Disclaimer: I have no dislikes over the characters in this set, whatever I wrote about is purely based on my opinion in terms of strategy and tactics of the game. I will try to come up with ways to make a character playable, it will still be up to you to use them or not.
New Keyword
Teamwatch - When a character with Teamwatch is active and you field another character with the same affiliation, you’ll trigger the teamwatch effect.
Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,
Beefy - Strong stats
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword. Each card will be rated according to their ability, cost, stats and affiliation.
1/10- This card is useless, it helps your opponent more than you do.
2/10- This card is almost useless, try not to use it.
3/10- This card is too expensive and the ability is not as great.
4/10- This card is cheap, but the ability could be better, use other cards that have the same cost but better ability instead.
5/10- Mediocre card
6/10- With some set up, you can make this card work, but it really takes a lot of effort to make this card work.
7/10- This card is above average
8/10- This card is great, with the right combo you can destroy your opponent with this card
9/10- This card is amazing, you can use this card in almost any environment
10/10- The perfect card, if you play with this card you have an extremely high chance of winning the game.
(Note: The rating are based on my opinion, your point of view will definitely be different)
Basic Action Cards

The effect for this action is great, it helps even more if you have another character with the same affiliation in your team. The drawback is that the action is 5 cost and when you use this action, your desired character might not be in your bag, so it can be a little hard to manage your die for this effect. With current Metas such as Professor X and Parallax global, you don't really need the help from this action.

If you want to use a force block global, you can use Ultron Drone's global instead. A 4 cost action is a little costly for an effect that can be triggered by a 2 cost global.

For 4 cost action to deal 6 damage to character die is impressive, but still, I would prefer to inflict damage using Magic Missile global as it is more convenient and accessible. If the action allows versatility of the damage to be dealt to a player, then I would have recommend it, but since it isn't, then I suggest you to stick to Magic Missile or Power Bolt BAC instead.

If your intention is to knock out sidekicks or counter a sidekick team, then this action will be more useful. If you just want to deal damage to your opponent, please use Magic Missile and Power Bolt BAC instead.

A 2 cost overcrush! I think the cost speaks for itself, in an aggressive team, your attacker are likely to get blocked and you might end up not dealing any damage from your attacks, the 2 cost overcrush will resolve that. Even if you are not intending to play an aggressive team, why would you say no to a 2 cost overcrush?

Team Affiliation are very important in this game, to be able to give one character such affiliation is great. However, this action is 3 cost, so you need to make sure that the affiliation is worth the cost and since the affiliation only last till the end of your turn, you need to manage it well.

This is an alternate Dice Ramp action other than Gearing Up BAC. If you want more dice to ramp on your next turn, this is the action for you. If you want more dice to ramp on the turn you use the action, use Gearing Up instead.

Attack boost is always good for aggressive team, but for 3 cost to only allow up to 2 characters to have those boost, I think you might want to use other better action instead.

An action that deals damage is worth considering given that it is only 2 cost. But you need to know what is the use of using this action, 2 damage might not really do so well in the late game.

This action is very specific as it targets only 0 fielding cost character, the worse part is that your characters are affected as well. If you want to counter 0 fielding cost characters, use Spider Woman instead.
Character Cards

For a 3 cost, the ability is quite decent, the ability is better for an action combo team. However, if your team is really dependable on action dice, then I suggest parallax global instead, and it doesn’t subject to only action dice for that reroll global.

If you are playing a lot of action die, you might want to use this Baron Zemo as an attacker, the potential is unlimited for him. However, you must manage your action dice well enough, especially overcrush effect die, so he can get the bonus almost every round to make him strong.

This version of Baron Zemo is the most powerful card among the other 2 in an action combo team, having the ability to recycle your action dice is very fantastic; imagine getting to use power bolt or magic missile BAC every turn, that would be deadly. Even if you don't use an action team, having the ability to recycle any action die is great, if you can manage your die well, you can use overcrush, Prismatic spray, Mjolnir etc every turn.

The Beast from this set is meant to attack unlike the ones from AVX set where it is used for defending, but this version of Beast is weak, getting the additional defence is no big deal when compare to the other 2 version of Beast from this series, with 2D or 3D, it is not hard to knock him out.

This would be the perfect beast for your aggressive team, you can feel free to attack with him aggressively, because when he gets knocked out while defending, you gain 2 life, and that is not a difficult thing to do since his defence is low, so your opponent will have to choose to either absorb that 2A/3A from beast or give you 2 life unless he/she can block Beast without knocking him out or knock him out before the attack step. Either way, 2 cost for his ability is a good deal.

This version of Beast plays a little of luck, if you draw a sidekick dice, chances are you will place it in your used pile. For other dice, you get a 50% chance of rolling a non-energy side, which will provide you 1 more die on your next turn. Either way, your dice bag will be filled with lesser dice. The drawback however, is that you may end up drawing and wasting a good character or action die for his effect if luck is not on your side. So if you are not someone who want to depend too much on luck and you want to have more dice in your prep area, you can use other characters instead.

This is like a nerf version of Black Widow: Tsarina, for a 2 cost, the ability is quite decent, but in the long term, she would not be as useful when your opponent starts to have characters in the field.

If you intend to play an avengers team, she can help you to drain your opponent's blocker, for her cost and her stats, I think it's decent.

For 3 cost, her ability really isn’t that great unless you have ways to get rid of sidekicks. Your opponent will likely to have a sidekick in the field so you need to make sure that you have a good plan to fully utilize her.

For 3 cost, this is a much better black widow, do this combo with Relentless global and keep attacking with black widow, your opponent will have no chance to block her and other attacking characters of yours. All in all, the black widow in this set is not as powerful compared to the AVX versions, but she is a mask character so maybe that is something you can consider.

Bucky is a weird character, each of the burst gives him different ability, that’s the problem, you can’t choose which ability you want, and it all depends on luck to get a specific face, unless you can do something to spin him up or down, even so, the burst ability isn’t something really fantastic that you would want to keep him in the team. Also, it makes his level 2 less useful.

The same issue occur again for Bucky, this makes his level 2 and 3 less useful, there is just too much luck involve to trigger his ability, if you have a way to keep Bucky at level 1 all the time, you need to make him unblocked to trigger his ability. This takes too much effort for a character to work.

The same issue occurs again for Bucky, and i have to add that it is too expensive for an ability that triggers only at 1 level.

This is a super defensive character for your team, he will reduce all damage from any character’s and global ability or action to 1. This is the best counter against any damage inflicting action dice or powerful ability.

This is a less defensive and more supportive Captain America, also good counter against character that deals you non-combat damage. His level 1 and 3 allows you to gain life when you take non-combat damage, this includes all action die and abilities damage. However, it does not reduce non-combat damage, but give you 1 life whenever you receive damage, so I wouldn’t really want to depend on this Captain America for the sole purpose of healing myself during the game, given that some action and abilities deals a lot of damage at an instant.

This is a more offensive Captain America, whenever your opponent deals you damage from an action or abilities, he deals your opponent 1 damage. For small amount of non-combat damage from character's ability or action, your opponent would try not to damage you as he or she will take that damage as well. However, if your opponent could deal you more than 2 damage just to take 1 damage from Captain America, you couldn’t stop him/her either.

A dice ramming character for the team, however, the ability only triggers when you take non-combat damage, and you get to ramp only 1 die, for a 6 cost character, I would expect more from him.

This is a good ramp for the team, just use Captain Marvel to attack and block, and you will see your prep area filled with more dice almost every turn.

Spinning all of your character up isn’t a bad thing, but depends on who is on the field and if you want to use this Captain Marvel to level up all your characters, you need to ensure that your character benefits you when they are at a higher level.

This is a good supportive character, she can increase your health almost every turn. The drawback is that she is quite an expensive character to heal life.

A fielding ability on a character that has high Defence is already bad enough. Plus, for a 6 cost to only ramp 1 die, it makes things worse. If that’s not bad enough, the dice you draw must be an avengers die and must be rolled on a character side to give her +2A, which really isn't a big deal. Her stats are great but she isn't the only in the Universe to possess such stats, what an Irony.

The same issue for her, for a 7 cost and only to gain up to a maximum of 2 health and ramp 2 dice, it is rather expensive. There are so many criteria involved to trigger her ability, I rather use someone else in my team.

If your intention is to field avengers for free, use Nick Fury: Mr Anger instead, don’t trouble yourself with all this unnecessary criteria. If you really need to field an avengers, just draw, roll and field it normally. Using this version of Captain Universe requires the luck of the universe, it has a pretty weak ability for a super rare.

Daredevil's ability is best use against Mask characters, but in constructed format, hardly anyone will use pure mask team, sidekicks can block him as well. You might want to use other stronger unblockable characters or other version of him.

A more useful Daredevil, your opponent might not use all mask character in his or her team, but most of the time, there is at least 1 mask character in any given team, so use that bonus stats given as an advantage for you.

You can get rid of any opposing Mask character in your opponent’s field when you field Daredevil, which makes him really useful, not to forget that his defence is not that high so it’s not too hard for him to exit the field.

Electro high Defence doesn’t benefit him with having a fielding ability, if you want to inflict non-combat damage to your opponent, there are other stronger characters that can do so. Also, don’t expect to see a Spiderman in your opponent’s team and being immune to Electro’s damage. The maximum dice limit doesn't help as well.

Enchantress is an anti-avengers character, avengers are really strong, so most people will play at least 1 avenger character in their team, but for 6 cost, she will be most effective when facing an all avenger team. If you predicted that a lot of avengers will be in your opponents team in a constructed tournament, do bring her along.

Most avengers has 0 fielding cost so your opponent probably will let you capture that die when Enchantress shows up to prevent taking damage. Plus, avengers work best in numbers so allowing you to capture 1 die won't hurt your opponent. If you really want to counter an avenger team, use the common version instead.

For 7 cost and to capture all your opponent’s character is great, but she only captures avengers character, so it limits her potential if your opponent doesn’t form a pure avengers team.

For a 3 cost, her ability is great, she can get rid of any character, especially those with high Defence. However, her fielding cost might be a little expensive so you need to manage your energy wisely if you want to use her.

This Gamora works well in a GOTG team, you just need to keep fielding GOTG character and you can keep choosing characters in your opponent’s field, when every character blocks Gamora, the others GOTG member can seize this opportunity and attack. The global helps her to get her common version ability, but everyone can use them, so you need to be careful. The drawback is that GOTG characters are not cheap to keep fielding.

Forcing an opposing character to block Gamora will benefit your other characters if they have unblockable against certain targets. You need to use her aggressively in the early game before your opponent starts to build walls against you. The option for your opponent to pay you 3 life is great as well.

For 3 costs, he has an amazing stats and the avengers affiliation, worth considering.

If you are not the kind who wants to play with luck and wants to have a guarantee 7A 7D for Giant Man, then the uncommon version will be more suitable for you. When Giant Man is in the field, just prepare to level him up, because it is very easy for a character to get knocked out, even a sidekick that gets knocked out will trigger Giant Man ability. So just give him overcrush when he is at level 3 and you will see him deal quite a big amount of damage.

This version of Giant Man plays more on luck, when you attack with Giant Man at level 1 or 2, you may reroll him, it is best to get level 3, but if you get a lower level or energy, you can always return him to the original face. Or if you decide you want energy instead of his character face, you can attempt the roll when you attack with Giant Man. And again if you don't like to depend too much on luck, use the uncommon version instead.

If you are playing a team of Mask characters, Gladiator will become very powerful and you can do heavy damage with him, apart from that, if you do not have at least 2 other mask character to support his ability, then use someone else instead. For 5 costs, your main use of him is to make him do some heavy damage. His second part of the ability is not that useful given that no one would play phoenix force nowadays.

This version of Groot is very strong in his defense and when he gets knocked out, you get to return him at level 1, which also makes his level 1 less useful. He is not exactly the best blocker but if you want to have a defensive character, Groot is decent.

This version of Groot is best use in a GOTG team, it reduces 1 damage from each source received to your GOTG characters, so it makes them almost hard to get knocked out, it is also a good counter against overcrushers. If you intend to play GOTG team and you want your characters to be aggressive and yet defensive, you can use this Groot to support them.

This is a super defensive Groot and a very good team supporter, it makes your character almost invincible, even your sidekicks! The problem however, is that if you field Groot at level 1, he is very vulnerable, but nevertheless, he is a good super rare.

Hell No! I don't think you should ever let your opponent gain life in the game.

This is a great Hawkeye for your avengers team. As long as you keep fielding an avengers, he will deal an opposing character 1 damage, don't look down on this 1 damage, if you have 4 of him and you field 2 avengers, that's 8 damage! You can use him to shrink the opposing field while your other avengers can do the attack.

This is like dealing 2 damage to a character die when you attack with Hawkeye, it is good given that a character with low defence will get knocked out regardless if it blocks Hawkeye. It will drain your opponent's blocker and shrink the field eventually. Quite decent for a 3 cost.

This Hawkeye is great in the early game when you can just knock out opposing character and then go aggressive for him to exit the field. However, when it comes to the late game where your opponent has stronger characters in his/her field, you will find this Hawkeye more of a hindrance than a help. So if you are not intending to go aggressive, do not use this.

I am not a fan of characters with restrictions, for this case, Hulk stats are great, but if he can only attack alone, he will be blocked and even with overcrush, there will be minimal or even no spilled damage since he is the only one attacking. I would rather spend for a more expensive yet stronger Hulk.

If you plan to use this version of Hulk as your main attacker, you need avengers to support him. Even so, his stats is considered weak unless he is at level 3, so do include some attack boosting global to make him stronger.

This is a more expensive but more usable Hulk. He doesn't need an avenger to give him overcrush, he possess one. The great thing about this version is that if he goes unblocked, he will be spun down to level 1 and stays in the field so you can rampage again on your next turn. Since his stats are not exactly the best at level 1 or 2, you need to give him some attack boost to fully utilize this Big Green Bruiser.

This Hulk is great given that he has overcrush, but he is easily countered, your opponent just need to let Hulk deal him or her 1 damage from the overcrush effect and then Hulk will return to the field at level 1, so it kind of weakens him. For a 7 cost character to get an ability that countered the character himself is not really worth a spot in your team.

Hyperion is an anti-villain character, so if you decide to use this version Hyperion in your team, you need to build an avengers team, you can keep him in the team and if your opponent is using villains, Hyperion is a way to get rid of them. The drawback however, is that he only deals damage to a villain die, so you need to keep spending energies on converting die to a villain if they aren't one, which can be a costly move.

If you are afraid of a villain's fielding ability, which is perfectly fine, you can use this Hyperion to counter all of those effects. A lot of villains can lock your character, ramp dice and even deal lots of damage to you when fielded, to be able to stop them is great.

This version of Hyperion can be very powerful when you give him overcrush and then use a villain converter on your blocker, if they aren't a villain, you will see him deal tons of damage.

If you just need a cheap Iron Man to trigger other character's ability or you just need a character that is cheap and have good stats, you can consider using this Iron Man.

This Iron Man needs the avengers to make him very powerful, in addition to that, you need to make him unblockable or give him overcrush to make use of his attack bonus. If you can keep fielding avengers then teamwatch Iron Man would be useful for you.

The attack bonus can come in handy, a simple ability but can be deadly at times. He is worth considering if you prefer a more aggressive Iron Man without the support from the avengers.

This is another Iron Man with unlimited potential for his attack. The villain converter he has stacks with his ability. It is like giving him the bolt to boost his attack, but in a indirect method. He is better off against a villain team, if your opponent has no villain, then use converters to boost your Iron Man. The converter he has can also help you if you are building a villain or anti-villain team. This series of Iron Man is more offensive and uses different ways to boost his attack, it is up to you to see which one you prefer.

If you want to buy a 3 cost action die at 2 cost, there is a BAC called Big Entrance for you to do that, or you can just use Red Dragon global, having Jocasta to take damage just to buy a 3 cost or lower action die for 2 bolt is just ridiculous. You could use the 2 bolt for something else.

This is a decent dice ramp for a team, but her ability only triggers once per turn, you might want to use Nova: Quasar instead if you want to ramp more dice per turn.

This is the most powerful card in the series! Why? When she is in the field, your opponent would probably not attack you at all, because when Jocasta blocks, the attacker that was blocked by Jocasta will have his or her attack value redirect to your opponent. All you need to do is to have one Jocasta stay in the field and let other characters attack for you. If your opponent wants to counter Jocasta, he/she will have to deal Jocasta at least one damage first, but still, she will redirect that one damage back to your opponent. She is like a free ping for your team. A great Super Rare.

A good support for any team you build, that additional reroll you get will make a difference in the game. But of course, if you prefer to use Parallax global, then you can skip this guy.

Having the ability to retreat isn't that bad if your intention to to occupy your opponent's blocker, but for 5 cost to do so it is a little too expensive. If you have another character that gains addition stats when you declare more attacker, then this Kang is useful, otherwise, skip it.

This is a good controller, not being able to reroll will make a difference in your opponent's game. If Parallax global is in play, you probably don't need to play this version of Kang.
3/10 (Because there is parallax global in the game)

This Loki is a good controller, if you are worry about an opposing character's ability, just use this Loki and keep a bolt every turn to lock that ability. A little bit more versatile to lock character's ability as you can change your decisive every turn as long as you can pay a bolt, but if your opponent has 2 copies of a character die, then you can't do much about it with this Loki.

Loki's defense is very high so it's not really good that he possess fielding abilities. His ability is great though, if your opponent roll the target character into energies, you got rid of the character, if that character showed up again, at least Loki deal your opponent damage according to the fielding cost of the character. Using Loki is fun, but because of his high defense and difficulty of getting out of the field, you probably will only use the ability once per game. You decide if it's worthy or not.

This is a good way to wipe out all your opponent's weak character. One problem is that you need to save up 2 bolt and also build attackers in your field, Loki stats isn't meant for attacking so triggering his ability at the wrong time would be a waste. If you want to do AOE damage, then use Dragons instead of him.

4 cost action to deal 3 or 4 damage is quite decent, what is useful about this card is that you are able to choose when you want to use it. This might come in handy in your game so it's worth considering.

This version of the Scepter is very risky to use, most of the time, the character die that was chosen is a sidekick die, and your opponent would keep at least 1 sidekick to prevent you from choosing another character. So there is no point spending a 4 cost action only to knock out a sidekick. You only get a 1 in 6 chance to break ties so you can choose to knock out another 0 fielding cost character apart from a sidekick, but I wouldn't count on that.

This is a defensive Scepter, and also you are able to use it whenever you want to use it, when you are out of blockers, and you are about to take a lot of damage from a character, use the scepter to prevent the damage and send the character to the prep area. This will come in handy for any team, and if your Loki is active and you rolled a burst side on the Scepter, you can roll it again next turn.

This is another good super rare from this set, Zombie Magneto can lock down any 1, 2 or 3 cost character, and that includes their global! A great controller and he is able to change the course of the game! Enough said.

Maria Hill isn't the best attacker, but if attacking with her and another shield energy character will deal damage to your opponent and place both of them in the prep area, then attack with Maria Hill, you need to make sure that your opponent's characters cannot block both of them for her ability to work, if you cannot form a team based on that, then use someone else.

This is an awesome ability if you are playing a shield energy team. Just keep 1 Maria Hill active and then draw her other dice out from the bag and choose a shield energy character to roll, you might get additional energy or character. She possess an ability similar to swarm but you get to choose the dice to roll, for 2 cost, it is worth it.

If you have a shield character with fielding ability but have difficulty leaving the field, use Maria Hill and roll that character, hopefully to re-field him/her. She is a good supporter to your shield characters with fielding abilities.

She got both GOTG and Avengers affiliation, which is awesome, but her ability really doesn't help much since her defence is high enough, unless you got the Ant Man global and overcrush, if you need additional GOTG or Avengers, you can go ahead and use her.

Moondragon isn't a character that is easy to knocked out, and for 5 cost and for a chance to field an Avengers or GOTG character is not really worthy. To make matters worse, her ability doesn't allow you to field that character you roll for free, so if you are out of energy, don't bother to roll anyone that have fielding cost. 5 cost character shouldn't be this weak.

Moondragon has good stats at level 3, but apart from that, there is no other ability, so you are spending 5 cost on someone just for her 4A 6D stats, I don't think that is very wise.

Nick Fury is a good blocker, but only if you have other avengers to support him, since he is cheap, you need more of his dice so you get a wall of Fury as your blocker. If you have enough active avengers, your Nick Fury can withstand huge amount of damage.

Characters that cannot be block are great, but for Nick Fury, his attack is only 2A at max, so if you decide to use him as an aggressive attacker in an avengers team, you definitely need the help from Ant Man global.

This is another version of a Nick Fury as a blocker, because he can't be knocked out, just keep him in the field for defense. This can help you to counter any overcrush character.

A more expensive and weaker version of Groot: We Are Groot, same may argue that he is harder to get knocked out, either way, if you want to play a defensive game then you will need Odin in your team, otherwise you can just skip him.

An unblockable ability is great, but for 7 cost, his attack seems low, so you definitely need help from Ant Man global. However, he is 7 cost, by the time you get him out, your opponent could have characters with higher defense ready to block him. You could use him to make Thor unblockable, but that will be a costly move.


A good team blocker, not to forget that she is cheap. She is a must if you are playing a defensive team. What's even better is that she can use the boost for herself as well.


If you have difficulty fielding Iron Man, then Pepper Potts can solve that problem for you. But her ability is quite limited, she needs to be knocked out first, and an Iron man die must be in your bag for her to field it. It takes a lot of management just to field an Iron Man, you might as well just field one normally and use the other version of Pepper Potts instead.

This version of Phil is a sidekick and agent supporter, for 2 cost to boost your sidekick is not bad at all. The only drawback is his fielding cost, which is pretty expensive for his stats.


Having more agent for free isn't a bad thing, but you need to know what you want to do with a lot of shield agent, if you have a clue of what to do, then using this Phil will help you more. You get to knocked out sidekicks and in doing so, you can buy an agent for free, but just take note that this is good in the early game, because as time goes by, your agent will all be purchase and Phil probably can't do anything much then.

Red Skull has a dangerous ability, your opponent will try not to attack blindly or else he/she would end up knocking Red Skull out and suffer the consequences, having Red Skull in your team is great.
Another ability of Red Skull that will encourage your opponent to not attack blindly, this version allows you to either draw more dice or your opponent to draw fewer dice, either way, it puts you in a very good position in the game if your opponent keep knocking out Red Skull. One way for Red Skull to get knocked out with his high Defense is give him overcrush or use Ant Man global.

A more costly Red Skull, but a team supporter, when you decide to use all villain team, include Red Skull in your team and you either strengthen your team or weaken your opponent's team. He is definitely worth considering.
For a super rare standard, I think this character lacks a lot. The ability isn't that great, unless your opponent is using a sidekick team, and even if he/she does, they can always attack with 1 boosted sidekick to deal damage to you. The second part of the ability is always not that good, hardly anyone would use Captain America to attack.

If you decide to play with a GOTG team, you definitely can't missed out Rocket Raccoon. If you attack with one other character, including a sidekick, he gets +2A, and with all the boost from other GOTG members, he can get pretty strong, and he is only a 3 cost.

Rocket Raccoon doesn't have really good stats for a blocker, so I would choose him to attack rather than to defend. The other GOTG members will boost his defence for him so you can concentrate on attacking using Rocket.

A more versatile Rocket since he can attack or block without worrying about getting knocked out. But with teamwatch in play, you would probably use Rocket to keep refielding and trigger other member's teamwatch, also, if your opponent wants to knock him out, they could just do so before the attack step.

If you are using Shield Agent to attack, then this would be a better Shield Agent, their stats isn't necessary the best, but if you need bolt characters that are cheap and can attack, you can use them instead.

You might want to use Nick Fury: Mr Anger to field avengers for free, and not only the first one you field.

The is a better Shield Agent and a good support for an avengers team. Being able to reroll your avengers die is a great as you can have another chance for their desired face to show up. You can also use them to counter your opponent's avengers by forcing them to reroll and hopefully they exit the field. For a 2 costs, the ability is great. You may think that the ability is weak because it only falls on the burst sides, but the character is a 2 cost, so you can buy multiple copies of them, and you will increase your chances of getting a burst side.

This action is great, because the fact that you can give a character an avengers icon, this works best for unblockable characters and you have Nick Fury: Patch to do support that character.

If you prefer to be more offensive then this is a better Helicarrier for your team. Even if that character is blockable, the burst side of the action will prevent villains from blocking the character. If you use villain converters and this action on a character with overcrush, that character is going to do a lot of damage.

This is a good counter against overcrush. The good thing about this action is that it is continuous. The single burst side of the action is not necessary as the avengers icon will have less significance on a blocker. The double burst will be useful if you use Nick Fury in your team. The Helicarrier is one of the most underrated action as most people don't know how to make use of them. If you are worried about the 4 cost, use Red Dragon Global to reduce it, it is an action that only you can purchase, so you don't need to be afraid of your opponent using it against you.

She is great in the early game given that your opponent will hardly have any character that has fielding cost, you can use other characters that can do force block to force those with fielding cost to be block by them so Spider Woman can be unblockable. You would need Ant Man global to make her stronger once she is unblockable. A good aggressive 3 cost avengers.

Fielding ability on Spider Woman isn't necessary the best, but dealing 2 damage to a character with 0 fielding cost can potentially knock them out, still, in the late game, she might not be very powerful.

This is a Spider Woman that can support an avengers team. You just need to field an avengers and knock her out and your opponent's character with 0 fielding cost will be knock out as well. You will also gain life for knocking out your opponent, this will stop your opponent from trying to field too many characters with 0 fielding cost.

This is a defensive Starlord for your GOTG team, as long as you can keep fielding GOTG character, your GOTG characters get more defense. If you are afraid of getting knock out, use this Starlord to boost everyone defense. The only drawback is that the bonus will be gone in your opponent's turn.

You can use this Starlord to boost your GOTG attacking characters. A decent ability, worth considering.

If you feel like your GOTG members are too expensive, use Starlord to decrease their costs. All version of Starlord are important in a GOTG team, it's just how you want to form your team.

This is another character with Avengers and GOTG affiliation. The great thing about Starhawk is that you can make him really strong by fielding avengers or GOTG continuously. For 4 costs with unlimited potential is quite decent.

Instead of using Teamwatch to strengthen him, you can just keep a GOTG or Avengers to boost his attack. The issue is that avengers don't really work well with GOTG so it may not be wise to combine this 2 forces just to trigger Starhawk's ability.

This is a better Starhawk, you can make Starhawk super strong by fielding avengers and GOTG, and you get to boost the other character as well. Starhawk's attack is limitless and whoever gets the boost will benefit too, so for 4 costs, he is definitely strong in an avengers or GOTG team.

I will take it that this Thanos cost 5, and even so, 5 costs for his stats seems a little weak given that your life have to reduce to 10 for the ability to trigger. There are stronger Thanos to use.

Unblockable Thanos is strong, but the drawback is that he is 8 costs and harder to purchase. If you can pull that off, he will be very deadly.

This is the best Thanos to use. For 10 costs, not really, but the great thing about this is, is that you get to reduce his cost, form 10 to up to 1 cost. Just attack with your villains or simply convert your unblock characters to a villain to trigger his ability. For 2 or even 1 cost, his stats and overcrush is definitely powerful.

If you need the cheapest Thor with good stats, this is the card to use.

Thor is already hard to get knocked out, reducing the damage by 1 isn't going to help much. If you need someone to take any damage that you redirected, she will help but you can use Iron Man: Inventor instead, and he has a good global and lower cost.

You opponent probably wouldn't use their action die to target Thor since she doesn't possess much threat. Plus, global abilities can still affect her. Even Superman abilities are better than this.

Your opponent probably won't deal non-combat damage to Thor given that she doesn't possess threat. For 7 costs, the ability is quite pathetic, she can still be knocked out by combat damage.

Fielding ability on Ultron is ridiculous, and his ability is as ridiculous as well, he cannot capture a very strong character that has more than 1 fielding cost, and that itself is already not worth my 5 cost.

A little more expensive but slightly better capture ability. Still, the capturing doesn't last more than a turn so it's not worth my 6 cost.

This is like a more costly Ultron Drone with similar abilities, I would prefer the Drones.

This is a more useful Ultron, if you intend to play characters that captures other die, this Ultron will be your source of offense. If you have characters that captures during your opponent's turn, this Ultron will be even more powerful.

This version of Ultron Drone simply captures any dice blocking him, which means that you will not likely to deal combat damage in the attack step, the great part about it is that when you captures a die, it loses any active ability, that is when the force block becomes useful for the Drone, what is even better is that if you give overcrush to Ultron Drone, he will deal his full attack to your opponent as all your blockers are captures. He can also choose how many dice to capture which means that you still can control how you deal your combat damage. For 2 cost character, I think it's very powerful.

A more expensive version of Ultron Drone, but the ability make sure that it captures all the die blocking it, and it deals damage to your opponent for equal to the captured die fielding cost. The force block will work even better with this version. You could also use overcrush on this one, but it won't be as fast as it is more expensive.

Ultron Drone doesn't seem like a character that can be easily knocked out, and even so, you need to spend resources to knock him out to trigger his ability to capture another die, you might as well use the resources to capture a die or just use the common version and use those energies to force block that a character so Ultron Drone can capture it.

A cheap version of Vision. The 2A might come in handy against a non-villain team. If you just want a cheap villain with good stats, then you can consider him.

This version of vision is more useful but it is not easy to make him exit the field. The ability works well if you can use Magic Missile global to deal a character enough damage before fielding Vision to send knock out that character and send it to the used pile. The ability is great, it is only the problem where it is hard for Vision to exit the field.

This Vision allows your villain team to slowly wipe out your opponent's field, quite a decent ability but the issue is that the damage can only be dealt to a non-villain die, so might be a little restrictive. Plus, i do not see a villain that is cheap enough to be fielded every single turn.

This is a very defensive Vision. Your opponent will definitely have a non-villain character, because sidekick counts as well. But if you are not going to play defensive then this Vision has no use for you.

Wasp doesn't possess as a threat to your opponent that your opponent would want to use Global on her. You probably won't want to rely on Wasp to attack or block given that she is quite expensive for her stats. The global is an alternative to Magic Missile given that you can pay 2 generic instead of a bolt, not too bad.

This is a more powerful wasp, you can boost her with global such as attack boost or relentless global, each time you do so, she gets stronger, and when she is strong enough, you can give her overcrush. Not a bad ability, just that you need a lot of resources to make her really powerful.

Global abilities are essential in the game, able to deal your opponent damage every time your opponent uses a global is great. She is 3 cost and that makes things even better. Even if your opponent wants to get rid of Wasp using Magic Missile global, he/she will have to absorb at least 2 damage for using the global twice when Wasp is active. It makes your opponent think twice about using a global. The global she possess is better as you can use the 2 generic to deal damage to your opponent instead, this will come in handy.

Wonder Man is very versatile given that he can become a villain and an avengers, you just need to adjust your health to do so. This version is very simple, he gets the bonus when your health is below 11, which is decent, but there are better version of him.

This version of Wonder Man is great, because his ability is not dependant on your health. Being able to send your opponent's character into the used pile when they are knocked out is a good advantage. Your opponent wouldn't attack blindly if Wonder Man is in play.

An unblockable Wonder man is great, and if you support him with Nick Fury: patch, he will do more damage to your opponent. You can start to set the combo up while your opponent deals you damage and by the time all 4 Wonder Man shows up, your health should be below 11.
This is an amazing set with new Metas and more powerful card that can be added into your team. Even so, that doesn't mean that an affiliated team is always the way to go, it takes just as much time to set up as any other combo, with the expansion of this set, it shows that the game is growing and it will be better in the future. Hope my review helps and thanks for reading!
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