Saturday, May 27, 2017

Defender's Team Pack review

Hello Dice Masters fans, here we will talk about our second dice masters team pack in the universe. For those of you not familiar with a team pack, it is somewhat like a starter pack but doesn't have the basic action card, basic action dice, sidekick dice, dice bags and rule book. So if you want to start the game, a team pack is NOT what you should buy. 

Anyway, let's start reviewing about this team pack, it should be fun as almost all the characters have the same affiliation. 

Disclaimer: I really loved the defenders, even more ever since they came out the netflix series. So whatever I review here is really about the character's ability in the meta. So please don't take it personally if I say a character is bad, it just means that the ability in the meta is bad. 

Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,

Beefy - Strong stats 
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush 
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword. 

Character cards

Direct damage onto your opponent is always the best damage, mainly because your opponent really can't do much about it. Any team will always have at least a mask or bolt characters, it just depends if they are the kind that exits the field frequently or they stay in the field as long as they can. You can use Clea to help you deal some damage to your opponent if you see that they have a lot of mask or bolt characters that leaves the field frequently in the game. 

Both Clea and Doctor Strange are very expensive characters, so getting both of them active can be quite difficult. But if you do and you use this version of Clea, your opponent is going to have a hard time, but if a character cannot be damaged, your opponent's overcrush is basically useless if blocked by Clea, and if she has overcrush, you don't have to worry about her getting knocked out from combat damage because she can't be damage, so she can be very defensive as well as aggressive. 

This ability is insane, not literally but you get the point. By declaring a blocker to an attacker, especially if that attacker has overcrush, your characters are going to suffer if they have very low defense. Also, some characters have deadly which don't make your situation any easy. Clea can solve those, basically you just have to keep her active and you can declare an opposing attacker blocked, and that can really save you in the game. 

Doctor Strange sets justify him being a 7 cost character. His ability however requires you to keep using action die that does target a character, being able to duplicate the effect from only 1 action die is very powerful. For example target character die cannot be blocked, or knock out target character die etc. Being able to use those effect twice sure is a great deal, the difficult part is fielding Doctor Strange which might take some time, but once that is dealt with, you can start abusing your action dice. 

There are a lot of ways your character or you yourself can get damaged, global abilities are a very simple way to do so, so if you want to cycle your action dice, you can use Doctor Strange to do so, he is one of the better action die ramp. 

While you really like using action die, why not just put them back into your bag, you will have a higher chance of using them over and again compared to putting them in your used pile. The effect is not as strong as the 7 cost versions but it is still pretty good for a 6 cost character. So if you are looking to use an action combo, don't forget about Doctor Strange. 

If you need some way to damage your opponent while controlling their game, look no further, Hellcat can help you to punish your opponent if they kept fielding the named character die, which can either slow down your opponent or help you to chip in some damage. Plus, she's only a 3 cost. 

This version of Hellcat can be scary, it totally prevents your opponent from even buying a character die. If your opponent relies of a character to win his/her game, you can field Hellcat first before he/she buys it, or if he/she does buys before you field Hellcat, you can choose another die that is the supporting die for his/her game, whichever it is, this will totally affect your opponent's game play.


Well, this version is a little weak compared to the other 2, but it still has it's own usage. Adding 1 additional cost for your opponent to buy basic action dice can slow his/her game, especially in the early game where you increase a 4 cost basic action to 5 cost, it will be very hard for your opponent to keep up with your pace in the mid game. So if you seek for some early game control, look no further. 

Hulk is back! This version of him is more controlling. His attack value is high enough for him to knock out almost any character, so you can have him block a character, then he can deal damage to another character in your opponent's field, which can be any character even if it didn't attack this turn, and that could knock that character out. You can use Hulk to wipe out characters that are beefy or have high defense. 

This version of Hulk can helped you to drain your opponent's blocker, however, for a 7 cost character, I think it is very expensive that you need to pay a Shield energy in order to do so. Period. 

I was starting to get worry about Hulk, his AVX version is super strong and there hasn't been a version on par with it, until now. This version of Hulk is super controlling, all you need is to field Hulk, and your opponent's nightmare begins. You can attack with your characters, then if your opponent blocked and knocked them out, Hulk deals your opponent damage, if they don't, they take combat damage from your attackers. You can block with your characters, the attackers get blocked and your blockers get knocked out, Hulk deals your opponent damage. Or simply ping your character till they are knocked out and Hulk deals your opponent damage. Either way, it's hard to stop the menace when it begins. Good job Hulk! 


Basically Iron Fist gets additional attack if you have a mask in your reserve pool. Depends on how you see him, if you see him as a vanilla card with good stats and high cost and you can make use of the stats, then it'll be good for your team, otherwise, it is another expensive card with no other ability. 

This version of Iron Fist is an anti sidekick character, your opponent pretty much wouldn't dare to field sidekicks if you field Iron Fist. And keeping sidekicks outside the field would be not be beneficial for your opponent unless he/she can ramp very fast with those sidekick dice, it's controlling in a way. 

More attacking stats for Iron Fist, this time round you don't have to keep any energy in your reserve pool to pump him. And again, that extra 3A is great if you haven't field any character, which can be hard to trigger since at some point you need to field characters. So if you can make use of the extra attack value, go ahead and use him. 

To make use of this version of Jessica Jones, you need to attack with her and protect her from getting knocked out, one way is you can flip her stats and she will have very high defensive stats, or you can block with her and ensure that she is knocked out. That die ramp can be very powerful if you can keep her ramp going in the long run. 


This version of Jessica Jones can be use to attack with overcrush or block characters, because your opponent will likely use global or abilities to target your character, and she gets pumped each time your opponent does so, so she can get pretty beefy. It's not easy to use her though but if you have 4 Jessica Jones active and each being very beefy, it's disastrous for your opponent. 

Simply put it, you can make her unblockable and your opponent cannot do much about it. 

This version of Loki is very difficult to use, controlling characters is very powerful, it's been ages since we have an ability that can control another character. However, he can only use it on a character with lower level, means level 3 character are immune to him, and his defense is so high, so it may be hard for him to exit the field. 

Loki can be a great attacker if you flipped his stats and he can be a great blocker. Blanking abilities are very powerful, and when Loki attacks or blocks, characters he engaged with him loses their ability, which won't benefit your opponent. This will nerve abilities like deadly, overcrush, iron will, aftershock etc. 

A little similar to the Lex Luthor common version is World's Finest set. Oh wait, it is exactly similar. This ability can control your opponent's game, making character more expensive to buy and harder to field can really be annoying. 

This version of Luke Cage is tricky, when he attacks,  if you rolled him at a character face, he gains overcrush, other wise, he retreats back into the field. Either way, unless you flipped his stats, his level 1 and 2 are a little weak for overcrush, so you need to reroll him into level 3 for the best outcome and it is really luck base, which I wouldn't recommend in a competitive game. 

I was wondering if anyone is going to do anything about the Defender's affiliation. Luke Cage supports your defenders by pumping them, and that additional pump is really powerful if you use them well. 

Another supporter for the Defenders, reducing their cost by 1 is good enough and if you can keep fielding them, you can ramp a lot of dice in the long run. I believe more defenders will be released in the future, so this version of Luke Cage can definitely come in handy. 


I feel that Dice Masters Team Pack is a great product, it provides you additional 8 characters with their cards and dice. As said earlier on, you won't get any sidekick dice or basic action dice from Team Packs, and as a collector that has 12 starters, the excess number of sidekick dice and basic action dice sure is a problem. You actually pay more for starter because of those dice which you don't really need if you already have 1 set of starter dice, so a Team Pack is great for collectors or players like myself. 

This Team Pack is actually really good, all characters have their usable versions and that makes this Team Pack even more valuable. All in all, I love the Defenders and if you want to build a team only around the 8 characters in this team pack, it is possible, and judging from how Wizkids is releasing old affiliations, I believe that this won't be the only defenders in the Dice Masters Universe, so when more Defenders is release, this team pack might be more valuable, so do get them before they inflate in price. I hope my review helps and thanks for reading! 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Iron Man and War Machine Starter Review

Hello Dice Masters Fans, sorry for the long break, I had my examinations the past month so i was unable to post new reviews, nevertheless, i feel very energetic to review our very first non-expendable starter set: Iron Man and War Machine. Let's get started.

Disclaimer: I love Iron Man and I really like War Machine, not to mention all their awesome suits and armor, therefore my review here is purely my own opinion and based on the competitive level of the game.

Also, there might be some words that you might not understand from this article, these are terms we used in the game,

Beefy - Strong stats 
Ramp - Effects that allows you to roll more dice
Ping - Dealing damage to a character
Pump - Additional stats to a character
Spill damage - Damage from overcrush 
Swarm - Having way more characters in the field than your opponent and attacking with all of them. Not to be confused with the Swarm Keyword. 

New Keyword

Basic Action Cards

Armor wars action is suitable for dealing with characters with suit up, specifically characters from this set. So if you want to use it in a competitive environment, use other basic action cards, you might not find any characters with suit up in a competitive play. 

This is an alternate art card to the Cone of Cold basic action in Dungeons and Dragon set.

Tired of having your opponent just sitting down there and pinging you with action dice or global abilities, why not force your opponent to attack every single turn. This action is continuous, so it stays in the field until someone removes it, so it can be annoying if you don't attack on your turn and lose 2 life. You can combo this with aggressive characters so you will be glad to attack every turn and not making this action a hindrance.

Well, if you a re worried about your opponent's field of characters, this would be your solution. You deal direct damage to your opponent from this action simply because he/she has characters in the field, even if they don't, you get to deal at least 1 damage, and that is crucial. 

Alternate art card from Avengers vs X-Men set.

Alternate art card from Age of Ultron Set

Iron Will allows your characters to go aggressive and at the same time harder to get knocked out, if you intend to play a team of shield characters, this action would be beneficial for you since you probably won't lose 2 life for using this action. 

Fist characters are usually more aggressive, so this basic action card is great for your fist team because you won't need to knock it out at the end of the turn. Even if you aren't using it on fist characters, knocking them out might not necessarily be a bad thing. A 2 cost overcrush action is a good deal. 

To put it very simple, this basic action card is used to support level 1 mask character, for only 2 cost, you can make a character unblockable. That's so worth it. 

I don't recall seeing a basic action card that gives a character fast, so this would be the first, but only limited to bolt characters, either way, you can use it to pump a character's attack, so bot a bad deal. 

Character Cards 

We have our first character in this set. It has been ages since we have any new shield agents. Howard Stark is simply a low cost sidekick that you can consider using in your sidekick combo. His level 3 additional ability allows him to be immune of global abilities, he can't be ping, but you can't pump him with global as well.

 At one additional cost, you get an ability that could help you win the game. That additional 2 damage might come in handy. However, you have to activate his ability at the start of your turn, so your opponent can choose which character to target or block. But apart from that, he's decent. 


Instead of giving the character additional damage, you simply level it up and give it iron will. Iron will can prevent your characters from getting knocked out unless your opponent first deals damage to it. I can't really see how a one turn iron will is going to benefit a character, because you can't use Howard's ability to react, you have to use it before anything happens, so if your opponent wants to knock out a character, Howard cannot do anything about it.


Hulkbuster Iron Man is really beefy, but his ability is not very powerful. A simple sidekick or  2 cost character can block him, and a low cost character with high defense can neutralize his attack. So nothing justifies his high cost. 

Fielding Hulkbuster Iron Man is great, but at 6 cost with no other abilities, it sure is costly. 

A beefy character like this should never have fielding abilities, you are going to have trouble making it exit the field. That being said, the ability is good, higher cost character can sometimes be a hindrance and very hard to deal with, so knocking them out can ease you in the game for a while, and that additional health gain is a bonus. If you really need someone to bust a big guy, look no further. 

A level 2 Iron Manor is very powerful, so the substitution can be a great improvement. The most important part of the card is the global, which is important to Stark Industries character. Spin a character down and you get to reduce of one their fielding cost. So if you are planning to use a Stark Industries team, remember this card. 


If that Stark Industries supporting global doesn't appeal to you, how about this one? If you have a lot of active Stark Industries characters in the field, your Iron Manor will get really powerful. 

If you like the previous 2 cards, why not have both of them on one card at only 1 cost higher, it's a great deal.

Iron Spider's stats are great, his ability is decent, that 1 additional defense might come in handy. And having 2 affiliation is good too. 

I don't remember a spider man or iron spider that has stats lower than Iron Spider's level 2. Regardless, it's not that powerful if he doesn't have any other abilities. 

If you are playing Stark Industries or Spider Friends team, you can use Iron Spider to knock out any beefy characters of your choice. Not bad for a Spidey. 

Jarvis is a wild card here, he is able to knock out a beefy character, if you manage to keep fielding characters. Even without other character's help, he is able to deal at least 1 damage when he is fielded. His global is similar to Iron Manor's global ability, but if you wish to use the global twice per turn, you can include Jarvis in your team. 


For 4 cost, you really need to keep fielding Jarvis to reduce a character's fielding cost every turn to make up the cost for purchasing Jarvis. If you can do it frequently, it'll benefit you in the long run, that additional pump can come in handy as well. 

Jarvis is really costly here for his stats, but if you wish to use him as a life gainer, you can do so. Healing is a very powerful ability, you might just heal yourself from 1 to 20 life after fielding a bunch of characters over time. 

If you wish to use a low cost Stark Industries character, look no further. 

Sometimes whenever you don't get to roll a character face, it will affect your game, rescue however makes you wish that you roll on her energy face, because that will make your opponent lose life. Plus, you still can use her energy for more purpose. Great ability. 

Rescue is a good way to field all your Stark Industries character, but you must first be able to draw them for her ability. It requires a few skills to set up and some luck, but if you are able to pull it off, you can set up your Stark Industries character really fast. 

Space Armor Iron Man has great stats but without any other ability, it is a little weak compared to other versions of Iron Man and other Armors. 

For an additional cost, you get Space Armor Iron Man with an ability on it's burst sides. The ability is not that bad, it allows you to gain life each time he is blocked or he blocks, the more blockers that engaged to him, the more life you gain. It's a decent ability, but unfortunately his highest level doesn't have that ability.


Space Armor Iron Man is best if you field him at level 1, he gets overcrush for free this turn, you could go aggressive with him by attacking and even if he is knocked out, you can return him to the field at a higher level to keep him as a blocker, so it's a great trade off. I know what you are thinking, his attack value is not very high and his defenses makes him almost invulnerable, but with a little stats flipped global from Ant Man or Kal L, you can solve that issue. 

For a 3 cost character and a decent stats as well as Fast, this is one of the best War Machine ever produced in the game. He got the Stark Industries affiliation as well, so that's another plus point. 

Having fast can allow you to control your opponent's aggression. And War Machine's ability makes your opponent life even harder. If War Machine knocks out a character in combat, which isn't really a hard thing to do, your opponent takes 2 damage, just like that, plus his level 1 has an increased attack value so that's another plus point. 

This version of War Machine gives an option for suiting up and also his burst side is a relatively good deal. But the other 2 versions are stronger. 


It's great to have a starter set that doesn't have any expansion foil packs. The starter is generally decent so if you don't have a starter, it is good to use this as your starting point. If you do possess one, you can add the cards and action to your collection or team. 

Although the starter only provide you with 2 dice of each character but you only need 2, seriously I don't think you'll even buy 3 of each character in a game, but if you really want to have 4 dice, feel free to buy 2 of this starter set, it's not that expensive to begin with.