your opponent. Place that Magik die in your used pile if you trigger this effect. If Magik damage an opponent while being blocked, like using overcrush, you will still roll her for her ability and place her die in the used pile after that.

When you field a Magneto die, you may pay 2 masks to move a target character die from the field zone or reserve pool to it's owner's prep area. Using this effect is not considered knocking out a character die.

If a Magneto character die leaves the field, such as being unblocked or got sacrifice, he goes to the prep area instead of the used pile or dice bag.

If your opponent has no villain die in the field, all your Magneto dice gains +3A and +3D.

When you have a Magneto die is active, if your opponent has no villain die in the field, he or she takes 2 damage each time he draws one or more dice from his bag. This includes your opponent drawing 4 dice during the clear and draw step or whenever he or she uses an action effect, character or global ability to draw dice for any reason.

When you field a Marvel Girl die, you must spin each opposing character die down one level, if able. This is not considered targeting.

When you field a Marvel Girl die, you may pair her up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When she is paired up, when that die and/or her partner attacks, you may spin down one target non-Heroic character die (yours or your opponent's), if you do so, gain 1 life.

When you field a Marvel Girl die, you may pay a bolt to spin one target character die down a level (yours or your opponent's), if you do, spin that Marvel Girl die up one level. You may only use her ability once for every Marvel Girl die fielded. If you field your Marvel Girl die at level 3, you cannot pay the bolt to spin a character die down a level as she cannot be spun up.

When you have a Mr Sinister die active, if your opponent has no villain die in the field, each of your character dice gains +2D.

When you have a Mr Sinister die active, whenever a villain die is knocked out (either player's), deal 1 damage to your opponent.

If a Mr Sinister die and one of your sidekick character die are knocked out in the same turn, return that Mr Sinister die to the field at the level he was knocked out.
A Mr Sinister die can only return to the field once for every sidekick that is knocked out on the same turn. If your sidekick character die are knocked out first, then when a Mr Sinister die gets knocked out during that turn will return to the field.
If a Mr Sinister die is knocked out first, during the same turn, if a sidekick character die is knocked out after he is knocked out, you cannot return Mr Sinister to the field as he is no longer active.

Your Mystique die gets +1A and +1D for each die in your prep area. Her stats is directly proportional to your prep area and will varies throughout the game. When resolving an effect that requires her stats or assigning damage, always resolve based on her stats at that point of time.

Your Mystique die gets +1A and +1D for each other villain die in the field (both player's). Similarly to the common version, her stats are directly proportional to the number of villain die in the field. When resolving an effect that requires her stats or assigning damage, always resolve based on her stats at that point of time.

When a Mystique die attacks, she gain the attack value and abilities of one opposing target character die in the field.

If you have at least 2 other character dice in the field, your Namor dice cannot be blocked. The word 'others' means that the 2 other character dice cannot be a Namor die, but those 2 dice can be similar characters.

When you block with a Namor die, you may cancel one active action effect, move that action die to it's owner's used pile if necessary. Active action die effect includes effects that are given to character dice or player via an action die, once you cancelled it, move that action die to the used pile if it isn't already placed there.

At the end of any turn, if a Namor die is the only character die in your field, you may field up to 2 sidekick character dice from your used pile or prep area into the field. If you have 2 Namor dice, it does not count as the only character die in the field.

When you field a Professor X die, search your bag for up to 2 sidekick dice and roll them. You do not get a reroll attempt. Place those dice in your reserve pool.

When you field a Professor X die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up, when that die and/or his partner attacks, gain 1 life.

When a Professor X die is active, your sidekick character dice gain +1A and +1D.

When you field a Psylocke die, move one target opposing character die with purchase cost 2 or less, including sidekick character die, to the used pile.

When you field a Psylocke die, target one opposing sidekick or a character die with a purchase cost of 2 or less. If it is at level one, knock it out, otherwise, spin it down one level.

When you field a Psylocke die, you may pay 2 masks and knocked out a target character (any players').

When a Pyro die is blocked, he deals 1 damage to your opponent.

When a Pyro die attacks, you may pay up to 2 bolt, for each bolt paid, deal 1 damage to your opponent.

When you attack with a Pyro die, roll all your dice in your used pile. For each bolt you rolled, excluding '?', deal 1 damage to your opponent, then placed all rolled dice into your used pile. If a die face shows 2 bolt, deal 2 damage.

When you field a Quicksilver die, he deals 1 damage to one target opposing character die.

When you field a Quicksilver die, he deals 1 damage to each opposing sidekick character die. This is not considered targeting.

When a Quicksilver die is blocked, he deals 1 damage to each opposing character die. This is not considered targeting. Resolve his ability once a blocker is declared to a Quicksilver die.

When a Quicksilver die is fielded or knocked out, deal 2 damage to each X-Men character die in the field (both players). This is not considered targeting.

The ability is available only on the burst faces. When Red Hulk is damaged in the attack step but not knocked out, spin him up one level at the end of the turn.

When a Red Hulk die is active, whenever an opposing sidekick character die is knocked out, your opponent losses 1 life. On the burst face, if a Red Hulk die knocks out a sidekick character die, your opponent loses 2 additional life.

When you field a Red Hulk die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up, that die and his partner gain +3A.

At the beginning of your turn, spin each of your Sabretooth die up one level if able.

When a level 2 or 3 Sabretooh die is knocked out due to taking damage, combat and non-combat, spin that die down a level instead of knocking it out.

When you field a Sabretooth die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up, at the end of your turn, spin that die and his partner up to level 3 if able.

When you field a Scarlet witch die, she deals 1 damage to each opposing X-Men character die for each other villain die in your field. If you have more villain die in your field, she deals more damage to each X-Men character die. This is not considered targeting.

On the turn after you field a Scarlet Witch die, during your opponent's next turn, you may make your opponent reroll one die from his/her initial roll before the reroll. You may only make your opponent reroll one die no matter how many Scarlet Witch you have fielded. Even if Scarlet Witch is knocked out, her ability still applies to your opponent.

When a Scarlet Witch die is active, you gain one additional reroll for your roll and reroll step.

When a Sentinel die attacks, you can target one X-Men character die to block it, if able.

When you field a Sentinel die, if your opponent has no villain die in the field, knocked out all opposing X-men character die. Your opponent takes 1 damage for each character die knocked out this way.

Your Sentinel die gets +1A and +1D for each opposing X-Men character die in your opponent's field.

If a She Hulk die is blocked, spin that die up one level if able.

Your She Hulk dice can only be blocked by 2 or more character dice.

When you field a She Hulk die, you may pair her up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When she is paired up, when that die and/or her partner is blocked, gain 2 life.

When a Spider Man die attacks, target one opposing character die, that character die cannot blocked.

Your Spider Man die takes half damage (rounded down) from fist character die.

When you field a Spider Man die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up, when that die and/or his partner are knocked out, each of them may deal it's attack in damage to a bolt or mask character die.

Your Storm die takes no damage from action die.

When you field a Storm die, you may pair her up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When she is paired up, that die and/or her partner cannot be targeted by action die.

Each turn, you may redirect the first 2 damage dealt to a Storm die by action dice to your opponent. When the first Storm die redirects the 2 damage, the other cannot redirect the damage as it is no longer the first time Storm takes damage.

When a Toad die is active, each opposing non-sidekick character die must attack if able. On the burst face, all opposing character dice takes 2 damage when they attack.

When a Toad die is active, when your opponent declares an attack, target one opposing character die that must also attack. If a Toad die blocks that character die, cut it's attack value in half (round down).

When a Toad die is active, when your opponent end his or her main step, target one opposing character die who must attack this turn. On the burst face, that character die takes 2 damage.

When a Vision die blocks, you may spin him up one level.

Your Vision dice takes no damage from Mask character die.

If an attacking mask or fist character die deals damage to a Vision die. That Vision die deals an equal amount of damage to that attacking die.

Your Wolverine dice deals double damage to characters that blocks him.

When a Wolverine die is blocked, you may pay 2 fists, if you do, he deals his attack value to one character die blocking him. Then resolve combat damage.

When you field a Wolverine die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up, when that die and his partner can only be blocked by 2 or more character dice when they attack.

When you field a Spider Man die, you may pair him up with a different character die with the Heroic ability. When he is paired up, that die and his partner ignores all damage dealt to them from fist and shield character dice.

Your X-23 dice cannot block.

When you attack with a X-23 die, target a fist or bolt character die, that character must block her if able.

If your opponent has a character die of purchase cost 5 or higher in his/her field, your X-23 dice must attack. Your X-23 dice gets +1D when attacking.
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