I need to emphasize again that although I am not a DND fan, the review and comments i made on any character card is based on my own opinion in terms of game play, strategy and tactics.
Similar Terms
Creature = Character
Non Playable Character (NPC) = Sidekick
New Keywords
Breath Weapon: While active and when you attack using a character with this ability, you may spend # generic energy and deal # damage to your opponent and all his/her fielded characters. # is the number printed on your card.
Energy Drain: After blockers are assigned, spin each character engaged with a character die with Energy Drain ability down one level. Character dice at level 1 can’t be spun down.
Equip: When a die with Equip ability is fielded, and at the beginning of each turn that this die is active (any player’s turn), you may attach this die to a character with the Equip icon immediately below their alignment icon. You may switch the attachment from one character die to another. If the character die the equipped die leaves the Field Zone, the equipped die remains in the Field Zone (unattached). As with all non-character dice, Gear dice can’t attack or block.
Experience: While a character die with Experience is active at the end of your turn, if you knock out an opposing character with the monster affiliation during your turn, place one Experience Token on this character die’s card at the end of your turn. Each Experience Token provides each of this card’s dice with +1A and +1D (at each level). A card can only gain 1 Experience Token per turn (unless otherwise stated). Multiple cards can each gain an Experience Token during the same turn. An opposing player knocking out their own Monster will not generate Experience Tokens.
Regenerate: If this character is KO’d, roll it. If you roll a character face, return it to the field on the rolled face (but not the Attack Zone). Otherwise, move the die to your Prep Area.
Swarm: While a die with Swarm ability is active, and you draw another copy of that die from your bag during your Clear and Draw Step, draw and roll an extra die from your bag. You do this for each matching die with Swarm drawn from your bag.
Basic Action Cards

This is a way better upgrade of the Inner Rage BAC, instead of 2 of your characters getting the boost, all your characters get it, which is way better and if you have more characters in your field. This can be helpful with teams playing sidekick combo, unblockables or overcrush characters, that boost would definitely come in handy.

This is a nerf version of Gearing Up BAC, sidekick dice aren't that strong for you to begin with, and if you draw a character die that you want to use next turn, you need to place it into your used pile, and that already backfired at you. If you need more die, just use Gearing Up.

The effect for this action is fun to use, the damage dealt can come in handy at any point during the game. The global ability is motivating enough for you to use it. Use this on an overcrusher and see the damage that your character can deal.

Making a character unblockable is awesome! Just focus on the strong attack character and use this action on the character, you can see your opponent's life drops drastically.

This is basically like a knocked out character action, the only problem with this is that it has a lot of restrictions for a 5 cost action. Sure, moving a character die to it's bag is better than placing it in it's prep area, there is only a 1 in 6 chance you get to roll a double burst side for this effect, if you plan to get rid of a character, there are better ways to do so.

This is a more costly Force Beam, but more powerful as well, it benefits your characters that can redirect damage or deal damage to your opponent when they are dealt damage, since this is an AOE attack, everyone is likely to be vulnerable to it. This action also allows the user to spend a bolt to deal one more damage to a target character in addition to the AOE damage, which can knock out a character that is still left standing after the AOE damage. A great 4 cost if you can use it well.

This is one of the best BAC, not only can you deal 2 damage to a character or your opponent, you also have the global can deal damage and potentially knocking out characters.

If you find it hard to roll your characters out, then use this BAC instead. You can just buy a character die this turn and use Polymorph to swap a sidekick with that character into play. Also, you can use this action to get rid of your opponent's stronger character with a weaker one in his/her used pile. For 3 cost and such as versatile action, I think it is super worthy. Not to forget about the global where you can always level up or down characters that is beneficial at higher and lower level respectively.

The action part of the action die is useful given that you can give a second chance to a die in your used pile that might have failed you for the previous few turns. The second chance might make a difference but nevertheless even if you don't intend to use it, the die ramp global ability is great given that not a lot of great globals revolve around shield energy.

A lower cost version of Force Beam, an AOE attack to every character will benefit you if you can redirect those damage from your characters. The action also prevents level 1 characters from blocking, which may come in handy but also prevents your level 1 character from attacking.
Character Cards

This version of Beholder is good in an BAC combo team, but for a 6 cost to only deal 1 damage when you use or purchase an action, that seems very weak, Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Art is stronger and Batman: Cowardly and Superstitious Lot is cheaper. The global on the other hand is great, sometimes in the game, your action die just comes out at the wrong time, with this global, you can use that die on your next turn instead as long as you keep a generic energy.

Fielding ability on Beholder just makes him less appealing. The ability wise is not bad, but if your intention is to buy a BAC die for free, then i suggest you not to use this character. If you really need to use a BAC, just buy it normally. There is a chance you won't roll Beholder out and there is a chance you have no sidekick to sacrifice.

This Beholder is simply a beast, once you declare this as the first attacker, you get to use all the BAC, and what's great is that you get to trigger characters that have abilities that relies on BAC. One possible combo is with Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Art and having power bolt and Magic Missile as your BAC, just have Doctor Strange active and attack with Beholder, that is at least 8 damage to your opponent!

If you want to move action die from your used pile to your prep area, there are other cheaper characters to do so, a 7 cost with fielding ability is simply not worth it.

If you are using the DND dragon combo, then you need to have Blue Dragon in your team. It's only a matter of which Blue Dragon would you play, depending on how much you want to spend for each of your dragons, the more cost they are, the stronger their breath weapon is, but you must have the energy to use their ability.

This blue dragon is cheaper but have weaker breath weapon. But that doesn't make it a weak character overall, the second ability Blue Dragon possess is powerful, DND Dragon combo plays by wiping your opponent's field and attacking with your characters and ending the game, sometimes, even with all the breath weapon, some characters are still left standing. That's when the Blue Dragon second ability comes into play, just play an action, it could be force beam, reckless melee, fireball etc, and once you played it, you can make a character unable to block. So just pick target who are left standing after the Breath weapon so they are can't block your incoming attacks.

If you feel like having more fire power for your blue dragon, you can use the 6 cost version.

Instead of making a character unable to block, you may instead use this version of a cheap Blue Dragon. It's like every time you use an action, you get to use a breath weapon, only this time it damage all characters in both players field. It creates a higher chance of knocking out all your opponent's character, but be very careful as some of the Dragons health might not be able to take too much AOE damage if you want to keep them fielded.

This is an anti sidekick character, if you have no intention to counter sidekick combo, then don't use it.

Instead of a fielding ability, the uncommon version make it an attacking ability, similar issue, if you are not going against a sidekick team, don't use it.

This is a slightly better Carrion Crawler, you have the potential to roll away all your opponent's sidekicks instead of just knocking out 1. This character is against sidekick, so if you are not going to counter it, don't use it.

If you need more dragons, you can definitely consider Copper Dragon, the ability it possess however is rather limited in a constructed format, plus, sending an equipment into the prep are wouldn't be as good as sending it to the used pile.

This is a more expensive Copper Dragon but more powerful. It can counter against equipment more effectively, given the breath weapon ability from this Dragon, your opposing characters with equipment will likely be damaged. Similarly to the common version, the issue is that not every player in a constructed format will use equipment.

This is a more powerful Copper Dragon. Aside from having a more powerful breath weapon and the same effective way to counter an equipment, it also has the ability to knocked out it's attacker, that should hold your opponent's aggression for a while. A decent 6 costs, so it's worth being considered.

This version of Dracolich is better used in a BAC team, however, nowadays, the Meta for that build is to your action die to your prep area when you used them, so your action die are probably not going to end up in the bag.

Look at its stats, i don't think giving it a fielding ability would be good. The ability requires some luck as well, you can purchase a BAC for free and have a chance to use it immediately. I feel that buying and fielding a 7 cost just to buy a BAC for free and have a chance to use it immediately is not really worthy.

This is a better Dracolich, not only does it have a stronger breath weapon, but the ability is great as well. You don't have to use an action, just rolling it will trigger its ability. However, 7 cost is rather expensive for such ability, if you feel like you need it just in case your opponent finish you off with action die, you can reserved a spot in your team for it.

His stats are not really that great for a 3 cost character, there are better options for a vanilla bolt character.

This is an anti adventurer character, not all players uses an adventurer so the credibility of the card goes down.

Even if my opponent has adventurers, why would my opponent block Drow Assassin with their adventurers and knock them out. Adventurers can easily engaged with Drow Assassin and knock him out to gain experience, to my opponent, if knocking the adventurer out would make them stronger, why not knock them out.

In a constructed game, not everyone will have an undead monster, and that weakens him.

And again very situational ability.

And yet again another very situational ability. It is really an anti undead character but unfortunately, the combined universe doesn't have too many undead.

This character is really supportive in a BAC combo team, when she is fielded, your action die cost 1 less to purchase and when she attacks, you get to move an action die from your used pile to your prep area, including the one you just purchased! That's great from a 3 cost character.

This is an alternate version of Elf Wizard, instead of triggering her ability upon attacking, this triggers upon blocking instead. Looking at her stats, she is more suitable for defence, but if your opponent doesn't declare any attackers throughout the game, she may not get to trigger her ability. Whatever the case, it is still a worthy cost for her ability.

This version of Elf Wizard uses your opponent's action instead, this can be very situational, your opponent might not use any action during the game or their action has no use for your team. Also, not to forget that you have to roll an action face to use those action. I would prefer the common and uncommon over this one.

A character that can only be blocked by 2 or more characters is great, the stats on Frost Giant is great as well. If you want to drain your opponent's blocker, you can definitely consider this character.

If you attack with this version of Frost Giant, there is a high chance that it will be blocked, when it is blocked, you get to target an opposing die that couldn't attack on it's next turn. This can slow an aggression team for a turn, but the ability only targets a single character die and it is a 6 cost, probably not very viable to counter an aggression team.

Having the ability to remove a blocker would help in case your opponent wants to knock out Frost Giant, you would have the option to remove a blocker so that it wouldn't be knocked out. However, Frost Giant's defence isn't very high, 2 sidekicks would be enough to knock out a level 1 Frost Giant, so if my opponent wants to knocked out a Frost Giant, he/she just need to block with 3 sidekick, and your ability to remove 1 blocker would still not prevent it from getting knocked out. The difference the ability would have made is when you give it overcrush, you can choose to remove the blocker with the highest defence and have more overcrush damage to spill over to your opponent.

A capturing ability that lasts more than a turn is always great. You can use this character to capture any opposing character that is bothering you. For 3 cost, I think it is a good ability, but it only buys you some time before, so you need to utilize this time to set up your moves.

Another capturing ability from G Cube, but the drawback is that you can only capture that character when it is knocked out in the attack step, and you have to pay a shield to capture it. It is hard to knock out certain characters via combat damage and moreover you need to spend additional energy for it. This version has too many restrictions just for a capture ability.

This version is the same as the previous one, with the additional ability to block any number of sidekick dice. Despite that, it does have the similar issue of having too many restrictions for a capturing ability, and the second part of the ability isn't appealing enough for me to consider it.

A similar ability that has too many restrictions and it is more costly. The second part of the ability is not too bad, but not good enough for that 1 additional cost.

This another cheap Dragon you can consider for building a Dragon Combo.

A more expensive Green Dragon but better breathing weapon. Worth considering as well.

For an additional cost, you get an additional ability as well. By attacking and using breathing weapon with this Dragon, you get to spin down all those damaged character(s) by 1 level, further weakening them and if they aren't knocked out, you can use the other Dragons to wipe them out. For 6 cost the ability is great for a Dragon team.

This ability allows you to prevent characters damaged by this Breath Weapon from blocking, your opponent would probably have no blockers after the breath weapon, and if they want to block your Dragons, which they probably would, they will need to pay 1 life. If you feel like you need a stronger breath weapon or lower cost, then use the other versions instead.

A supporter for a Dragon team. Both parts of the abilities will come in handy for your Dragons, recommended.

Another supporter for the Dragons, but this version is a little bit more offensive, that 1 damage dealt when you field a Dragon is a good offense. Your Dragons are not going to be fielded every turn, so the 1 damage may not trigger very frequently. Even so, the 1 damage is technically free whenever you field a Dragon, and that's good enough.

This is the ultimate Dragon Supporter! Although it is more costly, it helps you to reduce a Dragon cost by 2 instead of 1. Not to forget that when you field a Dragon, you may purchase an action die for 3 less, and the best part is that you may reduce that action to 0, so you can buy any action die that is 3 cost for 0 cost! Combined this with the Red Dragon global you can potentially buy a 5 cost action for 0 cost! If you play an action and Dragon combo, it is highly recommended that you use this card.

A 3 cost character with pure stats can be deadly if you can boost it correctly. If you are not interested in the stats, then you can skip this.

If you are using a gear combo, then you need this card to support.

The equipping immediately part is decent, given that you can immediately equip a gear when you field him. The drawback is that the additional stats is triggered only when engaged with a good character, which in a full constructed format, you will hardly see any.

A low cost supporter but the ability is only available on the burst sides. However, the ability is only helpful when you draw a character or action die. Nevertheless, you get to remove a weaker die from your bag if you draw a sidekick die. A low cost character with a chance to roll additional die is decent and worth considering.

This ability of hers is great if your opponent has a lot of die in the used pile and in his/her bag. By drawing 2 die, you can choose whether or not to put those die into the used pile. It can weaken your opponent dice draw next turn if you make him/her lose a strong die. In spite of that, this version plays a lot on luck, and if you are not a fan of lady luck, you can skip it.

The burst part of the ability is not that great given that not everyone will use an adventurer. However, the main ability is awesome, imagine your opponent ramp some dice into their prep area only for you to move them back to the used pile, that is really a bummer. A great character to weaken your opponent.

Moving dice from the used pile to the bag would flood your opponent's bag with some unwanted die, but with Professor X global around, you probably won't get to move very weak die into your opponent's bag.

This version of Human Paladin protects your sidekicks and paladins, but only for one turn, which really isn't that useful unless you are playing sidekick combo. Even so, you have to keep re-fielding Human Paladin to keep triggering his ability, my opponent could just knocked out my sidekicks during his/her turn.

The global on this card is what you need, non-combat damage from a character is very common in a lot of player's game, that shield you pay for the global could reduce those damage to 1, which is incredibly good.

This version of Human Paladin will nerf all characters with fielding ability that deals damage to you, and that is a handful of characters that Human Paladin can counter. However, it does not protect you from attacking abilities that deals non-combat damage to you. The global would be better if you need some protection from Human Paladin.

This is by far the best counter against global abilities that counter your characters. With this version of Human Paladin being active, you don't have to worry about your unblockable or overcrush characters being distracted!

Unblockable characters are great, if you can increase the attack on Invisible stalker then he will be worth your 5 costs.

A 4 cost character that can act as a shield for you, just sacrifice Invisible Stalker and you can prevent all the damage from a character to you. You can keep this character as a protector just in case you can't prevent or take any more damage.

Forcing your opponent to attack is not too bad if your opponent is playing defensive and deals non-combat damage to you, you can use Invisible Stalker's ability to force at least one of them to attack. However, hardly any team will play very defensive strategy, your opponent could attack with a sidekick and still fulfill the requirement on Stalker's ability, if your strategy is to get rid of an opposing character, you might want to use someone else.

A 1 cost character is always great!

This is a better version of Kobold, not only that it is a 1 cost, it also possess the swarm keyword, so you can have up to 7 dice drawn just purely on your clear and draw step! The must attack part may be a draw back and might knock out Kobold when blocked, but don't worry about it, in a full constructed format, not a lot of adventurers will be played, so your Kobold will not be forced to attack. A great low cost character!

Swarming with 1 cost and swarming with 2 cost is a big difference. This Kobold isn't forced to attack when there is an adventurer, but as I said before, you don't have to worry about getting forced to attack in a full constructed format. Swarming with 2 cost character is very slow and you will not be as efficient as swarming with a 1 cost character.

This is a really risky card if you want to purchase dice for free. You have a 50% chance of getting this die on an action face and then another 50% chance of buying a die for free. If you really want to buy a die, just buy it directly, this is a costly and risky action.

This is another risky action, you need to ensure that when you use this action, your opponent's bag is filled with as little die as possible so you can increase your odds on naming the correct die. The chances of you wasting this action is really high so I won't use this action as a counter.

This action die allows you find and field a character, but for 5 cost, it is a little expensive. Moreover, you need to manage your dice properly that when you use this action, the die that you want to search for is in your bag. If you can pull this off, then by all means, use this action to support your characters, otherwise, just draw and field characters normally.

Characters that can only be blocked by 2 or more characters is good for draining blockers. The only draw back is that this action can only be attached on some characters or else it would be a great 2 cost equipment.

You can use this equipment to make one of your character immune to an opposing character's ability or action die. The similar issue is that it can only be equip by certain characters.

If the equipped character can use overcrush, then equipping with Magic Helmet is great since you won't get knocked out in the attack step when you attack or when you block.

A 3 cost for a permanent 1A and 1D stats for a character seems decent, unfortunately not everyone can use it.

If you prefer a more offensive boost for your equipped character then use this version instead.

For 4 cost, you can make a character a killer, having the ability to knock out every character that are engaged will make your opponent think twice about attacking or blocking. A 2 cost character can equip this so you can make characters lethal with this equipment. However, it does not allow everyone to use this equipment or else I would have given more credibility for this card.

This is a more costly version of Cheetah: Cursed Archaeologist. The 1 damage dealt is great but the issue is that your opponent might not want to block Manticore and choose to take the damage instead when it is level 1 or 2. You can make it stronger with attack boost global and ant man global. Still, I would prefer Cheetah.

The ability is not too bad given that it can do an AOE attack to all opposing character. However, Manticore isn't the kind that would leave the field easily so a fielding ability wouldn't be very powerful on him. Plus, if you want to do an AOE damage, use Dragons instead.

This is a better Manticore if you are using a bolt team. When it is active, you would feel so good when your bolt character die lands on a double energy. This will be a good offensive character at any point in the game, not to forget that you don't even need to spend those energy to deal damage.

This version of Mind Flayer knocks a sidekick out to go up a level, unless you need him at high level for some reason, i don't think he is worth your 5 cost.

This is a better Mind Flayer, if your opponent plays a single or majority of an energy type, you will see that this card effect will drain his/her energy up very fast. Nowadays hardly anyone would rely on a single energy for their game but nevertheless you can keep him as a backup just in case.

A capturing ability that last as long as the character is active is useful, however, this version of Mind Flayer can only capture non-mask character, for a super rare I would expect a stronger effect. Nevertheless, you can use him as a backup in case you are unable to get rid of a target character through other ways.

This is an anti sidekick character, but the drawback is that it has 2 fielding abilities, so you need to make sure that you can make full use of it on the turn that it is fielded or else all the bonus stats and ability will be gone. It is hard to manage such a character, but if you can field it and give it overcrush on the same turn, which is very hard to set up.

When a 5 cost character shows up, your opponent would probably have non sidekicks in the field ready to block Minotaur, so as far as its ability is concern, I don't think I will rely on it.

The capturing ability for this version of Minotaur is unique, but the problem is that you can only capture a character of a lower level, so if there are no other level 1 characters in the field, you have to capture a sidekick, which isn't very efficient given that you spend 5 costs on this character.

This is a mask team supporter character. If you can make use of Mummy then it will pay off in a long term run for your game, but that is given that you use all or most mask characters in your team, which can be very risky.

The ways I would see its ability work is by giving 2 Mummies overcrush and hoping there is spilled damage to your opponent for each of them, or making both unblockable. For a 5 cost and on their stats, it is a little ineffective if your main intention is to gain a maximum of 3 lives.

This is an adventurer counter, but not everyone plays that.

For pure stats, he is quite a decent character for 2 costs, but there other characters with better stats and ability for 2 costs.

A 3 cost swarm is a little costly given that it has no other effects. Kobalt at 1 cost would be better for swarming.

If you want a character that is low cost and has very good stats, then you can use this Orc, if 4 of your Orcs are active, each of them would get +3A and +3D, which is great enough for 3 costs, it just takes a bit of time to set them up.

This is another adventurer counter, and again not everyone plays them but if you are really afraid of them, you can use Owl Bear to weaken them.

Fielding ability on Owl Bear doesn't make it very strong, but being able to knock out an adventurer is not bad. If you prefer to knock out an adventurer instead of weakening them, you can use this version of Owl Bear as a form of counter against adventurer.

For a cheaper cost, instead of directly weakening or knocking out an adventurer, this version of Owl Bear makes you attack with it and forcing all adventurer to block it and potentially knocking them out, given that they have no experience token. You don't have to worry too much about an adventurer, there are other stronger characters that can get rid of other characters, not just adventurers.

A fiend supporter, but the drawback is that the ability only triggers when you field the first Pit Fiend, so if you only have 1 Pit Fiend, you will have to keep re-fielding it to trigger the ability, you may struggle a little to manage such ability if you have only 4 die to roll each turn. If you really want to build a Fiend team and buy them cheap, then use this version.

Instead of supporting your Fiend by reducing their purchase cost, this Pit Fiend reduce their fielding cost. If you build a Fiend team, you can field this Pit Fiend and your other Fiends fielded this turn and most likely to be fielded for free, this can save you some energy for other uses.

If you play an evil combo, you can use this character to help you to ramp some die on the same turn. Given that it is 5 cost and you have to use a sidekick die to trigger the effect, I would say that you need to have some luck for the card to work perfectly. If you draw 3 non-evil dice for this effect, there is nothing you can do about it.

This is a great action card for 4 cost, you can use to it to counter your opponent that is countering you! Imagine your opponent locks your strongest character or he/she has a character that discourage your from attacking, you can use this action to blank all their card text, including their BAC, this way you will have a turn to finish the game while there is pretty much nothing your opponent can do apart from blocking.

This action allows you to ping your opponent's characters out as they all have only 1D, but your opponent can do the same to you. It is more like a turn to try to get rid of your opponent's character, but you can attack as well as all your characters possess 1A and may not be enough to finish off the game even if you attack with your swarm of characters.

This action is very situational, you will need your opponent to possess strong characters and you to possess a weaker ones so that the swap would favour you more. I feel that if you really need a character in a game just use it instead of swapping it with your opponent.

A 6 cost character with decent stats at level 1 and 2 and overcrush, not too bad but if i want to rely on an overcrush character, I would prefer one with higher attack stats.

This is a better Purple Worm, not only does it still have overcrush, but when it attacks, you get to knock out a character, any character, and you get to deal damage to your opponent equal to the knocked out character's level. It may be a little costly but it is worth the 7 cost.

Fielding ability on Purple worm isn't very wise, and unless you are playing a high cost team, your Purple Worm will knock your characters out as well. Still, without overcrush, it makes this card not as worthy for a 7 cost.

The fielding part of the ability isn't that bad given that you can save those energy for fielding Red Dragon and use them for its breath weapon instead, but the main thing is the global ability. Not only can you reduce an action die cost, but you deal your opponent 1 damage in doing so, that is so worth it.

This version of Red Dragon allows you to pay life instead for your breath weapon. You may not know when it will come in handy. The global is still there so you can consider this version of Red Dragon.

This is a great super rare. Not only that the global is still around, but the breath weapon is stronger, and if you use an action die, you can reuse it again. Most of the action die is great to use it again, so your Dragon Action combo will be really powerful with this Red Dragon around.

I would say that it is decent but there is currently a 1 cost mask character in the game.

If your opponent wants to knock this character out, they probably won't use adventurers to block it.

Adventurer although not played by all, can still be quite common in a few teams, this version allows you to purchase more Skeleton if your opponent has an adventurer fielded, if you know what to do with so many Skeleton that go ahead with this one.

In any point of the game, your Stirge is vulnerable to getting blocked by characters as a sidekick or any cost 1 or 2 character can block it. But for 2 cost and a situational unblockable ability, I would say that it is good.

In a full constructed game, you can rest assure that your Stirge is highly likely to be unblockable. So you can invest in this character if you are playing unblockables.

A guaranteed unblockable character if you attack alone, the additional swarm ability also helps in that you can have 1 Stirge in the field and swarm with the other Strige die, then once you have another Stirge fielded, you can attack with 1 of them and hopefully can swarm more dice in your next turn. For a 3 cost I would say it is a great card and a worthy super rare!

If you can give this character overcrush, it would be very deadly, and also the fact that if it regenerates, it will deal 4 damage to every characters. It will hurt you unless your characters have high health, but you can be sure that this character will clean the field for you.

This version of Tarrasque counters adventurer as well, but the main thing is the global on this card. Being able to send a character to the used pile when they are knocked out is always a good thing.

The almost similar version to the common one, this version successful regeneration knocks out at least every opposing level 1 character. For all Tarrasque ability to work, it is a little reliance on luck, and it is also a costly move, so if you don't want to play such an expensive move, then you can skip all of it.

The ability is a counter to evil characters, it forces your opponent to spend more to field an evil character. What is great is the global ability, it protects you from non-combat damage dealt from action and character die. This can come in handy and makes shield energy very useful.

This is another way to counter evil characters, your opponent will surely be annoyed when you make his/her characters harder to purchase. The global ability is still there so it is a good thing.

This is not exactly a counter against evil characters but rather a support for good characters against an evil character, unless you are using good characters and your opponent is using all evil characters, I don't see the need of this card.

For a 4 cost character to keep coming back is decent, but you need to have a plan for the usage of this Troll or you will be wasting 4 cost of such an ability.

A better Troll with the additional ability to gain life when you successfully regenerate. More appealing but won't be worth it unless you know how to use them.

This is a more offensive Troll, you can make better use of it by attacking and blocking. If you manage to regenerate him out, you get to deal 1 damage to your opponent and you can knocked out an engaged character (any character that is engaged in the attack zone, not just the ones engaged to troll).

Making Troll stronger makes him more durable since he doesn't get benefit from regenerating, there is no need for him to get knocked out, so making him stay at level 3 is great. You will need to know why you need to use Troll in your games as well. The trolls regenerate relies a lot on luck, if you want to use regenerating as a main game, you are gambling on the fact that he will be successfully regenerate when knocked out. Gambling is never a good way to play the game strategically.

This is a little bit of controlling from Umber Hulk, but the drawback is that the effect only last for 1 turn unless you keep fielding Umber Hulk. If you can manage that, you can buy some precious time while locking your opponent's character, but that will take some skills to manage this Umber Hulk.

This is a counter against sidekicks. It will definitely make your opponent's field smaller but not allowing him/her to field sidekicks. It is will a great scenario if your opponent failed to roll away the sidekick character even after the reroll step.

This is an alternate version to Storm: Wind Raider, the exception that you reroll all opposing level 1 and 2 characters and you don't deal damage for those is rolled on an energy face. It can definitely help you to shrink your opponent's field. The drawback is that it has very high defence and can be hard to exit the field, just give it overcrush to make full use of this character.

If you intend to build a good character team, then you might want to use this character to gain free life almost every turn.

Although fielding characters for free is good, but you should never rely on your opponent to support your characters. Evil characters are not commonly played, and you might end up wasting a spot on your team if there is no Evil characters played.

This version of Unicorn acts as a boost for your team, if you need someone to have extra stats for your good characters, then use this version of Unicorn.

This character is like a free life gainer for a player, as long as she is blocked, she will likely to damage a character and you gain a life. For 3 cost to weaken your opponent and to gain life, I think it is a great card.

For a higher cost, you get to gain 2 life instead and add an extra die to your prep area. This is a great ability as well.

Also the life gaining and the opponent losing life part is awesome, but the ability only triggers if you can knock out an adventurer while when attacking, this is rather hard to trigger, mainly because not everyone plays an adventurer.

Force block is good at some point but in this case, since Vampire's attack is very low, you might want to use to to block a certain character so some other characters becomes unblockable. You won't get to force all adventurer to block her anyway since seldom player plays a pure adventurer team. Anyway, it is a little costly for such an effect, I would suggest you to use the lower cost vampire, their abilities are better.

This is a great support for Swarm, imagine you have are resolving a Kobalt swarm effect, you are drawing 1 additional die, the payoff is actually great. For 4 cost to get an additional die during your draw step is great.

If you are playing an Evil character team, you don't want to limit yourself with just 3 cost or lower because of this card's effect. For 4 cost to give boost only to 3 cost or lower Evil characters is just bad.

If you intend to rely on playing cheap Evil character, you consider using this version. It can make your 2 cost evil character cheaper, but the issue is that you can only reduce cost for those with 3 cost or less characters, which limits your game also.

A little nerf version of regenerate for zombie. But for 2 cost, you can definitely consider this undead.

If you don't want to risk rolling him to regenerate, then you can pay a shield instead.

Instead of regenerating, this version of zombie drags character to the graveyard when they are knocked out. It makes your opponent worry about engaging with Zombie. You can use some force block, overcrush or force attack global to strengthen this zombie.
This set has amazing art and their design is great as well. On the playability side, this set offers all new different team that you can build for your game, it is best to play this set alone as more characters becomes less playable in the constructed format. I am not a fan of DND but i am sure that there are fans who are drawn to the game because of this set, and like myself, I think even if you are not a fan of DND, you should get some of the good cards that are in this set to modify your current team. Hope my article helps, and thanks for reading!
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